Read The Power of the Young: Dawn of an Era Page 5

  Chapter 3

  May 4th, 2034

  Sara and her furry fellow traveler had been walking for several days. Their progress, however, was minimal. Clearly, Sara wasn't permitted outside of her home, and she could never had guessed the fight the Smoke would put up to keep her: lightning storms kept Sara from going back, yet ferocious attacks slowed forward progress significantly.

  The days passed slowly, and the sun beat down on them mercilessly. Even though trees became abundant after the second day, the heat was exhausting. Still, the view from the street was amazing.

  At one point, there were huge red rocks, towering over their heads. The two would be so high up that they could see almost the entire valley. Sara honestly had no idea where they were, and most of the maps were too faded and broken to be of any help.

  Finally, at the start of the 4th, a map that was still in decent condition was found. Sara managed to read it, but still had no clue what the markings meant. With any luck, she just kept going straight. She had no clue what she would find, or who would await her...

  Jackie was the first to notice Matt's problem. Well, she was almost always the first to notice anything going on in the base, and it had helped her to the rank of 2nd in command.

  Since Vegas was lost, Matt had been tired, and in apparent pain. Even though he denied it, she knew that he was covering something up. Jackie couldn't tell anyone, as that would split up the base. Although there weren't enough operatives to do that, anyway. Still, something like that would destroy what was left of H.A.N.D overnight.

  When the 4th came around, Matt soon found his pain lightening up for some reason. The night before hadn't been plagued by feverish nightmares and he hadn't woken up sweating and muttering phrases he didn't understand.

  By midday, he felt great, almost reborn. But that was what made him all the more miserable. On those days, a person from H.A.N.D would vanish, and Matt would be the guilty party. He had to stop himself before it was too late.

  As he paced at his desk, Jackie was on top of the lookout post. It was actually really boring; nothing ever happened, and everyone called it the nap station behind Matt's back. He still thought it a good idea in case something out-of-the-ordinary were to occur.

  Jackie looked through the telescope as usual, and didn't expect to see anything, or anyone. It stayed that way for about an hour, but after that, the “nap station” got really interesting.

  Less than a mile away, Jackie could make out a tall figure walking in the base's direction. Beside her, Jackie twinged- a scout. The girl might think of it as a friend, but Jackie had seen first-hand what scouts were, no matter the package.

  Below her, Matt came out and called up to her, “Anything today?” 'As if I need to ask.' he thought.

  Jackie slid down and nodded, “For once, there is. We got one.”

  Matt grinned ear to ear. Before he could say anything,

  “But there's a scout with her. We need to get rid of it.”

  “Got it.” he nodded.

  Matt gathered up Eli and two more recruits to wait in the brush to hunt the scout. Just before they headed out, Matt told them instead to meet her. They wouldn't want the scout or the strange smoke to know where the base was.

  Sara had almost given up on finding the people. The two were both on their last leg. Sara's stomach begged for food, but they had run out yesterday. Her feet were sore beyond description. She didn't know how the poor animal was doing, but, if she didn't know better, it seemed like he was just fine. And he was; courtesy of the Smoke.

  By the time the sun got all the way up to its peak, Sara had seen something that made it worth her while: up in the distance, at the top of a tree, something shimmered. Sara instantly started to race-walk towards the reflected light. It was the only sign of people she had seen aside from abandoned motor homes.

  As she raced down a hill, she could've sworn she heard someone behind her. Sara wasn't used to being around people, so, with pure impulse she whipped around and swung her bat.

  She didn’t expect it to hit anything, but she made perfect contact with the face/upper lip.

  “Ow!” the boy grunted.

  He held his face and looked at Sara. It wasn't the same boy she saw in the dream, but he was just as dreamy. He had dark brown hair that was just slightly darker than his tanned skin, and eyes to match. Sara's eyes widened and dropped her bat.

  “Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!” Sara almost cracked a smile, but kept a serious face.

  He shook his head, “No, It’s not a problem. I've been hit by worse. You know, you swing about as good as-”

  Jackie rushed out of the brush and said angrily, “Eli, we're here to get her back to the base in one piece, not to socialize. Got it?”

  She turned to Sara. “I'm Jackie; 2nd in command.”

  “Sara.” she replied.

  Jackie looked around. Once she was sure that Sara hadn't been followed, she started to walk back to the base.

  “Oh right, get rid of the scout first.” she remembered.

  Before Sara could ask, another girl came out of the brush and threw a knife at the coyote. It was a direct hit to the chest, and he fell. Sara's eyes once again widened with horror. Eli tried to lead her away, but she pushed his hand away with disgust.

  “Oh my gosh, what's wrong with you?” she cried.

  Sara went down beside the animal and cradled his head. Jackie almost felt sorry for her, but the sake of H.A.N.D was in her hands, and she couldn't go soft now.

  “He was a scout,” Jackie told her, “and he could've put the entire base and all of us in jeopardy.”

  “A scout?” Sara asked in disbelief, “He was with me the entire time I came here! Why on earth would you think this poor creature was trouble?”

  “Any animal is the offspring of nature: the very thing that wants humanity dead. You were clearly followed without knowing it.”

  Sara scoffed, “I don't believe this...”

  Eli gave her his hand. “Come on, we need to get you to the base before night falls.”

  With a huff, she took his hand, and they went up to the base.

  When she saw it, Sara had to remark, “A little smaller than I saw last.”

  Eli smiled a little, “It’s underground mostly. This is just the top part. It goes on for- wait, did you say you've seen this base before?”

  “Uh, hey! Let's go inside and check it out.”

  Sara brushed past Eli and went into the base, leaving him to wonder how she could've possibly seen the base before.

  Inside, was the most amazing thing Sara had ever seen. There was one main staircase going down, with others branching off into the base, and the ceilings were solid concrete. The only thing missing were the people. Only a few teens were passing through.

  Sara turned back to Eli. “Where is everyone?”

  “That's the problem,” he frowned grimly, “we have really no operatives. Everyone's either here, dead, or we haven't found them yet.”

  “Found them?”

  “Let me show you.”

  A blonde girl took her bag and bat, and Eli led Sara down several flights of empty stairs until they came up to a door, made of solid metal. He pulled a key of a chain around his neck and put it into the lock. Eli held it up to Sara,

  “Only Matt, Jackie and I have this key. If anyone else gets hold of it, H.A.N.D is done for.”

  “Hand?” Sara asked.

  “Humans Against Nature Demons.”


  Eli smiled, “Like I said, only trusted people can use the key, and it’s a big deal. We can't risk our information getting out, even to our number four's.”

  “You're number one?” Sara asked.

  Eli laughed. “No, I wish.” He held up three fingers. “3rd in command. This is number one's office. Common, I'll show you in.”

  As the door swung open, Sara was nothing less than awed. The room had a window, with a gorgeous view. There was a large desk, and it was coated with photos, drawing, maps, an
d a pillow.

  “He really gets into his work sometimes.” Eli explained.

  Sara couldn't help but crack a smile. The rest of the room was coated in maps, sketches of places she could never imagine, and paper with the markings on them. Facing the desk, there was a giant map, coated in green, yellow, and red pins. It was above a small stage with a podium in the center, and about ten to twelve chairs were below it.

  Sara started, “Um, where is-”


  Both of them turned around to see Matt behind them. To Sara, he was the boy she saw in her dreams. The only thing different were his eyes. What she had seen full of life and freedom now seemed to be weighed down with exhaustion and defeat. Aside from that, he looked the same: light brown hair and a gentle face.

  “Matt, didn't know you were in.” Eli gave a half-smile. “Uh, Matt, this is Sara; Sara, Matt.”

  “Pleasure.” Sara said.

  Matt nodded “Sorry Eli, Its not the best day for visitors. I, um, I have a lot on my mind right now.”

  “Right, we just need to mark off her city, then we'll be off.”

  Matt chuckled a little. “You can never keep me angry at you.”

  He jogged up to the map and fingered through his pockets until he found a green pin.

  “Do you know your city, or any landmarks in it?”

  “I think it was south.”

  “East.” Eli corrected.

  “It had a pyramid in it.” Sara recalled, “A black pyramid. Do you know it?”

  Matt nodded. “Yeah, the Luxor. I've seen pictures of it. That would be... Yeah, Las-”

  Matt stopped. Something clogged in his throat, and he dropped the pin. He turned back to Sara,

  “Did you say a black pyramid? Not a musty yellow one?”

  “No, I'm pretty sure it was black. Lots of rooms and a great view.”

  “The top floor.” Matt whispered.

  Eli looked up at the map. “You have it marked as red?”

  Matt didn't look Eli in the eyes, but Eli knew not to talk about it in front of her.

  “Right.” Matt said to himself, “Green it is.”

  He took out the red pin and put the green one in its place.

  Matt came down from the stage and said one thing to Sara before he left the room; “Its good to see you alive, Sara, because burning's a horrible way to die.”

  He pushed by her and went back up the stairs. Sara wondered how he knew...

  “See you tonight!” Eli called, but with no answer. “Don't take it personally,” he told Sara, “he's been under a whole lot of stress and pressure lately. Ever since L.A, he's never really been the same guy I basically grew up with.”

  “What happened in L.A?” Sara asked.

  Eli cracked a grin, “Not my right to tell. If you can catch Matt on a good day, he's the one to ask.”

  As he led her out the door and closed it, he handed her the key, still attached to the thin chain.

  “Oh,” Sara stuttered, “I don't think I'm really ready for-”

  “I think you are.” Eli smiled, “By the way, main hall, third on your right.”

  Before she could thank him, Eli was gone. Sara felt her heart skip a beat. Or maybe another 30.

  “Great,” Sara mumbled, “Two hot, intelligent boys in my life. Perfect...”

  The girl who took her bags (known as Chloe) got her to the room. She thanked Chloe and was happy to find her things on her bed.

  The room wasn't as spacious as Matt's place, but it was still cozier than the Luxor's. There was no window, but a painting which impersonated one. The bed was placed in the spot as in the Luxor, and the same set up. Almost like home.

  Sara was happy to find fresh new clothes in the closet, and a new assortment of weapons, with everything from crossbows to shotguns.

  As she tried on a new outfit (black skirt and pink flower shirt), someone knocked on her door.

  “Come in!” she called.

  An older girl with red-brown hair poked her head in. “Come on,” she sighed, “you're going to be late. Follow me.”

  Sara did, and found herself once again in Matt's room. She took a seat next to Chloe, and waited. Soon, he, along with Jackie and Eli, came into the room.

  Matt stood in the center of the stage, with Eli and Jackie on his left.

  “May fourth, two-thousand thirty-four.” he started, “And by the looks of it, we haven't lost anyone this week, and gained one today.” He smiled at Sara, and continued,

  “Now, onto important matters: the scout.”

  The small group began to mutter among each other. A boy stood up.

  “Matt, did it get a sighting of the base?” he asked.

  “No,” Jackie spoke up, “we killed it before it came within 100 feet of the base. There's no way it saw the base from that far away.”

  “And thanks for that, Jackie.” Matt resumed, “The scout was killed, and that's the end of the matter. I think it’s safe to assume that it’s alright for now.”

  The same boy crossed his arms, still standing, “Yeah, just like you told us in L.A, and looks where that got us.”

  Suddenly, the room shushed, and Matt's face clouded over. Sara noticed the panicked looks on Jackie and Eli's faces. Clearly L.A. wasn't the best subject to bring up with Matt on any day, good or bad.

  “Meeting dismissed.” Matt said, his voice suppressed with obvious anger. “Now get out of my room.”

  Sara was surprised on how fast everyone got out of his room. She gave a small smile to Matt, and went back to her room.

  Only Eli stayed with Matt, and was the only one brave enough to. He had been with Matt since the beginning of H.A.N.D, and the closest one to him. The only thing that kept him from number two was simply he needed to work on his fighting skills. That, and like Jackie said, he tended to get distracted.

  Matt got off the stage. He went up to his desk and rattled it with a kick.

  “God, what do I have to do to-”

  “Hey,” Eli came down next to him, “you have my respect. They just need time to regroup in their heads.”

  “If they have anything in their heads.” Matt grumbled.

  “Come on, you're better than this. Sure, you slipped up in L.A. So what? People make mistakes; it’s what makes us human. I know what L.A. means to you, and you have every reason to be angry at yourself. But don't take it out on the others.”

  Matt nodded. Then, he handed his key to Eli.


  “Listen,” Matt told him, “I need you to lock me in my room. No matter how much I beg or cry or plead, do not let me out. I can't tell you how important it is to me and you and God knows who else.”

  “Matt, why do-”

  “Please: you're the only one who doesn't think I'm crazy in this Godforsaken place. If I can't trust you, I can't trust anyone.”

  Eli looked at his old friend, and realized he never truly knew how much he had worked for everyone there in H.A.N.D, and how he had done virtually nothing for himself. So, he took the key from Matt, smiled, and left the room.

  As he locked the door, Eli had to wonder why Matt wanted to be locked in. If he was the only person who could really be trusted, why hadn't he been told why? Something was wrong with Matt, and Eli fully intended to find out what it was in the morning.