Read The Power of the Young: Dawn of an Era Page 9

  Chapter 7

  May 8th-9th, 2034

  Once the battle had started, only animals were suffering casualties. But the fight was quickly turning south for H.A.N.D.

  Already, four people had fallen, but luckily, none were dead. At the moment, everyone was working to simply keep the animals away from each other. Still, once they had spread out more, Sara could tell it wouldn't matter.

  It was smarter than she had thought. 'The Smoke is wearing us down.' Sara thought. 'Once we kill them, it will only summon more.'

  Sara knew what she had to do. Getting to Matt and getting the Smoke out of Jackie was main objective now. But as she ran to the tree, several wolves blocked her path.

  “Okay,” she muttered to herself, “let's do this.”

  While the battle continued, the moon was beginning to settle in the suburbs of Los Angeles. Although it was eerily quiet, in a seemingly abandoned building, more people were beginning to stir.

  The leader woke first, and met up in the meeting room with her group. She had just woken up, but she was used to tight situations.

  “Alright, everyone,” she began, “I have some good news and bad news. The good news is there will be more space in H.A.N.D. But,” she trailed. Meagan, her second, finished her thought.

  “What she means is that we will be moving to another base, effective immediately. We don't want to, but I've discussed with R that it is for the best.”

  R nodded. No one called her by her real name any more. In fact, no one knew it. They had all come after it happened. And to her, R's name was a solemn reminder of the failure she had caused her friends...

  Sara made quick work of the wolves, leaving their brains leaking over the ground around her. Before any more had the chance to stop her, she rushed over to Matt. He was barely conscious, and a cut on his lip had begun to bleed again.

  She used her ax to try and cut his bonds off, while talking to him gently.

  “Come on, Matt, stay with me. You can do this, you can do this.”

  All he responded was one word: Reagan.

  “What?” she asked.

  “Reagan... God Reagan...”

  Sara shook her head in disappointment, believing that he was simply having another nightmare about L.A. But Matt was seeing so much more...

  “The bikes are freshly pumped, filled with all your supplies. If you continue on the path we've set on the map, you'll find yourself at the base within a few hours.” Meagan continued, “It’s abandoned, so make yourself at home in the room of your choice.”

  She looked up at R and stopped.

  “I won't be with you,” R broke the news quickly, “but soon enough, I'll come and hope that we can get out of here.”

  Everyone cleared the room, and was soon on their way to the “abandoned” base in a matter of minutes.

  R was staying behind for a number of reasons. Meagan was worried that it would turn out to be a false lead, and R would be able to hold down the base if that was the case.

  However, R couldn't bear to leave just yet. After all, as far as she knew, her near-death experience a year ago was for nothing: and he was now dead anyway...

  Sara had to admit; those branches were tougher than she thought. It felt like she was cutting through brick. And once she made it through one layer, the first would grow back. The smoke wasn't paying any mind to her, and she prayed she could have one more minute to try.

  Sadly, it turned around, with Jackie's eyes still smoldering. Sara raised her ax, ready to give it a serious beat down. It walked up to her, apparently unarmed.

  Matt's eyes flew open, as if he had been given an electric shock.

  “No!” he cried.

  Too late: Sara swung the ax at it, and missed her with the sharp pointy part. The butt of it, though, knocked into Jackie's face.

  The Smoke cackled. Then, it stood up again, spreading its arms, as if asking for more.

  “Sara!” Matt cried over the noise of the battle. “If you kill it, it will just move on to someone else.”

  Sara turned back at him. “It can do that?”

  As she turned around again, Jackie was staring at her, only a few inches from her face. Sara felt a hand touch her shoulder and then- darkness.

  R's group didn't have much more than the other H.A.N.D, who was fighting for their lives. Already, two hours had passed, and they had crossed the Las Vegas valley unrealistically. They estimated that in only an hour, they would make it to their new base, and hope that R could join them in a few days time.

  Back at the now empty base, R sat in her room. She glanced at her desk, looking at the photo.

  Will was the best technician in the group. He had been able to squeeze enough power out of thirty useless batteries to make one photo for her. She was still grateful to him for it. It showed her nearly two years ago. She had been with him, that day.

  R wore a loose white shirt with a jean skirt, which was cut off by the frame. Her hair was straightened, unlike her usually curly hair. Her eyes were a dark, milky brown- contrast to his.

  He was wearing tattered jeans and a gray hoodie. His light brown hair was being blown back by the wind. The two looked so happy together, and Reagan knew it was because it had been before his brother had died of the disease, and before her only love had been lost to her.

  When Sara awoke, the first thing she noticed was that she was the only one there. But once she got to her feet, she could only stare at the marvel around her.

  Thankfully, no more dead trees had sprouted. But that was just about the only good think at the moment. All around her, H.A.N.D was bound with branches to the surrounding trees. No one was free but her.

  Several feet in front of her, Jackie stood, gloating without turning to face Sara. It claimed to have won.

  “I have always known,” it cried, “that the One was never real. How could a single weakling defeat me and my realm? It was clear that- that weakling,” The Smoke waved indifferently at Sara, still not bothering to turn around. “Was no more threatening than any of you!”

  Eli caught Sara's eye across the field. He mouthed the word 'Run' before the bond around him seemed to tighten.

  Suddenly, Jackie tensed. She turned around, still the eyes a vibrant scarlet. They seemed full of (of course) hatred, but also awe.

  “How..?” it muttered.

  Everyone seemed to shift uncomfortably, waiting.

  “Let Jackie go.” Sara managed. In all honesty, she admitted to herself that she was hardly able to stand.

  It didn't even bother to smile.

  “Or what?” it dared.

  Sara thought. What could she do? There was only one option, and it wasn't looking to promising.

  She walked up to it; the Smoke's fist's clenched. With her heart in her throat, she gave one last glance to Eli and smiled.

  Then, Sara wasn't sure what she was doing. One moment, she was prepared to be beaten to a pulp, and closed her eyes. When she opened, Sara was stunned to see Jackie's fist caught in Sara's own hand. How had she done it?

  Jackie's chest heaved, and then it let out a roar, and lunged at Sara. By then, Sara was worried she would be killed. But once again, she moved without thinking. In another instant, she had pinned it to the ground and then held her against the side of Matt's tree.

  “Give up.” Sara pleaded. “You can't win this.”

  It seemed to know this. Then, with one last evil grin, something poured out of Jackie's mouth: a wisp of red smoke. Her eyes returned to the proper color, and she smiled weakly again.

  Sara smiled in return. But it was not to last. At that moment, Sara felt her throat close, and she collapsed to her knees.

  The bonds broke. Eli and Matt were the first to her side.

  “Sara?” Eli grabbed her shoulders. “Sara!”

  Sara felt her vision wobble, and her eyes began to melt into a dark crimson. But she screamed and jerked as if she were being shocked by lightning. Her eyes were a strange color of a pink with brown closing in from the outer co
rners of the corneas.

  “She's fighting it.” Matt observed. He leaned in next to Eli. “Fight it, Sara. Fight it. Don't believe it.”

  Sara took one last breath, and felt herself plunge into the ultimate nightmare.

  H.A.N.D biked their way over the hills. Meagan had spotted the base due to the firefly lights almost a mile away, curiosity egging her on. Quickening their pace, they had no clue what was in store for them and just how alive the base was...

  Matt and Eli lay Sara down as she began to jerk and mumble under her breath.

  “Is she going to be okay?” Eli asked.

  Matt shook his head. “I have no idea. It’s up to her now.”

  Jackie shivered under the tree, which was beginning to shrink. She was crying. Matt sat next to her.

  “You gonna be all right?” he asked her.

  Jackie swallowed. “It’s just... I would never forgive myself if Sara got hurt or was killed because of me.”

  “Come on, you know its not-”

  “Yes it is!” Jackie insisted, “It took hold of me somehow. I was in this- this awful place; full of loathing and greed and-” she trembled again and wrapped her arms around her legs, “It was just horrible.”

  Chloe came over from inside and brought out a cloth and a blanket. She gave a weak smile, and Matt noticed she had gauze wrapped around her left arm. Jackie took the blanket and wrapped herself in it. Matt thanked her and dabbed the cloth over him. Chloe left to help out the others.

  He shook his head. “Jackie, if anything, it’s my fault. This entire time I could've stepped up and done something, but I didn't. I just let it keep happening. And now,” His voice faltered. “At least three people are going to need to go through serious therapy.”

  Jackie smiled. Then, she looked over the horizon and Matt followed her gaze. Just over the hills, it looked like people were walking bikes toward the base.

  “What the...?” he muttered.

  He got up and picked up Sara's ax and jogged to the top of the first hill. Sure enough, another group of about ten or twenty were making their way to the base. Almost instantly Matt knew this as some sort of trap. He raised the ax.

  Meagan was the first to notice him- the boy with the ax. She slipped her dagger into her hand and led her group forward.

  Will rushed up to her.

  “Are you sure he's not going to go crazy on us?” he asked.

  Meagan smiled to herself, and then responded to him, “Only one way to find out.”

  She walked up the hill first. Soon, she was face-to-face with a very familiar person.

  Both stared at one another, wide-eyed, for a moment. Matt dropped the ax, and Meagan did likewise.

  Meagan squeaked out, “M-Matt?”

  He nodded, and smiled. “I’ve missed that red hair of yours, Meg.”

  The two embraced. Meagan motioned to the group, and they quickly reunited with the rest of the group.

  Matt grinned, “Oh man. I just-I mean-” His smile faltered. “Sara...”

  He ran back down the hill, leaving his friends behind. With no other choice, Meagan and the others rushed behind him.

  Matt leaned in next to Eli.

  “How's she doing?” he asked.

  Eli was sweating just as bad as Sara. “I-I-I don’t know. I mean-I-”

  Matt gripped his shoulders. “Eli: focus, here. How is she?”

  Eli took a deep breath. “I'm not sure. She'll get this fever, and then- then, Sara will just get freezing. She's just going back and forth.”

  Matt wiped his forehead and found it covered in sweat. Meagan and the others came up behind them, but froze when they saw the three. He didn't have time to explain, but he turned back to Sara.

  “Then we can only hope.” he concluded grimly.

  When Sara fell into the darkness, she must've fallen for ages. She tumbled and bumped, and she was reminded of a small book she found, where the girl fell through a hole to find an amazing place. Sara had a suspicion, that where she was going wasn't at all going to be friendly.

  As she landed, Sara nearly fell again. She found herself standing on the top of a casino back in Las Vegas. It stood south of the Luxor, not quite eye-to-eye with it. At first, she didn't recognize it.

  What she was looking at was the old Las Vegas. The cars were upright, and the buildings were cleaned and freshly painted People walked below her, but as she tried to focus on them, Sara found that they seemed to fade again- like before. The clouds were the purest white, and the sky was so blue, it hurt to look at it.

  Sara turned around, and found herself face-to-face with a wrinkled old man. He didn't seem hostile, however. Through the lines on his face, his eyes were like melted chocolate. He wore red robes, and most of his teeth were missing. The man had no hair, except for several gray hairs poking out of liver spots.

  He nodded at the scene below them. “You like it?”

  Sara smiled and looked back down. “Yes, it’s lovely. I can't believe this is what it looks like.”

  The man nodded. “Now look at it from my eyes.”

  He covered her eyes with the sleeves of his robes. When she opened her eyes once more, Sara felt her heart drop.

  The entire city was in flames. Every car had been overturned and set ablaze. The buildings had fire dancing on their rooftops, and the paint was melting off in puddles on the ground. At one time blue skies were now a mix of gray and red. The clouds were an ash black.

  “I-I don't understand.” Sara said.

  The man nodded again, as if expecting the answer.

  “No one understood.” he said bitterly. “And I was forced to take action.”

  With a wave of his hand, the sky's color faded, and once again became blue- but not as bright. The clouds weren't as pure as before. The cars remained overturned, yet the flames ceased.

  And trotting along the path, Sara gasped: the coyote, holding an infant in its jaws.

  “Of course,” the man continued, “some of the better side of human nature had touched me. Especially young children. I yearned for my own, and I allowed you to live.”

  Sara knew it was a lie. It didn't want a child to call its own. The Smoke had killed human kind for enjoyment: because it wanted to, and because it could.

  She turned to him. “Show me it again. What really happened- why I really survived? And why you couldn't kill me when you had the chance.”

  The man scowled, but he did nothing, and she didn't expect him to.

  “Now,” she advanced on him, backing him against the edge. “Get out of my head and get out of our lives you sick monster!”

  Sara hit his face, and nearly passed out when she saw his face begin to slowly peel. It howled, and it ripped the rest off like a Band-Aid.

  Underneath the kind mask, the face was horrible beyond words. His eyes were mashed and gummy, colored chunky red. The rest of the face was odd- and looked like the muscles underneath someone's skin. He ripped out what teeth were left in his mouth and left only the squirmy tongue lashing around inside.

  Sara screamed and fell back. She crab-walked until her back was against the rail herself. It walked at her at an unnatural speed, nearly catching her. But before it could, Sara made a suicidal move: she jumped.

  All she knew was that she was falling, falling, falling. Sara knew then that she was going to die for certain. She closed her eyes and held up her hands over her face.

  About twenty feet from the ground, where Sara would be imprinted as a small splat in the pavement, her body jerked, and she stopped falling. Daring to open her eyes, Sara realized that she had stopped before hitting the ground, her hands ready to break her fall. Carefully, she moved her hands back to her side, and she fell the ground.

  Sara looked up, wondering how she could've fallen thousands of feet, stopped midair, and made it down alive.

  The Smoke jumped down and didn't have such luck. It fell all the way, and made a small crater when it landed. Shaking itself off, it roared, blowing Sara's hair back.

Not knowing what else to do, Sara did the only logical thing: run. But she soon found out that the Smoke was faster than it looked. With every stride, it easily cleared twelve feet. There was no outrunning it, and she didn't stand a chance fighting it. That left only one other option: to trap it. But the city was in ruins, and how could she set anything in time?

  If she hadn't stopped when she did, Sara would've fallen off the face of the earth- literally. She looked down, and peered down at the white nothing. The sluggish gray landscape turned white beneath her, and it seemed to fall for ages.

  She turned around and found it only a few steps away. With no other alternative, Sara took a deep breath, and jumped again.

  At first, white absorbed her. It choked her, grabbed at her, clawed at her arms trying to get her. Then, Sara felt a wind push at her from below, and she landed on her feet.

  There was no one. Not even the Smoke had followed her down. Maybe it couldn't. Sara ran around, hoping to find a way out, but there was nothing. The only sound was her footsteps, echoing loudly off nonexistent walls.

  Then, in front of her, a young man walked into view. He had green eyes, but they seemed glazed, like someone had breathed into glass and leaving the fog behind. His hair was matted under a hat. The man smiled as Sara studied him.

  “Hi Sara. You've gotten so big. I can't believe how much I've missed out on.”

  She didn't trust him for a moment. Most likely it was one of the Smokes tricks, or a kind of mirage.

  “Who are you?” she asked instantly.

  The man smiled. “Don't you remember me?” he laughed slightly, “Of course you don't. You were tiny then. I'm your brother, Gavin.”

  Sara felt torn. On one hand, she had the brother she never knew. She could run to him, embrace him, stay in an endless void forever with her brother. But deep down, she knew it couldn't be true. His eyes were glazed with death. Her brother... she had seen his body. The rotted, destroyed corpse of Gavin.

  “No.” she shook her head. “As much as I want to believe it is, it isn't you.”

  All the kindness came off his face. What looked like Gavin morphed once more into the slimy figure, and advanced on her. Sara held up her hands again, and the creature flew back out of sight. She looked at her hands in amazement. How was she doing this?

  Several yards away, Sara could see it rise and begin to come at her again. 'Well,' she thought, 'it is my mind.' Sara closed her eyes and imagined a wall between them. A thick, huge brick wall. When she opened her eyes again, a monster wall spread in all directions. Sara could hear it howl in anger on the other side.

  Before it could burst through, Sara started running again. After a minute, she distantly heard the wall give in, but she didn't stop to look. Then, she was struck with another idea. Sara stopped for a moment, closed her eyes, and concentrated. She felt something materialize in her hand, and when she looked down, Sara smiled to see her ax, as if it had been there the entire time.

  She started running again, not knowing if there was a way out to begin with. Just then, she felt her legs give way beneath her and this time; she was sliding down a ramp. When she landed, all she had time to do was move. The Smoke landed where she once stood, and did an impressive back-flip across the green field that they stood on.

  It raised its flabby arms and at once, a hoard of beasts came out of the blue. Some were easy to recognize, wolves, bears, and some other animals. But others looked like the Smoke itself, just smaller and with actual teeth.

  Sara looked around, and could tell the fight was clearly lost already. She closed her eyes and gripped her ax tight. 'Someone, please help.'

  Even though no attacks had been further launched, Matt had Sara moved inside, and the rest of the group followed. Most of the group was asleep on their feet, but Eli and Matt were buzzing.

  Meagan and Chloe eased Sara onto the bed. She still jerked and was running fevers and colds. The two went to bed, and Eli and Matt stayed with her. Neither of them spoke, and the only noise was Sara moving over the covers.

  “Well,” Eli started, “It’s certainly been an interesting week.”

  Matt nodded. Then, he stood up.

  “I'll put her ax away.”

  He looked around, but couldn't find it anywhere.

  “Did we leave it outside?” Eli asked, standing up.

  Matt shook his head, trying to remember, but there was nothing. 'Weird...' he thought, but didn't say anything.

  Eli yawned. “I'm beat. I guess we can only wait until tomorrow for us to do anything.”

  Matt only realized then just how exhausted he was. And although he hated the thought of leaving Sara by herself, Matt could already feel his eyelids sag.

  “Alright. I guess it’s for the best.” he gave in.

  Eli went to bed, and Matt soon crashed out too. But he didn't even try. Even though he fell asleep in a matter of minutes, there would be no rest.

  When he closed his eyes, Matt wasn't sure what was happening. He felt mist growing around him, and one constant voice asking the same question- Can you help me? It seemed to be whispering inside his head, but Matt wasn't sure. Over and over it asked, until it was becoming louder and more insistent. Help me, please. I don't want to die! Promise me you'll help. Please! I'm begging you; I can't win on my own. I need help!

  Matt looked around, but couldn't find anyone.

  'Figures, I fall asleep, then go crazy with voices.'

  But Matt finally said, “Okay, I'll help.”

  Nothing happened. He rolled his eyes, and kept walking. But with one step, Matt felt the ground give way beneath him, like a giant sinkhole. He tumbled around for a minute, and then landed face-first into dry dirt with patches of grass.

  “Ow.” he muttered.

  Picking himself up, Matt looked around. To his right, a small army, and his left, Sara stood alone, eyes closed and murmuring under her breath. Matt went with the friendlier left.

  Behind him, someone tumbled onto his back. Eli rubbed his head.

  “You?” he asked.

  “Mist.” Matt responded.

  “Really? I was thinking fog.”

  If he hadn't about only sixty yards away from about forty different creatures, Matt would've been a little freaked out. But being as it was, he didn't have time. He and Eli walked to Sara's side, not once taking their eyes off those things.

  Sara opened her eyes and frowned. “Only you two?”

  Eli rolled his eyes. “Hi to you too.”

  Matt smiled, as did Sara.

  “Sorry,” she said, “I just thought that the others might come.”

  Eli raised an eyebrow. “So it’s us three against that?” he pointed at the Smoke.

  Sara shrugged. “Yeah, I guess that's the basic outline of it.”

  “Well, we don't have weapons.”

  Sara closed her eyes again. She imagined Matt's bat and Eli's gun. Every detail she could remember, every crack, every chip of paint.

  Eli and Matt looked on at Sara, clearly nervous at what was happening. Moments later, a shimmering black mist engulfed Eli's hand. His eyes widened, and soon he clasped his own gun. The same thing happened to Matt a moment later. They glanced nervously at her.

  “So, you've just started doing this?” Eli asked. Sara nodded.

  Matt looked at his friends, hardly believing that this was happening. No one else would, but they were going to remember.

  “Let's do this.” Matt grinned.

  The battle should've been over in two minutes, tops. But those three were tougher than they looked.

  Matt used his bat and knocked the heads off of about five or six demons. At one point, one of them knocked it out of his hands. Quickly thinking, he grabbed the thing's neck and twisted it. The neck broke with a sickening crunch, and it fell.

  Eli peppered the demons with bullets, but as one green-scaled demon charged at him, he looked down in alarm- he was out of bullets. The thing plowed into him, rattling his head. He scrambled up from another attack and jumped over i
t. Eli then grabbed hold of his neck and caught him in a head-lock. Sara watched as the demon stumbled around with him on its back, until the thing fell onto its face.

  Sara was a demon, figuratively. Her ax cleared through their skin like it was butter. Within ten minutes, most of the demons were dead, or dying. But as she watched, more clawed their way out of the bodies.

  “No freaking way.” she muttered, lowering her ax.

  Matt skidded behind her, a fresh gash across his cheek. He looked around, his hands bloody and cut up.

  “Plan?” he asked, standing up.

  “Um, don't die?”

  “Works for me.”

  With that, Matt sprinted off and tackled a wolf with six eyes. Sara focused herself on the Smoke, standing at the edge of the battlefield, watching; its beady black-red eyes set on her. She began to work her way over, but a slimy grub looking creature lashed out at her feet from a body. She looked down and managed to jump up at amazing speed.

  It squealed in anger when her feet landed, and it lashed again, this time higher. The grub would've hit her neck if not for the ax, which came in the way. Sara watched in horror as the handle began to melt in her hands. She dropped it, watching the wood fizzle and steam.

  “It’s acid?” Sara gaped to herself.

  Eli rolled under a charging bear and reached for his shoe, hoping. He almost dared to laugh when he found the gun, still there in the pocket. He turned around and launched two bullets into the bear's brain, watching it fall to the grass. Eli stood up and began making his way toward Sara.

  Sara managed to dodge the creatures in her way, as her ax was now useless. Once she was about ten feet from it, the Smoke moved with lightning speed and knocked her down. She whipped her head up quickly, snarling at its grotesque face.

  Eli looked over at her, and threw his gun with all his might.

  “Catch!” he cried as it spiraled through the air.

  As he watched, a demon with knives for fingertips flew at the distracted Eli. The blades sliced through his shirt and cut into his gut. The thing pushed them in hard, then pulled away and ran off. He pushed his hand against the wound, but warm blood still oozed through his fingers.

  Sara jumped up and stretched for the gun. It landed hard in her fingers. Then, she stared at Eli, his mouth slightly open as thin lines of blood trickled down his leg. He looked up at Sara, beginning to crumble to the floor, his eyes seeing double. Rage began to fill Sara, feeling herself clench tight to the gun. She turned to the Smoke, grinning evilly at her.

  That did it. Sara roared in anger and ran at the Smoke. She tackled it and it fell on its back. Taking the gun, she opened the chamber- two bullets left. She looked down and aimed the gun at its heart. Its arms flailed around, but she straddled it on its chest and used her feet to hold the arms down. With a deafening boom, the bullet pierced its chest.

  The Smoke howled, but it didn't die. Sara promised never to call anyone “heartless” again, because she was seeing the real thing. But it was bleeding, crying out in pain.

  “That was for me and my family. My new family.” she pointed the gun between its eyes. “And this is for Eli.”

  She pulled the trigger. The blast was bigger this time, and the remaining demons looked up in alarm. The Smoke hissed and pushed her off. Why wasn't it dead? Sara inhaled sharply as its claws cuffed her and she felt the warm blood trickle down her cheek.

  But she took the gun and flung it at its open mouth. It was a direct hit. The Smoke choked and sputtered, finally coughing it up. But Sara stood up and pressed her foot against the head wound. It howled in pain, but Sara's eyes burned with hatred.

  “Get the hell out.” Sara growled, then pushed her foot down.

  The Smoke screeched, and then began to... evaporate? Its skin began to smoke, and soon, it rose up, and out of sight.

  Matt ran to her side, a gash across his arm new and bloody.

  “Well, that worked.” Matt looked around at the battlefield, littered with bodies. The living demons had disappeared, most likely with the Smoke. Then, her blood turned cold. Eli...

  Sara rushed over to where Eli sat, clutching his stomach. His forehead was dripping sweat, his shirt soaked with flowing blood. Sara lifted up his shirt where the wound was, and grimaced. One of the knives had gotten stuck in the wound. This was going to hurt.

  Matt gently fingered the knife, barley poking out of his skin. Eli inhaled sharply and clenched his hand into fist, white knuckled. Matt glanced up at him, clearly nervous.

  “Should I just rip it out, or take it slowly?” he asked Eli.

  “I don't want anything important coming out with it- take your time.”

  Sara slipped her hand into his and held it firm. Matt gripped onto the handle, wondering how deep it went. Finally, he started to pull it out ever so slowly. Eli closed his eyes and tried to breathe normally, or at least keep from hyperventilating.

  Matt swallowed, trying to keep his lunch down. The knife had been longer then they'd thought, and the stained blade seemed to be going on and on.

  After a full minute of slowing pulling, the tip of the blade slid out and caught the light; the crimson blood dripping and shining. Sara felt her stomach do a cartwheel, and it took all her strength not to hurl or pass out or both. She doubted that would help much.

  Matt gaped at the knife- a full foot long. How it hadn't gone through him, Matt had no idea, but he didn't have the time to think it over. Eli's usually tanned face was becoming paler by the second, and the blood flow... well, let's not go there.

  It was about that time in which Matt fully understood that this was all happening inside of Sara's head. Crazy? Yes, but not as crazy as things would get. He stood up and tried pinching himself awake, but nothing happened. Sara stroked Eli's hair, which was damp with sweat, before laying him down and getting up. She walked over to Matt, still trying to get himself out.

  He gave himself a hard slap across his face, but still nothing. Matt huffed and took a step forward. In that instant, a sinkhole appeared at his feet, and Matt fell down, yelping a bit. Sara tried to follow, but it was gone as soon as it had appeared.

  Struck with an idea, Sara slapped her arm hard, and bit her tongue, ignoring the sting. Taking a deep breath, she took a step forward. Another hole came out of the blue and Sara tumbled in, feeling the darkness close in around her.

  Sara bolted up in her bed with a start, then groaned, feeling the sore muscles and cuts from the night before. Her door opened and Matt, clad in his same crusted clothes, came in. The only thing odd; his wounds from their most recent battle still covered him. Sara felt her cheek and touched the claw marks.

  They both said at the same time: “Eli.”

  The two darted out and scrambled down the hall, right past Meagan.

  “What the-”

  But they had already left her in the dust fast. Matt pushed the door open and stopped in his tracks. Eli was in his bed, still wearing same the clothes as last night. But his bed covers were stained with blood, and his face was pale. Sara looked back and called for Meagan, who rushed into the room. Her eyes widened at the sight of him, laying there.

  “How...?” she started to ask, but Matt rushed over to him. He ripped off the covers and lifted up the shirt. Meagan's eyes bulged and her mouth fell open. That hadn't been there before. Sara walked past her and felt his head, then pulling back when she felt how hot he was.

  Meagan rushed to the intercom and ordered anyone who knew first-aid to come to Eli's room ASAP. Then she rushed back to the room, with Eli bleeding fast; there wasn't much time to lose.

  Eli weakly looked up and saw Sara and Matt around him, but his head was swirling, and his eyes were seeing things hazy. Everyone was moving like they were in jell-o. The pain in his stomach was burning, and he wasn't sure how much longer he was going to live.

  Chloe burst in, carrying the first-aid. She froze, her light blue eyes wide. Meagan grabbed her hand and dragged her over, and she snapped out of her shock.

ght,” Chloe looked at him and felt her stomach twist into knots, “let's get going on this.”