Read The Prime Minister Page 13

theywere not very earnest about it; their incentive to merriment appearingto proceed from a personage not the least remarkable of the group,seated opposite to the lovely being we have described. Her featureswere of jetty black, of that intense ugliness rarely seen in youth, atall events but in the negro race; and although she was scarcely morethan three feet high, her head was as large as that of a full-grownperson, with round shining eyes, a good-natured, contented smile everplaying round her full ruddy lips, which disclosed a full proportion ofimmense pearly teeth, the grotesqueness of her features increased,evidently by design, by a costly costume of every hue: her hair, too,according to the fashion, being dressed in a high peak, was decoratedalso with ribbons of the most glaring colours. The little lady did not,however, appear at all conscious of the absurdity of her appearance;but, on the contrary, seemed to consider herself habited in a mostbecoming costume, receiving all the compliments which were jokingly paidher, as her due. When she spoke, the tones of her voice were as deep asthose of a full-grown person, and when she became excited inconversation, there was a degree of harshness about them far fromagreeable.

  "Well, my sweet mistress," said this curious-looking being, rising as ifabout to take her leave, "I must tear myself away from your enchantingpresence, to return to the high personages who sent me, with the joyfulnews of the prospect of your quick return to health; but, ere I go, Imust acquit me of my mission, and deliver this holy relic, with which Iwas charged, as a sovereign remedy against all human ills." Sayingwhich, she produced a small silver casket, from a large bag which shecarried in the shape of a reticule, adding, "Know that it contains partof the precious remains of the most holy Saint Anthony, being his trueand veritable little finger, presented to her majesty by the piousfather Malagrida, who certified the many miracles it had worked in thevarious parts of the world to which he had borne it. You will findtherein that which will cure you of your malady in the space of a fewhours, if you keep it in your own possession," she whispered, with asignificant expression, as she delivered the case into the hands of theyoung beauty.

  "Express my gratitude to her majesty for her bounteous kindness inremembering me," answered the young lady, "and say I have a firm andpious trust in the efficacy of her holy remedy. In truth, it is wellable to cure me of all the malady with which I am afflicted," she added,laughing. "But, remember, Donna Florinda, that is not to be a part ofthe message you are to deliver."

  "Oh no," answered the jet-coloured little lady; "trust to mydiscretion--I thought as much when I brought the casket, which, however,I will leave, as you may require it; though those sparkling eyes, andthe rich colour on those lovely cheeks, betoken little sign of disease."

  "My illness was one imposed on me by my honoured father, at theinstigation of his lady wife, to prevent my attendance at Court,"answered the young lady; her eye flashing angrily as she spoke. "ThankHeaven! I shall soon be my own mistress, nor will I yield again totheir unjust commands."

  "Spoken like a girl of spirit," said the Dwarf. "I like those who willnever submit to tyranny; and be assured that his majesty will muchapplaud your determination, for all the Court mourn the absence of itsbrightest ornament. But I must not stay chattering here, or it will besupposed I am lost, and then there will be a hue and cry all over Lisbonin search of me; for I am much too valuable a person not to be a prizeto any who could carry me off."

  "You would indeed be a treasure, Donna Florinda, to the happy person whopossessed you, but their majesties esteem you far too much to part withyou willingly," returned the lovely girl, laughing.

  "Methinks they do, and I have no intention of quitting them. I knowwhen I am well off.--Now, again, my sweetest friend, adieu." Sayingwhich, Donna Florinda sprang up, imprinting a kiss on each cheek of thebeautiful girl, who received the salute, as a thing of course, and thencurtseying with an air intended to be very dignified, she turned to quitthe apartment.

  "Run, maidens, run," exclaimed the young lady. "Run and attend DonnaFlorinda to her chair. Haste all of you, and pay her proper respect."The maids, accustomed to the imperious orders of their young mistress,threw down their work, and followed Donna Florinda, for so theirmajesties of Portugal had been pleased to call their black favourite;and no sooner was the room cleared, than with eager hands the young ladyopened the casket which had been sent her. It contained, doubtless, thelittle finger of Saint Anthony, but it contained also a small fold ofpaper, which she hurriedly abstracted, placing the casket aside, as athing she valued not.

  Agitation was visible on her countenance, as with trembling fingers shetore open the note. "Enchanting, beautiful girl," it ran, "too oftenhave I gazed enraptured on those matchless charms to resist longer theirenslaving power. Though the barriers of custom and bigotry intervene tokeep us asunder, yet would I break through all obstacles to win onesmile of acquiescence to my ardent wishes from those bright eyes! andah! believe that this heart, which has never felt till now one pang oflove, though surrounded by the fairest, the most lovely in the land, hasat length been punished for its obduracy; nor can I experience onemoment of peace till I know that this has been accepted by her for whomit is intended, and that she will deign to send some answer favourableto my hopes. From one who would, were it possible, lay a crown at thefeet of the most captivating of her sex." No signature was attached tothe epistle; but, as the lady's eyes glanced hurriedly over it, herbreathing grew quick, a blush mantled on her neck and cheek, thoughremaining but a moment ere a pallor succeeded, as she placed it in herbosom, on hearing the return of her attendants along the corridorleading to her apartment. Her principal attendant gazed at herearnestly, with an expression of concern.

  "Surely, Senhora, you are now really ill indeed; and I fear St.Anthony's finger has been of slight benefit. Let me run and procure yousome of the restorative medicine I am ordered to take."

  "No, no, there is no necessity for it," answered the young lady; "Imerely slightly pricked my finger as Donna Florinda left the room, andthe pain was acute, and made me feel faint; but it has passed away andleft no mark. I shall be well again directly."

  As she spoke her former colour returned to her cheeks, but the smilewhich had sat on her lips was not so easily recovered; and though sheattempted to talk with animation, her gaiety was forced and unnatural.Before many minutes had passed, another visitor was announced as theMarchioness of Tavora, at which name the attendants stood uprespectfully, the young lady advancing herself to the door of theapartment to receive her guest. The lady who now entered was ofmajestic deportment, with firmness and dignity in every movement, at thesame time that there was much feminine beauty in her features; for,although they had much passed their prime, they yet retained a largeportion of those charms for which she had once been celebrated, withoutany of the disfiguring marks of old age. She gazed with a look ofaffection, as she addressed the young lady, who conducted herrespectfully to a chair, and placed herself on a lower seat at her feet.

  "I have come, my sweet daughter, as an ambassadress from my son, theheir of his father's wealth and titles, earnestly to press his suit,"began the Marchioness; "you know how fondly he loves you, and all thenecessary preliminaries having been arranged between the Marquis ofTavora and your father, your consent is alone wanting to fix the day onwhich he may be made happy. Say, then, that you will not defer the day,and let me be the bearer of the joyful tidings to my boy."

  "I am highly flattered by the honour you do me, Senhora Marqueza,"answered the young lady, "and by the preference your son shows me; but Ido not feel myself worthy of his love without giving mine in return, andI would rather not wed yet."

  "Do I hear aright?" exclaimed the Marqueza, with surprise, and a degreeof anger in her tone. "Can you, whom I already look upon in the lightof a daughter, dream of disobedience to your father's commands, andrefuse my son's proffered alliance? Such a thing is impossible. Haveyou not constantly given me reason to suppose that you would throw nodifficulty in the way,--then why this sudden and unaccountable change ofopinion? Bu
t I know that these words do not express your feelings: theywere uttered more from a freak of maiden bashfulness, than from anyconfirmed determination. To such folly, however, you must not yield.Think well again before you give your final answer; for of such as thatyou before uttered I cannot be the bearer."

  The young lady remained silent for some minutes; a pallid hue againoverspread her features, and she gasped for breath, as if some intensefeelings were passing through her bosom; but the Marchioness, occupiedwith her own thoughts, did not, apparently, observe her. At length, bya strenuous effort recovering her composure, she looked up. "If such isthe will of my father, that I should wed, I will follow it," she said;"my hand, when he shall claim it, is