Read The Princess Page 17

Nikolai realized there had been no “Hello” or “How is the game going?”—just immediate panic over whether or not she was wanted.

  “I’m glad you did. I wasn’t sure if you had time.”

  Shelby nodded, looking relieved. Even if there were no other wives, she was not intruding.

  “Come over and see Ryan.”

  “Hello, Shelby,” Ryan greeted her. “Beth will be sorry she didn’t come.”

  “Oh, tell her I said hello.”

  “I’ll do it. Feel free to sit on the bench. We’ll be headed back into the game the next quarter.”

  “Thank you.”

  Shelby turned to the field and watched the players in action. The quarter break came faster than she anticipated, and in no time at all she was watching Ryan and Nikolai play. They moved well together and their team even pulled ahead before the half.

  Shelby had taken a seat on the bench to watch, and Nikolai joined her as soon as he was able.

  “Brice was here when I arrived.”

  “Was he really?”

  “Yes. He and some guys were skating the trails.”

  “I can believe that. He’s the one who got me started.”

  “He’s strong on the skates. Actually, he’s strong, period. It’s not a surprise to me that we won the tug-of-war.”

  “Do you really think Brice made the difference?”

  “Yes, I do.”

  Shelby looked very pleased but still said, “Do you still think he’s uncertain about you?”

  “As a matter of fact, I don’t. Now his sister . . .” Nikolai drew the word out. “She’s another story.”

  Shelby looked at his teasing eyes and told herself not to blush. It was a relief to have Ryan join them, if only long enough to tell Nikolai that he had to run to his car.

  What happened next was hard to recount later. Shelby only knew there was no warning. Nikolai was answering a question she had about the park when a ball flew right at him. His head was thrown to the side a little, and for an instant Shelby didn’t know what happened.

  “I think I’ll lie down,” Nikolai said in a strange voice. Reaching for his right temple, he slid off the bench unconscious. Shelby was on her knees beside him in a flash.

  “Nicky!” She put her hands on either side of his face and leaned close. “Nicky, can you hear me?”

  Ryan seemed to come out of nowhere and dropped to his knees as well.


  “Nicky,” Shelby tried again, her hands moving on his face.

  His lids fluttered for a second and then opened. Things were blurry, but there was no missing Shelby’s concerned face so near his own. She continued to smooth his hair back and even laid her cheek against his for a moment.

  “Can you hear me?”

  “Yes. Did I get hit?”

  “It must have been a ball. I didn’t really see it.”

  “Sorry, Nick,” a voice said from above them. “It was my shot.”

  “Who is that? Tom?”


  “You always were a wild one,” Nikolai joked as he sat up.

  Shelby remained next to him, her hands still trying to hold his face. He looked over at her.

  “I’m all right.”

  “You were knocked out.”

  Nikolai’s grin was lopsided. “It’s not the first time.”

  Shelby still leaned close, her hands framing his face for a moment.

  “Do you have a headache?”

  “Yes. I think I’ll just head home.”

  “Here, buddy,” Ryan offered, bending over him. “Let me help you up.”

  Nikolai didn’t so much as sway when he came to his feet, but Shelby was still shaken. Both Ivan and Kris had come in very close, their eyes glued to the prince.

  “Can I get you something?” This offer came from Tom.

  “No, thanks, Tom. I’ll be all right after a few aspirin.”

  Ryan gathered Nikolai’s gear and walked with them to the car. Ivan and Kris were the closest Shelby had ever seen them, and this gave her more alarm. She had been driven by Hank, but she climbed into Nikolai’s day limo, her eyes going to his face.

  “Nicky, maybe we should call the doctor.”

  He took her hand. “I’m okay, Red.”

  Shelby looked into his eyes and shook her head.

  “I just need to go home,” he reassured her as he slouched a little and laid his head back against the seat.

  Shelby waited only until Ivan was behind the wheel.

  “Go to the hospital.”

  Ivan looked at Nikolai, whose head had come away from the seat.

  “Now, Ivan,” Shelby ordered in a tone he’d never heard. Even Nikolai blinked.

  “Shelby—” Nikolai began.

  “We’re going to the hospital,” she stated, her eyes straight ahead as she brought his hand into her lap and held it with both of hers.

  Ivan did as he was told, pleasing Shelby with how swiftly he moved. They were pulling into the parking lot outside the emergency room in a matter of minutes.

  Nikolai’s head was pounding, and he wanted nothing more than to lie down, but he climbed out of the car and started inside. What he was not going to do was argue with his wife, so he allowed Shelby to see him to a chair but knew the doctor would say he was fine.

  “Mild concussion,” the doctor said about an hour later. “Nothing to panic over, but you need to take it slow for a few days—no field hockey—and if your vision should become blurry or you have intense pain, come right back in.”

  “Is it all right if he sleeps?”

  “Yes. He shouldn’t head off anywhere alone for a few days, but just using common sense and not overdoing will do the trick.”

  “Thank you,” Nikolai said respectfully as the doctor took his leave. He looked to his wife. He thought she would be pleased, but she looked even more concerned.

  “You heard the doctor, Red. I’m fine.”

  “I heard him say you have to take it easy. I’m wondering how busy your schedule is next week.”

  “I don’t have any more field hockey scheduled.”

  “You’re not going to have a lot of things scheduled.”

  Nikolai frowned at her, and Shelby frowned right back.

  They were rather quiet on the way home. Shelby was not sure if he was telling her the whole truth, and Nikolai just wanted to sleep, something he did as soon as he’d showered. He had dinner in his room, as he was in no mood to converse, and went to bed early.

  Not knowing if she was needed or not, Shelby paced in her room. She had asked Murdock if he’d checked on the prince, and he had, but not talking to Nikolai was most unsettling. That he hadn’t wanted to talk to her was clear, but Shelby still felt they’d done the right thing in going to the hospital.

  Feeling at a complete loss, Shelby took herself to bed at a late hour but was awake by two with Nikolai on her mind. Genuinely concerned for his welfare, she knew she wouldn’t sleep again if she didn’t check on him, so she grabbed her robe and went out to knock on his door. There was no answer, and Shelby became alarmed. She eased the door open and stepped in.

  A light was on in the bathroom, and for the first time Shelby was sorry they did not have a more intimate relationship. The last thing he would want would be to come from the bathroom and find her there, but if he needed something, she wanted to get it for him. As it was, Shelby took so long in figuring this out that Nikolai came from the bathroom and found her standing in his bedroom.

  “Are you all right, Shelby?”

  “That’s what I’m trying to find out about you.”

  “I’m fine. I just took some more aspirin.”

  “Your head still hurts?”

  “A little.”

  Anxious and upset, Shelby twisted the front of her robe, not sure what to do.

  Nikolai moved to the bed. “Come talk to me,” he said as he climbed beneath the covers.

  Shelby hesitated but went forward. Nikolai scooted toward the middle of the ma
ttress so she would have room to sit. She did so, perching so close to the edge that she was half off.

  “You usually don’t wake in the night, do you?”

  “No, but I was worried about you.”

  “Why were you worried?”

  Shelby hesitated for several seconds and was startled when a dim light came on above the bed. When her eyes adjusted, she found Nikolai still watching her in question. Her chin came up a bit before she answered.

  “I guess I was worried for the same reason you came to the pots-and-pans tent, saw my tired face, and tried to help out without being too obvious.”

  Nikolai’s eyes filled with understanding as he nodded. For several minutes they sat in silence, Shelby’s eyes in her lap, Nikolai’s eyes on Shelby.

  “Tell me something, Shelby,” Nikolai said, waiting for her to raise her eyes. “Do you think you could be intimate with your husband, even if you didn’t love him?”

  “I’m not sure that’s the issue, Nick.” Shelby had not hesitated at all.

  “What is?”

  “Could you be intimate with me when you’re in love with someone else?”

  There was a brief silence this time.

  “I’m committed to this marriage, Shelby,” he said finally. “And I do care for you. Very much. I would also like for us to have children.”

  Shelby swallowed. “Are you thinking of something right now or in the future?”

  “If you mean right now, as in this instant, no, not now, but I would like you to consider a change in that part of our relationship. I would want you to feel ready and safe, so this is not intended to press you too soon, but you’re not going to know what I want unless I tell you.”

  “And you want intimacy between us?”


  Shelby nodded, looking more serene than she felt.

  “I think I’d better get back to sleep now,” Nikolai said, seeing that she needed to be rescued.

  “Is there anything I can get you?”

  “No, but thank you for checking on me.”

  Shelby stood. “Goodnight, Nick.”

  “Goodnight, Shelby.”

  Nikolai was not certain he should let her go with things so unsettled, but he had no idea what the next step looked like. At least he had been telling the truth; he needed to go back to sleep. Not long after she left he did exactly that, all the while praying that they would both know what to do.

  Shelby was not in such good shape. She lay for the next hour trying to pray and thinking about what her husband had asked. Without his having to say it, Shelby believed Nikolai had left the next move up to her. Shelby found herself wishing she could turn back the hands of time. If she could, she wasn’t sure she would have gone to Nikolai’s room at all.

  “Something occurred to me this morning,” Nikolai began without preamble. They hadn’t had much time alone on Sunday—Nikolai had done a lot of resting. Now it was Monday, and the prince was raring to go.

  “What’s that?” Shelby asked, opening her door a bit wider so he could come in.

  “Intimacy with someone you don’t know would be very uncomfortable, so I want you to get to know me. Ask me anything you like.”

  Shelby blinked. “All right,” she said slowly but then came to a halt; her mind was totally blank.

  “What are you going to do today?” Nick volunteered.

  “Oh, right!” She looked relieved. “What are you going to do today, Nick?”

  Nikolai smiled. “I wasn’t priming you, Shelby. I honestly want to know what you’re doing today.”

  Shelby didn’t even try to speak; she just looked away in embarrassment.

  “Do you have a busy schedule?” Nikolai tried again.

  “As a matter of fact, I don’t,” she said softly, her eyes still on the floor. “I was going to go shopping.”



  “I’ll go with you,” Nikolai offered, bringing Shelby’s eyes to his. His face was like that of a puppy’s—dying to please. Shelby didn’t have the heart to deny him. She also didn’t want to. She had come to one solid conclusion in the last 24 hours: They needed to start acting like a normal couple. She knew that was not something she could turn on with a switch, but they had to start somewhere.

  “What time is good for you, Nick?”

  “Any time.”


  “Fine. Do you drive or order the car?”

  “When I want to go all day, I drive so Hank doesn’t have to wait.”

  Nikolai suddenly frowned. “How does Kris get there when you drive yourself somewhere?”

  “It varies. I’m sure he’ll drive himself today, or he’ll come with Ivan when he finds out you’re coming.”

  And this was just what happened. Shelby drove them in her car, but very close behind were their companions. The shopping plaza was quiet for a Monday morning, and Shelby found a parking place with ease. Once in the plaza they drew looks from various people, and Shelby was reminded of how few appearances they made in public places together. She was also reminded that she needed to tell Nikolai something. Shelby wished it was dark to cover her blushing face, but determining to keep her eyes forward, she plunged in.

  “There’s something I need to tell you, Nick.”

  “All right. Do you want to sit down?”

  “No, that would only make it more difficult.”

  Nikolai nodded, a small smile coming to his mouth.

  “I’m going to shop off my list today, just like I planned, even if I blush.”

  “That’s fine.” Nikolai enjoyed her profile for a moment. “I, um, take it you have some personal items to shop for?”

  Had he not been looking at her he wouldn’t have seen her brief nod. This taken care of, Shelby led the way into Bergdorf’s and straight to the lingerie department. She addressed her spouse without looking at him at all.

  “I’ll meet you back here in about an hour. Is that all right?”

  “Yes,” he said softly.

  She started to move away, but he called her name. He remained silent until she looked at him.

  “Thank you,” he simply said.

  “For what?”

  “For shopping off your list.”

  Shelby nodded and moved on her way. Nikolai turned toward the men’s department, all the time wondering if she had any idea how kissable she was.

  “Are you going to try it on?” Nikolai asked as he took in the curly, strawberry blonde wig that was displayed on the counter.

  “I’m tempted.”

  With that, Nikolai sat down on one of the stools as if he had all the time in the world.

  “Try it on.”

  “Princess Shelby,” the woman behind the counter greeted as she came over to them. “Good morning.”

  “Hello, Julie,” Shelby smiled.

  “Still thinking about the curls?”

  Shelby laughed.

  “I want her to try it on,” Nikolai spoke up.

  “Of course. Come on back, and we’ll get you all set. Can I get you a cup of coffee or something else, Prince Nikolai?”

  “No, thank you. I’ll just sit here and relax.”

  “You’ll have to come back in when I call you,” Shelby suddenly said softly.

  “What was that?” Nikolai missed the words and leaned close as she was doing.

  “I can’t come out here in a wig,” she said in a desperate whisper. “You’ll have to come back to the changing room door, okay?”

  “Okay. Just send Julie. Was that her name?”

  Shelby nodded and moved off. Julie had already picked up the wig and taken it back.

  About 15 minutes passed before Nikolai heard his name. He set the newspaper he’d found aside and headed toward the door. Julie stood off to one side and the princess, already a bright pink, waited just out of sight. Nikolai stepped around the corner, took one look at her, and smiled hugely.

  “She’ll take it,” he told Julie before stepping close to

  Julie took her cue and exited.

  “Your ladies are going to love this.”

  “I don’t know.”

  “Trust me.”

  “You told her I would take it.”

  “Because you should. It’s perfect.”

  “I look like that little cartoon character with the big eyes.”

  Nikolai laughed but still said, “Take this home.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes. If you want to give it to me, I’ll purchase it. As soon as you’re ready, I’ll take you to lunch.”

  Shelby pulled the wig from her head and handed it to him. Without looking back she slipped back to the dressing room to fix her hair. By the time she came out, the wig was in a box and Nikolai was waiting. Shelby had little appetite but accompanied her husband to lunch anyway. It was time to ask some questions, and she was going to make herself start now.

  “Nick, may I ask you a question?”

  “Yes, anything.”

  “You seem to be home a lot right now. Is this a slow time of year for you?”

  “No. It seems slower to you because I was so deliberately busy right after we were married, but the main reason you’re seeing more of me is because I’ve cut back on my engagements.”

  “Can you tell me the reason?”

  “You’re the reason.”

  Shelby stared at him.

  “To be with me?” she said at last.

  “Yes. Our relationship got off poorly, and I’m trying to do what I should have done weeks ago.”

  Shelby nodded. They didn’t talk like this very often, and it took some getting used to. She saw him as a busy, important man, and he was, so his taking time to be with her felt a little odd. It didn’t occur to Shelby that as his wife, she was more important than his work, and Nikolai was just starting to see this.

  “I’m going to ask you a question now, Shelby. It’s a normal husband/wife type of question.”

  Shelby nodded. “All right.”

  “What did you find when you shopped today?”

  Shelby swallowed but managed to answer. “I found some panties and nylons and a new nightgown. Then I bought those bike shorts I was looking at and the T-shirt you liked.”

  “All right. Is there more on your list, or are you just going to browse?”