Read The Prodigal Heart Page 14

  She gasped, assimilating the news. "When did this happen?"

  "This afternoon. Ricky went outside to play with his friends. One of the kids saw him get into Nina's car."

  Rachel remembered the curling iron, the stairs, and the induced illness. No wonder Ricky had wished for the hide of a rhino when they were at the zoo. If he were with Nina, he was surely in danger.

  "I'm coming over. I'll be there in a few minutes."


  She grabbed her purse and headed for the door, murmuring an urgent prayer for Ricky's safety. Maybe the police had already found him and he would be at home by the time she got there."

  At Jonathon’s townhouse, the porch light beckoned, promising a warmth and comfort it could not deliver. She shivered, thinking it eerie that things could look normal when something was terribly wrong. She wanted to go home and pretend this had never happened. Yet, she knew Jonathon was alone and facing a desperate night of uncertainty.

  He swung open the door, looking disheveled. "We don't know where Nina's taken him. The police put a watch on her house, but she hasn't come home."

  Her hand trembled as she touched his cheek. "It's going to be okay. They'll spot her car. You'll see."

  He sank onto the couch, head in his hands. "It's my fault. If I had been home this wouldn't have happened."

  She settled close beside him. "That's not true. If Nina was determined to grab Ricky, she would have found a way no matter what. Yet, I wonder why he got in her car."

  "The kid who saw them said they talked for a few minutes, and then, Ricky got in. The kid didn't hear what was said."

  "Nina had a pretty powerful hold on him. Remember, how she intimidated him into hiding her abuse? There's no telling what she told him to get him to go. She may have told him you were hurt or sick and that she was supposed to take him to you."

  Jonathon's jaw tightened. "You're probably right. I can't believe I trusted that woman. If she hurts Ricky, I'll never forgive myself. I should never have ..."

  Rachel broke in. "We've got to figure out where they might be. Do you think she'll take him out of state? Does she have any relatives we could call?"

  He shook his head. "She was an only child, like Eva. I don't think she keeps up with any of her kin."

  "That means they're probably in the city. We just have to think of where. We could call some motels and see if she's registered."

  "It's worth a try."

  They circled the hotels closest to the condo and began making calls. After an hour of no luck, they gave up.

  Jonathon tossed the phone book onto the floor. "I better stay off the phone in case the police call."

  Rachel nodded. "I'll make some coffee." Now that she knew her way around his kitchen, it didn't take long to get the coffee made.

  She brought it back to the couch where Jonathon sat brooding. He accepted his cup, and said, "By now, she could have him hundreds of miles away. Every hour that goes by means less chance of finding them."

  Refusing to abandon her faith, she shook the vision from her mind. "I don't think she's taken him out of state. I think she's close by, but hiding. They'll turn up." She believed her prediction. She only hoped Ricky would be safe when he was found.

  As it grew late, Rachel’s eyelids grew heavy. She leaned against Jonathon's shoulder and fell asleep with a prayer for Ricky on her lips. At dawn, she awoke with a stiff neck. She twisted to see Jonathon asleep in a kneeling position beside the couch. His dark lashes fluttered in response to her movement. His handsome brow drew into a frown.

  What would Nina think if she knew Rachel had been here all night? It would be the same thing she imagined the night she had called Rachel about the babysitter.

  Her heart filled with remorse. She had been far from charitable when he admitted he had let the babysitter spend the night. Now, that she was in a similar circumstance, she would expect everyone to assume the best. She had been wrong to nurture her suspicions when she should have trusted what her heart told her was true.

  Jonathon roused. A moment later, he sat bolt upright. "What time is it?"

  She glanced at her watch. "It's almost six."

  He rubbed a hand across his eyes. "I felt desperate last night, Rachel. I still do. But I put Ricky in God's care, whatever happens. I have Jesus now, and I know the future is in His hands."

  Rachel felt tears slip down her cheeks. God, in his goodness, could use even this present crisis for growth in Jonathon's spiritual life.

  "No matter what happens, we'll face it together,” she promised.

  His eyes glistened as he glanced into his cup of cold coffee. "Thanks for staying with me. It helps to have you here."

  "I couldn't stand not to be here." She swallowed hard. "I was wrong to accuse you of misconduct with the babysitter. In my heart, I knew it wasn't true. It was circumstance, just like having me fall asleep here last night."

  "I have to admit it did sound pretty bad."

  "Maybe. Still, I should have known better. I do trust you and I'm sorry for what I said."

  His smile eased the line of tension around his mouth. "I know. I accept your apology. It was more Nina's fault than yours."

  She kissed him lightly on the forehead as she arose to collect the cups. "I'll get us some fresh coffee."

  She stood in the quiet room and remembered Ricky as he had been when he helped her set the table for dinner. The tears she had been holding began to flow down her face. If only she could go back and hold him close. She would watch over him and protect him. She could not bear the thought of having him grow up under Nina's abuse. Closing her eyes, she prayed again for his safe return. At seven o'clock, she called the pastor and explained what had happened. He assured her that Ricky would be put immediately on the prayer chain.

  When she hung up, Jonathon said, "A few months ago, I would have told them to save their breath. Now, I know all of our prayers are going straight to a loving God."

  "Rachel took his hand. We don't know where Nina took Ricky, but God does."

  "Let's pray that God will watch over both of them until they are found."

  He bowed his head and led them in a prayer that was interrupted by the ringing of the phone. Her heart leapt to her throat as Jonathon asked tensely, "Where are you, son? Look around and tell me where you are. "

  After a moment, he let the phone slip from his ear. "They hung up before I could find out where they are."

  Rachel knelt beside him. "What did they say?"

  "Nina said she decided to let Ricky say good-bye, though I didn't deserve to hear from him. She said I'd never see him again. Then Ricky came on and said Nina had promised to take him to see Eva. He was excited. He must think she's still alive."

  Rachel shook his arm. "We've got to think. What did she mean, she'd take him to see Eva? Does she mean the cemetery? Could they be going there?"

  He sat upright. "Maybe. I don't know. They could be going by Eva's grave before they take off for good. It's a half-hour's drive but it's worth a try. Let's go."

  They drove swiftly across town in the hope of catching up with Nina, each knowing it might be their last chance.

  As they drove into the entrance toward the grave, Rachel prayed they would find Ricky safe and well. They rounded a curve and spotted the dark sedan, nose-first in a ditch. Jonathon pulled to the dirt shoulder and they jumped from the car.

  Nina lay slumped behind the steering wheel. Ricky lay ghostly pale next to her on the front seat. Jonathon jerked open the door and felt for Ricky's pulse. He patted his face. "Ricky, wake up." The smell of alcohol filled the car and an empty bottle of pills lay on the floor board.

  "I'll call an ambulance." Rachel fumbled for her phone.
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  Jonathon held Ricky, massaging his arms. She could see the child's chest rise and fall in shallow breathing. Nina groaned and stirred.

  Moments later, two sets of flashing lights announced an ambulance and police car. Efficient paramedics took over, examining Nina and Ricky. They brought out stretchers and loaded the unconscious patients.

  Jonathon turned to Rachel. "I'd like to ride with Ricky. Will you bring my car?"

  She nodded, following behind on the drive to the hospital, and then joining Jonathon in the emergency waiting room.

  "How are they?"

  "I don't know yet. They said Ricky was given some tranquilizers. Since they don't know how much he got, they're pumping his stomach."

  She shuddered. "Poor Ricky."

  They sat together until a nurse appeared. "Mr. Parker?"

  "Yes." He rose swiftly.

  "Your son is conscious and appears to be okay. We're going to keep him in recovery for a couple of hours, then move him to a room for the night. His grandmother has a concussion and broken arm. She'll need to stay for a few days."

  "Thanks. Can I see him?"

  The nurse nodded. "This way."

  They followed her to a recovery room.

  "Hi, buddy. How ya feeling?" Jonathon asked.

  He managed a shaky smile. "I'm okay. Where's Grandma?"

  Jonathon brushed his tangled dark hair from his forehead. "Your Grandma hurt her head. She'll have to be here for a few days. I think she'll be okay."

  Ricky frowned. "She was going to take me to see Mama. What happened?"

  "I don't know. You were in an accident. Did you take some of Grandma's pills before you fell asleep?"

  He made a face. "Grandma said they were candy but they tasted awful."

  Jonathon patted his son's arm. "I bet they did."

  Ricky regarded Jonathon with confused eyes."Where's Mama? Why didn't I see her?"

  "Remember, we talked about it. Your mother is dead. It was wrong of Grandma to tell you that you could see her."

  "If I had died, I would have seen her."

  "I'm afraid that's what your grandma had in mind. But that was wrong, too. I would have missed you. I don't want you to die." He gave Ricky's hand a gentle squeeze.

  Ricky noticed Rachel. "Would you miss me?"

  She patted his hand. "Yes. I would miss you a lot."

  His eyelids drooped. "I'm tired. I want to go to sleep."

  Jonathon rubbed his cheek. "You've been through a lot today, pal. You sleep for awhile."

  When he woke, he was moved to the second floor. Rachel convinced Jonathon to go down for a snack by promising to keep a vigil beside Ricky.

  Ricky shifted restlessly. "I'm hungry. I want supper."

  "You must be feeling better? I'll ask them to bring you a dinner tray."

  "I am. I want to go home."

  "You can go home tomorrow. They want to keep you here tonight to make sure you're okay."

  "Are you going to stay with me?"

  "I don't think there's room for me to stay all night, honey." She glanced around the private room, noting the couch near the window. "I bet your Dad will stay if you want him to."

  "I wish you were my mom. Then you could stay, too."

  Her heart warmed with maternal feeling. "We'll pretend for right now that I am and I'll stay for awhile and take care of you."

  Jonathon returned to find Ricky happily chatting while he ate. He handed Ricky a bag. "I went by the gift shop and bought a few things."

  Ricky spilled a comic book, coloring book and some crayons on his bed. "Thanks. Miss Ashworth has been pretending to be my mom."

  She felt her cheeks flush. She met Jonathon's quizzical eyes and explained, "Ricky felt he needed a mother for awhile."

  Jonathon nodded. "I can't question his taste."

  He turned to Ricky. "Lots of people were looking for you last night. Where did your grandma take you?"

  He shrugged. "We went to a motel. It was a long ways off cause we drove a long time to get there. Grandma drank a lot of smelly stuff. Then, she slept real late. She didn't feel good when we left to find Mama."

  Ricky opened the coloring book and began to color.

  They sat beside him, enjoying the feeling of closeness and knowing he was safe at last and the nightmare was really over. Finally, Rachel told Jonathon, "I've got to go. I'll check on you two in the morning."

  When she reached the front desk, impulse led her to ask if Nina had been placed in a room.

  "Yes, she's in 610."

  Before she could change her resolve, she got on the elevator and pushed the button for the sixth floor. She walked down a long hall to a nurses' station positioned behind a locked door and window of glass. She paused at the window and fought her temptation to change her mind. Yet, in her soul she knew that God had spared Ricky. She could not deny the calling she felt to reach out to Nina.

  "Could I see Nina Jenkins, if she's allowed company?"

  "Let me see..." The nurse glanced down, flipping through some papers. "Yes. That would be nice for her to have company. I'll push the button to unlock the door. Her room is straight ahead on the right."

  Rachel turned the handle and stepped into the hall. She felt like Dorothy on her journey to Oz. Reaching room 610, she knocked gently and peered into the room. Nina lay motionless, alone in the double room. Her eyes stared blankly. Her skin looked waxy without the usual rouge.

  Rachel stepped inside. "Nina."

  Slowly, Nina turned to face her.

  Rachel bit her lip, hardly daring to move. Why had she been asked to do this? Her turmoil abated at the sight of Nina's wide confused eyes. "I did something bad. What's going to happen to me?"

  Rachel moved to stand beside her bed. "You're going to be in the hospital for a few more days."

  "Are they going to lock me up? Don't let them lock me up." She sat up, pleading with Rachel, her voice shaking with agitation.

  Rachel licked her dry lips. "You'll go to a place where you can get help. You'll get better and then you can go home."

  "No. They'll lock me up and everybody will forget about me. Everybody hates me."

  "We don't hate you. We want you to get better."

  Her eyes narrowed with suspicion "Where's Ricky?"

  "He's here. He was sick from the pills, but he's going to be okay. He's going home tomorrow."

  She nodded. "Going home. Yes. That's good. When Eva comes to get him, tell her I've forgotten my toothbrush."

  She settled back on her pillow, fluffed her wilted hair, and hummed to herself. Rachel felt her heart sink.

  The casual observer would never know there was something terribly wrong.

  "You better rest now," Rachel said.

  Nina clucked her tongue. "I know what you're up to, and I'm going to tell Eva."

  "What am I up to?"

  "You're trying to make Ricky love you more than us,” she chortled in disdain. "It won't work. He'll always love us best."

  Rachel forced a smile. "You get some rest. I'll be praying for you."

  Rachel slipped out as Nina turned on the television. She wasn't sure if she had done any good, but having seen the mental state Nina was in, made it easier to forgive her. That simple act lifted a weight from her heart.

  The next morning, she found Ricky dressed go home. "You look like you're feeling fine. Where's your dad?"

  "He went to check me out."Will I be tardy to school?"

  "No. You have a good excuse. Mrs. Jeffries won't mind."

  Jonathon appeared, followed by a nurse with a wheelchair. He gave Rachel a qui
ck hug. "We're outta here."

  "I'm glad. By the way, I stopped to see Nina last night."

  He frowned as they followed Ricky's wheelchair to the elevator. "I know you can't understand how hard this is for me. Ricky's not your son. It's easier for you to grant forgiveness. It's hard for you to understand how I feel. I know God desires for me to forgive her, but I can't forget how she planned to murder my child."

  Tears filled her eyes. She longed to protest, to tell him that it hadn’t been easy, that she loved Ricky as her own child. Knowing this was no place to express her feelings, she said simply, "Perhaps you're right."

  She drove to work unable to ignore her possible motive in telling Jonathon that she had seen Nina. Had she wished to impress him with her spiritual maturity? She bit her lip, knowing she had been wrong in wishing to impress him. God had saved Jonathon, putting them on equal footing. The blessings she had received from her longer tenure as a Christian carried their own reward. She strode to the phone, ready to apologize.

  Andi answered, telling her Mr. Parker had an urgent meeting out of town and would be back on Thursday. Rachel hung up, feeling dejected. She wondered how Ricky felt, being left with a sitter so soon after his horrible ordeal.

  No matter. It seemed Jonathon was back to "business first".

  When Jonathon called on Thursday night, she plunged into an apology.

  He was quiet until she finished. Then he said softly, "You were right to make me face my feelings toward Nina. Though I have accepted God's gracious gift of salvation, I need to lean on Him for strength in my human frailty. It was hard to forgive her. Yet God gave me the strength. I realize she is sick and needs to get treatment. I'm going to take care of that along with other changes in my life. I want to talk to you about them, tomorrow, in person. Let's meet at the coffee shop after work."

  Rachel felt uneasy. "What kind of changes have you made?"

  "Just say you'll see me. Please."

  She agreed. Yet, worry niggled at her all during the next day. By the time they met, Rachel's nerves felt like tightly strung wire. She had imagined all sorts of possibilities, finally deciding he had been offered a promotion that would take him to another city. He had probably agreed to take it. That would leave her with two choices, give up her business and move with him, or stay here alone. The thought of either choice made her miserable.

  He studied her closely. "I'm taking a job with a smaller firm. It pays less, but I won't have to go out of town and there won't be such long hours or pressure to produce. I had to go out of town this week to wind up a few loose ends at my old job."

  He took her hand. "I know you don't think you've been getting through to me, but you have. After God, you and Ricky are the most important things in my life. I know I can't keep this job and be a good father. I've wasted a lot of time, but now I intend to be the father, and husband, if you will have me, that God intended me to be. Will you marry me, Rachel Ashworth?" "

  She stared into dark eyes which awaited her reaction. Tears blurred her gaze. "I'll marry you. I've always loved you. I've dreamed of this moment for years."

  He produced a small box. "I'd like to make it official."

  Her slim fingers moved in eager anticipation as she lifted the lid. Inside was a solitaire. Its facets caught a rainbow of colors as she turned it in her hand. She slipped it on.

  "It's perfect, absolutely gorgeous."

  A satisfied grin settled on his face, his eyes full of delight. "You've made me the happiest man alive. Will you come to dinner tomorrow night? We could spend an evening at home and tell Ricky. "

  She reached her arms around his neck. "It sounds perfect."

  As he leaned down to kiss her, she gave him the remainder of her heart, which had been held back in self-defense, since he’d walked back into her life.

  She took the feel of his kiss with her as she drove home, planning a wedding where she was the bride. She would carry red roses to compliment her dark red hair. And Jonathon would wear a black tux, his broad shoulders straight and tall as she walked with him down the aisle.

  The next evening she was pleased to see that Ricky was happy with the news. "You'll live here with us?

  She nodded. "After your dad and I are married."

  He smiled broadly. "That would be neat."

  She gave him a hug. "I'm glad you're happy about it."

  After he went off to play, she followed Jonathon to the patio to help start the barbeque. "I've been thinking about how you're changing jobs to spend more time with me and Ricky. I've decided to make some changes, too. I'm going to hire a teacher to work three evenings a week and every other Saturday. You've made a commitment to cut back on your work to be with me and I'd like to make the same commitment to you."

  He closed the lid to the grill and took her in his arms. "If you're sure that's what you want."

  "I'm sure. The only thing I need to know is if you're still offering that loan. Paula doesn't want to buy in and I'd like to pay Terri off before I start paying a new teacher. What do you think? Am I still worth the risk?"

  He pulled her close and kissed her gently. "I'd give you my last dime if it would make you happy."

  When dinner was ready, she watched the men in her life bow their heads as Jonathon asked the blessing. They spent the evening in the backyard, talking and watching Ricky play. After he went to bed, they climbed the stairs arm in arm, to tuck him in. He was breathing softly, already asleep.

  Jonathon put his arms around Rachel. "I hope you won't ever mind having me instead of money. We'll never get rich now that I've taken this new job." `

  She nodded toward the silky haired child who was peacefully sleeping. "God has blessed us, Jonathon. We're already rich."

  She felt warmed by the thought they were truly to become a family, united by God.


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  About The Author:

  A native of Houston, TX, Karen spent her early years enjoying life along the Gulf Coast. After high school, she attended Texas A&M as well as the University of Houston where she obtained a B.S. in early childhood education. She has written numerous articles and stories, books for children and novels for adults. She particularly enjoys writing contemporary and historical romance.

  She now lives in the Southwest with her family and assorted pets.


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