Read The Promise Page 22

The day went by very slowly, but considerably normal, I was only anxious at lunch, knowing I’ll have to see Brandon but he wasn’t there. I don’t know if I was relieved or even more anxious. But now as I sat on my chair in art class, I just want to run back out.

  You can do this Melanie, I chanted to myself as the class filled with students. I just have to get through a few more weeks and quarterly tests then I’m free to go on a three-week vacation. I need the distance and rest.

  I looked up in time to see Mr. blonde and delicious enter the class, he looked like his usual handsome self, though he looked like he could use some sleep.

  The small dark circles were hardly visible; you’d have to have spent a great deal of time studying him to notice the change. Like me I thought sadly, looking down. I felt his eyes on me as he made his way to his own desk.

  “Katelyn…” he started softly after a pause and I shook my head silencing him “Don’t.” I said in the same tone without turning to look at him.

  I was grateful when Mr. Anderson called the class to order and he began the lesson. Suddenly the bell rang, disrupting my autopilot mode. I quickly got up and left the classroom, maneuvering through the students.

  I heard Brandon call me but I kept walking, I’m not ready to deal with him just yet, he caught up to me grabbing my waist to halt my escape. He let go but he took hold of my arm this time around. “Christ Katelyn, stop running, please.” He said and I struggled to pry my arm free “Let go.” I said quietly.

  His grey eyes darkened “Why haven’t you answered my calls? I was…worried.” He said and I stared blankly at him.

  “That’s sweet, but I had nothing to say to you.” I said, my voice just as blank as my stare; he ran his free hand through his glorious golden locks.

  “Why wont you listen to me?” he asked, his voiced laced with rooted frustration.

  “What are you trying to do here Brandon?” I asked, my voice coming to life “Explain? Apologize? Well there’s no need. Because I realized that we never really had a thing, I was never really your girlfriend.” I hissed, trying to keep my voice down and he flinched “And that’s okay I guess, I just wish you didn’t have the gall to pretend and treat me like one.” I said and he almost looked wounded “How can you say that after everything?” he said and I shook my head.

  “How could you two-time me after everything?” I said, and his eyes closed. I started to take notice that we were attracting some attention in the hallway.

  “Its not what you think Katelyn.” He said and my eyebrows shot up “Oh my God, you’re really going to feed me that crap? I hope she makes you happy.” I said trying to free myself again but his hold on me was unwavering.

  “Katelyn please—”

  “Don’t you Katelyn please me!” I shrieked, feeling tears threaten to spill but I held them back, I didn’t know how long I’d do that for. If I had to endure one more minute of this or his touch, I’ll breakdown. “Damn it Brandon, damn you! Let me go, you’re causing a scene.” I said my voice breaking at the end. His eyes quietly beseeched mine but I glanced at the small crowd of whispering spectators.

  “Let her go Carter.” I heard JT’s voice behind him before I saw him, anger evident in his blue gaze as it fixated on Brandon’s back. For once I was glad for JT’s intervention. Brandon’s eyes glazed over and he turned his head towards JT but didn’t turn or let go of my arm.

  “Stay out of this Gilbert, I just want to talk to her.” Brandon said coolly, but warning was clear in his voice too.

  “It looks like she’s done talking to you. Now let her go before I put my fist upside your head.” JT said, menace in his tone now palpable. Brandon looked back at me, his grey eyes pleading with me again. In the battle of wills Brandon was not backing down and I knew he wasn’t intimidated by JT. But if he cared about me at all he’d let me go and spare me this humiliation.

  Oh just let me go Brandon. I thought and as if he heard my unspoken plea he reluctantly let go of my arm. I spared JT and him a look before I turned and the small crowd made way for me, as I walked towards the exit. I felt the pained look in Brandon’s eyes like an electrocution, but I was the one hurting here, I was the one betrayed. I walked towards my car grateful that I didn’t have gym class today; I had to get out of here. Fast.

  JT and Brandon could possibly get into a brawl over this and the fact that I didn’t care spoke volumes about my detachment. I got into my car and I leaned my forehead against the steering wheel and let out the tears I’ve been holding back all weekend, soft sobs shaking my body.

  The taste wouldn’t be worth it when I’m poisoned, I remembered my own words a month ago. I was wrong, even poisoned; the taste was worth it. If given the chance I wouldn’t try to change the decision to go out with Brandon. But I would change these feelings that have taken root so deep in my heart.

  Students started to slowly flood the lot and I quickly used the back of my hand to wipe off the tears and I started my car.

  I felt a whole lot better when I got home; having left school early there was no one home. I found Maria in the kitchen who offered me a snack, I curled up on the sofa and distracted myself with TV.

  About an hour later Mom and Janie came into the great room, Janie smiled and jumped onto the couch next to me. I smiled back at her; her enthusiasm was always infectious.

  “Hey honey.” Mom said to me putting her laptop bag on the corner table, “Hi Mom.” I replied gazing back at the flat screen “How was your day?” she asked in her concerned measured voice, I resisted rolling my eyes. “Fine.” I said, not bothering to get into my dramatic day. Janie tugged on my arm standing up

  “Katie lets go to the game room.” She said her eyes bouncing up and down in anticipation. Why not? I could use a distraction from everything.

  “Sure.” I said standing up to “Wanna to bet?” I asked as we walked towards the hallway. She nodded “Bring it on! I can beat you at anything.” She said and I couldn’t help but giggle.