Read The Promise Page 29

After a long shower in my room I came down the stairs with a mission to get some answers. I knew Mom had them. I only found Dad on the couch reading his Sunday newspaper, he looked up from it and smiled.

  “Hey angel.” He said “Hi Dad, where’s Mom?” I asked, “She just went outside.” He said and just then Mom entered the great room from the back.

  “Hi sweetie, how was your sleepover?” she asked and I paused a little “It was great. Fun.” I said and she nodded as she settled next to Dad.

  I decided to cut to the chase, not bothering to sit down “Though the weirdest thing happened to me earlier in the day, I was told that I can wield some magic with my necklace.” I said and I watched them both tense. This is interesting.

  Mom looked at Dad with wide eyes and I knew I was right. She knew the necklace’s power and decided to keep me in the dark and somehow Dad’s in on it too.

  “Who told you that?” Dad asked with an eerie calm voice and I suddenly felt like I shouldn’t mention Brandon “Some fortune teller at the pier, at first I didn’t think much of it but judging from both your reactions there’s some truth to it.” I said then looked at Mom “So why don’t you tell me the truth?” I asked, feeling anger bubble up inside of me. Mom paused then stood up facing me, her green eyes wary.

  “Its true, your necklace contains magic you can wield once you come into your full powers, but there a chance that might not happen.” She said, “I didn’t tell you because I wanted to protect you sweetie.” She added suddenly looking a little pale. I threw my arms up.

  “By keeping something like this from me? How is that protecting me Mom!” I was almost shouting now. “Watch your tone Katelyn,” Dad admonished, his tone terse. “You knew about this too Dad and neither of you thought to tell me, I had a right to know!” I said more quietly.

  I saw Mom reel and Dad jumped off his seat to steady her “Calm down angel!” Dad mildly shouted at me now, which shocked me until I remembered what Brandon said to me.

  We’re normally linked to the person who passes the power onto us.

  “Mom?” I asked hovering over her too, my initial anger forgotten. She held up her hand “I’m fine.” She said to both of us but neither of us took her word for it.

  “What’s going on here?” we all looked up to see JT standing a few feet away, watching us with a look of worry.

  “Lets go outside.” Dad said to JT then he kissed Mom’s forehead, “You, better watch yourself angel.” He said to me “You do something like that again I’m grounding you for the rest of your life.” He added and I nodded then he stood up and JT followed him out the glass doors with confusion.

  I looked back to Mom, some color was returning to her cheeks “Can I get you anything?” I asked “Water.” She said and I fetched it quickly, feeling a little guilty, I didn’t know what I was doing to her in my tirade.

  “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sweetie but I’d be lying if I said I regret it,” She said then she told me some things Brandon already covered last night.

  “You can’t blame me for trying to spare you all of this.” She said “That necklace nearly killed me once.” She added and my eyebrows shot up.

  “Its powers are not to be wielded carelessly.” She added.

  “How did you come about controlling yours?” I asked and her gaze narrowed “Mine were triggered by fear, your father was in grave danger.” She said with a tone what said she wasn’t going to elaborate; I decided to let it go.

  “Be careful sweetie, I don’t want anything to happen to you.” She said and I hugged her as a sign of peace. “I know Mom, I’m sorry about that, its just all very—” she stopped me with a small smile “I know.”