Read The Promise Page 31


  One year later…

  It’s been almost a week since Brandon’s graduation; it was bittersweet. I’d miss having him around school, just when it was starting to seem less like torture. He was off to college and my best friend and I were finally going to be seniors next semester.

  “How does it feel?” Tess asked over the phone “You’re finally going to join the my-boyfriend-is-in-college club.” She added. JT went to Stanford a year ago, he made an effort to visit as much as he could.

  I sighed “It cant be that bad, is it?” I asked and she chuckled “No it’s not that bad, I just miss him sometimes, besides he’s not thousands of miles away.” She added and I paused. “Okay, what’s with the pause?” she asked.

  “I don’t know, its my boyfriend, he’s been a little offish lately.” I said with a frown I knew she could hear in my voice. “Hey, he’s just a little busy, you know going to college and stuff.” She said, “Yeah, I know.” I said.

  “Where did he say he’s going?” she asked, “I think he’s still weighing his options, he got a few scholarships from impressive varsities.” I said, JT also had the same dilemma but he ended up taking Stanford because it was closer to home. But mostly I knew he did because of Tess.

  “Varsities that are very far away.” She finished for me; I bit my nail “Am I selfish for worrying about that?” I asked and she reassured me the only way Tess knows how, sometimes talking to her is my saving grace.

  “Where would I be without you huh?” I asked and she laughed “Lost in Narnia.” She teased and I chuckled “I have to go, chat later.” I said then hung up.

  I got dressed quickly; I was meeting Brandon at the beach today. When I got there, it was a little deserted; there were only a few people. Brandon was already there, waiting for me. I stopped a little to look at him; he was walking along the shore barefoot, his pants were rolled up to his shins. He seemed to be staring at the ocean deep in thought. He must’ve heard me approaching because he pivoted then smiled.

  I smiled and he caught me in his arms and kissed me, I made a disapproving sound when he broke the kiss. “Hush up or you’re going in the water,” he said and I chuckled “Only if you’ll get in with me.” I said and he smiled putting his arm around my shoulders. And we continued his stroll along the shore.

  We spent hours there, time flew by as we talked, played, splashed each other with water and everything in between.

  We finally caught a moments rest when we sat on a sea rock by the beach. I looked at Brandon and he seemed to be watching something very closely. I followed his gaze and found two kids playing with a boomerang.

  Sensing my confusion he smiled still looking at them “Its interesting, that no matter how hard you throw a boomerang, it always comes back to you.” He said with an undercurrent to his tone. Why did it unsettle me?

  He looked at me then “That’s me with you princess.” He added and we stared at each other for a long while. He broke the connection when he turned his grey gaze back to the sea.

  “I’ve decided to go to Yale.” He said and I paused for a moment not sure I heard him right then I ran my hand through my hair. Yale was in Connecticut, “You’re going back home.” I whispered looking down, feeling surprisingly steady maybe because he’s still here.

  “And your family?” I asked, “They’re moving too.” He said and my eyebrows shot up “Because of you? Is this even about you wanting to go to Yale?” I asked and he shook his head. “They gave me the option of staying in California—” He said “But you chose to go.” I finished for him with a meek voice. “Why?”

  “Listen to me Katelyn.” He said putting his hands on both sides of my face “This is for your sake, for both our sakes.” He added.

  “This thing between us is getting more intense by the day. That’s not necessarily a bad thing but were both still have so much to learn.” He said then he swept my hair over my shoulder. “You’re young and very beautiful princess, you have your whole life ahead of you, a life you haven’t started living as yet. You deserve a chance to see and experience all that life has to offer without anything or anyone holding you down.” He added and my eyes closed for a millisecond. I understood what he meant and a part of me agreed with him, but the thought of not being with him was crushing.

  “You think that’s what this will lead to?” I asked, my voice thick with emotion. “There’s no telling for sure but I don’t see how it couldn’t.” He said and I nodded sadly because even I could see it, both of us putting our individual goals and independence on hold in order to make our relationship work. My wanting him to stay here was a testament of that, I shouldn’t be holding him back from going anywhere he wants, he is only 19.

  Tears fell from my eyes as realized that I have to let him go, that we have to let each other go. Both of us couldn’t deny that was the best way for us.

  “Hey.” He said softly wiping away my tears “I can stay—” I shook my head “I want you to go,” I said smiling sadly “I want those things for you too silly. You’re young and very handsome.” I said repeating his words to him “Go and conquer the world, you deserve it.” I whispered.

  “I love you, you know that don’t you?” he asked kissing my forehead, I nodded “Yeah, I do.” I breathed. “When are you leaving?” I asked. “The day after tomorrow.” He said and I nodded. “I wish I could say goodbye to your family but that’s not such a good idea for me, give Connie a kiss for me, tell her I’m sorry” I said and he nodded “I will.” He said resting his forehead against mine. The fact that this was goodbye was surreal. “Lets promise each other something.” He said then paused “I think I found my other half in you, if that’s true and we’re meant to be together, nothing will stop that from happening. We’ll end up together.” He said and I smiled, I would like nothing more than to believe in that. That I’m destined to be with Brandon despite the odds.

  “We’ll find our way back to each other.” He added “Like the boomerang?” I chuckled sadly “Like the boomerang.” He repeated. He hugged me so tightly that I found it hard to breathe a little “Will I ever see you again?” I wailed.

  “If I’m right about us, definitely.” He murmured and I nodded “Promise.” I whispered.

  He kissed me and all to soon he let me go and stood up.

  “Princess.” He said then kissed my hand, bowing his head like I’m actual royalty, it was almost my undoing.

  He began walking way after mouthing I love you, I watched him until he was out of sight. I turned my gaze back to the impending sunset and for once it felt as though the sun wont rise in my world for a very long time.

  I checked the time and stood up myself, I had to head back home before everyone started worrying. With one last look at the blue horizon I turned and walked away.

  “Katelyn!” I heard Mom call from the house and I went through the glass doors into the great room. I found her in the kitchen. “Hey sweetie, this came for you today.” She said pointing to the package on the counter and my eyebrows shot up. I walked towards the island and grabbed it shaking it a little. I unwrapped it and opened the box; I froze for a second.

  “What is it?” Mom asked and with numb hands I took out the blue boomerang inside and held it up. She looked between it and me in confusion but I didn’t pay her any attention. My hand ran over the softwood and I found KMG + BEC engraved into it. I picked up the handwritten note in the box and read it,

  In honor of pretty blue eyes and promises

  I love you,


  “Who is it from?” Mom asked, “Its from Brandon.” I said my voice sounding choked. It’s been four days since we said goodbye at the beach, I’ve done a very good job at convincing myself that I was fine. Seeing this now felt like I was reliving all those emotions again.

  “Oh, when is he coming back?” She asked and I realized I only told them that he went out of town. “He’s never coming back Mom.” I whispered my voice breaking and she immediately walked over to me and held me. I
succumbed to the pain I’ve learned to tuck away so well.

  * * *

  Coming soon:

  The Promise: Fulfilled

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