Read The Promise Page 4


  I lay on my bed, doing my homework with a catchy pop song blaring through my earphones. Janie walked in and jumped onto my bed, I paused my iPod and looked at her questioningly.

  “Daddy said to call you downstairs.” She said and I put my pen down and got off, following her out of my room. JT said we’re going to have a family meeting; we hardly had those, unless they had a big announcement to make. We got downstairs to find Dad on the couch, flicking through the channels on the flat screen. I sat next to him and he smiled at me,

  “Hey angel how was school?” He asked, turning his gaze back to the screen

  I crossed my legs on the couch “Okay, Mr. Anderson gave us an art project.” I said, “Drawing with words.” I added and he grimaced.

  “I heard its not easy, but if anyone can do a great job, its you.” He said, tapping my chin with a finger and I smiled at him.

  “Thanks, I’ll keep that in mind when I’m ready to give up.” I said, not mentioning working with Brandon on it. Why did I agree to partner up with him anyway? The last thing I needed was to be spending more and more time with him. You know exactly why you agreed; you want him. The little voice inside my head taunted me, and I slightly shook my head. I looked around, JT and Mom where nowhere to be found

  “Where is everyone? I thought this is a family meeting.” I said,

  “That would be our fault, we’re holding them up.” Angela said with a grin walking into the great room with Mom following behind her. My eyebrows shot up in surprise and elation.

  “Angie.” I exclaimed, jumping off the couch to hug her. She and Jason fell in love and moved out when I was about 12 years old. They would come to visit sometimes but it was not as frequent as I would’ve liked, I was always close to her growing up. She and Jason are now living in a small town outside of LA with Jamie, their 3-year-old kid.

  “Aw Katie, you grow into a beautiful young woman every time I see you.” She said and I laughed, delighted to see her. Maria also came in to greet her with as much surprise as I did, I wondered if Mom and Dad planned this surprise visit. Just then JT came in from the garage with Jason, who greeted me with his trademarked bear hug.

  We all had a wonderful dinner after catching up; afterwards Angie and I sat in the kitchen finishing up the dessert. Mom was upstairs with Janie and I wasn’t sure where the men where in the mansion.

  “How are you doing, really?” she asked eyeing me and I took a spoonful of ice cream. “I’m okay.” I said and she raised a suspicious eyebrow.

  “Why do I smell boy trouble?” she said and I suppressed a blush, she chuckled “So there is a boy, do tell.” She added.

  I sighed “Its not like that, he and I are not exactly going out, but I like him its just that…its complicated.” I blurted out and she eyed me for a while.

  “Seems to me like you need some advice…have you tried talking to your Mom?” she asked and I snorted.

  “I can’t exactly talk to her about this.” I said and she frowned “Why not? I was under the impression that you have the coolest mother ever.” She said and I slightly smiled. “I know; it’s not like that.” I said and she eyed me, encouraging me to elaborate, “I don’t know, she always seems so busy and stuff, I don’t think she’ll be interested.” I added. Mom and I have a disconnection that I don’t have with Dad. We used to be pretty close when I was younger but now that seems to be changing, either she’s pulling away or I ‘am.

  “That’s crazy Katie, your Mom is never too busy for you.” She said then paused “That’s not really it, am I right?” she asked and I looked at her and sighed,

  “It’s a part of it.” I said “Everyone’s always saying ‘oh Katelyn you look so much like your mother’ I feel like I’m expected to be like her and I’m nothing like my Mom.” I added quickly and she chuckled.

  “You’re her daughter for heaven’s sake, what makes you think that?” she asked and I grimaced “Well she’s beautiful and well rounded...I’m nothing like that.” I said and she shook her head

  “What makes you think you’re not any of those things?” She asked and I rolled my eyes “Hello—?” I said waving a hand at myself,

  “Oh boy, you certainly inherited her modesty.” She said chuckling “No one expects you to be her Katie, there’s nothing wrong with the way you are.” She added and I smiled at her nodding.

  “Did she have you talk to me?” I asked and she shocked me by shaking her head, “But she feels like the older you grow the more the two of you drift apart, that’s hurting her you know.” She added. I looked down at my empty bowl, feeling a little bad. I didn’t consider how she might feel about our ‘disconnection’; I guess it looked like I favored Dad over her. I silently vowed to change that.