Read The Promised Ones; Guardian War 1 Page 14

  Chapter 6

  Javin’s eyes popped open. It was still dark -- the mists of moisture drifting high, yet closer than at full dark. He didn’t know why he had awakened and sent his senses out, listening, feeling.

  Someone was near – someone who didn’t belong. Slowly he lifted his head, turning it each way. Even in the darkness he could make out the huddled forms of sleeping Vouloo. Turning another way, he checked the position of the sentries. They were in place, not alarmed at anything. Still something was amiss.

  Then it happened! A shrill cry broke the silence. From all directions he could hear the sound of pounding feet. Javin was on his feet in an instant, at the same time cursing himself for not asking for a weapon the night before. A blurred silhouette of a being loomed before him in the darkness. Its arm was raised, a long dagger in its hand. It hesitated at the sight of Javin. Javin took the instant's hesitation and drove his fist heavily into the being’s throat, at the same time grabbing the upraised knife and twisting the arm backwards with all the strength he could muster. He heard a snap along with a yowl of pain, as the being fell.

  It was Javin’s turn to be surprised. The being, whatever it was, was cold to the touch and smooth. Javin instantly realized, even in the darkness, this was of the same species that had saved him from the hungry mottled reptile.

  Chameleon men! That’s why he hadn’t been able to see them clearly in the dark. Their unusual color-changing ability made them blend so deeply, no features could be identified.

  Screams of pain, grunts and curses filled the air. Javin firmly grasped the blade, ignoring the downed intruder.

  Springing towards where he knew the princess had been sleeping, he stumbled full upon the backs of four intruders pressing a ring of guards, fighting valiantly but losing step by step.

  More by feel than anything else, he buried his dagger into one back, pulling it out quickly and slashing at the neck of another. Reaching forward, he felt and grasped another arm, swinging the assailant around and turning the dagger’s end, drove the pommel into the attacker’s face, leaving him to slump to the ground.

  Javin was amazed at his fine-tuned senses. Instinctively he knew where everyone was close to him on the field of battle without having to see them. Have I always been able to do this? He wondered. Adrenalin coursed, making his mind and muscles flash and dart like striking serpents. It was clear the other guards didn’t have his ability for they were flailing about with their weapons hoping to strike, though not too successfully. They were falling fast.

  Javin felt a blow from the behind. Dazed, he struggled to keep his senses, swirling with his knife, opening up another attacker across the chest then followed through with a clenched fist to the face.

  Sensing another to his left, he pivoted, ducking just as a blade sliced the air where his head had been. He dove forward in a roll, coming up, blade thrusting into the stomach of his assailant while at the same time grabbing the attacker's long blade and wrenching it free, swinging it behind, and catching still another intruder coming up on him.

  He turned back, now swinging the longer blade and using the shorter he'd wrenched free to deflect, cutting a swath to the princess’ aid.

  He noted with satisfaction the enemy ranks were thinning, but almost all the Vouloo had fallen. Now only four, including Siri’ Bhu, stood defending the princess.

  The few remaining attackers focused in on the princess. Javin was left free. He was about to jump back into the fray when a bark of orders sounded from the jungle.

  Another mass of the dark forms darted in, cutting him off. Together they rushed Javin from all sides. One impaled himself on Javin's long blade. Another took his short knife in the throat. It was slowed him just enough. Smooth, cold hands grasped him. Fists pummeled him.

  Javin was in a haze, faintly wondering why he felt no pain. He knew his body was receiving a horrible beating. The swarming blows continued until the weight of the huddled bodies pinned him to the ground. He thrashed his arms and legs. His senses swam in murky darkness.

  I need to get to the princess!

  A square blow landed on the side of his head and everything went dark.