Read The Promised Ones; Guardian War 1 Page 8

  Chapter 5

  The day had reached twilight. Chahzuu crept along the jungle floor through a narrow canyon. The green canopy was thick overhead but was surprisingly thin at ground level along a small lane leading to his destination. A hard surface was just under the jungle floor, forbidding the larger, thicker plants to grow; evidence there was a path -- a planned way laid down long ago.

  He stayed away from that path, finding cover in what growth remained. Chahzuu followed its length leading to a grotto at the end of the canyon.

  This was as he’d seen in his dreams. He knew better now though, than to assume all would be as he expected.

  The grotto was nearly hidden behind a falling stream of water falling from the higher cliff face. Over the years, the water had carved out hollow in the cliff face covered in vines and dripping ferns that extended back until it fell into shadow. It sat high enough on the canyon wall that Chahzuu would have to climb a rocky incline to enter. The waterfall fell free over the opening, splashing into a pond at the bottom near where Chahzuu waited. From there the stream flowed with the incline further past him and down through the canyon.

  He sat contemplating his way. The dream had given him all the instruction he needed, though now he no longer felt certain in trusting completely. He memorizing the way he needed to climb while waiting for darkness to fall.