Read The Promotion Page 2

  “Why,” Margie asked, very suspicious.

  “Well,” Jennifer said, taking her arm and subtly leading her out the door, “I was so thrown by you being let go. I could tell, of course that you were surprised...”

  “I was pissed,” Margie said as they exited the building. Jennifer walked her down the block and they slipped into the bar of the Marriott hotel. They sat at the bar and ordered drinks.

  “I’m not much of a drinker,” Margie confessed, “but, I sure do feel like having one today.”

  The first round came and Margie slugged hers back, Jennifer signaled for the bartender to bring another. They talked about the office, and what Margie had planned to do now. She had already lined up a few interviews. Jennifer said she would be happy to write a letter for her and that made Margie cry. After the third drink, Margie was spilling everything.

  “I know you all know,” she said.

  “Know what,” Jennifer asked.

  “That McCaughtry and I were...” she looked around and then, in a hoarse, drunken, way too loud whisper, “we were—”

  Before she could finish she laughed, which turned silent and then the tears came again. Jennifer calmed her and got the story. Two years ago, at the yearly meeting, McCaughtry had given her a great review and offered her the new position, the one she had just been fired from. He assured her the job was not related to what he asked next.

  “Did he ask you to sleep with him for money,” Jennifer burst out, no longer able to hold her tongue. Margie leaned back and looked at her with a horrified expression. Jennifer knew the answer but needed to hear Margie say it. “Did he, Margie, I need to know.”

  “Yes,” she said quietly. “He did.”

  Margie told her the entire story and it sounded exactly like the pitch McCaughtry had given her. He was busy, he liked, her etc., etc. Jennifer felt sick. A day ago, she had been flattered and had thought it might have been a good thing. He was handsome and she hadn’t been getting any attention in the bedroom since the divorce. Now...

  “So, are you the next one up?” Margie asked and Jennifer told her the story. “Well,” Margie said, “it’s not a bad deal. I got a thousand dollars a pop. We had sex about three times a month. And, I will say this for the bastard, he knows what’s he’s doing.”

  She ordered another drink and sipped it slowly. “I hate that he fired me. I hate that he just used me and then tossed me out the door. But, you know what I hate most?”

  “What?” Jennifer asked.

  “I hate that I won’t get to have sex with him again.”


  “Between you and me, that man knows his way around the bedroom.”

  Margie went silent again. Jennifer’s head was spinning. So, if she played her cards right, she had maybe two years. But, how to play her cards right?

  “What did you do,” Jennifer asked, “why did he end it?” Margie thought for a minute.

  “I got too... needy, he told me,” she said, her eyes misty and distant. “Like I said, he was good and I started to crave it. He didn’t like that. He needed to be in control.”

  She was quiet and Jennifer thanked her. They finished their drinks and Jennifer put Margie in a cab. Just before she closed the door, Margie grabbed her hand.

  “Be careful, Jennifer,” she said, “whatever you decide to do.”

  Jennifer assured her she would do her best and closed the door.


  Jennifer knocked on McCaughtry’s office door and stuck her head in. “Mr. McCaughtry,” she said, “about the situation we discussed, the other day, yes and was that going to happen tonight?”

  “Yes,” he said, “tonight would actually be wonderful. I will call you and let you know where, do I have your number on file?” She gave him her cell and told him she looked forward to the evening.

  “And all the stipulations of the offer remain,” Jennifer said trying to make it sound like business if anyone overheard them. “My position in the company is assured?” He assured her that was the case.

  “For how long,” she asked and he balked slightly.

  “Your position with this company is assured for as long as you want, Jennifer,” he said and she smiled. “I can tell you, honestly, that you will have a position here for as long as you want to stay with us. Which, of course, I hope is a long time.”

  She thanked him and left his office. Back in her cubical, she pulled the voice recorded from her pocket and listened to it. She had captured it all.


  One last check in the mirror. One last check of the voice recorder in her purse. She felt ready, grabbed her keys and went.


  “What a lovely room,” she said when she walked into his hotel suite, “do you always stay here when you’re in town?”

  He told her he liked to switch things up, but they knew him here and he felt like this was his home away from home. He made her a drink from the well-stocked bar, they looked at the view for a moment and then, he placed and envelope in her hand. She opened it and saw the money.

  “Goodness,” she said, “I do feel like a hooker.” He assured her he didn’t see her that way.

  “That’s about a third of what I would want to spend on you,” he said. “Dinner, a show, a gift.”

  “A third,” she said, putting the envelope in her purse and turning on the recorder. “You’re getting off easy.”

  “Let’s hope so,” he said and she suddenly saw him as he truly was. A man with money. A man with power. A man who could buy anything he wanted. Except class.

  She almost left, but she now had a plan and needed to follow through. He moved to her and took her in his arms. She put up a small struggle for show and then, he kissed her. The kiss was good, she gave over and kissed back. Her head spun. She thought of what Margie had said about him. She suddenly thought, well, if he does anything else anywhere near as well as he kisses, no wonder Margie threw a fit. She pushed him away.

  “Easy,” she said, “I want you to get your money’s worth.” She underdressed him, slowly, touching him gently. He sighed and moaned. When she had him naked and obviously well-aroused, she sat him down on the bed, took a few steps back from him and paused.

  “Oh,” he said, “I think I’m going to like this.”

  “I know I am,” she said and began to undress for him. She did it specifically for him to gauge his reaction. She moved slowly, letting the dress slip off her shoulders, down her arms. She did everything with care, with ease, with an eye to making him want her. She could tell by his…reaction…that she was right on target.

  She had been pleased with the underwear she had decided on, but it made him gasp. She stood before him in her bra and panties, stockings and garters. His eyes sparkled, he was practically panting for her. She moved close, took his hands and put them on her breasts. She controlled them, where they went, how they touched. He tried to pull her close and she resisted.

  “Now, now,” she said in a playful voice, “little boys who are patient get big rewards.” He laughed and let himself be guided. She ran his hands down her body, over her behind.

  “Do you like that?” she asked and he nodded, almost hypnotized.

  “I don’t know,” she said, “do you think I have a nice ass?” She turned her back to him and bent over slightly. He whimpered.

  “Oh, you do like it,” she asked and he said yes again and again.

  “Well,” she said, looking over her shoulder at him, “why don’t you give it a nice, little kiss,” she said and moved closer to him. He put his hands gently on her rear and then, he kissed it softly.

  “Again,” she said and he did. She turned and smiled at him. “You’re such a good boy,” she said and he nodded. She leaned down and kissed him. She took him in her hand and stroked gently. His eyes rolled back in his head and his mouth dropped open. His breathing quickened. She stopped and his eyes popped open. He was panting now. He was ready to beg.

  “Aren’t I a good boy,” he asked and she th
ought how pathetic he sounded.

  “Oh, yes,” she cooed, “such a good boy.” She put her right leg up on the bed and pushed her crotch toward his face. She moved her panties aside with her finger and exposed herself.

  “Would you like to give that a little kiss?” she asked. He moved forward. She grabbed his chin and stopped him,

  “Didn't I ask you a question?” she said and he looked confused. “I asked if you’d like to give that a little kiss.”

  “Oh,” he said, his excitement returning. “Yes, oh yes please, I would like to kiss that.”

  She let go of his chin and he moved to her. He placed a kiss on her and then, quickly, his tongue lashed out. Just one quick flick, but it was so perfectly placed, so expertly applied that she almost lost her balance. She quickly leaned down and kissed him, stopping him from doing more.

  “Mr. McCaughtry,” she said.

  “Yes, Jennifer,” he replied, his desire fairly bursting.

  “I just wanted, before we get too crazy, to thank you again,” she said, “for the promotion, for the raise, for the company car, for the new office.” As she enumerated each part of the new deal, she sunk down on her knees between his legs. “I hope that, tonight, I can earn those things.”

  “Oh, Jennifer,” he sighed as she kissed his rock hard manhood. “I told you, that position, that’s all yours, you don’t have to sleep with me for the job, you earned that.”

  “Thank you,” she said and put her mouth around him and he gasped. She pulled back, “Well, thank you for the money you gave me to do this with you tonight.” She put her mouth back and again, he gasped.

  “Oh, Jennifer,” he sighed, “I am happy that you were willing to do this. I am thinking now that, a thousand dollars might not be enough. Keep doing that...” he said.

  “Doing what,” she said, taking him out of her mouth once again. He chuckled, enjoying the teasing.

  “You stay there on your knees, just like that and, I may double my offer. Two thousand if you let me—”

  “Let you what?”

  “Let me,” he licked his lips, “in your mouth.” She smiled at him and pushed him back on the bed. She crawled on top of him and kissed him.

  “Sounds good to me,” she said and kissed down his body. “I am just going to get a little something so that I can take you… Well, you just relax, I’ll be right back.”

  He closed his eyes and she got off the bed. She picked up her purse and clothes quickly and headed into the bathroom. She dressed. She checked the volume on the recorder, made sure it was low and pressed play. Softly, she heard it all. She checked herself in the mirror, turned and looked at her ass. Her fine, firm, all-business ass. She smiled.

  “You ready, Mr. McCaughtry?” she said through the bathroom door.

  “Oh, God, yes,” he said and she opened the door. She turned up the volume on the recorder, hit play and opened the bathroom door. She stepped into the room and he sat up on the bed. She smiled and let the tape play. His expression went from smiling to curious, to suddenly terrified very quickly. She looked down and watched him deflate.

  “Oh my,” she said pointing to his now-useless member, “I hope I didn’t spoil the mood.” The look on his face was pitiful. She walked to the bed and shut the recorder off.

  “I think I’ll keep this, for insurance,” she said. “And I look forward to seeing you at the new offices. Now, you did say I had a corner office?” He said nothing, she clicked the recorder on...

  “You stay there on your knees, just like that and, I may double my offer. Two thousand if you let me…Let you what…Let me…in your mouth.”

  “Yes,” he said, “corner office.” She thanked him and told him she had to go. She turned and headed to the door.

  “I didn’t realize you were such a bitch,” he said. She looked him over.

  “Funny,” she said, “I figured out pretty fast that you were such a dick so...”

  “Why are you doing this,” he asked, standing, grabbing his clothes, covering his naked body in shame.

  “For Margie,” she said and then, she was gone.


  “Well, you certainly look good in here,” McCaughtry said as he stepped into Jennifer’s new, corner office, high up on the twenty-fifth floor of the new downtown building. She stood up from behind her desk and crossed to him extending her hand. He took it, shook it and shoved his hands back in his pockets. He walked around the large spacious office. “Everything all right?” he asked. She assured him it was. She was busy, happy and had no complaints.

  “Would you like some coffee, Mr. McCaughtry,” she asked and he declined. He said he came by to discuss a small business matter.

  “The um... the last…meeting we had,” he said. “I know you... recorded the…minutes of that meeting. Are they... are they safe?” She stared at him for a moment. Then she picked up her phone and hit a button.

  “Hi,” she said. “Mr. McCaughtry has a question about minutes of the last meeting, could you come in.”

  She hung up and looked at him. He looked worried. The door to her office opened behind McCaughtry.

  “Thank you,” she said, “Mr. McCaughtry wants to know if the minutes from the last meeting I had with him were safe.”

  McCaughtry turned and looked at Margie.

  “Perfectly safe,” Margie said, “I keep them—and the five copies—all in separate safes so, no worry of ever losing them.”

  He turned and looked at Jennifer, he was speechless. He looked back at Margie.

  “Mr. McCaughtry,” Jennifer said and he looked back to her. “Are you…satisfied?”


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