Read The Prosecution of General Hastings Page 28


  “Sally, where are you?” Annie asked when Sally answered her cell.

  “Heading back to the office. Mr. Kincaid and I have been up to Stillwater,” she said. “We should be back at the office about five o’clock, I’d guess.”

  Annie looked over at the clock on the bedside table. It read 4:28. “So, should we just meet you there? What’s the plan?” she asked.

  “Yeah, I’m going to call Tom and just have him meet us at the Cattlemen’s Club. It’s on the top floor of our office building and we can have dinner there. If you’re still planning on flying back tonight that would probably be best. You can get a reasonable start.”

  “Okay,” Annie said. “We’ll be there close to five.”

  “That’s great,” Sally replied. “Did you enjoy our fair city this afternoon?”

  Annie suppressed a laugh, “Yeah, I guess we did all we could do on a cold, snow covered day here.”

  “Okay, I’ll see you at the office.” Sally ended the call and then called her husband’s number on speed dial.

  “Hello, Gorgeous,” said Tom Stillwell. “I was just thinking about you.”

  “Well, how nice. I was thinking about you, too. That’s why I called,” she said.

  “Did you see Annie?” he asked.

  “Yeah. She’s here with Bobby and a business associate of his,” Sally looked over at Harry and smiled. “Say, can you meet us at the Cattlemen’s Club? They are going to be flying back to D.C. tonight and they plan to leave after dinner.”

  “Sure,” he said. “I’ll leave here soon and drive on up. Can’t wait to meet Annie’s new fella.”

  “You’re gonna like him, Tom. See you soon. I love you,” Sally said.

  “This all seems to be working out rather well, Sally,” Harry said. “I really appreciate all your help.”

  “Well, Harry, if you can find out who killed Diana Ricci, it will have been a bargain.” She looked over at him and smiled. “I’ve enjoyed getting to know you anyway.”

  “Likewise, Mrs. Stillwell,” he said. “Your husband is a lucky man.”

  Sally grew serious. “Tell me the truth, Harry. What are the chances that you can come up with the murderer?” she asked.

  “I really don’t know,” he answered. “But these guys will sell their souls to get what they want. I’d bet that this Carmello will turn over the killer without blinking an eye if he thinks it will get him the guns. That’s what I’m banking on.”

  Sally pulled into the garage and parked in the same slot she had left several hours earlier. Harry noticed that stenciled on the concrete floor was, ‘S. Stillwell.’ They got on the elevator and Sally pushed the button for her floor. The elevator car rose one floor and stopped. When the doors opened Sally and Harry stood face to face with Bobby and Annie.

  “Well, lookie here,” said Bobby. “Fancy meeting you here.” He and Annie stepped inside and the car began to rise once again.

  “I’ve got an idea,” Sally said. “Why don’t you guys go on up to the Club. It’s on thirty five. That will give me and Annie a chance to catch up a bit while I go into the office and check messages. How’s that? We’ll meet you in half an hour or so.”

  “Good idea,” said Harry. “That will give me a chance to brief Mr. Lawson here on what we accomplished.”

  The car stopped on the 30th floor. Sally stepped out. Annie leaned over squeezed Bobby’s hand. She winked and said, “See you soon.”

  As the car again started to rise, Harry looked over at Bobby and said, “I hate to break this to you, pal, but I’m going to need you to fly me down to Tucson tonight. I need to meet Pete in Hermosillo tomorrow morning.”

  “Geez,” Bobby said leaning back against the wall of the elevator car. “To Tucson, then back to D.C. Ugh.”

  “Hey, that’s why we pay you the big bucks,” Harry said. He was quiet a minute, looking closely at Bobby. “You might want to step into the Men’s room when we get to the Club up here, ole buddy. Tom and Sally Stillwell might not be too impressed with that lipstick all over your face.”