Read The Psychian Chronicles Book 1 Kimoshiran Form Page 19

The weeks pass by as the beginning of our Shogun training is going to be starting soon. My dad left a few days along with so that he may complete his Psychian Warrior training. It’s now time to get going seeing as though getting to Saya will take a week or two. Since Sange and Sorona have not completed their Shogun training either the three of us are going to Hiraski’s school to train. X will be attending the same school I did when I went through Psychian Warrior, Sochajo will be teaching him. Jet is going to a school in New Haven a wondrous city said to be where the first Psychian Warrior was born.

  In the kitchen we’re all eating our last meal together as friends and family. When we are done eating Sange and Sorona go back home to get the rest of their supplies. Jet and I also pack up the rest of our few belongings and our supplies. The two of us wait outside for Sange and Sorona to return, they finally do with their backpacks full. It’s nearing dusk now and we say goodbye to our friends and loved ones.

  “You come back my love. I would like to keep my husband to be”. Sounni whispers.

  “Don’t worry I’ll be back”. I say.

  “I love you”. She replies.

  “I love you to my love”.

  Sounni and Sorona hug each other and Sounni whispers something in her ear but I can’t my ears can’t figure out what she said. Sounni hugs Jet and Sange as well reminding them to be careful. Sounni and I kiss one more time before we depart from each other once again.

  We’re just out of town and I stop for a second to look over the town of Shiran. Most of it looks the same but the parts that got the worst of the battle a few weeks ago are noticeable. The four of us stare at the city for a few minutes and then we start our new journey. I pull out the map that Yamasaki gave to me showing the location of where the Triple Psychian tournament will be held. Jet comes over to me and asks if he can take a look at it. He looks as though he’s studying the map and the location.

  During our first couple of days of travel there is no sign of anyone on our tail or anyone who wants to fight us. When we stop to ask an old man for directions he surprises us by trying to stab me but he’s so old at half my normal speed I could have dodged his attack. After knocking him to the ground the old man’s son rushes over to me. He tells us that he’s got a serious case of dementia and doesn’t know human from Psychian or a rock from a person.

  After a few hours of walking we find a suitable location to set camp. Sange and I collect the wood for the fire, while Sorona and Jet fetch a deer for dinner. As we’re sitting there Jet and Sorona are snuggled close to each other while Sange and I eat our dinner in peace. That’s when I can feel a presence behind me but when I look back there is no one there.

  “What is it Shinruga”? Jet asks.

  “Nothing”! I say.

  This power that I felt feels so familiar but I can’t peg whose it is. Ignoring who is out there I finish my dinner and go to sleep. Occasionally getting up to check the fire and chucking a couple of pieces of wood in it, the presence I felt is no longer around.

  A different dream then usual plagues my mind, this time my dream is about the night my sister left the house.

  “Stay out of my way father”. My sister yells.

  She fires a blast right into his gut and bolts out the door. I can still remember that night as if it were yesterday. The rest of the night my body is restless and I don’t get much sleep.

  The morning sun is now rising over the horizon and the four of us is already packed and on our way. We head in the direction of Saya only to find more horrors along the way. As it nears the afternoon we come across a village with all dead and the place still burning from the flames. Looking closer this doesn’t appear to be a forest fire or an act of Mother Nature it looks as though Psychian’s had caused this fire.

  We get to a fork in the road and the four stop. Jet turns towards Sorona and gives her a kiss on the cheek and then the lips. He then gives Sange a hug, and turns towards me we do our usual handshake and then we hug.

  “You take care of yourself man, don’t get into any trouble”. I remind him.

  “I could say the same to you, we both got girls to return to”. He says.

  We nod and say our last goodbyes as our friend disappears from our sight but not our minds.

  It’s nearing dusk now and that’s when I sense that same person again. The three of us are looking in all directions, so I’m guessing that Sorona and Sange can sense them two. We get closer to the There is rustling in the trees behind us, as I get closer a red dot flickers. Soon a machine comes out of the woods and then there is more of them. The top of them is square with a lens in the middle and their legs are only an inch thick. The three of us stare at the machines in amazement but soon take cover. The machines tops open up to reveal an assortment of weapons. Defeating the machines is easy whether we attack from the front or behind we take them out as if they are toys. There is another rustling from the woods again, this time a troop of AU soldiers appear. Leading the troop is a Psychian girl whose power feels so familiar. The Psychian girl holds out her left hand and pushes a button on her wrist, the robots begin climbing on each other and then form an enormous robot. Sange, Sorona and I are about ready to attack but the Psychian orders me to leave the robot and fight her. The AU soldiers attack but I easily defeat them.

  “Why, who are you”? I ask.

  The Psychian simply waves her hand taunting me to fight her. Her body is wrapped in light armor and her head has a cloak around it, I don’t see much of a point to the cloak. She waves her hand once more to fight, I charge at her and she deflects the energy blast I’ve fired. She pulls out her sword or so I think the only thing I can see is the hilt. When I get up to her and slash the first attack connects but the rest seem to strike only air. The searing pain goes down my back as a blade strikes my back. The Masked Psychian girl stands over me as she fills her hand with energy. Rolling out of the way I’m surprised when I stand up my enemy uses the Implosion box technique around me. Quickly changing into Kimoshiran form I use the K-gateway attack to teleport out of the attack. Taking a quick second to get my head on I can see that Sange and Sorona is having trouble with the machine. Turning back into Psychian Warrior form I reface my enemy. I throw energy up into the sky and summon the lightning to power up my Electric Psych Ball. Somehow she knows this attack to because when I summon the lightning her eyes light up. Shooting the blast she easily dodges the attack.

  “I’m surprised you know that attack but you missed by a lot”. She gloats.

  “Who says I was trying to hit you”? I say.

  When she looks back she can see that the robot has a big chunk missing out of it.

  “Clever, but it can survive”. She informs me.

  “Not if I hit the part of it that can’t survive a hit from electricity”. I brag.

  The girl puts a shield up to her back and lets out a little chuckle. The robot stands for a few more seconds and then explodes. Sorona and Sange become engulfed by the flames or so I thought.

  “You aren’t the only one who learned the K-Gateway”. Sorona says.

  The masked fighter charges at the three of us, she instantly targets me. With the strength I have left defending against her is no easy task. Sorona tries to step in but the Psychian girl strikes Sorona with her knee. The hit makes Sorona drop to the ground. She knocks Sange out of the way and fills her hand with a lot of energy. The energy is glowing bright in my face and just when I think I’m done for someone tackles her to the ground. The blast she had prepared in her hand flies into a group of trees and obliterates them into pieces. When I look up Yamasaki is over top of the Psychian girl trying to pound her face into the ground but she kicks him off of her.

  “You think she’s strong enough”? I remark.

  “Why don’t you show him you are…Kela”? He says.

  The Psychian girl takes her cloak off to reveal her face. It can’t be no, she’s supposed to be dead.

  “Hello, Shinruga”. She says.

  I collapse to the
ground and wrap my arms around my stomach. Sorona runs to me and tries to hold me up but I can’t summon any strength. My limbs are like jell-o and they won’t support the rest of my body.

  “Who is Kela and what is wrong Shinruga”? Sorona asks.

  “Kela is Shinruga’s older sister”. Explains Yamasaki.

  “I’m glad to see you again little brother. Father must be so proud of you”. She says.

  To assure myself that it’s her, I look at her face. The dark concentrated eyes and the side bang comb to the left, ponytail in the back. The only thing different is the scar on her left eye.

  Yamasaki tells us that he’s been tracking her for a while and she’s been around the whole time. Everybody told me she was dead, why did they lie to me? My brain races till the only thing inside is anger and the thought of killing her. My energy starts flowing out of my body the dark purple energy flares and the air fills pressured. I yell out in rage powered up and ready for battle.

  “Ah, this should be interesting Shinruga”. She says.

  I charge and throw a fury of fist but it’s as though my attacks have no effect. She kicks me to my gut and is about to stab me again but Yamasaki throws a shuriken and hits her hand. Sorona and Sange tag team her and knock her to the ground. Kela spins on the ground releasing energy in all directions close to her. Sorona falls to the ground, Kela pursues her but Yamasaki blocks her attack again.

  “Yamasaki, you’re such a pest”. Kela yells.

  Powering up again I pursue after my sister who’s fighting with Yamasaki. Her power and skills are amazing as she easily can hold up her own against the two of us. Sange fires off a blast from afar, Yamasaki and I step out of the way for Sange’s attack. Kela throws her hands up and blocks the attack, Sange cranks up the juice. Realizing that at this rate Sange’s attack could be diverted I fire a blast at his trying to make it explode. Kela senses the blast coming, she summons a piece of earth that goes in front of Sange’s blast. When my blast connects the piece of earth explodes as well as Sange’s attack.

  “She used the earth to make lessen the damage she would have taken”. Yamasaki says.

  Yamasaki apologizes for not telling me about Kela because he was under strict orders not to release the information. Kela finally rises from the ground but she doesn’t look that hurt. Sange and I charge again but she disappears before our eyes. In a flash she shows up from our side and attacks. He knocks Sange to the ground and is about to finish him when Sorona’s blade comes down behind Kela. Somehow Kela’s blade is already there. Sorona kicks Kela to the ground and fires a blast but she disappears again.

  “Its mirrors you guys they blend into their background and she can go into anyone of them and come out of them and attack”. Yamasaki yells.

  The four of us put our backs to each other and wait for her to attack. At first I see nothing but in between one of the mirrors I catch her feet.

  “There that one”! I yell.

  We all focus our energy onto that mirror and fire an attack. Kela comes from my front but I act as if I’m scared to move. Sorona uses the K-gateway to come from her right but Kela’s senses detect her and she avoids the attack.

  “Ha, you think that silly attacks like that will work you fool”. She gloats. “Wait there was fo”.

  Yamasaki attacks from the left before she can finish her sentence. His fist lands hard as Kela goes flying across the battlefield.

  The four of us rejoice but not for too long. Kela gets up quicker than anticipated, she powers up some energy and makes a giant mirror. The mirror flies over my three friends and captures them.

  “The mirror will continue to crush them unless you can either defeat me or break it”. Kela chuckles.

  Yamasaki tries to move the earth under the ground to sink into but it’s no good the box is underground as well.

  “What do we do I’ve tried the K-gateway it doesn’t work in here”. Sorona says.

  Turning back into Kimoshiran form I run over to the box but before I reach it, Kela gets in my way. Using the K-gateway I teleport to several areas of the box, trying to break the box I find no weak points. Finally Kela finds a way to keep up with me. The box is getting closer to my friends, I can see the desperation looming over their head. They are now lying down to escape being crushed.

  Knowing that this could be the last chance I have to save my friends I charge with all my energy. Saying my goodbyes to my family and friends, I knowingly will sacrifice my life for them. Kela puts out her energy filled hands to defend my attack.


  Our hands and power collide; the energy levels are so powerful lightning begins to shoot out.

  “Die you fool”. Kela yells.

  We’re at a stalemate when Kela summons lightning in her hand to make an Electric Psych Ball. Being in Kimoshiran form I cannot use that attack. Using the K-gateway technique would be too risky at the moment. Using that technique could send the EPB into the dimension with me where I would be obliterated.

  Hearing my friends screaming sends even more anger through my body, I push my energy forward. Kela begins to back up a little but regains her balance, Sorona’s screams push me over the edge. My energy begins to change color from blue to a bluish orange color. Kela can’t push back the energy is too strong for her.

  “You’re through”. I yell feeding more energy into my attack.

  The energy turns completely orange and sends Kela flying and her glass box shattering. My friends regain their footing and we use the K-gateway attack to surround Kela.

  “Anyone knows when they’re beaten”. She says.

  Just when the four of us think she’s beaten Kela throws a dart. She hits me in the chest and runs a few feet before stopping.

  “That poison will kill him about ten hours”. She says.

  Yamasaki’s anger gets the best of him and he fires most of his energy into one blast, it clears the trees out but no Kela can be seen. The poison kicks in immediately and my body begins to feel hot and weak, Yamasaki informs us that the school is only a mile away. Sange loads me on to his back and begins walking but we’re all pretty tired from our battle. As they try to rush me to the school I wonder will I make what will happen if I don’t the thought race through my mind. How will Sounni live without me, would’ve I been the Triple Psychian if I’d had lived through this battle. A little away from the school Sange trips on something and I go tumbling to the ground but my muscles are too weak to stand.

  “Shinruga, hold on the school is right there, don’t close your eyes. Stay with me friend”. Yells Yamasaki.

  My eyes catch Sorona with tears in her eyes but she tries not to show them.

  The darkness now consumes my eyes is it forever or maybe for a short time?

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