Read The Psychian Chronicles Book 1 Kimoshiran Form Page 4

Waking up the next day I head into the middle of town to see what the people are selling. My father comes up to me, he tells me that one of the Elemenka gem holders have been spotted. He tells me it’s in the next town. Club a small town where everybody goes by an old code. The town was attacked and it’s my responsibility to capture the gem. I get the rest of the supplies I need and go. Lots of stuff from old earth were left behind, foods and drinks. Other stuff as well but the food and drinks is what we live on. We make our own stuff from the vegetation around as well. I say one last goodbye to my mom and dad and Ruji’s mom and go on my way.

  It’s at least a one day, but in case I run into who I’m supposed to I don’t want to waste any energy. I’m walking through the woods when I see a small pool of water. I take all my clothes off and get in, it’s a little cold. Using my piece of flint I scrape it across my sword, with the spark that comes I make fire and heat the water up.

  “Ah”. I let out a sigh of relief and enjoy the hot water. Sitting there I fall asleep for a few minutes. A rustle behind me wakes me up. When I look back I notice someone has stolen my bag and swords. I look around and I see the thief take off left of me. I throw my clothes back on and take to the trees. I jump from branch to branch when I finally see the thief I charge up a blast of energy and fire. It hits a big branch it goes right in front of him. I pounce on him the second he stops. When I turn him over I’m surprised to see who it is. It’s Jet from the tournament the kid who was snooping.

  “Shinruga, how you doing”? He says like nothing has happened.

  I charge up an energy blast in my hand and put it close to his face.

  “Thief’s don’t last long in this world”. I tell him. “Explain”.

  He says he’s sorry for what he’s done, and that he just needed it for freedom. He tells me about the biggest town in our world is under siege. The Apocalypse Unit has taken it over, and when Psychian’s come in they are enslaved.

  “Operation Pokerian, that’s what that meant”. I say aloud.

  Jet asks what I’m talking about and I tell him about Kita and all that I know. He then tells me that Kita was the one who fronted it all. That he is the leader of the Apocalypse Unit.

  “I was a slave they beat me and killed my parents when I was too young to remember. They want me to get that sword and bring it back to them”. He tells me.

  “I have to send word to my father he will get a hold of the right people”. I say. Putting my hand out I shoot a blast of energy and it explodes twice. In our world we have messengers who come when you signal them. We wait a half an hour and one comes. She hands me an ink pen and piece of paper. When I get done I tell her to go to Recnamorcen, and give the letter to Shinsaga Deshreneto. She goes, Jet and I start heading towards Club.When we get to Club the people of the town tell us that are Psychian has went towards Shiran. We start walking to Shiran, it takes us until late afternoon and were just a couple of miles out of Shiran. I yell out to Jet to jump a blade sweeps across the ground. When I and Jet land we look in the direction of where it came. There is a man whose blade is retracting.

  “My name is Eurick and you must be Shinruga”. He says. “Heard you’re after me, and this”.

  Eurick is big and strong looking he’s a little gangly looking as well. A white complexion and stringy hair. He shows me the gem inside the blade. I notice that he’s twenty feet away and his blade was right by us. He has an extender blade, we must be careful.

  “Jet you ready, he’s going to kill us if we don’t kill him”. I tell him.

  Jet nods his head and we wait, when Eurick makes a move we dodge him easily. He slices across to try to hit us both but we jump over it again. We charge at him shooting energy but he retracts his sword and just bats them away. We rain down energy onto Eurick but he starts spinning his blade and bats it away. Eurick is about to slash at Jet, and it takes me till now to notice that Jet doesn’t have a blade of his own.

  “Jet”. I call out and throw him Ruji’s blade.

  The second Jet catches it he puts it up in defense. It knocks him back when he can stand still he summons a Phercon beast. I realize that this fourteen year old has some potential. It took Ruji four years to be able to do that. Eurick swings the blade at the beast but it’s no good. When the beast gets close Eurick puts his blade away and locks fist with the Phercon.

  “No way”. Jet says.

  Eurick throws the beast to the ground and stabs it. I’m almost to Eurick when he throws his blade up, I duck and slide on the ground. When I jump up Eurick shoots me with energy, Jet comes from behind and hits him with energy. He swings and slashes, Jet blocks. I send a piece of rock at Eurick but he kicks it. Jet and I get on each side of Eurick and fire blast at him, he puts both his hands out and stops them. The energy is starting to build up in his hands, Eurick jumps back. His evasion sends our blast of energy at each other. I catch it in time but Jet doesn’t, he barely guards himself from the explosion. Jet is slammed against a tree and is knocked out cold. Eurick extends the sword his way, I throw a kunai and it makes Eurick’s sword miss Jet by inches. I see a nearby puddle of water and splash it on Jet’s face. It takes him a few seconds to wake up but when he does, he immediately sends a piece of earth hitting a tree and knocks it down. When Eurick is distracted I grab him from behind trying to strangle him. He grabs me by the ponytail and throws me to the ground. Jet jumps from the side and punches him in the face. I kick my right foot up with energy and hit him in the gut. Eurick spins releasing energy and knocks us both back. Before we can even think Eurick has his blade already extended and is striking at us. That’s when I notice it the sunlight hitting his blade, I can see the energy in his blade. Strung out and weaker.

  “Jet, get in closer I need his blade retracted”. I tell him.

  I throw my blade up and cutting the trees where Eurick is, so the sun will hit his blade. When we get closer he retracts his blade. The energy in the blade is close.

  “Back off hurry”. I yell. When we step back Eurick extends his blade again.

  “What was that Shinruga to chicken to make a move”? He says with arrogance.

  I get up close to Jet and tell him about what I noticed.

  “You could break his sword if you hit it with enough force. Where’s your blade”? He asks.

  I nod where my blade has landed in the tree above Eurick. We both go in formation, shooting energy to keep him distracted. I jump up and grab the blade. While Jet keeps him busy I see where the blade is the weakest. I jump down and slash the blade at the point it is weakest. Eurick moves and retracts the blade back.

  “I see what you’re doing now, good eye you have there”. He says.

  “Now what”? Jet ask.

  “We have to make him think that he has one of us. Make him extend his blade, so I can break it”. I tell him. “We’ll have to take a lot of damage just to convince him, you ready for that”?

  “Yeah, let’s do it”.

  “How cute let’s hurry this up now”. Eurick yells.

  He fires off a few blast of energy, instead of staying back Eurick charges at us. Me and Jet scramble but remember that we need to stay close. We get hit by what he throws at us, my body can only stand so much before it will give up. Eurick hits me so hard that I fly backwards and can’t get up for a few seconds. He pins Jet up against a tree using energy, and starts extending his blade to stab him.

  “Ha, look at Shinruga Eurick”. Jet lets out a little chuckle.

  Eurick looks back and what he thought was me, is actually a earth statue of me that disintegrates. I make sure that Eurick has no time to think. I strike his blade at the precise point. The blade snaps in half with the broken half Eurick tries to stab me. I can’t block the attack, the earth moves below me and I’m moved behind Eurick. I twist my body as fast as possible and plunge my sword deep into Eurick’s back. Into his heart, when I look at Jet his hand is extended out. He was the one who moved me behind Eurick.

  “How...It’s not possible”. Eurick mutter
s as his last words.

  “You lost”. I say.

  Eurick falls over and I check his pulse. He’s dead I tell Jet, and we take a minute to take a breather. Jet took most of the pain to ensure that we would win. I grab the piece of the blade that has the Elemenka gem. When I put the gem close to my sword it’s absorbed into its slot on my handle. I can feel the immediate feel of evil coming from the gem but I shake it off. It’s going to be a long walk to Shiran, considering I have to carry Jet all the way there. I can feel my arms getting heavy. Should I just leave Jet here and take Ruji’s blade with me it’s what I came for after all. I can’t he helped me with the Elemenka gem but he did steel my stuff and the blade. No it wouldn’t be right, I’ll talk to him after we get some rest.We’re still going when some guys jump down from the trees in front of us. There is three of them, strong looking Psychians. They are all scary looking, teeth rotten and black clothes.The one who is obviously the leader tells me that he wants my sword. I’m wondering what everybody wants this sword for. He tells me that he’s going to take it and kill us both.

  “You can try”. I yell.

  Even though I don’t know what were going to do. Hoping that I think of something to get us out of here alive. I don’t even have enough energy to block or make one attack. The three make a move, the leader is really close to me. My eyes are closed when the leader is really close to me, that’s when a wolf made of energy comes out and tackles the leader. He recovers from the force of the blow and looks around for his opponent. The wolf is staring him and his comrades down. A man comes out from on top of a tree, when he lands and stands straight up I realize who it is. It’s Furrock, my dad’s best friend. Let him be or face death you three. The leader charges again and Furrock takes him on. His wolf intercepts the other one. The third one is coming at me, I grab my sword and wait for the right time. Right as he gets to me he swings his sword. I’m too slow and won’t be able to block the attack. A blade goes in front of his to block the slash. I look up at my savior, it’s Roca. I’m confused but I soon find out what’s going on.

  “Roca, hurry up my wolf won’t last forever”. Furrock yells hurriedly.

  Roca starts hitting with such force it drives his opponent back. Furrock’s wolf is struck with one of the three guy’s sword and vanishes. Furrock tells Roca to give me some energy. He does and I stand and fight but it doesn’t last long. My opponent hits me with a huge blast of energy and I fall. He comes at me but Furrock gets in his way. He stabs my opponent and blocks the leaders attack as well. Roca blast the leader and dodges his own opponents attack. When the leader is knocked to the ground Furrock jumps on top of him. Using one his best attacks Furrock grabs the leader’s throat. Using the force of a wolfs jaw squeezes his throat till he’s dead. The third opponent stops when he sees this and runs. Roca comes up to me, he asks me if I’m ok. I try to talk but the blast that I was hit with has really drained me. It isn’t too long until till I pass out.

  “Shinruga, wake up, wake up”.

  I see Jet standing over me, shaking me telling me to get up.

  “Where are me and what’s going on, did we win, is Eurick dead”? He asks.

  I get up and tell him what happened and tell him I have no idea where we are. Roca comes into the room and tells us to come into the living room.

  We come into the living room and there is some food on a table for us. I look around the room and it seems familiar. The room is very neat with stuff from our time and from old earth as well. We eat and Sounni comes out of a room and then Furrock. He stands in front of me with a stern look on his face. He has a big scar on his right hand and I know where he got it from. I gave it to him when I was just a kid. I was messing with my sword, when it was my father’s. Furrock tried to stop me and I accidentally cut him.

  “Your father is on his way, my daughter is an excellent healer. You don’t owe her nothing though, I heard about how you saved her at the tournament”. His serious look goes to a smile. “I want to thank you personally”. He says.

  He goes on to tell me that the three who attacked me were from Pokera. Sounni asks us both if we want something to drink. We both say yes and she hands us some lemonade.

  “What do they want with this blade, why is it so important”? I ask in aggravation.

  He explains that the blade possibly has a Shard in it.

  “It’s very important to keep that blade with you, no matter what”. He tells me.

  There’s more to the story of the Triple Psychian. When the Triple Psychian fought his opponent his sword was broken. The sword broke into twenty one pieces, they have all been forged into swords or other weapons as well. When the twenty pieces are brought back together the new Triple Psychian will emerge. Only twenty Shards have actually been used, the twenty first piece absorbs the energy a shard and then puts it back. It’s a way of telling you your blade has a shard.

  Furrock goes on to tell me that the twenty first shard is here in Shiran. My father is going to come to the city tomorrow to take me to school with the Shard. Furrock tells us that he has a spare bedroom that I and Jet can stay for the night. A couple of hours pass and I go outside where Roca is sitting.

  “Who’s the kid”? He asks.

  “I’m not sure, don’t think he does either. All he knows is his name is Jet”.

  I talk with him for a little bit and then I go into the house. Furrock is sitting at the kitchen table and ask me to sit down.

  “Do you understand what I’m telling you Shinruga”? He asks me. “You have to hold that blade till your last dying breath, it cannot get into the wrong hands. Even though there is evil Psychians with that blade at the tournament it will be your job to stop them. A tainted Triple Psychian might destroy are already messed up world. Your father and I in our time helped keep this world safe. Especially your father he put his life on the line more times than I can count”.

  “I know and I will to”. I tell him.

  “Your father won’t be as serious with you as I will. He always was a free spirit and a goof off, kind of envied that about him”.

  We talk for a little bit more and then I go into the area with books from old earth. Jet is in the room reading some books.

  “Hey, man what’s going on”. He says.

  “Nothing much, can I tell you something”? I ask.

  He tells me sure and I explain to him I want him as a friend. I want to know if he is going to steal from me again.

  “No, I almost died for your cause. I want to help you and help those in Pokera”.

  He goes on to tell me that he considers me as a brother. Even though we haven’t spent much time together. We put our hands together, then pick up some books and start reading. Furrock asks us to come outside and help him hunt. We’re in the woods for about twenty minutes, I see a deer. I jump from two trees and shoot energy at the stag. The energy misses, it tries to run Furrock’s energy wolf tackles the beast. The wolf bites it throat, and vanishes Furrock shows up a few seconds later. He starts cleaning the deer, we all take it back home. Sounni and Roca clean the deer. Jet, Roca and I go back to the book room. I’m not sure what the book is about, from what I’ve read it’s about a girl who has to find a stone.

  “Jet, how is it that you were able to make a Phercon beast so fast”? I ask.

  “I’m not sure. Instinct I guess, maybe this blade is just compatible with me”. He says.

  “Could be”?

  “I’m sorry”.

  I tell him it’s okay and go back to reading my book.Sounni comes into the room and tells us that it’s time for lunch. I catch Sounni looking at me out of the corner of her eye. I look when she isn’t looking, she’s the most beautiful women I’ve ever seen. From what I hear she looks almost like her mother. Blonde hair, perfectly proportioned body and the voice of an angel. When it’s close to night around nine thirty I and Jet say we’re going to turn in. Sounni shows us to our room and we unpack our stuff. I notice Jet is messing with something in his bag, when I ask him wha
t it is he tells me it’s nothing and hides it. We turn in for the night and for once it’s not full of nightmares.

  Chapter 5

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