Read The Psychian Chronicles Book 1 Kimoshiran Form Page 6

A bell rings for us students to wake up. We get out to the training center, all the students are lined up we follow their lead. I can see many Psychian’s standing around, the training center is double the size of my teachers in Recnamorcen. Ikeya is walking up and down the rows of students. His usual demeanor has changed his eyes are intense.

  “For any of you who think my class will be easy quit now”. He says.

  He glares at the students to see any weakness in their face.

  “Can any of you students tell me who the first Kimoshiran was”? He asks. None of the students raise their hand. “The first Kimoshiran was Shingo lee, he came up with the name and was the first to use Kimo the energy. He is also responsible for finding out about the humans who started the Great War. Today you will learn what a Kimoshiran is capable of and what sets them aside from the other two kinds. A Kimoshiran is able to put out double the power of energy, the damage that you can do is double of the other forms. Kimoshiran’s can also see weak points in his enemy’s body”.

  Ikeya goes on talking for the rest of the class, which last about another hour. Ikeya tells us that tomorrow he will show us how to get into Kimoshiran form.

  To change into the other forms you have to say the chant for that form of Psychian. You only have to say the chant once. After that use the right hand sign and you will change into the form anytime.

  That’s what sets us apart from the Triple Psychian. Something about his dna allowed him to accomplish this, it’s said that when you win the tournament, your sword absorbs the last bit of energy the dna of the Triple Psychian combines with yours. This is what will allow us to become the Triple Psychian. No one knows how he was able to use all three energies at once. The combination of all three energies at once creates an unimaginable power. He was a ghost who came out of nowhere and destroyed what was called the government of new. There is no record of what he looked like, no ancestors to ask about him.

  After class Jet and I go into our room. We spar a little and wait for the bell to ring for lunch in the cafeteria. We go into the cafeteria and half of the Psychian’s are staring at us. After we get our food, Jet and I sit down by ourselves. It doesn’t take long before two Psychian’s sit down beside us. Something catches Jet’s eyes, I follow to see what he’s looking at. It’s a girl, she looks to be about Jet’s age and she’s now staring at Jet and I.

  “You’re Shinruga right”. She asks.

  I’m not surprised when this Psychian girl asks this. I’m pretty use to this by now, people coming up to me and asking if I’m Shinruga.

  “If you know why are you asking”?

  She just shrugs her shoulders and goes back to eating. I can tell she knew but just wanted to talk to me. She’s pretty long brown hair down to her shoulder, button nose, high cheek bones and hazel eyes that are almost gray.

  “Well aren’t you going to tell us your names or just sit there stuffing your faces in front of us”? I ask.

  The girl puts down her fork; she tells us that her name is Sorona.

  “Is that your boyfriend”? I ask.

  Their facial expression looks as though if they’re about ready to puke.

  “No, ewe, this is my brother Sange”.

  I ask them where they are from. Sorona tells me that they were born and raised in Shiran. Sange and Sorona go on talking to their selves here and there. Jet asks Sorona the occasional question. I listen but don’t really pay attention to any of them. My ears pick up the name Sounni.

  “Sounni, Furrock’s daughter”? I ask.

  “Yes, she’s my best friend; she told me she was going steady with someone”.

  “I would be the person she’s going steady with”.

  I ask Sange and Sorona what type of Psychian they were when they born. They were both born Psychian warrior. It’s the reason they haven’t done their Kimoshiran training already.

  When Psychian’s are born they start out as one of the forms of Psychian’s. When they are ready most go to a school to perfect their skills. After that they can choose to go for the other two classes of Psychian or stay as they are.

  As we’re eating I feel an ominous energy, looking behind me there is a Psychian walking by me. Sorona tells me not to look directly at him, his name is X.

  “X’s, family was killed off when he was a baby. I’ve heard from people that your father might have been responsible for their demise”. She tells me. “From what I hear though they were evil and so your father had no choice”.

  I’m done eating my food now, but the only thing I have on my mind is X. How could my father kill off a whole town?

  “Does anybody know what the name of the town is”? I ask.

  Sorona just shakes her head no. Her face goes wide with fear; I sense the blast just in time. Jumping to the side I can see my attacker. It’s X holding his hand out and fresh with energy.

  “You don’t have the right to speak about my family”. X’s face is angered.

  “It’s just a rumor; we don’t know if that’s what happened”. I say.

  “Maybe since the girl said it I should blast her instead”. He says.

  Jet jumps up the second X says his remark.

  “Blast her and you’ll deal with me”. He says.

  X fires another blast but it is stopped by another. Ikeya is standing in the doorway of the cafeteria with his hand out.

  “There will be no fighting unless you are outside or in the training room”. Ikeya yells for all the students to hear.

  We go on about the rest of the day in our rooms waiting for the next day to come. Ikeya is going to show us how to change into the Kimoshiran form. A knock comes at my door, I go to see who it is. When I open the door, X is standing on the other side of the hall. X is wearing a black trench coat, I noticed before he has a weird shaped x on the back. His hair is a little messed up, his eyes are almost completely gray.

  “I don’t know if your father killed my family or not but best not to talk about it if I were you”. He says.

  “Don’t lose yourself X, you have a lot of power. You can help”. I say.

  My shard on my sword starts lighting up. This means mine and X’s shards were right next to each other on the Triple Psychian’s sword.

  X notices his blade also lighting up, after that he leaves.

  “Looks like we might have to fight another time”. Thinking to myself.

  For some reason the shards won’t transfer their power until the day of the tournament. Even if two people who have shards fight before that time. I go back to my room and see Jet sitting there on his bed. I ask him where he’s been all day. He tells me he’s been training all day with Sange and some of the other students.

  “I think I’m one of the strongest here”. He says.

  Personally I think X and I are the strongest but I could be wrong. I’m a little arrogant; get it from my dad I guess he was always like that when he was younger. He grew out of it but he’s still arrogant around Furrock. That’s just to bug Furrock though, it gets to him so easily.

  Sorona comes to our door, asking how Sounni and I met. I asked if she knew that Furrock and my father were friends. She tells me that she vaguely remembers. If she doesn’t know I’m not surprised. After the incident happened in Shiran, my father and mother hardly came back there.

  “I saw X coming from this direction did he come see you”? She asks.

  I tell her what he said to me and how I should just avoid him. She nods and thinks that would be best. Sorona leaves the room, Jet and I keep our selves busy for the rest of the night.

  The next day the bell rings and we go to class. Ikeya tells the students to get into formation.

  “Students today I will teach you the phrase and hand sign to get into Kimoshiran form”. He tells us.

  “Ready here is the hand sign the phrase to speak is Cambiar”.

  Half the students get it on the first try, even Jet gets it right. It takes me a few tries to get it right, the space around me lights up in color blue. The az
ure blue energy is circling around me and when it’s done. My appearance has not changed, but when some energy comes into my hand it’s blue. My sword has been replaced with my Kimoshiran blade the monkey blade. My father picked it up for me when I was a kid and saved for when I was going into my Kimoshiran schooling.

  “Now at first you won’t be able to stay in this form for long about two hours, some less some more”. He tells us. “Be ready for some intense pressure on your body. When you change into this form double the output means double the energy in your system as well”.

  Just as he says this I hit the ground, looking around half the students are on their knees as well. It takes about an hour. I’m feeling too weak I have to change back into Psychian warrior.

  “Amoeba”.I say.

  The purple energy goes all around me and I feel like I’m back to myself again.

  “Change into this form often and train hard. Release energy it will help take off some of the pressure till you get use to it”. He informs us. “Class over”.

  When I leave I go back to the room for just a second to put some stuff in my pocket away. I feel something evil though, to the point where my stomach is throbbing. I ignore the pain and walk down the hallway. Hoping to find Jet, Sorona or Sange I instead run into X.

  “Saw you in class, couldn’t handle the pain”? He asks me.

  Now that I think back to it, X didn’t even look like he was in pain. He tells me he realizes why are blades were lighting up.

  “If you keep this up you won’t stand a chance in the tournament, it’s for the strongest fighters and you’re too weak I can tell”. He tells me.

  X’s face almost scares me half to death, I don’t understand why it matters to X. If beating me will be so easy, why do I threaten X so much?

  Walking outside there is a crowd of Psychian’s around Sorona, my first thought is that she is in a fight.

  I run over to see but instead of seeing her fighting, she’s standing there alone and everyone is cheering her on.

  “Shinruga, Sorona is the fastest at sword racing. She’s beaten everyone here”. Jet tells me. “For a girl she’s not too bad”.

  It takes a Jet a second to realize what he just said, he turns slowly to see that Sorona. Whose face has took on almost a demon like appearance.

  “For a girl she’s not too bad”. She yells.

  She lifts up her leg and Jet goes flying he hits the ground hard. He brings his head up, spinning dazed from the kick and fall.

  “Didn’t I mean anything by it”? Jet says in gibberish.

  “You probably gave him brain damage from that sis”. Sange says.

  Sorona and Sange argue for a few seconds. As I’m about to leave Sorona calls my name out.

  “Hey, don’t think you’re going to get away that easily”. Sorona warns.

  I turn around to see that Sorona put her sword down on the ground. I know all too well what she’s asking for, a sword racing match.

  “Come on Shinruga one lap, it’s always said that Shinsaga’s prodigal son will surpass his own father one day”.

  I can’t argue with her on that note, it’s what I’ve been hearing all my life. The son of Shinsaga will be twenty times his own father’s strength.

  “All right fine, I’ll verse you”. I say.

  Sorona and I get are blades ready for riding. Sange puts out his hand making a ball of energy, he shoots the blast. The blast makes a path that will be the race track.

  “When I beat you don’t be surprised”. Sorona hollers.

  The crowd behind us is going wild as we wait for Sange to start the race. His hand goes down, we’re off. Sorona is already a hundred feet away or so ahead. I start blasting at her to slow her down, she dodges all of my attacks. Distracted she’s going to fast though and almost hits a tree. This is my time to catch up, I use more energy. She and I are now head to head, but not for long. Sorona is blasting at me but misses with all of her blasts. Sorona turns up the juice and is once again far from me. We come to a part of the track where the wind is now against us, even Sorona is struggling. I’m struggling even more now, with the finish line in sight. An idea sparks I use my energy to create a tunnel to block the wind. My plan worked and I’m going faster than ever, I pass Sorona. She soon catches on and does as I do. She is catching up again, I think quickly. I use my energy to hit the ground a couple of yards in front of her.

  “Are you kidding me that was the worst aim ever”? She yells.

  The ground in front of her comes up. At first she thinks I have made an obstacle in front of her and is about to avoid it, when she sees that it is smooth. Sorona smiles and hits the ramp, when she does I use my energy to make her go higher up into the air. I put more energy into my sword to go faster, Sorona finally lands a few feet behind me. She’s too late I’ve already cleared the finish line.

  “How did you win, what was the point of the ramp”? She asks.

  “I made the ramp to keep you up in the air longer to slow you down. You lost Sorona”. I say.

  The crowd goes nuts chanting my name, Shinruga the fastest Psychian. Even though I know this is not true, I don’t feel like saying it. I feel the presence of eyes on me, instead of it being X it’s someone else. His long brown hair and his Shogun patch on his left arm. He turns and goes towards the school. I notice that when he turns around there is another symbol on his back. It looks almost like four triangles and a circle in the middle. Each of the triangles is the different colors of the Psychian energies. The middle of the symbol is white.

  “Jet, do you know who that is”? I ask him.

  “No…Never seen him before, he was staring at you though”.

  I nod my head and continue to walk, I go into the school. The Shogun with the brown hair comes from around the corner.

  “Shinruga my name is Yamasaki”. He introduces.

  I nod and try to walk away again but he stops me.

  “I just want to warn you to stay away from Ikeya, he’s not to be trusted. My informants have reason to believe he is part of the Apocalypse unit”.

  “What does that matter to me”? I ask.

  He goes on to tell me that Ikeya is trying to persuade Psychian’s with shards in their blades.

  “Be safe and watch yourself Shinruga you could be the fate of the Psychian race as we know it”. He explains.

  I go back to my room and sit on the bed, cup my hands together and start asking myself, how could I be the one Psychian who could save our people? Why did I have to be one who got a blade with a shard. I lay down and drift off to sleep to wait for my next day to come.

  Chapter 7

  Sparring Goes Wrong