Read The Psychian Chronicles Book 1 Kimoshiran Form Page 8

The next day there is no horn for us to wake up, the fight is today. Ikeya will be able to pound on us and make an example of the students who disobeyed his orders. I’m not sure if us four could go toe to toe with him or not. He’s a master which means he knows skills that we’ve never heard of.

  “Shinruga, you up”? Ask Jet.

  I tell him I’m awake and that he needs to get dressed it’s only an hour before the fight starts. We meet up with X, Sange and Sorona in the south hallway. X looks as though he’s fully healed, it’s good we’re going to need him.

  “It’s time to fight you four”. Ikeya says.

  The four of us go into the training center and wait for all of the students to pile in. When all the students are in the training center Ikeya asks them to back up against the wall. Then he puts his hand up and tells the four of us once his hand goes down the fight will start.

  “You guys ready”? I ask.

  The three of them nod their heads. I also remind X that Ikeya will be centering his attention on the two of us. He nods again and waits for Ikeya to start the match.

  “Time to feel some pain”. Ikeya says coldly.

  His hand falls and in not even one he’s already to me. His fist pounds into my face and I go flying. Before Ikeya can land another blow on me X has caught up with him. They tussle for a few seconds but Ikeya throws X to the ground. Jet and Sange shoot energy blast from afar but Ikeya merely dodges and pursues after them. X and I run to help, I send an earth block after him. He dodges the attack and it almost hits Jet but it misses him as well. The four of us got Ikeya surrounded, we charge but he can keep up. X lands a hit on his face it knocks him to the ground, using his Kimoshiran Gateway attack he vanishes. We all turn in a different direction to find out where he has gone to.

  “Where is he”? Sange ask.

  We hear Ikeya from above just as we’re all hit with a blast. I regain myself just fast enough to register Ikeya’s foot to my face. He’s about to strike me again but X has grabbed him from behind. X jumps backwards to slam Ikeya to the ground. Ikeya manages to pull out his blade and stop X. When Sange and Jet charge Ikeya it becomes a four way sword match. Ikeya is able to free our swords from our hands and knock us all back.

  “Be careful you guys he has a needle sword that makes him very accurate”. I remind the three.

  Ikeya has charged up an energy blast and sends it over our heads. It explodes raining blast over us. He misses me, I charge but Ikeya merely grabs my shoulders and throws me to the ground again. He charges up energy in his hand, the energy burns when it hits. Before Ikeya can seriously hurt me Jet blasts him back.

  “Shinruga, you okay”? Sange asks.

  “Yeah, I’m all right”. I respond.

  “Ikeya put a lot into that blasts he used on you”. Sange says.

  The damage is apparent when I get up, my legs stammer into position. Sange puts his hand on my shoulder and gives me some energy. X and Jet are tag teaming Ikeya. X fires off an energy blast, while Jet distracts him. Jet moves Ikeya into position it hits him on his back. He falls to the ground and all four of us sweep in but Ikeya uses his Kimoshiran Gateway move again. This time we all put shields up to defend ourselves. Ikeya comes up behind X, I see him just in time to throw a shuriken. X finally realizes that Ikeya is behind him after I throw my shuriken behind him. He turns off his shield and backs up.

  “Time for my new attack”. X says.

  X fills his hand with energy and when it forms the shape of an artistic X, he puts in one on his left hand on and one on his right hand. There is an immediate change in his energy level. He makes two more and puts them on his legs.

  “I call them my X power patches, now I’m ten times stronger and faster”. He says.

  Ikeya nods and waits for X to attack. When he attacks Ikeya is barely able to block his attack, the rest of us join in the fray. With X’s new amplified power the four of us start to wear Ikeya down. X and I land good solid hits on our master’s face and gut. He falls to the ground we all throw a blast of energy at him, he spins circling with energy. X and Ikeya struggle for a few seconds but Ikeya is the victor. He elbows X to the face and then tackles him, while still keeping the three of us on guard by firing energy blasts.

  My body feels weak but I shrug it off. When the blast stop I charge but Ikeya is already at my face.

  “You think you can beat me”? Ikeya questions.

  His fists connect with my stomach and then a foot to my face again. It sends me flying but Jet catches


  “Ikeya’s really taking out on you man”. Jet says.

  “Yeah, no kidding. Here he comes again”.

  Ikeya is like a train; no matter what we throw at him he just bats it away. I put my hands to the ground and absorb the rock encasing my hands in earth. He’s so fast but my eyes can keep up, Jet turns into his Phercon beast form to fight. X and Sange are now there to help, we start wearing Ikeya down. The four of us over power Ikeya, he powers up forcing us to back up.

  “Now that he’s more powerful, we have to be on even more guard”. Thinking to myself.

  “This ends now you four”. Ikeya says. His voice angered by rage.

  In a flash Ikeya is in the middle of the four of us. He fills his hands with energy and spins hitting all four of us. He throws a handful of needles at Jet and I. Pulling out my sword I’m able to stop them from hitting me in the head. Jet still being in Phercon form takes to fighting Ikeya on his own but is soon brought to the ground by a fury of blows. Once again Ikeya pursues me I can’t keep from getting hit by most of his blows. Ikeya rains down more blasts of energy, the damage I’ve received is incredible. My body is frail and weak. X, Sange and Jet once again keep Ikeya off of me. Jet stops to tend to my wounds.

  “You fine”? He asks.

  “Yeah, I was hoping he would be too weak to fight him. I got two more moves that might even the playing field”. I tell him. “What about that move you used yesterday where you shot energy out of your mouth”.

  “I could do it, just need to turn back into Phercon form”. He says.

  “For my second move I’m going to need Ikeya distracted, it’s too powerful to miss him. Let go”.

  I use my first attack my Implosion box on Ikeya.

  “Pathetic let’s see what you can really do”. Ikeya yells.

  Clenching my hands together the box explodes. It sends Ikeya flying damaged but still filled with power. His hair is all over the place and his clothes are torn. Before he can unleash an onslaught on me X steps in his way but to no avail Ikeya knocks him to the ground. Once again I become his victim of rage, one hit and then another till I collapse to the ground. He pulls out his sword and is about ready to stab me when I see the line of energy comes across and hit Ikeya. Jet has turned back into Phercon form again. His energy is to low though so he has to turn back.

  “You ready to do that move of yours? The three of us can keep Ikeya busy long enough to allow you to pull it off”. Jet says.

  “It’s time for all of you to use all your energy and to use your best skills”. I tell them.

  “I will I’ve been saving some energy just in case”. Sange says.

  Ikeya charges Sange and Jet go forth to fight but it isn’t any time before they are brought to the ground by Ikeya’s wrath. X stayed behind with me to ensure my safety for at least a few seconds. Ikeya kicks X in the gut and elbows him in the back his patches disappear from his hands and legs. I fight with Ikeya for a few seconds but he trips me.

  “My superior may have wanted you alive but killing you will be such a joy”. Ikeya says.

  He pulls out his sword and puts it up in the air, ready to stab me. I can see the end of his blade about to come down and pierce my heart. Jet thankfully comes to my rescue with an energy field he rams Ikeya from behind sending him flying. Jet charges up an enormous energy blast in his hand and sends it in Ikeya’s direction. The explosion’s force causes me to close my eyes.

  “I think now would be a good t
ime to get that attack of yours going”. Jet says.

  I take his advice, taking out a bottle containing lightning. Charging up energy in one of my hands I ask Jet to open the bottle for me. When he does the lightning starts pouring out onto the ground around me and then to my hand. I put both my hands just above my waist and start spinning my hands.

  “What is that thing”? Jet asks still waiting for Ikeya.

  “It’s called the Electric Psych Ball, my ultimate attack. As I harness the energy and purify it the ball gets a ring around it. The more rings the more powerful”. I explain.

  Jet asks me how long it’s going to take the attack to reach full power. The normal is five minutes per ring.

  My old master Sochajo taught me this move I was his star pupil. It’s an extremely dangerous move to attempt; if your energy and lightning aren’t completely synchronized it will blow up in your face. It was several tries before I got this move right. Now I have to use it as a last resort because there is one down fall to this attack. The user has to sacrifice twenty percent of his life energy.

  As the second ring forms around my attack I can see Ikeya managing to pull himself from the rubble. We can hear him muttering some words from across the training center as he walks closer.

  “Jet, Sange, X. You guys have to keep him busy one of you is going to have to hold him right until the blast is close”. I say.

  Ikeya’s eyes go wide when he realizes what attack I’m about to fire at him. He powers up to his remaining level knowing how much damage my attack could inflict on him. Ikeya charges with rage in his eyes, X and Sange meet him about twenty feet away from me. He easily evades their attacks charging up a blast in one hand hitting X and kicks Sange in the head. Jet uses the remaining power he has to turn back into Phercon form. Ikeya uses an attack that turns his whole body into needles. Even Jet’s Phercon form is no match for Ikeya. Ikeya’s next attack sends Jet up into the air, to finish his attack he shoots all the needles at Jet. Jet somehow blocks most of them with an energy shield but some of them hit his arms. He cries out in pain as he falls to the ground, Ikeya lands in front of him and puts his hand out.

  “You pest”. Ikeya says.

  Ikeya lets the energy flow out of his hands. Once again I can hear Jet cry out in agony. I yell for Ikeya to come to me. Somehow he throws a needle right through my attack hitting me in the shoulder. I almost lose control of my attack but I stick it out. The third ring is now complete and I’m ready to fire the attack at Ikeya but knowing him he will just dodge it. Noticing Jet behind Ikeya I use my feet to send some energy his way. I’m struggling but I fire my Electric Psych ball, as I predicted Ikeya moves to his right.

  “All that preparing and you missed”. Ikeya chuckles.

  The blast goes towards Jet and I yell out to him. Jet with the energy I gave him creates a shield which bounces the attack back at its original target.

  I fall to the ground and wait for Ikeya to come kill me.

  “Fool now you die...What the”?

  Ikeya notices the energy behind him, he tries to put up a shield but it’s destroyed the second the attack hits. The explosion is huge, we wait for the dust to clear and when it does our blades are at Ikeya’s face before he can move. His body is frail and limp the damage that has been dealt looks as though it’s crippled him. He’s able to get on one knee.

  “Congrats, you four you can stay. Can we get some nurses in here”? Ikeya yells.

  Four nurses come out of the infirmary I can hear the students going wild as Ikeya’s words are spoken. Sorona comes over to the four of us and congratulates us. I’m so weakened from the fight before I can thank her I slip into the darkness.

  Chapter 9

  Shinruga’s Secret