Read The Puppet Crown Page 2


  The king, who had been leaning forward, fell back heavily in his seat,his eyes full wide and his mouth agape. Then, to express his utterbewilderment, he raised his hands above his head and limply droppedthem.

  "Five millions of crowns?" he gasped.

  "Yes; what would your Majesty say to such a proposition?" complacently.

  "I should say," answered the king, with a nervous laugh, "that my friendhad lost his senses, completely and totally."

  "The fact is," the Englishman declared, "they were never keener nor morelucid than at this present moment."

  "But five millions!"

  "Five millions; a bagatelle," smiling.

  "Certainly you can not be serious, and if you were, it is out of thequestion. Death of my life! The kingdom would be at my ears. The peoplewould shout that I was selling out to the English, that I was puttingthem into the mill to grind for English sacks."

  "Your Majesty will recollect that the measure authorizing this loanwas rather a peculiar one. Five millions were to be borrowedindiscriminately, of any man or body of men willing to advance the moneyon the securities offered. First come, first served, was not written,but it was implied. It was this which roused my curiosity, or cupidity,if you will."

  "I can not recollect that the bill was as you say," said the king,frowning.

  "I believe you. When the bill came to you, you were not expected torecollect anything but the royal signature. Have you read half of whatyou have signed and made law? No. I am serious. What is it to you or tothe people, who secures this public mortgage, so long as the moneyis forthcoming? I desire to purchase at face value the twentycertificates."

  "As a representative of England?"

  The diplomat smiled. The king's political ignorance was well known. "Asa representative of England, Sire, I could not purchase the stubs fromwhich these certificates are cut. And then, as I remarked, I am anunfettered agent of self. The interest at two per cent. will be afine income on a lump of stagnant money. Even in my own country, wheremillionaires are so numerous as to be termed common, I am considered arich man. My personal property, aside from my estates, is five times theamount of the loan. A mere bagatelle, if I may use that pleasantry."

  "Impossible, impossible!" cried the king, starting to his feet, whilea line of worry ran across his forehead. He strode about impatientlyslapping his boots with the riding stick. "It is impossible."

  "Why do you say impossible, Sire?"

  "I can not permit you to put in jeopardy a quarter of a million pounds,"forgetting for the moment that he was powerless.

  "Aha!" the diplomat cried briskly. "There is, then, beneath yourweariness and philosophy, a fear?"

  "A fear?" With an effort the king smoothed the line from his forehead."Why should there be fear?"

  "Why indeed, when our cousin Josef--" He stopped and looked toward themountains.

  "Well?" abruptly.

  "I was thinking what a fine coup de maitre it would be for his Highnessto gather in all these pretty slips of parchment given under the hand ofLeopold."

  "Small matter if he should. I should pay him." The king sat down. "Andit is news to me that Josef can get together five millions."

  "He has friends, rich and powerful friends."

  "No matter, I should pay him."

  "Are you quite sure?"

  "What do you mean?"

  "The face of the world changes in the course of ten years. Will there befive millions in your treasury ten years hence?"

  "The wealth of my kingdom is not to be questioned," proudly, "nor itsresources."

  "But in ten years, with the ministers you have?" The Englishman shruggeddoubtfully. "Why have you not formed a new cabinet of younger men?Why have you retained those of your predecessor, who are your naturalenemies? You have tried and failed."

  The expression of weariness returned to the king's face. He knew thatall this was but a preamble to something of deeper significance. Heanticipated what was forming in the other's mind, but he wished toavoid a verbal declaration. O, he knew that there was a net of intrigueenmeshing him, but it was so very fine that he could not pick up thesmallest thread whereby to unravel it. Down in his soul he felt theshame of the knowledge that he dared not. A dreamer, rushing toward theprecipice, would rather fall dreaming than waken and struggle futilely.

  "My friend," he said, finally, sighing, "proceed. I am all attention."

  "I never doubted your Majesty's perspicacity. You do not know, but yoususpect, what I am about to disclose to you. My hope is that, when I amdone, your Majesty will throw Kant and the rest of your philosophers outof the window. The people are sullen at the mention of your name,while they cheer another. There is an astonishing looseness aboutyour revenues. The reds and the socialists plot for revolution anda republic, which is a thin disguise for a certain restoration. Yourcousin the duke visits you publicly twice each year. He has been in thecity a week at a time incognito, yet your minister of police seemsto know nothing." The speaker ceased, and fondled the dahlia in hisbutton-hole.

  The king, noting the action, construed it as the subtle old diplomatintended he should. "Yes, yes! I am a king only for her sake. Go on.Tell me all."

  "The archbishop and the chancellor are the only friends you possess.The Marshal, from personal considerations merely, remains neutral. Yourarmy, excepting the cuirassiers, are traitors to your house. The wisestthing you have done was to surround yourself with this mercenary body,whom you call the royal cuirassiers, only, instead of three hundred, youshould have two thousand. Self-interest will make them true to you.You might find some means to pay them, for they would be a good bufferbetween you and your enemies. The president of the Diet and the membersare passing bills which will eventually undermine you. How long it willtake I can not say. But this last folly, the loan, which you could havegot on without, caps the climax. The duke was in the city last weekunknown to you. Your minister of finance is his intimate. This loanwas a connivance of them all. Why ten years, when it could easily beliquidated in five? I shall tell you. The duke expects to force you intobankruptcy within that time, and when the creditor demands and you cannot pay, you will be driven from here in disgrace.

  "And where will you go? Certainly not to Osia, since you traded it forthis throne. It was understood, when you assumed the reign, that thefinances of the kingdom would remain unimpeachable. Bankrupt, theconfederation will be forced to disavow you. They will be compelled torestore the throne to your enemy, who, believe me, is most anxious tobecome your creditor.

  "This is an independent state,--conditionally. The confederation haveformed themselves into a protectorate. Why? I can only guess. One ormore of them covet these beautiful lands. What are ten years to Josef,when a crown is the goal? Your revenues are slowly to decline, therewill be internal troubles to eat up what money you have in the treasury.O, it is a plot so fine, so swiftly conceived, so cunningly devised thatI would I were twenty years younger, to fight it with you! But I amold. My days for acting are past. I can only advise. He was sure of hisquarry, this Josef whose hair is of many colors. Had you applied to themoney syndicates of Europe, the banks of England, France, Germany, orAustria, your true sponsor, the result would always be the same: yourruin. Covertly I warned you not to sign; you laughed and signed. A trapwas there, your own hand opened it. How they must have laughed atyou! If you attempt to repudiate your signature the Diet has power tooverrule you.

  "Truly, the shade of Macchiavelli masks in the garb of your cousin. Iadmire the man's genius. This is his throne by right of inheritance. Ido not blame him. Only, I wish to save you. If you were alone, why, Ido not say that I should trouble myself, for you yourself would not betroubled. But I have grown to love that child of yours. It is all forher. Do you now understand why I make the request? It appears Quixotic?Not at all. Put my money in jeopardy? Not while the kingdom exists. Ifyou can not pay back, your kingdom will. Perhaps you ask what is thedifference, whether I or the duke becom
es your creditor? This: in tenyears I shall be happy to renew the loan. In ten years, if I am gone,there will be my son. You wonder why I do this. I repeat it is for yourdaughter. And perhaps," with a dry smile, "it is because I have no lovefor Josef."

  "I will defeat him!" cried the king, a fire at last shining in his eyes.

  "You will not."

  "I will appeal to the confederation and inform them of the plot."

  "The resource of a child! They would laugh at you for your pains.For they are too proud of their prowess in statecraft to toleratea suspicion that your cousin is a cleverer man than all of them puttogether. There remains only one thing for you to do."

  "And what is that?" wearily.

  "Accept my friendship at its true value."

  The king made no reply. He set his elbows on the arms of the rusticseat, interlaced his fingers and rested his chin on them, while hisbooted legs slid out before him. His meditation lengthened into severalminutes. The diplomat evinced no sign of impatience.

  "Come with me," said the king, rising quickly. "I will no longer dream.I will act. Come."

  The diplomat nodded approvingly; and together they marched toward thepalace. The bulldog trotted on behind, his pink tongue lolling outof his black mouth, a white tusk or two gleaming on each side. TheLieutenant of the cuirassiers saluted as they passed him, and, when theyhad gone some distance, swung in behind. He observed with some concernthat his Majesty was much agitated.

  The business of the kingdom, save that performed in the Diet, wasaccomplished in the east wing of the palace; the king's apartments,aside from the state rooms, occupied the west wing. It was to thebusiness section that the king conducted the diplomat. In the chamber offinance its minister was found busy at his desk. He glanced up casually,but gave an ejaculation of surprise when he perceived who his visitorswere.

  "O, your Majesty!" he cried, bobbing up and running out his chair."Good afternoon, your Excellency," to the Englishman, adjusting hisgold-rimmed glasses, through which his eyes shone pale and cold.

  The diplomat bowed. The little man reminded him of M. Thiers, thateffervescence of soda tinctured with the bitterness of iron. Heunderstood the distrust which Count von Wallenstein entertained for him,but he was not distrustful of the count. Distrust implies uncertainty,and the Englishman was not the least uncertain as to his conception ofthis gentleman of finance.

  There were few men whom the count could not interpret; one stood beforehim. He could not comprehend why England had sent so astute a diplomatand politician to a third-rate kingdom. Of that which we can notunderstand we are suspicious, and the guilty are distrustful. Neitherthe minister of police nor his subordinates could fathom the purpose ofthis calm, dignified old man with the difficult English name.

  "Count," began the king, pleasantly, "his Excellency here has made apeculiar request."

  "And what might that be, Sire?"

  "He offers to purchase the entire number of certificates issued to-dayfor our loan."

  "Five millions of crowns?" The minister's astonishment was so genuinethat in jerking back his head his glasses slipped from his nose anddangled on the string.

  The Englishman bowed again, the wrinkle of a smile on his face.

  "I would not believe him serious at first, count," said the king,laughing easily, "but he assured me that he is. What can be done aboutit?"

  "O, your Majesty," cried the minister, excitedly, "it would not bepolitic. And then the measure--"

  "Is it possible that I have misconstrued its import?" the diplomatinterposed with a fine air of surprise.

  "You are familiar--" began the count, hesitatingly.

  "Perfectly; that is, I believe so."

  "But England--"

  "Has nothing whatever to do with the matter. Something greater, whichgoes by the name of self-interest."

  "Ah," said the count, his wrinkles relaxing; "then it is on your ownresponsibility?"


  "But five millions of crowns--two hundred and fifty thousand pounds!"The minister could not compose himself. "This is a vast sum of money. Weexpected not an individual, but a syndicate, to accept our securities,to become debtors to the various banks on the continent. But a personalaffair! Five millions of crowns! The possibilities of your wealthoverwhelm me."

  The Englishman smiled. "I dare say I have more than my share of thisworld's goods. I can give you a check for the amount on the bank ofEngland."

  "Your Majesty's lamented predecessor--"

  "Is dead," said the king gently. He had no desire to hear the ministerrecount that ruler's virtues. "Peace to his ashes."

  "Five millions of crowns!" The minister had lost his equipoise in theface of the Englishman's great riches, of which hitherto he had heldsome doubts. Suddenly a vivid thought entered his confused brain. Thepaper cutter in his hand trembled. In the breathing space allowed himhe began to calculate rapidly. The king and the diplomat had been in thegarden; something had passed between them. What? The paper cutter slowlyceased its uneven movements. The count calmly placed it behind theinkwells. .... The Englishman knew. The glitter of gold gave way tothe thought of the peril. A chasm yawned at his feet. But he was an oldsoldier in the game of words and cross-purposes.

  "We should be happy to accord you the privilege of becoming thekingdom's creditor," he said, smiling at the diplomat, whom nothing hadescaped. "I am afraid, however, that your request has been submitted toolate. At ten o'clock this morning the transfer of the certificates wouldhave been a simple matter. There are twenty in all; it may not be toolate to secure some of them." He looked tranquilly from the Englishmanto the king.

  The smiling mask fell from the king's face; he felt that he was lost. Hetried to catch his friend's eye, but the diplomat was deeply interestedin the console of the fireplace.

  "They seem to be at a premium," the Englishman said, "which speaks wellfor the prosperity of the country. I am sorry to have troubled you."

  "It would have been a pleasure indeed," replied the count. He stoodsecure within his fortress, so secure that he would have liked to laugh.

  "It is too bad," said the king, pulling his thoughts together.

  "Your Majesty is giving the matter too much importance," said thediplomat. "It was merely a whim. I shall have the pleasure and honor ofpresenting my successor this evening."

  The count bent low, while the king nodded absently. He was thinking thata penful of ink, carelessly trailed over a sheet of paper, had lost himhis throne. He was about to draw the arm of the diplomat through hisown, when his step was arrested by the entrance of a messenger whopresented a letter to the minister of finance.

  "With your Majesty's permission," he said, tearing open the envelope.As he read the contents, his shoulders sank to their habitual stoop andbenignity once more shone in the place of alertness. "Decidedly, fate isnot with your Excellency to-day. M. Jacobi writes me that four millionshave already been disposed of to M. Everard & Co., English bankers inthe Konigstrasse, who are representing a French firm in this particularinstance. I am very sorry."

  "It is of no moment now," replied the Englishman indifferently.

  The adverb which concluded this declaration caught the keen ear of theminister, who grew tall again. What would he not have given to readthe subtle brain of his opponent, for opponent he knew him to be! Hisintense scrutiny was blocked by a pair of most innocent eyes.

  "Well," said the king impatiently, "let us be gone, my friend. The talkof money always leaves a copperish taste on my tongue."

  Arm in arm they passed from the chamber. When the door closed behindthem, the minister of finance drew his handkerchief across his brow.

  "Everard & Co.," mused the Englishman aloud. "Was it not indeed a strokefor your cousin to select them as his agents? You will in truth beaccused of selling out to the English. But there is a coincidence in allthis."

  "I am lost!" said the king.

  "On the contrary, you are saved. Everard & Co. are my bankers andattorneys; in fact, I own an inter
est in the firm."

  "What is this you tell me?" cried the king.

  "Sire, we English have a peculiar trait; it is asking for somethingafter we have taken it. The human countenance is a fine picture book.I should like to read that belonging to your cousin Josef, providing Icould read unobserved."

  "My friend!" said the king.

  "Say nothing. Here is the bulldog; take him to her Royal Highness withmy compliments. There is no truer friend than an animal of his breed.He is steadfast in his love, for he makes but few friends; he is a goodcompanion, for he is undemonstrative; he can read and draw inferences,and your enemies will be his. I shall bid you good afternoon. God bewith your Majesty."

  "Ah, to lose you now!" said, the king, a heaviness in his heart such aspresentiment brings.

  The diplomat turned and went down the grand corridor. The bulldog tuggedat his chain. Animals are gifted with prescience. He knew that hismaster had passed forever out of his life. Presently he heard thevoice of the princess calling; and the glamour of royalty encompassedhim,--something a human finds hard to resist, and he was only a dog.

  Meanwhile another messenger had entered the chamber of finance and hadgone. On the minister's desk lay a crumpled sheet of paper on which waswritten:

  "Treason and treachery! It has at this moment been ascertained that,while pretending to be our agents in securing the consols, M. Everard &Co. now refuse to deliver them into the custody of Baron von Rumpf, asagreed, and further, that M. Everard & Co. are bankers and attorneys tohis Excellency the British minister. He must not leave this city withthose consols."

  With his eyes riveted on these words, the minister of finance, huddledin his chair, had fallen into a profound study.

  There were terrible times in the house of Josef that night.