Read The Puppet Crown Page 27


  The next morning Beauvais came for his answer. It was not the answer hehad expected.

  "So be it," he replied. "Your government had better appoint yoursuccessor at once. Good morning."

  "You will die suddenly some day," said Maurice.

  Beauvais shrugged, and departed.

  It was a dreary long day for the prisoner, who saw no one but hisjailers. He wondered what time they would start for Brunnstadt. He hadnever seen Brunnstadt. He hoped the city would interest him. Was he tobe disposed of on the road? No, that would scarcely be; there were toomany witnesses. In the city prison, then; that was possible. The outlookwas not rose-colored. He set to work to challenge each of his jailers,but this did not serve. At five o'clock the bluff old Colonel Mollendorfcame in. He dismissed the troopers, who were glad enough to be relieved.

  "I'll be responsible for the prisoner from now on," he said. As soonas he and Maurice were alone he propped his chin and contemplated thesullen face of the prisoner. "Well, my son, I am positive that you havebeen accused somewhat hastily, but that's the way women have, jumpingat conclusions before they read the preface. But you must give Madamecredit for being honest in the matter, as well as the others. Beauvaisis positive that the move of the archbishop is due to your selling outto him. Come, tell me the story. If you wish, I'll promise not to repeatit. Madame is determined to lock you up in any event."

  There was something so likable about the old warrior that Mauricerelented.

  "There was nothing in the gun-barrels," he said. "Some one had enteredthat room before me. I thought at first that Beauvais had them; but heis the last man in the world to dispose of them to the prelate. Buthas the archbishop got them? I wish I knew. That's all there is to thestory."

  "And her Royal Highness's dog?" slyly.

  "What! Did you hear about that?" Maurice flushed.

  "There is little going on in Bleiberg that we don't hear about. Theprincess is charming. Poor girl!"

  "Madame's victory will have a strange odor. Can she not let the king diein peace?"

  "My son, she dares not. If that throne were vacant of a king--Let us nottalk politics."

  "Madame has no love for me," said Maurice.

  "Madame has no love for any one, if that will give you anysatisfaction."

  "It does. My lord the Englishman came near striking me last night."

  "I would not lay that up against him. Madame was the power behind thethrone."

  "And the impulse behind Madame?" smiling.

  "You are the only man who has ever crossed Madame's path; she can notforget it."

  "And she has put me in a bad light, as far as Fitzgerald is concerned. Aman will believe anything a woman says to him, if he loves her."

  "Let us avoid dissertations."

  "What do you want to talk about?"

  "Yourself; you are interesting, entertaining, and instructive," theColonel answered, laughing. "I never ran across an American who wasn't,and I have met a number. What have you done to Beauvais?"

  "It is not exactly what I've done; it is what I know."

  "What do you know?"

  Maurice repeated the story.

  "And you bested him at the rapiers?" in astonishment.

  "Is there anything startling about it?" asked Maurice.

  "He has no match hereabout." The Colonel looked across the table at thesmooth-faced boy--he was scarcely else--and reflected. "Why did you giveup the army?"

  "The army in America doesn't run to good clothes; the officers have towork harder than the privates, and, save in Washington, their socialstatus is nil. Besides, there is too much fighting going on all thetime. Here, an officer is always on dress parade."

  "Still, we are always ready. In the past we show up pretty well inhistory. But to return to Beauvais, it is very embarrassing, very."

  "It will be for him, if I live long enough."


  "Beauvais has promised to push me off the board, to use his own words. Iam wondering how he will do it."

  "Don't let that disturb you; he will do nothing--now. Well, well; it isall a sorry game; and I find that making history has its disadvantages.But I have dandled Madame as a child on my knee, and her wish is law;wherever her fortunes lead, I must follow. She will win; she can nothelp winning. But I pity that poor devil of a king, who, they say, isnow bereft of speech. Ah, had he been a man, I could have gone into thisheart and soul."

  "He is on his deathbed. And his daughter, God knows what is in store forher. Prince Frederick is dallying with his peasant girl. The day forthe wedding has come and gone, unless he turned up to-day, which is notlikely."

  "Which is not likely indeed," repeated the Colonel sadly. He pulled outhis pipe, and smoked for a time. "But let us not judge harshly, saysthe Book. There may be circumstances over which Prince Frederick has nocontrol. I suppose your sympathies are on the other side of the path.Youth is always quick and generous; it never stops to weigh causes orto reason why. And strange, its judgment is almost always unerring. I amgoing to share my dinner with you to-night. I'll try to brighten you upa bit."


  "Then after dinner we'll play poker until they come to take you toBrunnstadt."

  "What sort of a city is it?"

  "You will not see much of it; so I will not take the trouble to tell youthat it is slightly inferior to Bleiberg."

  Sure enough, when the dark of evening fell, two servants entered withtrays and baskets, and proceeded to lay the table. They put new candlesin the bayonets.

  "Ha!" said the Colonel; "you have forgotten the wine, rascals!"

  "Bring a dozen bottles," Maurice suggested, having an idea in mind.


  "Remember, Colonel, I've been a soldier and a journalist in a countrywhere they only wash with water. In the summer we have whisky iced,in the winter we have it hot; an antidote for both heat and cold. Ah,Colonel, if you only might sniff a mint julep!"

  "A dozen bottles, then," said the Colonel to the servants, who retiredto execute the order.

  "How old will it be?" asked Maurice.

  "Twice your age, my son. But do not make any miscalculation about mycapacity for tokayer."

  "Any miscalculation?" Maurice echoed.

  "Yes; if you plan to get me drunk. There are no troopers about, and itwould be easy enough for you to slip out if I should lose my head."

  Maurice's laugh had a false ring to it. The Colonel had made a veryshrewd guess.

  "Well!" said the Colonel, with a gesture toward the table.

  They sat down, and both made an excellent dinner. Maurice demolisheda roasted pheasant, stuffed with chestnuts, while the Coloneldisintegrated a duck. The wine came, and the servants ranged six bottleson the side of each plate. It was done so gravely that Maurice laughedheartily. The wine was the oldest in Madame's cellar, and Mauricewondered at the Colonel's temerity in selecting it. The bottles were ofthick glass, fat-bottomed, and ungainly, and Maurice figured that therewas more than a pint in each. It possessed a delicious bouquet. TheColonel emptied three bottles, with no more effect than if the wine hadbeen water. Maurice did not appreciate this feat until he had himselfemptied a bottle. It was then he saw that the boot was likely to be onthe other foot.

  He looked at the Colonel enviously; the old soldier was a gulf. Hehad miscalculated, indeed. But he was fertile in plans, and a morereasonable one occurred to him. He drank another bottle and began totalk verbosely. Later he grew confidential. He told the Colonel a greatmany things which--had never happened, things impossible and improbable.The Colonel listened soberly, and nodded now and again. Dinner past,they pushed the remains aside and began to play poker, a game at whichthe Colonel proved to be no novice, much to Maurice's wonder.

  "Why, you know the game as thoroughly as an Arizona corporal."

  "I generally spend a month of the winter in Vienna. One of yourcompatriots taught me the interesting game." The Colonel shuffled thecards. "It i
s the great American game, so I am told."

  "O, they play checkers in the New England states," said Maurice,hiccoughing slightly. "But out west and in all the great cities pokerhas the way."

  "What have you got?" asked the Colonel, answering a call.

  "Jacks full."

  "Takes the pot;" and this Americanism came so naturally that Mauriceroared.

  "Poker is a great preliminary study to diplomacy," said the Colonel, ashe scrutinized his hand. "You raise it?"

  "Yes. One card. Diplomacy? So it is. I played a game with the Chineseambassador in Washington one night. I was teaching him how to play. Ilost all the ready money I had with me. Next day I found out that hewas the shrewdest player in the diplomatic circles. Let's make it ajackpot."

  "All the same to me."

  And the game went on. Presently Maurice threw aside his coat. He wasfeeling the warmth of the wine, but he opened another bottle.

  "Is there any truth," said the Colonel, "about your shooting a man whois found cheating in your country?"

  "There is, if you can draw quicker than he." Maurice glanced at his handand threw it down.

  "What did you have?"

  "Nothing. I was trying to fill a straight."

  "So was I," said the Colonel, sweeping the board. "It's your deal." Heunbottoned his coat.

  Maurice felt a shiver of delight. Sticking out of the Colonel's belt wasthe ebony handle of a cavalry revolver, and he made up his mind to getit. There were no troopers around--the Colonel had admitted as much. Hebegan talking rapidly, sometimes incoherently. In a corner of the roomhe saw the cords which had been around his wrists and ankles the nightbefore.

  "Poker," said the Colonel, "depends mostly on what you Americans callbluff. A bluff, as I understand it, is making the others think you havethem when you haven't, or you haven't got them when you have. In onecase you scare them, in the other you fish. You're getting flushed, myson; you'll have a headache to-night; and in an hour you start."

  An hour! There was fever in Maurice's veins, but it was not causedwholly by the heat of the wine. How should he manage it? He must havethat revolver.

  "Call? What have you got?" asked the Colonel.

  "Three kings--no, by George! only a pair. I thought a queen was aking. My head's beginning to get shaky. Colonel, I believe I am gettingdrunk."

  "I am sure of it."

  Maurice got up and rolled in an extraordinary fashion, but he wascareful not to overdo it. He began to sing. The Colonel got up, too, andhe was laughing. Maurice accidentally knocked over some empty bottles;he kicked them about.

  "Sh!" cried the Colonel, coming around the table; "you'll stampede thehorses."

  Maurice staggered toward him, and the Colonel caught him in his arms.Maurice suddenly drew back, and the Colonel found himself looking intothe cavernous tube of his own revolver. Not a muscle in his face moved.

  "Take off your coat," said Maurice, quietly.

  The Colonel complied. "You are not so very drunk just now."

  "No. It was one of those bluffs when you make them think you haven'tthem when you have."

  "What next?" asked the Colonel.

  "Those cords in the corner."

  The Colonel picked them up, sat down and gravely tied one aroundhis ankles. Maurice watched him curiously. The old fellow was ratheragreeable, he thought.

  "Now," the Colonel inquired calmly, "how are you going to tie my hands?Can you hold the revolver in one hand and tie with the other?"

  "Hang me!" exclaimed Maurice, finding himself brought to a halt.

  "My son," said the Colonel, "you are clever. In fact, you are one ofthose fellows who grow to be great. You never miss an opportunity, andmore often than not you invent opportunities, which is better still. Thetruth is, you have proceeded exactly on the lines I thought you would;and thereby you have saved me the trouble of lying or having it out withMadame. I am a victim, not an accomplice; I was forced at the point of arevolver; I had nothing to say. If I had really been careless you wouldhave accomplished the feat just the same. For it was easily accomplishedyou will admit. 'Tis true I knew you were acting because I expected youto act. All this preamble puzzles you."

  Certainly Maurice's countenance expressed nothing less than perplexity.He stepped back a few paces.

  "You have," continued the Colonel, "perhaps three-quarters of an hour.You will be able to get out of here. You will have to depend on yourresources to cross the frontier."

  "Would you just as soon explain to me--"

  "It means that a certain young lady, like myself, believes in yourinnocence."

  "The countess?" Maurice cried eagerly, remembering the look of the nightbefore and the tears which were in it.

  "I will not mention any names. Suffice it to say that it was due to herpleading that I consented to play poker--and to let you fall into myarms. Come, to work," holding out his hands.

  First Maurice clasped the hand and wrung it. "Colonel, I do not want youto get into trouble on my account--"

  "Go along with you! If you were really important," in half a banter, "itwould be altogether a different matter. As it is, you are more in theway than anything else, only Madame does not see it in that light. Come,at my wrists, and take your handkerchief and tie it over my mouth; makea complete job of it while you're at it."

  "But they'll wonder how I tied you--"

  "By the book, the boy is quite willing to sit down and play poker withme till the escort comes! Don't trouble yourself about me; Madame hastoo much need of me to give me more than a slight rating. Hurry and beoff, and remember that Beauvais has promised to push you off the board.Take the near path for the woods and strike northeast. If you run intoany sentries it will be your own fault."

  "And the army?"

  "The army? Who the devil has said anything about the army?"

  "I heard it go past last night."

  "Humph! Keep to the right of the pass. Now, quick, before my consciencespeaks above a whisper."

  "I should like to see the countess."

  "You will--if you reach Bleiberg by to-morrow night."

  Maurice needed no further urging, and soon he had the Colonel securelybound and silenced. Next he put on the Colonel's hat and coat, andexamined the revolver.

  "It was very kind of you to load it, Colonel."

  The Colonel blinked his eyes.

  "Au revoir!" said Maurice, as he made for the door. "Vergis mein nicht!"and he was gone.

  He crept down the stairs, cautiously entered the court, it was deserted.The moon was up and shining. The gate was locked, but he climbed itwithout mishap. Not a sentry was in sight. He followed the path, andswung off into the forest. He was free. Here he took a breathing spell.When he started onward he held the revolver ready. Woe to the sentry whoblundered on him! For he was determined to cross the frontier if therewas a breath of life in him. Moreover, he must be in Bleiberg withintwenty hours.

  He was positive that Madame the duchess intended to steal a march, todeclare war only when she was within gunshot of Bleiberg. It lay withhim to prevent this move. His cup of wrath was full. From now on he wasresolved to wage war against Madame on his own account. She had laughedin his face. He pushed on, examining trees, hollows and ditches.Sometimes he put his hand to his ear and listened. There was no sound inthe great lonely forest, save for the low murmur of the wind through thesprawling boughs. Shadows danced on the forest floor. Once he turned andshook his clenched fist toward the spot which marked the location of theRed Chateau. He thanked Providence that he was never to see it again.What an adventure to tell at the clubs when he once more regained hisVienna! Would he regain it?

  Why did Madame keep Fitzgerald to her strings? He concluded not tobother himself with problems abstract; the main object was to crossthe Thalians by a path of his own choosing. When he had covered what hethought to be a quarter of a mile, he mounted a lookout. The highway wasabout three hundred yards to the left. That was where it should be. Hesaw no sentries, so he slid down from the tree and
resumed his journey.The chestnuts, oaks, and firs were growing thicker and denser. A deadbranch cracked with a loud report beneath his feet. With his heartalmost in his throat, he lay down and listened. A minute passed; helistened in vain for an answering noise. He got up and went on.

  Presently he came upon a cluster of trees which was capable of affordinga hiding place for three or four men. He stood still and surveyed it.The moon cast moving shadows on either side of it, but these had nohuman shape. He laughed silently at his fear, and as he was about topass the cluster a man stepped out from behind it, his eyes gleamingand his hand extended. He was rather a handsome fellow, but pale andemaciated. He wore a trooper's uniform, and Maurice, swearing softly,concluded that his dash for liberty had come to naught. He, too, helda revolver in his hand, but he dared not raise it. There was a certainexpression on the trooper's face which precluded any arguing.

  "If you move," the trooper said, in a mild voice; "if you utter a sound,I'll blow off the top of your cursed head!"