Read The Purple Parasol Page 4

didn't stop."

  "It's cold out there. Just slip into my coat, Miss Dering." He held theraincoat for her, and she mechanically slipped her arms into the sleeves.She shivered, but smiled sweetly up at him.

  "Thank you, Mr. Rollins, you are very thoughtful and very kind to me."

  They walked out into the darkness. After a turn or two in silence shetook the arm he proffered. He admired the bravery with which she wastrying to convince him that she was not so bitterly disappointed. When shefinally spoke her voice was soft and cool, just as a woman's always isbefore the break.

  "He was to have taken me to his uncle's house, six miles up in thecountry. His aunt and a young lady from the South, with Mr. Dudley and me,are to go to Eagle Nest to-morrow for a month."

  "How very odd," he said with well-assumed surprise. "I, too, am going toEagle Nest for a month or so."

  She stopped stock-still, and he could feel that she was staring at himhardly.

  "You are going there?" she half whispered.

  "They say it is a quiet, restful place," he said. "One reaches it bystage over-land, I believe." She was strangely silent during the remainderof the walk. Somehow he felt amazingly sorry for her. "I hope I may seesomething of you while we are there," he said at last.

  "I imagine I couldn't help it if I were to try," she said. They were inthe path of the light from the window, and he saw the strange little smileon her face. "I think I'll lie down again. Won't you find a place tosleep, Mr. Rollins? I can't bear the thought of depriving you--"

  "I am the slave of your darkness," he said gravely.

  She left him, and he lit another cigar. Daylight came at last to break uphis thoughts, and then his tired eyes began to look for the man and buggy.Fatigued and weary, he sat upon his steamer trunk, his back to the wall.There he fell sound asleep.

  He was awakened by some one shaking him gently by the shoulder.

  "You are a very sound sleeper, Mr. Rollins," said a familiar voice, butit was gay and sprightly. He looked up blankly, and it was a fullhalf-minute before he could get his bearings.

  A young woman with a purple parasol stood beside him, laughing merrily,and at her side was a tall, dark, very good-looking young man.

  "I couldn't go without saying good-by to you, Mr. Rollins, and thankingyou again for the care you have taken of me," she was saying. He finallysaw the little gloved hand that was extended toward him. Her companion wascarrying her jacket and the little travelling-bag.

  "Oh--er--good-by, and don't mention it," he stammered, struggling to hisfeet. "Was I asleep?"

  "Asleep at your post, sir. Mr. Dudley--oh, this is Mr. Dudley, Mr.Rollins--came in ten minutes ago and found--us--both--asleep."

  "Isn't it lucky Mr. Dudley happens to be an honest man?" said Rossiter,in a manner so strange that the smile froze on the face of the other man.The unhappy barrister caught the quick glance that passed between them,and was vaguely convinced that they had been discussing him while heslept. Something whispered to him that they had guessed the nature of hisbusiness.

  "My telegram was not delivered to him until this morning. Wasn't itprovoking?" she was saying.

  "What time is it now?" asked Rossiter.

  "Half-past seven," responded Dudley rather sharply. His black eyes werefastened steadily upon those of the questioner. "Mr. Van Haltford's mancame in and got Miss Dering's telegram yesterday, but it was not deliveredto me until a neighbor came to the house with both the message andmessenger in charge. Joseph had drunk all the whisky in Fossingford.

  "Then there's no chance for me to get a drink, I suppose," said Rossiterwith a wry smile.

  "Do you need one?" asked Miss Dering saucily.

  "I have a headache."

  "A pick-me-up is what you want," said Dudley coldly.

  "My dear sir, I haven't been drunk," remonstrated Rossiter sharply. Hishearers laughed and he turned red but cold with resentment.

  "See, Mr. Rollins, I have smoothed out your clothes and folded them," shesaid, pointing to her one-time couch. "I couldn't pack them in your trunkbecause you were sitting on it. Shall I help you now?"

  "No, I thank you," he said ungraciously. "I can toss 'em in any old way."

  He set about doing it without another word. His companions stood overnear the window and conversed earnestly in words too low for him todistinguish. From the corner of his eye he could see that Dudley's facewas hard and uncompromising, while hers was eager and imploring. The manwas stubbornly objecting to something, and she was just as decided in anopposite direction.

  "He's finding fault and she's trying to square it with him. Oh, mybeauties, you'll have a hard time to shake off one Samuel Rossiter.They're suspicious--or he is, at least. Some one has tipped me off tothem, I fancy."

  "I'm sorry they are so badly mussed, Mr. Rollins, but they did make avery comfortable bed," she said, walking over to him. Her cheeks wereflushed and her eyes were gleaming. "You are going to Eagle Nest to-day?"

  "Just as soon as I can get a conveyance. There is a stage-coach at nine,Miss Dering."

  "We will have room for you on our break," she said simply. Her eyes methis bravely and then wavered. Rossiter's heart gave a mighty leap.

  "Permit me to second Miss Dering's invitation," said Dudley, coming over.The suggestion of a frown on his face made Rossiter only too eager toaccept the unexpected invitation. "My aunt and Miss Crozier are outsidewith the coachman. You can have your luggage sent over in the stage. It isfourteen miles by road, so we should be under way, Mr. Rollins."

  As Rossiter followed them across the platform he was saying to himself:

  "Well, the game's on. Here's where I begin to earn my salary. I'll hangout my sign when I get back to New York: 'Police Spying. Satisfactionguaranteed. References given.' Hang it all, I hate to do this to her.She's an awfully good sort, and--and--But I don't like this damned Havens!"

  Almost before he knew it he was being presented to two handsome,fashionably dressed young women who sat together in the rear seat of thebig mountain break.

  "Every cloud has its silver lining," Miss Dering was saying. "Let mepresent you to Mr. Dudley's aunt, Mrs. Van Haltford, and to Miss Crozier,Mr. Rollins."

  In a perfect maze of emotions, he found himself bowing before the twoladies, who smiled distantly and uncertainly. Dudley's aunt? That dashingyoung creature his aunt? Rossiter was staggered by the boldness of theclaim. He could scarce restrain the scornful, brutal laugh of derision atthis ridiculous play upon his credulity. To his secret satisfaction hediscovered that the entire party seemed nervous and ill at ease. There wasa trace of confusion in their behavior. He heard Miss Dering explain thathe was to accompany the party and he saw the poorly concealed look ofdisapproval and polite inquiry that went between the two ladies andDudley. There was nothing for it, however, now that Miss Dering hadcommitted herself, and he was advised to look to his luggage without delay.

  He hurried into the station to arrange for the transportation of histrunk by stage, all the while smiling maliciously in his sleeve. Lookingsurreptitiously from a window he saw the quartet, all of them now on thebreak, arguing earnestly over--him, he was sure. Miss Dering wasplaintively facing the displeasure of the trio. The coachman's avertedface wore a half-grin. The discussion ended abruptly as Rossiterreappeared, but there was a coldness in the air that did not fail toimpress him as portentous.

  "I'm the elephant on their hands--the proverbial hot coal," he thoughtwickedly. "Well, they've got to bear it even if they can't grin." Thenaloud cheerily: "All aboard! We're off!" He took his seat beside thedriver. The events of the ensuing week are best chronicled by thereproduction of Rossiter's own diary or report, with liberties in theshape of an author's comments.


  "Settled comfortably in Eagle Nest House. Devilish rugged andout-of-the-way place. Mrs. Van Haltford is called Aunt Josephine. She andMiss Debby Crozier have rooms on the third floor. Mine is next to theirs,Havens's is next to mine, and Mrs. Wharton has two rooms beyond his. Weare not unlike a big fam
ily party. They're rather nice to me. I gowalking with Aunt Josephine. I don't understand why I'm sandwiched inbetween Havens and Aunt Josephine. Otherwise the arrangement is neat.There is a veranda outside our windows. We sit upon it. Aunt Josephineis a great bluff, but she's clever. She's never napping. I've tried topump her. Miss Crozier is harmless. She doesn't care. Havens never takeshis eyes off Mrs. W. when they are together. She looks at him a good bit,too. They don't pay much attention to me. Aunt Josephine's husband isvery old and very