Read The Putnam Hall Rivals; or, Fun and Sport Afloat and Ashore Page 8


  "It's time for us to get out!" whispered Jack to his chums. "Baxter isgoing on a rampage!"

  "To our dormitory!" whispered Andy, and led the way on tiptoes. Theothers followed, and in less than a minute they were safe in their roomwith the door tightly closed.

  "Perhaps we had better get into bed for the present," suggested StufferSingleton. "Baxter may come this way."

  This was considered good advice, and it did not take them long to putout the light that had been lit and get into bed. With ears on the alertthey awaited developments.

  They were not long in coming. Footsteps sounded in the hallway, and thenthey heard some whispered conversation in front of their door. Pepperwanted to laugh outright and had all he could do to hold in.

  "I don't hear them," came softly in Dan Baxter's voice.

  "They are foxy," answered Ritter.

  The door was tried and Dan Baxter looked into the room. He could seenext to nothing in the almost total darkness.

  "Who--who's there?" asked Andy, sleepily. "Is it time to--to get up?"

  A grunt from Dan Baxter was the only response, and then the door wasclosed again, and they heard Baxter and some others moving away.

  "Say, Andy, that was rich!" whispered Pepper, and gave a low laugh.

  "Don't stir too much yet," cautioned Jack. "They may come back."

  "I am going to the door to watch," answered Pepper. "If they come thisway again I can crawl back to bed in a jiffy."

  Standing at the door, which he held on a crack, the Imp saw Baxter andseveral others move from one dormitory to another, listening and spyingat every door.

  "Cheese it, here comes Mr. Strong!" he heard Coulter say, a short whilelater, and off the bully's crowd scampered to their rooms. Then thesecond assistant teacher came up the stairs and Pepper hurried back tohis bed. George Strong looked around the hallway and walked to severaldormitories, and then passed on to the third floor of the building.

  "Will they come back again?" asked Andy, after a long spell of silence.

  "Better wait a while longer and see," said Hogan.

  "I'm itching to get at that stuff," came, with a sigh, from Stuffer.

  "Did you ever know a time that you wasn't hungry, Stuffer?" asked Andy.

  "Humph! I guess you'll get away with your full share, Andy," was theretort.

  At last the boys considered themselves safe and crawled from their bedsonce more. A dim light was made, and sitting in a circle, they dividedthe good things on hand and devoured them with a keen relish. The turkeyproved to be of the best, and the pie was "prime," as Andy expressed it.

  "Oh, if Baxter could only see us now," whispered Pepper, with a mouthhalf full of turkey.

  "It would make him dance with joy, I don't think," answered Jack.

  The little feast kept up the best part of half an hour.

  "Here goes the last of the pie!" cried Stuffer.

  "Baxter, we thank thee for this feast!" added Pepper.

  "Come again," put in Jack.

  "Just you fellows wait, that's all!" came an unexpected voice from thedoorway, and turning swiftly, they saw Dan Baxter standing there. He wasshaking his fist at the crowd.

  "Hullo!" gasped Pepper. For the instant he could say no more.

  "I suspected it from the start," fairly hissed the bully of Putnam Hall."Just wait, that's all! If I don't square up you can shoot me!" And awayhe went, giving the door the hardest kind of a bang after him.

  "Now our cake is dough," came from Stuffer.

  "Sure an' I'd like to know what he'll be after doin'," came curiouslyfrom Emerald.

  "I wonder if he'll have the nerve to call Captain Putnam?" mused Andy.

  "No," answered Jack, promptly. "He won't report this, for if he did heknows we would tell on him too. He'll try to get square some other way."

  "To bed, all of you!" cried Pepper. "Don't forget how he slammed thatdoor. Some of the teachers may be along before we know it."

  The remains of the feast were cleared away and the room put in order.Then the cadets went to sleep, and slumbered soundly until the bellawoke them in the morning.

  It was not until the boys entered the mess-hall that they saw Dan Baxteragain. The bully of the school looked like a thundercloud, and so didReff Ritter, Coulter, and Paxton.

  "They have it in for us, that is dead certain," whispered Andy toPepper.

  "Yes, we'll have to keep our eyes peeled for them," was the reply.

  "Ditmore, stop your talking!" came sternly from Josiah Crabtree.

  "Yes, sir," answered the Imp, meekly.

  "You talk altogether too much at meals," went on the sour-lookingteacher.

  "Yes, sir."


  "Yes, sir."

  "If you say another word I'll send you from the table," stormed JosiahCrabtree, and after that Pepper said no more.

  That morning everything seemed to go wrong in the classroom. Manylessons were missed and several teachers were out of humor. JosiahCrabtree stormed around, and finally told both Pepper and Jack that theywould have to stay in after school in the afternoon.

  "Mr. Crabtree, I do not think I am to blame in this," said Jack. "Iunderstood you to say we were to take up pages 180 and 181 in thehistory only."

  "I said 180 to 184," snapped the teacher.

  "He did not," murmured Pepper under his breath.

  "You are growing very negligent in your studies," went on the teacher,tartly. "I shall not stand for it."

  "Then sit down," grumbled Andy.

  "Snow, did you speak?" thundered Crabtree.

  Andy was silent.

  "Snow, answer me."

  "Yes, sir."

  "Then you may remain in after school also."

  "Thank you for nothing," growled Andy, but this time under his breath.

  "I am going to fix old Crabby," said Pepper, during recess. "I think itis a shame to keep us in--with the last of the skating at hand."

  Pepper's opportunity to torment the teacher came sooner than expected.That afternoon Josiah Crabtree had to leave the classroom for severalminutes. At noon the Imp had secured some flour in a paper bag. Hepassed up to the platform, and on the sly placed the bag of flour in theteacher's desk, turning it upside down, with the bottom fastened by aslit in the paper to the lock part of the desk lid.

  "We will now take up our next study," said Josiah Crabtree, a littlelater. He looked around for a lead pencil, but could find none. Then hewalked to his desk, sat down, and started to raise the lid.

  The lid did not work very easily, and he gave it a nervous jerk. Up itcame, and as it did so, the flour shot down out of the bag, into thedesk and over the teacher's lap. Some arose in a cloud, coveringCrabtree's face and neck.

  "Wooh!" spluttered the teacher, leaping back. "Wh--what is this?Who--er--who--wooh!--played this trick on me!"

  He was covered from head to foot with the flour, which got into his eyesand nose and caused him to sneeze loudly. His appearance was so comicalall of the students set up a very loud roar.

  "Silence! silence! I will have silence!" roared the teacher, wrathfully.Then he had to sneeze some more, and the classroom burst into anotherroar.

  "Crabtree has turned miller!" whispered Stuffer.

  "Doesn't he make a fine-looking statue?" came from Dale.

  "Boys! boys! be quiet!" stormed Josiah Crabtree. "This is--ker-chew!outrageous! I demand to know who--ker-chew--ker-chew!"

  "Anybody ker-chew around here?" asked Pepper, calmly.

  "Who did this?" fairly yelled the teacher. "Who did it, I say?"

  "The flour," whispered Jack, and this made some of the boys snicker.

  "Ruddy, what did you say?" demanded Josiah Crabtree.

  "I said the flour did it," answered Jack.

  "Really! you are a monument of wisdom," said the teacher, sarcastically."You may remain after school."

  The teacher shut up the flour
-covered desk and brushed himself off witha whisk-broom.

  "The whole class may stay in after school," he thundered, a momentlater.

  "I didn't do that, Mr. Crabtree," whined Gus Coulter.

  "Then who did?"

  "I--er----" Coulter glanced at Pepper, who quickly doubled up his fist."I--er--I don't know."

  "All stay in--for one full hour," snapped the angry teacher, and thenwent on with the studies.

  "We ought to tell on Ditmore," whispered Ritter, to Dan Baxter.

  "Never mind--that crowd will catch it tomorrow," answered the bully ofthe Hall.

  "It was too rich for anything," said Andy to Pepper, when they were outof school at last. "My, but old Crabby was mad!"

  "Coulter wanted to tell on me, but he didn't dare."

  "He respects your fist, that's why," put in Dale.

  "Those chaps have something up their sleeve," said Jack, with a graveshake of his head. "Everybody keep on the watch, is my advice."

  "We'll watch 'em," answered Pepper. But the watch was not close enough,as later events proved.