Read The PvP Incident: a minecraft adventure book Page 1

     “Weekends!” “I love weekends” your friend shouts, he tells you how he made a bet with his cousin about a forty-eight hour gaming session that he has to do with the game of his cousins choice. The wager: one thousand dollars. He continues to say that he will split the prize fifty-fifty with you if you decide to join with him. You log on to the server and play, but something seems weird everyone is talking about Him he’s here! He’s Here! You are confused “Who’s here? Who’s here?” they all respond in unison; “thou shalt not say my name in vain”. Now you are more confused “Who is this?” you ask again.

  “I know minecraft is popular but who is it?” you start to scream seemingly to scare the crowd starting to form. A little boy whispers in your ear; “h-herobrine” you start the shudder, you mean the legends are true? “I thought they removed Him, and if not what it to you guys are you a cult or something?”

  They start to chase you with their swords, He’s here!” they shout. I sprint wildly to the nearest open lobby and join the game my friend joins the game the second he appears. “What game should we vote for?” He asks. I thought to myself, “Why not, what’s the danger?” I log on and find myself facing some tough opponents or so it may seem. I call myself The_PyroCreeperJNS it sounds like a name for a champ while I have in reality has only won a handful.

  The count down begins, and in Skype I ask my cousin; “should we align with others?” he replies with a grin ask anyone and everyone, and when they aren’t looking turn on them!” I go and chat to the other tributes; “JOIN TEAM PYRO FTW” Tons of people now want to join on our team. With a grin, my cousin says in chat: “I’ll join” and of course I let him in and then I look to my sides. Steve and dudehi 2600, I go and say “I’ll team as long as I get the chests” and they of course agree.

  Inside, I am having a field day. Why are you joining? You know you are the first to go. I don’t actually say this though. 10, 9, 8… The message board says ten seconds till the games begin! I say to my teammates, ”Good luck! May the force be with you, and may the odds ever be in your favor!”

  With a grin, my cousin and me laugh at the references from Pop Culture in the joke and prepare for battle. The countdown ends, and most people run away. “More for us”, I think to myself. I run and pillage what I can from the crates and find myself lucky to find a full set of diamond armor (Diamond is the best material in the game), an enchanted bow with infinity and a diamond sword (best in the game).

  I feel happy with my luck and give the rest of my findings to the team, pretending that I got the worst. Wearing a full set of leather I say to them, “Sorry, there wasn’t that much stuff there except for an iron sword for everyone and a set of chain armor. They seem pretty happy about what they got and look for a good hideout for the team as we upgrade our stuff. I look out to find people while I find a huge hulking carrier that is empty, barren, I think, where is everyone? Did they find a better spot? I set up base there and told everybody through Skype where it was and we got ready to come out of hiding. “We need a strategy,” I told everyone.  

     “Lets do a sneak attack” Dudehi2600said.“Why not snipe them using our bows,” Eric10246 said.     We split up, Dudehi and eric10246 went to snipe, while Steve and I went to sneak up to a huge group of tributes. The team was way bigger than ours though we had better armor. We set out to find them. The first sign of them was that there were an awful lot of empty chests, too many, enough to say that people had been here before.

  When that was clear to see…

  A group was starting to surround us putting on armor and taking out their swords. I surprised my friend by suiting up in my true armor. Now they were afraid of me, and tried to run but it was too late. I drank some speed potion and a few swings later and some shots from the snipers and we were finally safe from the other alliance. We only had a few more people left in the game and man is they hard to find. I checked who was left and fainted… …   

           I pushed the tab button on the keyboard enabling me to see who is left in the game, and was happy to know that there were only a few people left. But then it dawned on me, what would happen when it is only I and only I what then? I realized that it would be me to take the fall. For if I don’t my friend will lose the bet, and if he does, well, I don’t know, but he seemed really desperate to win.

  Five hundred thousand dollars, is five hundred thousand  dollars, but what if the deal had a harsh negative. When I asked my friend what would happen he started to act strange. He was all like “you don’t talk about such things it’s not good. Not good at all I just say that”. Weird maybe it’s like wear nothing but underwear for a whole week, but from how he reacted it must be worse. I use my compass to see where everyone is hiding. “It mustn’t be far,” I think to myself. We are so close to winning I can feel it! You exclaim in joy, but in a whisper that is barely audible you hear your friend show; “it was all a lie”, and then all heck goes loose. To be continued in part 2

   Minecraft hunger games 2 your computer makes a weird buzzing and you can't control your avatar. “What did you do”! You shout to your friend in fury. “I told you my secret”, your friend reveals. What do you mean? you ask after it momentarily calms down. “Well the truth is, there was no prize”. “I mean, we still have to play but not because of the prize, we have to play for our lives”.

  Just as your friend says that, you look at your still buzzing computer is creates the image of the portal swirling, you have seen it before from going to the nether. Some unknown force seemingly sucks you sucked into your computer.

  “HELP”! You shout to your parents. But you remember that your parents went on vacation without you. “Too bad” you think to yourself if only they took you instead of your annoying little sister Netanya.

  You black out just as you enter the computers screen never to be seen again by anyone on earth again.

  You regain consciousness and spit out a spout of blood from your lips, you try to talk but your voice is too frail to be heard and is too painful to try, so you give up. You find yourself and the world blocky and you find it strange. “Weird, what is this strange place?” You think to yourself, you find it strange that whatever you say or do appears near you almost as if you were in a video game-- “Wait!” you realize that it is in fact a video game minecraft in fact. You realize also that it is the same server that you just played with your friend. Now you think for some strange reason, that there won’t be any respawns.

  You look around and the chat is streaming, with people yelling and screaming scared with so many questions like how did I get here and OMG OMG--- and many other desperate pleas.

  Amid the chaos you find an avatar that looks explicitly like your friend. He whispers, “Hey I know where the rest of our friends are” You follow him and after it seems like the server couldn’t be any bigger you find what seems to be an invisible wall.

  You find your friends everyone and I mean every one of the people you could slightly associate as a friend and plays minecraft is there. “How did you guy get here?” you ask with a touch of hysteria.

   “We got here the same as you did josh.” Your best friend sethyboy says. Without hesitation one friend says, “let’s replay that last game”.

  “WHAT!!!” you and some of your friends shout in utter shock and fury. “In that last game we could’ve gotten killed so many times that if it were real I would’ve ran away and never would have done it”. Now hysterical your friend continues on, “my captor now knows what we have done I don't know what else to do but continue on, he let us win before but now the odds are against us and now its real.

open up game one in five seconds says the bottom of your vision. Think of oculus rift; but if you die in game, you die in real life. You see a new map called game makers choice, all of your friends are excited about it and you reluctantly accept to play.

  “What if the game maker is He? I protest, After going over the same conversation over and over again I came to the conclusion that my friend’s will not change their mind. So it was decided, that the game makers challenge map would be the map that we would play. Though I had my reservation nothing