Read The Queen''s Cup Page 17

  Chapter 17.

  "I Should keep watch and watch regularly, Hawkins. I do not saythat it is likely, but it is quite possible that they may make anattempt to surprise us, cut all our throats, and then sink theOsprey. He might attack with his boats, and with a lot of nativecraft. At any rate, it is worth while keeping half the crew alwayson deck. Be sure and light the cabin as usual. They would suspectthat I was away if they did not see the saloon skylights lit up.

  "There is no saying when I may be back. It may be three nights, itmay be six, or, for all that I know, it may be longer than that.You may be sure that if I get a clue I shall follow it up whereverit leads me."

  The strictest silence was maintained among the men. The two men atthe oars were told to row very slowly, and above all things toavoid splashing. The boat was exceedingly low in the water, muchtoo low for safety except in perfectly calm water; as, includingthe two men at the oars, there were thirteen on board.

  Frank had thought it, however, inadvisable to take the dinghy also,for this was lying behind the stern, and it might have been noticedhad they pulled her up to the gangway. The gig had been purposelyleft on the side hidden from the brigantine, and as they rowed awaypains were taken to keep the yacht in a line with her. They held onthis course, indeed, until they were close in to the shore, andthen kept in under its shelter until the curve hid them altogether.

  "Be very careful as you row back, lads, and go very slowly. Aripple on this smooth water might very well be noticed by them,even if they could not make out a boat."

  "Ay, ay, sir, we will be careful."

  They had brought a lantern with them, covered with canvas, exceptfor a few inches in front.

  "Me take him, sar, and go first," Dominique said. "Den if we meetanyone you all stop quiet, and me go on and talk with them."

  Frank followed Dominique, George keeping beside him where there wasroom for two to walk abreast, at other times falling just behind.Then came the sailors, and the four black boatmen were in the rear.They had been told that, in case they were halted, and heardDominique in conversation, they were to pass quietly through theothers, and be ready to join him and help him if necessary. Withthe exception of Dominique, Frank and George Lechmere, all carriedmuskets. The pilot declined to take one.

  "Me neber fired off gun in my life, sar. Me more afraid of gun thanof dose rascals. Dominique fight with um sword; dat plenty good forhim."

  The path mounted the hill until they were, as Frank thought, somethree hundred feet above the water. Here the ground was cultivated,and after walking for ten minutes they saw two or three lights infront.

  "You stop here, sar," Dominique said, handing the lantern to Frank."Me go on and see how best get round de village. Must not be seenhere. If native boat come in at night suah to go up to end obwater, and land at village dere."

  The negro soon returned, and said that the cultivated land extendedon both sides of the village, and there was no difficulty incrossing it. The village was passed quietly, and when it was oncewell behind them they came down upon the path again, which was muchlarger and better marked than it had been before. After followingit for half a mile, they came upon a road, which led obliquely upfrom the water, and ran somewhat inland.

  "This is no doubt the road from the village at the head of the armof the bay. They have probably come along here, though they mayhave turned more directly into the hills. That is the first pointto find out, Dominique."

  "Yes, sar, next village we see me go in wid two ob de boatmen andask a few questions."

  Following the path along for another few hundred yards, they saw aroad ahead of them. Here they halted, and two of the blacks handedover their muskets and cutlasses to the care of the sailors.Dominique also left his cutlass behind him, and as he went on gaveinstructions to his two companions.

  "Now look here," he said in negro French, "don't you say much. Iwill do the talking, but just say a word or two if they askquestions. Mind we three belong to the brigantine. I am the pilot.The captain has given me a message to send to his friends who havegone up into the hills. He asked me to take it, but I am not sureabout the way. I am ready to pay well for a guide. I expect thatthey will say that the ladies came along, but that they do not knowhow they went afterwards. Then we ask him to come as guide, andpromise to pay him very well."

  By this time they were close to the hut, which, as Dominiqueassured himself before knocking at the door, stood alone. There wasan old man and woman inside, and a boy of about seventeen.Dominique took off his hat as he entered, and said in French:

  "Excuse me for disturbing you so late. I am the pilot of a vesselnow in the bay, and have been sent by the captain to carry animportant message to a gentleman who landed with another and twoladies and some armed men. He did not give me sufficient directionsto find him, and I thought that if they passed along here you mightbe able to put me in the way."

  "They came along here between eleven and twelve, I think. We sawthem," the old man said, "and we heard afterwards that the ladieswere being taken away because the ship was, they thought, going tobe attacked by a pirate that had followed them. The people from thevillages went to help fight, for the gentleman had bought manythings and had paid well for them, and each man was promised adollar if there was no fighting, and four dollars if they helpedbeat off the pirate."

  "Yes, that was so," Dominique said, "but it seems that it was amistake. Still we had cause for alarm, for the other vesselfollowed us strangely. However, it is all explained now, and I havebeen sent with this message, because the captain thought that if hesent a white sailor they would not give him the information."

  "Do you know, Sebastian?" the old man asked his son.

  "Yes, they turned off to the right two miles further on."

  "Look here, boy," Dominique said, "we were promised twenty dollarsif we took the message straight. Now, if you will go with us andfind out, we will give you five of them. As we are strangers to thepeople here, they might not answer our questions; but if you go andsay that you have to carry the message, no doubt they will tell youwhich way they have gone."

  The lad jumped up.

  "I will go with you," he said; "but perhaps when we get there youwill not give me the money."

  "Look here," Dominique said, taking three dollars from his pocket."I will leave these with your father, and will hand you the othertwo as soon as we get within sight of the place where they are."

  The lad was quite satisfied. Five dollars was more than he couldearn by two months' work. As soon as they went out, Dominiquewhispered to one of the boatmen to go back and tell Frank what hadtaken place, and to beg him to follow at some distance behind.Whenever they took a fresh turning, one of the boatmen would alwaysbe left until he came up.

  Frank had some difficulty in understanding the boatman's French,and it was rather by his gestures than his words that he gatheredhis meaning. As soon as the message was given the negro hurried onuntil he overtook Dominique.

  "I am sorry now that we did not bring Pedro," Frank said. "However,I think we made out what he had to say. Dominique has got someoneto go with him to do the questioning, as he arranged with me; andhe will leave one or other of the men every time he turns off fromthe road he is following. That will be a very good arrangement. Sofar we have been most fortunate. We know now that we are followingthem, and it will be hard if we don't manage to keep the clue nowthat we have once got hold of it."

  When they came to the road that branched off to the right, theother boatman was waiting. He pointed up the road and then ran onsilently ahead. No fresh turn was made for a long distance. Twicethey were stopped by one of the blacks, who managed to inform themthat Dominique and the guide were making inquiries at a hut ahead.

  The road had now become a mere track, and was continually mounting.Other tracks had branched off, leading, Frank supposed, to smallhill villages. After going some ten miles, the lad told Dominiquethat it was useless for him to go further, for that there were nomore huts near the track. Beyond the fact that
the two women wereon horseback when they passed the last hut, nothing was learnedthere.

  "It is of no use to go further," the guide said. "There are nohouses near here to inquire at, and there are three or four morepaths that turn off from here. We must stop until morning, and thenI will go on alone and make inquiries of shepherds and cottagers;but, you see, I thought that we should find them tonight. If I workall day tomorrow, I shall expect three more dollars."

  "You shall have them," Dominique said. "Here is my blanket. I willshare one with one of my boatmen."

  The lad at once lay down and pulled the blanket over his head. Assoon as he did so, Dominique motioned to the two boatmen to do thesame, and then went back along the track until he met Frank'sparty. As the hills were for the most part covered with treesalmost up to their summits, Frank and his party had only to turn ashort distance off from the path, on receiving Dominique's newsthat the guide had stopped.

  "It is half past one," Frank said, holding the lantern, which thepilot had left with them, to his watch. "We shall get four hours'sleep. You had better serve a tot of grog all round, George. Itwill keep out the damp night air."

  One of the blacks was carrying a basket, and each of the men hadbrought a water bottle and pannikin.

  "Put some water in it, lads," Frank said, "and it would be a goodthing to eat a bit of biscuit with it."

  Dominique had told Frank that the guide had made some remark aboutthe two blacks dropping behind so often, and the latter took outhis handkerchief, tore it into eight pieces, and gave it to him.

  "Wherever you turn off, Dominique, drop one of these pieces on thepath. That will be quite sufficient."

  "Yes, sar; but you see we don't know when we start up path whetherit be right path or no. We go up one, if find dat hit not de onedey go, den come back again and try anoder. What we to do?"

  After thinking for some little time, Frank suggested thatDominique's best way would be to tell the guide that he wasfootsore, and that as several paths would have to be searched, heand one of the men would sit down there. The other would accompanythe boy, and bring down word when the right path had beendiscovered.

  As soon as it became light Frank, without rousing the men, went outinto the path and moved cautiously up it. He had but just startedwhen he saw Dominique coming towards him.

  "All right, sar. Boy gone on; he hunt about. When he find he sendSam back to fetch me. De oder stay with him."

  "Oh, you have sent both with him."

  "Yes, sar, me thought it better. If only one man go, when he comeback, boy could talk to people. Perhaps talk too much, so sent bothmen."

  "That was the best plan, no doubt," Frank agreed. "I will join themen, and remain there until you come for me."

  "Dat best thing, sar. People might come along, better dey not seeyou."

  It was twelve o'clock before Dominique joined the waiting group inthe wood.

  "They have been a long time finding the track, Dominique."

  "Yes, sar, bery long time. Dey try four tracks, all wrong. Den deytry 'nother. Sam say boy tell him try that last, because bad track;lead ober hills, to place where Obi man live. Black fellow no liketo go there. Bad men there; steal children away, make sacrifice tofetish. All people here believe that Obi man bery strong. Dey sendpresents to him to make rain or to kill enemy, but dey no like gonear him demselves. Dere was a hut a little up dat road. Party wentby dere yesterday. No more houses on road. Sam say boy wait deretill he bring me back to him; den go home. Not like to go further;say can't miss way dat path. Leads straight to Obi man's place.Fetish on road strike people dead dat go dar without leab ob Obiman."

  "That will suit us well altogether," Frank said. "How far is it towhere the guide is?"

  "One and a half hours' walk."

  "Then we will be off at once."

  All were glad to be on the move again, and in spite of the heatthey proceeded at a rapid pace, until the boatman, Sam, said thatthey were close to the spot where he had left his companions withthe guide. The rest then entered the wood, and Dominique went onwith the boatman.

  Ten minutes later a young negro came down the path. They had nodoubt that it was the guide. Dominique arrived two or three minuteslater.

  "I suppose that was the guide that went down," Frank said, as hestepped out.

  "Dat him, sar," he said. "Quite sure path go to Obi man's place. Itwas miles away in centre of hills. I pretend want him to go on. Hesaid no go for thousand dollars. So me pay him his money, and he goback. He tell me no use hunt for friends if Obi man hab not gibendem leab to go and see him. Den the fetish change dem all intosnakes. If he gib leab and not know dat me and oder two men werefriends, den de fetish change us into snakes."

  "Well, there is one comfort, Dominique, we shall be able to marchboldly along without being afraid of meeting anyone."

  "Yes, sar. Sam be a little frightened, but not much. Not believemuch in San Domingo about fetish. Dey better dan dese Hayti people.Still Sam not like it."

  "I suppose you told him that he was a fool, Dominique?"

  "Yes, sar. Me tell him, too, dat white man tink nothing ob Obi man.Hang him by neck if he tries fetish against dem."

  Having picked up Sam, they proceeded at a brisk pace along thepath, Frank leading the way with George Lechmere.

  "You see," he said, "Carthew must have been uneasy in his mind allalong. I have no doubt that directly he put into the bay, anddecided to make this his headquarters, he set about preparing someplace where he could carry them off to, and where there would bevery little chance of their being traced. Down at the village bythe water he heard of this Obi man. He has evidently great power inthis part of the island. These fellows are all great rascals, andCarthew may have either gone or sent to him, and made arrangementsthat he and a party should if necessary be allowed to establish acamp in the valley where this fellow lives; of course, promisinghim a handsome present. He could have chosen no safer place.Following hard as we have done on his track, we have obtained aclue; but it is not probable that any of the natives whom Dominiquehas questioned has the smallest idea that the party were goingtowards this fetish man's place. In fact, the only man that couldknow it was the negro at that last hut, and you may be sure thatwere he questioned by any searching party he would not dare to giveany information that might excite the anger of this man.

  "It is likely enough that this fellow has a gang of men with him,bound to him partly by interest and partly by superstitious fears.We shall probably have to reckon with these fellows in addition toCarthew's own force. He seems to have taken ten or twelve of theblacks from the village with him. They would have no fear of goingwhen he told them that he was under the special protection of thefetish man. Then, you see, he has four of his own sailors, hisfriend and himself; so that we have an equal number of white menand five negroes against his ten or twelve and the fetishman'sgang.

  "However, I hope that we shall have the advantage of a surprise. Ifso, I think that we may feel pretty confident that we shall, at anyrate, in the first place, carry off Miss Greendale and her maid.The danger won't be in the attack, but in the retreat. That Obifellow may raise the whole country against us. There is onething--the population is scanty up here, and it won't be until weget down towards the lower ground that they will be able to musterstrongly enough to be really formidable; but we may have to fighthard to get down to the boats. You see, it is a twenty miles'march. We shan't be able to go very fast, for, although MissGreendale and her maid might keep up well for some distance, theywould be worn out long before we got to the shore, while the blackfellows would be able to travel by other paths, and to arouse thevillagers as they went, and make it very hot indeed for us."

  "There is one thing--we shall have the advantage of darkness,Major, and in the woods it would be difficult for them to know howfast we were going. We might strike off into other paths, and, ifnecessary, carry Miss Greendale and her maid. We could make acouple of litters for them, and, with four to a litter, couldtravel along at a good rate of spe

  In another three hours, they found that the path was descendinginto a deep and narrow valley. On the way they passed many of thefetish signs, so terrible to the negro's imagination. Pieces ofblue string, with feathers and rags attached to them, werestretched across the path. Clumps of feathers hung suspended fromthe trees. Flat stones, with berries, shells, and crooked pieces ofwood, were nailed against the trunks of the trees.

  At first the four negro boatmen showed signs of terror onapproaching these mysterious symbols, and grew pale with frightwhen Frank broke the strings that barred the path; but when theysaw that no evil resulted from the audacious act, and that noavenging bolt fell upon his head, they mustered up courage, and intime even grinned as the sailors made jeering remarks at themysterious emblems.

  As soon as they began to descend into the valley, and it wasevident that they were nearing their destination, Frank halted.

  "Now, Dominique, do you object to go down and find out all aboutit? I am quite ready to go, but you are less likely to be noticedthan I am. There is no hurry, for we don't wish to move untilwithin an hour of sunset, or perhaps two hours. There is no fear ofour meeting with any interruption until we get back to the pointwhere we started this morning, and it would be as well, therefore,to be back there just before dark."

  "Me go, sar. Me strip. Dat best; not seen so easy among de trees."

  "Quite right, Dominique. What we want to find out is the exactposition of the camp and the hut, for no doubt they built a hut ofsome sort, where Miss Greendale is; and see how we can best get asclose to it as possible. Then it would be as well to find out whatsort of village this Obi man has got, and how many men it probablycontains. But don't risk anything to do this. Our object is tosurprise Carthew's camp, and we must take our chance as to theblacks. If you were seen, and an alarm given, Carthew might carryMiss Greendale off again. So don't mind about the Obi village,unless you are sure that you can obtain a view of it without riskof being seen."

  "Me manage dat, sar," the negro said, confidently. "Dey not on delookout. Me crawl up among de trees and see eberyting; no fearwhatsomeber."

  Dominique stripped and started down the path, while the restretired into the shelter of the trees. An anxious two hours passed,the party listening intently for any sound that might tell ofDominique's being discovered. All, however, remained quiet, exceptthat they were once or twice startled by the loud beating of adrum, and the deep blasts from the fetish horn. At the end of thattime there was a general exclamation of relief as Dominique steppedin from among the trees.

  "Well, Dominique, what have you found?" Frank exclaimed as hestarted to his feet.

  "Me found eberyting, sar. First come to village. Not bery big,twenty or thirty men dere. Den a hundred yards furder tree hutsstand. Dey new huts, but not built last night, leaves all dead,built eight or ten days ago. Me crawl on tomack among de trees, andlay and watch. In de furder hut two white lady. Dey come in andout, dey talk togeder, de oders not go near them. Next hut to them,twenty, thirty yards away, two white men. Dey sit on log and smokecigar. In de next hut four white sailor. Den a little distanceaway, twelve black fellows sit round fire and cook food. Plenty ofgoats down in valley, good gardens and lots of bananas."

  "How did the white ladies seem?"

  "Not seem anyting particular, sar. Dey neber look in de directionob oders. Just talk togeder bery quiet. Me see dere lips move, buthear no voice. Hear de voice of men quite plain."

  "How close can we get without being seen?"

  "About fifty yards, sar. Huts put near stream under big trees.Trees not tick just dar; little way lower down banana trees rundown to edge ob stream. If can get round de village on dat sidewidout being seen, can go through bananas, den dash across destream and run for de ladies. Can get dere before de oders.Besides, if dey run dat way we shoot dem down."

  "Thank God, that is all satisfactory," Frank said. "But it is hardhaving to wait here another five hours before doing anything."

  "We are ready to go and pitch into them at once, sir," one of thesailors said. "You have only to say the word."

  "Thank you, lads, but we must wait till within an hour or two ofsunset. I expect that we shall have to fight our way back, and weshall want darkness to help us. It would be folly to risk anything,just as success seems certain after these months of searching.Still, it is hard to have to wait.

  "It is getting on to twelve o'clock. You had better get that basketout and have your dinners."

  The next four hours seemed to him interminable. The sailors andnegroes had gone to sleep as soon as they had finished their mealand smoked a pipe. Frank moved about restlessly, sometimes smokingin short, sharp puffs, sometimes letting his pipe go out everyminute and relighting it mechanically, and constantly consultinghis watch. At last he sat down on a fallen tree, and remained therewithout making the slightest motion, until George Lechmere said:

  "I think it is time now, Major."

  "Thank goodness for that, George. I made up my mind that I wouldnot look at my watch again until it was time.

  "Now, lads, before we start listen to my final orders. If we arediscovered as we go past the village, we shall turn off at once andmake straight for the camp. Don't waste a shot on the blacks. Theyare not likely to have time to gather to oppose us, but cut downanyone that gets in your way. When we are through the village makestraight to the farthest hut. Don't fire a shot till we have gotbetween that and the next, and then go straight at Carthew and hisgang. If I should fall, Lechmere will take the command. If he, too,should fall, you are to gather round the ladies and fight your waydown to the landing place. Take Dominique's advice as to paths andso on. He and his men know a good deal better than you do--butremember, the great duty is to take the ladies on board safe.

  "The moment you get them there, tell the captain my orders are thatyou are to man the two boats, row straight at the brigantine, drivethe crew overboard and sink her. Then you are to sail for Englandwith Miss Greendale. The brigantine must be sunk, for if Carthewgets down there he will fill her with blacks and sail in pursuit;and as there is not much difference in speed between the two boats,she might overtake you if you carried away anything. You must getrid of her before you sail.

  "What have you got there, George?"

  "Two stretchers, Major. Dominique and I have been making them forthe last two hours. We can leave them here, sir, by the side of thepath, and pick them up as we come along back."

  A couple of minutes later the party started. They followed the pathdown until nearly at the bottom of the hill. Here the trees grewthinner, and Dominique, who was leading, turned to the right. Theymade their way noiselessly through the wood, Dominique taking thema much wider circuit round the village than he himself had made,and bringing them out from the trees at the lower end of theplantation of bananas.

  Hitherto they had been walking in single file, but Frank now passedalong the order for them to close up.

  "Keep together as well as you can," he said, when they wereassembled; "and mind how you pass between the trees. If you setthese big trees waving, it might be noticed at once."

  Very cautiously they stole forward until they reached the edge bythe stream. Frank looked through the trees. Four white sailors werelying on the ground, smoking, in front of their hut. Carthew andhis companion were stretched in two hammocks hung from the treeunder which their hut stood. Bertha and her maid had retired intotheir bower.

  "Now, lads," he said, as with his revolver in his right hand heprepared for the rush. "Don't cheer, but run silently forward. Themoment they catch sight of us you can give a cheer.

  "Now!" and he sprang forward into the stream, which was but ankledeep.

  The splash, as the whole party followed him, at once attracted theattention of the sailors; who leaped to their feet with a shout,and ran into their hut, while at the same moment Carthew and hiscompanion sprang from their hammocks, paused for a moment insurprise at the men rushing towards them, and then also ran intotheir hut, Carthew shouting to the blacks
to take to their arms.

  "Go straight at them, George," Frank shouted, running himselfdirectly towards the nearest hut, just as Bertha, startled at thenoise, came to its entrance.

  She stood for an instant in astonishment, then with a scream of joyran a step or two and fell forward into his arms.

  "Thank God, I have found you at last," he said. "Wait here amoment, darling. I will be back directly. Go into the hut until Icome."

  But Bertha was too overpowered with surprise and delight to heedhis words, and Frank handed her to her maid, who had run out behindher.

  "Take her in," he said, as he carried her to the entrance of thehut, "and stay there until I come again."

  Then he ran after his party. A wild hubbub had burst forth. Musketsand pistols were cracking. Carthew, as he ran out of the hut,discharged his pistol at the sailors, but in his surprise andexcitement missed them; and before he had time to level another,George Lechmere bounded upon him, and with a shout of "This is forMartha Bennett," brought his cutlass down upon his head.

  He fell like a log, and at the same moment one of the sailors shothis companion. Then they dashed against the Belgian sailors, whohad been joined by the blacks.

  "Give them a volley, lads!" George shouted.

  The four sailors fired, as a moment later did the boatmen, and thencutlass in hand rushed upon them.

  Just as they reached them Frank arrived. There was but a moment'sresistance. Two of the sailors had fallen under the volley, a thirdwas cut down, and the fourth, as well as the blacks, fled towardsthe village. Here the Obi drum was beating fiercely.

  "Load again, lads," Frank shouted. "Two of you come back with me."

  He ran with them back to the end hut, but Bertha had now recoveredfrom her first shock.

  "Come, darling," he said, "there is not a moment to lose. We mustget out of this as soon as we can.

  "Come along, Anna.

  "Thompson, do you look after her. I will see to Miss Greendale."

  Just as they reached the others, a volley was fired from thevillage by the blacks of Carthew's party, who were armed withmuskets. Then they, with thirty other negroes, rushed out with loudshouts.

  "Don't fire until they are close," Frank shouted. "Now let themhave it."

  The volley poured into them, at but ten paces distance, had adeadly effect. The blacks paused for a moment, and the rescuingparty, led by George Lechmere and Dominique, rushed at them. Thesailors' pistols cracked out, and then they charged, cutlass inhand.

  For a moment the blacks stood, but the fierce attack was too muchfor them, and they again fled to the village.

  "Stop, Dominique!" Frank shouted, for the big pilot, who hadalready cut down three of his opponents, was hotly pursuing them."We must make for the path at once."