Read The Quiet One Page 11

Again, a call for “Phillip” at the top of her lungs was rendered. Being a little more on edge than usual, the volume from her mother made Anne flinch noticeably forcing the Viscount to put a comforting arm around her waist. Not wanting Anne to relive the episode again as he and Fred told the story to her parents, Hufton ushered her to her bedchamber and told her to get some rest. He would get her for supper. She clung to him almost in desperation and he did not want to let her out of his reach either, but when he saw her asleep from exhaustion, he did manage to pull himself away to go to the worried Vinreys.

  When he entered the library, he was greeted with a very warm handshake and “We are eternally grateful to you son for saving our daughter from certain….” Lord Vinrey did not even want to think of the outcome besides state it. He received an understanding nod. Pulling himself together, “When I saw how you took care of Anne so well at the soiree, I knew I could trust you and Anne seems to feel the same way.” Lord Vinrey finished with a smirk. If the Viscount understood the meaning of the smirk right, Lord Vinrey understood their friendship. Lord Vinrey might not stray far from his study, but he did have an uncanny ability to see people for who they were.

  Lady Vinrey decided it was time for her to get into the conversation. Still in a high pitched voice from the shock of her daughter’s almost disastrous outing, “Dear Viscount—“

  “Avery, please.”

  “My dear boy, I cannot voice my gratitude. Is there anything we can do to show our deepest thanks?”

  “No, ma’am. Maybe tomorrow. Anne still wants to come to the soiree, she wouldn’t let me cancel it…. Please make sure you stay quiet,” he was not sure if Lady Vinrey could keep that promise, “and maybe not mention anything about dogs, at least not for a while.” Thinking back to the poor beagle mix brought moist eyes to the twenty-three year old, causing the Vinreys to glance at each other in alarm. Why was the Viscount so emotionally affected by what had happened? It was not depicted quite so horribly to them. Lord Vinrey brought the young man a stiff brandy, which he was grateful for.

  Wishing to be there when Anne awoke or came down, the young Viscount joined Lord Vinrey in the study. There was much the men wished to discuss. Anne’s father was sure that eventually vows would be exchanged between this wonderful young man and his daughter, but needed much more information about him. In exchange, the Viscount wanted to know about the past situations with the eldest Buttwell. They had built a great rapport when a servant came in calling for the Viscount. He quickly excused himself and bounded up the stairs in threes. Seeing this reaction, Lord Vinrey knew that the wedding bells were near.

  Anne heard a tentative knock on her door but expecting her mother or father, did not respond and even turned to face the other way. She only knew her loyal Trusty was nevermore and that her Spot has turned to a horrific spot. She was so depressed. Then she heard a soft and tender “Anne?” She must be imagining things and just stayed the way she was. Having such keen ears, she did hear a chair pulled through the room. Maybe she was not dreaming. She turned around to behold a loving face looking absolutely concerned at her. “I won’t ask if you are alright, because I know you aren’t. But do you wish any company or anything at all?” She dearly would have been taken into his arms again, but was too well taught to say as much. But, she did have a yearning glance that was reflected in his hazel eyes. Apparently he was able to determine what her heart desired and putting out his hand in which she put hers, he pulled her up and they stood holding each other. They stayed just like that until a maid mentioned that supper was ready. Sliding his arm around her waist, he maneuvered Anne down the stairs. They were about to enter the dining room when slowly Teddy eased himself along the hallway towards the dining room as was his custom at this time. Anne ran to her elderly dog, pulled him into her arms, and proceeded to sob atrociously. Hearing this outpouring of emotion from their daughter, Lord Vinrey quickly went to his wife who cried for her daughter in his arms. Lord Vinrey was close to doing the same but he had to be strong for his wife and daughter. He did glance at the young Viscount who only stood there watching the heart-wrenching scene unfold at his feet with tears slowly trickling down his cheeks. Hufton loved Anne and his heart bled with hers: all other information about the Viscount was unimportant now for Lord Vinrey.

  When finally the horror of the scene had diminished slightly, Hufton pulled Anne up but she was unable to stand and still held Teddy dearly to her heart. The sobbing had stopped but the tears just would not end and her eyes had turned lifeless. Avery bent down, and with all the strength he could muster, lifted her with her Theodore and carried her back up to her bedchamber. He might cancel the soiree after all. Being back in bed, she did not release her dog who just wiggled himself into a comfortable position and gladly stayed with her in the comfort of her arms. Upon closing the door, Avery just stood there leaning against it. How one moment can change lives. Supper was postponed and Lord Vinrey took his future son-in-law to the library where the younger man dropped himself into a lounge chair and just stared into the fire that was only smoldering. The elder man gave his exhausted future son a very stiff drink and just sat there if needed.

  After letting the drink burn its way down, “Damn the man! All of this for what?”

  “He had his mind set.”

  “Was his goal to really marry her? If so, what then?”

  “I don’t know if we wish to go there, son.”

  “Was she then just a mistress or would it have continued….”

  Vinrey put a hand upon the frustrated man’s shoulder. “Dear boy, you are only making it worse. Just think that you just happened to be in the right place at the right moment to destroy any horrendous plans Erwin did have.”

  “I waited there often for her. I whistled sometimes and when she responded, I knew she was there. I did the same today and assumed maybe she was here in the garden and I had remounted when I heard Trusty….” Vinrey put his hand on Hufton’s shoulder again in hopes of some comfort. “That poor thing…it gave its life…to save….” He could not continue. He put his face in his hands and just sat there. Vinrey left the poor soul to deal with his emotions as he deemed fit.

  Upon closing the door behind him, Lord Vinrey swore, “Damn Erwin, if you were close now, I think I’d kill you with my bare hands!” He stomped over to the dining room and rejoined his wife to eventually eat supper.

  The next morning Anne was not sure if she should get up or not. But, after just lying in bed indecisive with Teddy lying next to her, she heard a light rasp on her door. Remembering yesterday’s nice surprise, she eagerly awaited the visitor. “Are you awake?” It was not Avery but it was another welcome guest: Edmund. Edmund had waited at the Hufton estate for the return of the owner yesterday and when it became quite late, he wondered what had become of his best friend. Finally when Avery did arrive home, he was prepared to kill Buttwell. Thankfully Edmund was there to talk him out of his revengeful mood and learned about the events of the day. Fitzgerald knew immediately that he had to come here the next morning to ease Anne’s pain. “Do you wish to do anything today?”

  “Besides eat?” Edmund looked stupefied at her. “I never had supper yesterday!” He kindly went downstairs and asked for some hearty breakfast in the kitchen, while Anne dressed. The whole house was hushed and everyone talked in a whisper. Hufton’s request for quiet was taken seriously. Soon later, Edmund arrived with a filled platter and ate with Anne. He chatted about almost everything under the sun except anything having to do with dogs. Anne realized this and appreciated the effort, but Trusty was not so easily forgotten. Teddy seemed to feel how much Anne needed him, and did not leave her side until Edmund came. Then with her help, he was placed on the floor to give a tail wagging greeting to her guest and then left.

  Edmund stayed with her all day, accompanying her into the garden and then through the estate with Fred’s replacement for extra protection. Only about an hour before the soiree did he leave her to get prepared for the event. Anne was touched that he
stayed with her.

  The dresses that Anne and her mother had ordered, came about an hour before they needed to get ready but that was close enough for Lady Vinrey to panic but with her daughter’s condition, she kept it to herself. Because of yesterday’s incident, Anne was a little pale but the lovely ruby red dress gave her some color and, maybe because she knew the Viscount was hosting the soiree, she did become a little excited. When her father joined her in the usual wait for Lady Vinrey, she could not believe the festive flair his evening clothes had. He had a ruby in his cravat reflecting Anne’s dress color exactly, the cravat itself seemed prepared with a bit more thoughtfulness, and his suit was not just the drab brown or gray he usually wore. He had a dark brown coat over a tan vest with shirt cuffs a little more frilly than was his custom. Lord Vinrey made sure that he was meticulously perfect. “What is the big occasion Father?”

  He chuckled. He should have known that Anne would notice. “My dear, I have a feeling that tonight may be an extremely special evening and I thought I should be dressed for the occasion.” She glanced at him sideways: why was this more special than