Read The Quiet One Page 13

had subsided but the next phase was so colorful that Anne had to dismount. Avery had appreciated his well-groomed grounds more and more as he got older but not until Anne inspected the blooms noticing every detail was he really aware. Sadly as they were marveling at the gorgeous magenta rose, his estate manager came. Understanding that the estate needed his attention, Anne just continued going through the garden. She would point out the delicate points of the plants to Sassy.

  In the meantime, Lady Vinrey strolled through the house hoping she would remember all of the details. When they returned home, she would have to have some tête-à-têtes with some of her closest friends to discuss the remarkable home her daughter would have. Lord Vinrey just disappeared into the library, more than happy to be surrounded by the many volumes the room held. Then, over supper, Lady Vinrey could not hold her pride nor excitement at bay. Anne was a little embarrassed at the glorious reports from her mother, but Avery just grinned appreciatively. When, finally there was a little pause, the host asked Lord Vinrey his views. His appreciation of his favorite room was not as emotionally portrayed, but the sparkling eyes said everything. When Lady Vinrey was able to continue, the younger pair only had eyes for each other which older all-seeing eyes did not miss.

  After supper, Anne continued with her solo tour and came to a little pathway. It was leading into some dark woods. There were very few birds left, migrating to warmer climes for the winter so the walk was relatively quiet. Soon she saw a brighter area ahead. It was not until she was in the meadow that she noticed where she was. Sassy felt that her new master needed some company and sat right in front of Anne who did not see her. Anne only heard the yelp of Trusty as tears started blurring her vision. Not getting the attention she wanted, Sassy not only sat up, but stood up putting her paws on Anne’s knees. Finally realizing that Sassy was there, Anne immediately led her new companion to the bench where they sat together on it, Anne hugging Sassy. Sassy was a good listener and patiently let her master tell her what happened that fateful day. Sadly Sassy could not respond when Anne asked her if she would alert her when Erwin was nearby. Feeling a little better for having told Sassy about the sad day, Anne took the time to look at the changing meadow.

  After a deep sigh of sadness for the growing season coming to a close, Anne was about to get up to return back to the house when she heard it. She jumped up immediately alert. Sassy whined in confusion. “Sassy, listen! That’s the bird!” It stopped! Anne frowned in frustration. Noticing that it was not going to sing again, Anne explained her aggravation to Sassy. Turning around one last time in hopes of hearing one of the bird’s notes and not hearing anything, Anne started down along the path. She stopped mid-stride. It started up again! She tried to mimic it but it was just so much more complex than other songs that she had a hard time keeping up with it. No song. She returned back to the bench practicing the beginning trying to get at least that right. Sassy thought this starting and stopping on their way back was a great game and was getting all excited. Anne interpreted it as her excitement in getting some of the song figured out.

  Just as Anne got up again, the song resumed. She was able to repeat more of it but still not the whole song. It was getting louder because she was going along the path with Sassy jumping around her. It seemed only yards away when the song stopped again! The only sound was Sassy panting with the excitement of the strange game. Still not hearing anything after a few minutes, Anne in trepidation tried the song. Nothing. Should she go on or go back to the bench and see if it will start up again? Not wanting to miss this last possible connection with her secretive bird, Anne quickly headed back to the bench. With the quick pace, Sassy was almost barking in excitement. They sat upon the bench again waiting. As Anne was concentrating on hearing the bird’s call again, she was staring into Sassy’s face. Sassy, in exchange was anxiously watching Anne wondering when the game would start up again, the tail wagging unbelievably swiftly. In impatience, Sassy started to whine.

  There it was again! Anne jumped up and started racing along the path as she tried to mimic the complex whistle. Sassy in exuberance almost made Anne trip and fall but her momentum kept her up. It was really close when it stopped again. Maybe it was because Sassy was just too active. “Sit!” She dropped her behind as if it weighed tons and the tail now was sweeping the forest floor. They waited. Silence. The shadows were getting long and still no song. It was already too late to go back to the bench and try again. “Maybe tomorrow,” she told the red-tongued collie who was wondering what the next part of the game was.

  Somewhat saddened, but hopeful for tomorrow, Anne and her furry companion headed back to the house. They were barely halfway through the forest when Avery came into view. Wanting to have her old master in the new game, Sassy raced up to him. Avery chuckled in surprise, quickly patted his old friend, but was quickly left alone. She was leading him to Anne. Delving deep into his memory, Avery did not recall Sassy ever doing that before. “Hello dear! I didn’t expect to see you on this pathway but you were nowhere else to be found!”

  “I’m sorry for taking so long. I just happened to stumble upon this pathway and found myself….”

  Avery quickly took her hands into his. “I know. That’s why I didn’t think of looking for you here. Are you—“

  She did not give him a chance to ask how she felt being in the meadow again. “Avery, did you ever hear a very peculiar bird?” He glanced confused at her as they continued on the pathway leading towards the bench again. She explained with the utmost detail about the episodes with the evasive bird. They arrived at the bench which was immediately occupied by a furry friend. Sassy never sat on any furniture before! It was not a very wide bench so only Anne and Sassy would fit. Noticing Avery’s stupefaction at Sassy’s behavior, Anne took Sassy into her lap so that he also could sit down.

  “So how does it sing?”

  “I wish I could whistle it for you. It is beyond my capabilities!” The frustrated and saddened face tore at Avery’s heart.

  “Not even a few notes?” With some cajoling, Anne tried her best to mimic the beginning. “Hmm, no I don’t think I’ve ever heard this bird. On my grounds you say?”

  “Your grounds? No, here and in the Earl’s garden.”

  “Like I said, on my grounds and on his.”

  Anne’s eyes doubled in size. This also is his? A heavenly grin soon flooded her face. “That’s why you said you could get permission for the bench! Why didn’t you tell me?” She slapped his shoulder.

  He chuckled and quickly took her hand to kiss it. “I didn’t want to spoil it for you. Back to this bird. No views of it at all? I can see that this could frustrate you.”

  “What I can’t understand is that I’ve only ever heard it here consistently and that one time at the Earl’s ball….” He waited as she thought of something. Sassy noticed that the game was over and despite being happy in Anne’s arms and being petted by both most of the time, she decided to jump down and lie at Anne’s feet. Her panting had stopped and she could rest easily now. How did Sassy know that Anne needed her? Avery just could not fathom it. Anne broke into his thoughts: “Maybe there’s a nest around here and at the Earl’s estate.”

  The next afternoon, with Avery in company, Anne visited the Earl to find out if the unknown avian was still at the estate. Hearing about something so bizarre, the Earl could not resist letting the strange young lady wander the garden to determine if the bird was still here.

  “Where did you hear it?”

  Anne tried to recollect the spot. “Just shortly before I met you.” Avery went to his position and Anne then backtracked to where she thought she was. Once she had an idea of the layout of the garden, they sat upon a bench to listen and wait: to no avail. Maybe the bird already migrated. The Earl was saddened by the results and wished them luck.

  As soon as they were back on Avery’s estate, Anne rushed to the meadow and waited upon the bench. Sassy immediately came to her side, apparently hearing that the coach had arrived and smelled her mist
ress. So, the three waited somewhat impatiently for the unbelievable whistle. Dusk was setting in and Anne hung her head. Avery led his saddened love back to the house with Sassy in tow.

  After supper, Anne was found standing at the glass doors leading to the garden staring out into the darkness. “Anne, something amiss?”

  “I might never hear that bird again! I can only imagine what it might look like….”

  Noticing that nothing was happening, Sassy laid down curled up with her tail over her nose.

  “What have you imagined?” Avery put an arm around her waist and pulled her to him as they looked out into the moonless night.

  “I’m thinking it more colorful and spectacular than any other bird I’ve seen. Probably blue, red, black, white, and maybe even some yellow. Because of the melodious whistle, it must be related to the nightingale….”

  “Sounds absolutely wonderful and quite unique.” He released his love and strolled to the couch. Anne nodded but stayed where she was.

  “Never again….” He could barely hear her from where he sat.

  Anne jumped and Sassy was instantly alert. Her mistress spun around looking throughout the room but did not find what she was looking for. Slowly Anne’s eyes