Read The Quiet One Page 9

went through all this trouble for me this morning, you may reply that tomorrow afternoon would be lovely—“

  “Tomorrow!” She was screeching again, intensifying Anne’s headache with a fury. Anne quickly covered her ears and had a pained expression.

  If only the headaches would evaporate as quickly as they were formed! “Yes, I need to spend some time in the garden today.”

  “What? No! Today! No Anne, you will ride with him this afternoon!” She left slamming the door behind her. Anne could only moan and wish her mother was more like her father.

  In order to quicken the retreat of her headache, Anne asked for breakfast up in bed. This worried her father who came to investigate the situation. Upon entering, he saw her head was bothering her. In almost a whisper, “From last night?”

  “This morning…Mother.” That was all he needed to hear and left her in peace to only take out his fury at the wife he deemed inconsiderate. The Vinreys hardly ever had a spat, so after the confrontation, Lady Vinrey was crying and retreated into her bedchamber for the day. Lord Vinrey at least was assured of some peace and quiet for his tender–eared daughter.

  After eating, Anne quickly disappeared into their woods, to slowly amble around their estate. By the time Fred found her to bring her back to the house, her head had improved greatly but the effects of the morning will probably be with her all day. She did not want to ruin Edmund’s day and dearly wished her mother would have listened to her. There he was, elegant yet simple, patiently waiting for her in the garden.

  “You haven’t waited long, I hope.”

  He shrugged his shoulders. “I wouldn’t know. I was ambling through your gardens. Quite an impressive variety! So, where do you wish to go?” She went to sit down on a bench and he soon followed suite waiting tolerantly, but after a while he noticed she was not going to respond. “Miss Anne?”

  “Dear Edmund, my mother, against my wishes, agreed to our ride this afternoon.” She kept her head hanging, so did not see his disgust. “I knew that I wouldn’t be good company today and wanted instead to ride tomorrow…if that is no trouble for you.” Anne finally looked up. Edmund’s demeanor changed with the explanation and he now grinned back and took her hands into his.

  “Miss Anne, if only I would have known about your condition today, I would not have bothered you.” His voice became softer and quieter as he spoke. “I heard you needed quiet in such instances and I wish not to worsen your head. I would gladly have your company tomorrow.”

  He was so kind. “Are the Fitzgeralds related to the Huftons in any way?”

  He cocked his head at the strange question. “Not that I know, why?”

  “You just…you’re kind like Avery.” He laughed a deep and full laugh but quickly stopped as he saw her close her eyes and wrinkled forehead.

  “Beg your pardon. Avery and I have been close friends from school and I noticed that he seemed to like you. If you were his friend, then you were going to be mine, too.” She was deeply touched. Maybe that was why Anne thought he would be a good friend; he was so similar to Avery in kindness. “Well, I best leave you now, if you wish, for you to recuperate.” When he was not too loud, she liked his company very much. To his surprise, she did wish him to stay but instead of riding, they just walked around on the estate. Occasionally Trusty would interrupt their conversation or divert them with his prancing about and desire for attention.

  In the meantime, Avery expected to find Anne at her Spot after the rigors of the previous day but she did not arrive. He could determine what she was doing through the servant grapevine but today he wanted to see for himself. Upon his arrival, Lady Vinrey almost fainted in the disbelief that two men desired Anne’s company. But, she did pull herself together and stated that Anne was out riding with Edmund. He disagreed stating that Anne’s horse was still in the stables. Fred was called for and he greeted the Viscount warmly and replied that Anne was walking on the grounds with Mr. Fitzgerald. Well, Edmund was not going to be the only one with Anne if he could help it, so he rode out in search of the pair. Hearing a galloping horse and from the distance deducing correctly that it was Avery, Edmund thought of pulling a prank upon his old friend. When Anne heard about it, she did not like it but it did sound exciting. Edmund was about to set it into motion, when at the last minute Anne’s realistic side took control and she went out to warn Avery.

  “You know, Avery, I would say this young lady was a spoil-sport.” After dismounting, and hearing this, the Viscount naturally put his arm around Anne’s waist. To her surprise, she liked it, liked it very much. She was so preoccupied, that she did not mind being called a spoil-sport. But, upon seeing this scene, Edmund knew that his old friend finally found himself a young lady. After discussing various topics, teasing poor Trusty led the three-some to some silliness and childish games.

  Soon, all three were out of breath from laughing and Anne found herself lying right next to Avery who was lying on his side facing her. She had not had so much fun and excitement since she could remember and she was glowing from it. Her hair was all tousled about her with leaves and grass clinging to it. She certainly looked like she belonged to the natural world, not the crazy inhumane human world. Feeling his tender glance upon her, Anne started blushing which only heightened her beauty. With his left free hand, he started brushing the leaves from her hair but soon his hand was caressing her cheek. Anne could feel her heart in every vein.

  Suddenly a brown, white, and tan body was on her, destroying the wonderful scene. Trusty wanted the fun to continue and could not get Edmund to play with him, so went to the next available body. Trusty quickly was yanked from her and Hufton proceeded to tease and play with the dog until the poor little pup was out of breath and exhausted.

  “Avery, he’s only a puppy!” Anne took Trusty from his arms looking concerned into the cute brown eyes that were still dancing from all of the attention.

  “Just wait, he won’t be in a few more weeks!” Edmund agreed and the three slowly worked their way back to the house with Anne in the middle, each arm linked with one of the men’s. Trusty, with the infinite energy of a puppy, was jumping around them with a long red tongue.

  As they were getting to the garden, Lady Vinrey just happened to look out the window in their direction and squealed “Phillip!” Never hearing this voice used before, he quickly came to her side.

  “What’s the matter, dear?”

  “Look!” She could only point in the direction of the three arriving arm in arm. In shock, Lady Vinrey leaned against her husband who was gleaming. He knew something good would come out of her acquaintance with the Viscount. The three were laughing and joking and Anne had never looked as well and happy as she did now. The men, upon entering, were asked to stay for supper and they gladly accepted. After everyone was refreshed, they joined the Vinrey pair at the table. Being back in the house, Anne turned back to her proper more reserved self. It did not matter, the men knew that there was much more to Anne than anyone could ever imagine.

  The next day, Anne needed to digest all that had happened the previous day and discussed most of it with her loyal Trusty. She walked through the forest and did not see it the same way anymore. The forest always was a special place for her because of all of the animals that lived in it but now it also had some human element to it. To think that the soiree would not have any consequences was direly wrong. And, the beginning with Edmund was so terrible! In joy, she hummed a waltz and poor Trusty had to play her partner. It was a sight to see.

  When she entered the sitting room, her mother burst into the room from the other side. “We’ve been invited!” Anne was expecting her head to start acting up, but it did not. “The Viscount has invited us with a few dear friends to come to a soiree that he will be hosting! Anne, you must get the best dress to impress him!”

  Anne shook her head in disagreement. Her mother froze. “Mother, I won’t do anything different than usual. Trying to be someone else will only result in confusion and people hurting each other. Besides
, I think I have impressed him by just being me. Right, Father?”

  “I would certainly agree! But, your mother is right in that you should have a nice dress for the occasion.” Since her style really never changed, Anne only needed to decide upon a color and this time a nice deep red was her choice. To make sure that the dress would be ready for the soiree, in 2 days time, Lady Vinrey went with her. In the possible chance that this event would create results for Anne, she picked a new dress for herself: one that was even more lacy and pretentious than usual.

  The following day started quite uneventful. The garden was nice and peaceful and Edmund had come to visit again, so the morning passed quite rapidly. He left to prepare things for the upcoming soiree, which he gratefully was also invited to, leaving Anne to wander the woods again in solitude. She was deep in thought thinking about how her life had changed by just a few kind words about her to Edmund. He had turned into the older brother Anne never had. They discussed just about anything either was interested in and often had heated debates when their views clashed, but thank goodness, that did not happen too often.

  “Good afternoon, Miss Anne.” She felt a shiver go up her spine.

  “Good day, Erwin.” Trusty must have sensed her