Read The Rajah of Dah Page 5



  At the same moment that the doctor was speaking, Ned had caught sight ofsomething glittering in the sun above the green shrubs that bordered thebamboo fence, and directly after that there was quite a blaze of yellowand scarlet colour as a party of Malays reached the gate and entered thegrounds, a little group of swarthy-looking spearmen halting in the path,while two stately-looking men, with handkerchiefs tied turban fashionabout their heads, came slowly up to the steps. The doctor descended tomeet them, and then ushered them into the verandah where they salutedthe ladies courteously, and then bowed gravely to the strangers, to whomthey were introduced as two of the chief officers of the rajah in themost formal way; after which, as a brief conversation took place in theMalay tongue, and gave Ned the opportunity to examine their silkenjackets and gay kilt-like sarongs in which were stuck their krises withthe handles covered by the twisted folds, the doctor turned to Murray.

  "These gentlemen," he said, "have been sent by his highness the rajah toask why you have come here, and to desire your presence before him."

  "Tell them," said Murray, "that I am sorry I cannot speak their tongue;and that as I am going on at once, I beg the rajah will excuse me fromwaiting upon him."

  "My dear sir," whispered Mr Braine; but Murray flushed a little, andwent on:

  "Tell the rajah, please, that I am an English gentleman, a subject ofHer Majesty Queen Victoria, travelling with my nephew to collect objectsof natural history, and that I shall be obliged if he will give me asafe conduct to pass through his country unmolested by his people."

  An answer to this was made at once by the elder and more grave-lookingof the two Malays, showing that, though he spoke in his own language tothe doctor, he had comprehended every word that had been said.

  The doctor listened, and then interpreted again to Murray.

  "The Tumongong desires me to say that he is sure his highness will beglad to further your wishes, but that he dare not go back and deliversuch a message. You will excuse me for saying so, Mr Murray, but youmust obey, and at once."

  "And suppose I refuse, sir?" said Murray, warmly. "British gentlemenare not accustomed to be told that they must."

  "No," said the doctor, smiling, "and do not like it; but there are timeswhen Englishmen and Scotchmen find that they must submit tocircumstances--eh, Braine?--eh, Greig?"

  "Oh yes," said the merchant, taking out his snuff-box, opening it, andoffering it to each of the Malay gentlemen, who bowed gravely, and tooka pinch.

  "It is not pleasant, I know, sir," said Mr Braine quietly; "but may I,as a fellow-countryman, offer you a little advice?"

  "Of course."

  "Then pray go, sir. And, excuse me for saying, it would be uncourteousnot to obey the summons. Vous parlez Francais?" he added quietly.

  "Yes, badly."

  "Croyez moi: il faut."

  Ned noticed a slight twitching of the Tumongong's facial muscles, and anintent look in his eyes, as if he were trying to understand the lastwords, which puzzled him.

  "I am at his highness's service," said Murray, abruptly. "Come Ned, youmay as well come too."

  The chief officer smiled gravely, and placed himself beside Murray, hiscompanion following his example, and walking up to Ned. Then they bothbowed politely to the ladies, and signed to the visitors to go towardthe steps.

  "You are coming, then?" said Murray, as he saw Mr Braine step forward.

  "I? Oh yes. You will want an interpreter," said the gentlemanaddressed.

  "Excuse me a moment," said Murray, addressing the Malay chief.--"Ladies,I'll say good-bye once more, and thank you heartily for your kindness tous."

  "You can do that later on," said the doctor, quietly. "If you do goto-day, of course we shall come and see you off."

  "To be sure. Thank you," said Murray smiling.--"Now, gentlemen, I am atyour service. I see that you speak English."

  "Understand? yes," said the chief officer; "speak? no."

  By this time they were in the garden, the group of swarthy spearmenstanding back in line with military precision, and holding their weaponsat the salute as the party passed them, and then falling in behind tomarch after them in a way which showed that they had been carefullydrilled.

  "Come, Ned," said Murray, as they passed out of the gate, "don't look soserious, lad; they are not leading us out to execution."

  "Did I look serious, uncle?" said the boy merrily. "I was not thinkingthat, but of our clothes."

  "Eh, what about them, lad?"

  "That they look very rough and shabby beside these grand dresses. Wehardly seem lit to go to court."

  "Not our fault, boy. It is a special invitation," replied Murraymerrily.--"We must study up the Malay language so as to be independent,Mr Braine."

  "I should advise you to master it as soon as you can," said thatgentleman, who was now walking beside them as they threaded their way inand out among the houses, where every now and then they could catch aglimpse of a pair of eyes watching them, though the people they passedtook not the slightest notice of them, or just glanced, turned theirbetel-nut in their mouths, and went on chewing it with their eyeshalf-closed, as if the coming of strangers was not of the slightestimportance to them.

  "Is it far to the palace?" asked Murray, giving Ned a quaint look.

  "Just beyond those houses, and amongst the group of trees you can seeover their roofs," said Mr Braine; and he then turned and spoke to theofficers, who replied to him in Malay.

  "His highness is waiting to give you audience," he continued. "MrMurray, I do not like to force advice upon a stranger, but I should liketo say, for your own sake and that of your young friend, try to acceptthe position in which you find yourself, however hard it may be. And,"he added in a whisper, looking sharply at Ned, "whatever you see, do notlaugh. Eastern gentlemen are extremely sensitive to ridicule."

  "I shall not laugh," said Ned quietly; and then he began thinking aboutthe punctilious ways of his companions till they had passed the lasthouses, entered a patch of forest, and from that came suddenly upon aclearing where a spacious bamboo house stood half hidden by a clump ofumbrageous trees, beneath one of which was drawn up a group which at thefirst glance made the boy wonder whether he was gazing at a scene inreal life, or some imaginary picture from an eastern tale.

  The first figure upon which Ned's eyes rested was seated in the centreof the group, on a quaintly made stool, and his gorgeous dressimmediately suggested that this must be the great man himself whom theyhad come to see. For he was evidently got up expressly for theoccasion, with his courtiers carefully arranged about him, some standingbehind and on either side, but for the most part squatted down on thesandy ground in the position affected by eastern people, though here andthere one could be seen right down cross-legged _a la turque_.

  The rajah was the only one in European costume, and at the first glanceat the man, with his heavy fat sensual-looking face and lurid eyes, Nedrecalled his companion's words: "Whatever you see, do not laugh."

  He felt at once the value of the advice, as his eye ran over the chief'scostume, for he was gorgeously arrayed in a military tunic and trousersundoubtedly made in London to order, the tailor having had instructionsto prepare for his highness a dress that would be striking andimpressive, and from this point of view he had done his work well. Thetrousers were blue with gold stripes, of the most elaborate floralpattern, such as decorate levee uniforms; and, after the fashion of ourmost gaily-dressed hussars of fifty years ago, there were wonderfulspecimens of embroidery part of the way down the front of the thigh.But the tunic was the dazzling part of the show, for it was of theregular military scarlet, and was neither that of field-marshal,dragoon, nor hussar, but a combination of all three, frogged, roped, andembroidered in gold, and furnished with a magnificent pair of twistedepaulets. Across the breast was a gorgeous belt, one mass of goldornamentation, while the sword-belt and slings were similarly encrusted,and the sabre and sheath--carefull
y placed between his legs, so that itcould be seen to the best advantage--was a splendid specimen of thegoldsmiths' and sword-cutlers' art, and would have been greatly admiredin a museum. To complete the effect, the rajah wore an Astrakan busby,surmounted by a tall scarlet egret-plume, similar to that worn by ahorse-artillery officer of the British army, the cap being corded,starred, and held in place by a golden chain cheek-strap.

  The effect ought to have been most striking, and so it was in one way;but it was spoiled by the presence of a jetty-black Malay attendant,dressed in an ordinary dark paletot and military-looking cap, holdingover the rajah's head a white sun umbrella of common cotton, and thefact patent to any Englishman, that the uniform must have been orderedwithout the customary visit to the tailor, the result destroyingeverything with the horribly striking truth that it did not fit!

  Ned bit his tongue hard, and gazed to right and left at the swarthycourtiers of the monarch, six of whom were squatted down in the frontrow, some in little military caps, others in brilliant kerchiefs tiedturban fashion about their heads, and all wearing brilliant silkensarongs. These were the rajah's sword-bearers, and each held by theornamental sheath a kris or parang of singular workmanship, with thehilt resting against the right shoulder. The rest of the rajah's peoplewere picturesquely arranged, and in their native dress looked to a manfar better than their ruler, who was the incongruous spot in the group,which was impressive enough to an English lad, with its luridfierce-looking faces and dark oily eyes peering from the mass of yellowand scarlet, while everywhere, though with the hilt covered by the foldsof the sarong, could be made out the fact that each man carried at hiswaist a deadly-looking kris.

  All this was seen at a glance as they advanced, and Ned had thoroughlycrushed down the desire to laugh at the dark potentate, when his unclenearly made him explode by whispering: "Make your fortune, Ned. Buy thewhole party for Madame Tussaud's."

  He was saved from a horrible breach of court etiquette by the twoofficials advancing, bowing low to the rajah, and making a short speechto his highness, who nodded and scowled while the guard of spearmenformed up in a row behind, and Mr Braine saluted in military fashion,and went and stood half behind at the rajah's left elbow, listened tosomething the great man said, and then looked at the two visitors.

  "His highness bids me say that you are welcome to his court."

  "We thank his highness," said Murray, frankly. Then to Ned: "Do as Ido;" and he advanced and held out his hand.

  There was a slight movement amongst the sword-bearers and officials, anda dozen fierce-looking men seemed ready to spring forward at thisdisplay of equality. But the rajah did not resent it; he smiled, rose,and took the extended hands in turn, making his plume vibrate and hisbusby topple forward, so that it dropped right off, and would havefallen in the dust but for the activity of Ned. He caught it andreturned it to the wearer, who frowned with annoyance as he replaced itin its proper position.

  "Dank you," he said, quite surlily, and he shook hands now. "How derdoo?"

  This last word was prolonged with quite a growl.

  "Quite well, and glad to pay our compliments to your highness," saidMurray.

  The rajah's brow puckered, and he stared heavily, first at his visitorsand then at Mr Braine, for he had reached the end of his English.

  That individual came to his rescue, however, and after a few formalcompliments had passed, with the people all listening in stolid silence,Murray requested through his interpreter permission to pass on throughthe rajah's country.

  This brought forth a series of questions as to what the visitors wouldcollect, and answers respecting birds, animals, and plants.

  The rajah listened to the answers, and then said something eagerly toMr Braine.

  "His highness wishes to know if you understand anything about mineralsand metals," said the latter.

  "Yes, I have made mineralogy and geology something of a study," repliedMurray; and this being interpreted, the rajah spoke again for somelittle time with more animation than might have been expected from soheavy and dull a man.

  "I'm getting tired of this, Ned," whispered Murray.

  "Oh, it's worth seeing, uncle. It will be something to talk about whenwe get home."

  "Yes, boy; but I want nature, not art of this kind."

  "Mr Murray," said their interpreter just then, after clearing his voicewith a cough, as if to get rid of something which tickled his throat,and drawing him and Ned aside, "his highness desires me to say that he,is very glad to welcome to his court so eminent a naturalist."

  "My dear Mr Braine," said Murray, interrupting, "we arefellow-countrymen. Never mind the flowery part; let's have the plainEnglish of it all."

  "My dear fellow, I am translating almost verbatim. His highness saysthat he has long wished to see a gentleman of your attainments, for heis anxious to have his country explored, so that the valuable metals,precious stones, and vegetable productions may be discovered. He saysthat you are very welcome, and that a house shall be placed at yourdisposal, with slaves and guards and elephants for expeditions throughthe jungle to the mountains. One of his dragon boats will also beplaced at your service for expeditions up the river, and he wishes youevery success in the discoveries you will make for him."

  "For him!" said Murray, looking bewildered; "but I want to make them formyself, and for the institutions with which I am connected in London."

  "Yes; it is very awkward," said Mr Braine.

  "Tell him I am highly flattered, but I must go on to-day.--Well, go on:speak to him."

  "I cannot. I dare not."

  "Then I will."

  "But you can't; you do not know his language."

  "Then I'll show him in pantomime."

  "My dear sir, pray do nothing rash. I understand this chief and hispeople. You are quite strange to their ways. I beg you for your ownsakes to accept the position."

  "But it is making prisoners of us, sir. English people are notaccustomed to such treatment. I will not be forced to stay."

  "My dear Mr Murray, you are losing your temper," said Mr Braine."Just let me, as a man of some experience out here, remind you of what,in cooler moments, you must know: I mean the necessity for beingdiplomatic with eastern people. Now pray look here. I know howannoying all this is; but on the other hand, you will have facilitiesfor carrying on your researches such as you could not create foryourself."

  "Yes; but I do not like to be forced."

  "I know that. It is most objectionable."

  "And I see through him as plainly as can be: he wants me to find outgold, or tin and precious stones, and other things for his benefit. Itis degrading to a scientific man."

  "You are perfectly right; but I must speak plainly. This man hasperfect confidence in his own power, and he rules here like the Czar ofRussia. My dear sir, be guided by me. You have no alternative. Youcannot leave here, and he will have no hesitation whatever inimprisoning you if you refuse. Come, accept his proposal with a goodgrace, for your own and your nephew's sake--I may add for the sake ofthe follow country-folk you have met here to-day."

  "But my good sir," said Murray angrily, "this idea of forcing me makesme the more indignant and obstinate."

  "Yes; but forget all that in the cause of science."

  Murray smiled.

  "You are a clever diplomat, Mr Braine," he said. "Well I give way,for, as you say, there is no alternative."

  "That's right," said Mr Braine eagerly, "and I hope you will not regretit. There, the rajah is growing impatient. He must not think you havespoken like this. I shall tell him that you have been stipulating forabundance of help."

  "I do stipulate for that."

  "And freedom to pursue your investigations in every direction."

  "Yes; I stipulate for that too."

  For some time past the rajah had been frowning, and loosening his sabrein its scabbard and clapping it down again, while Ned noticed that, asif anticipating an unpleasant reminder of their master's anger, thepeop
le right and left squatted and stood like statues, gazing straightbefore them. But when Mr Braine left the two strangers, and went backto the fierce-looking chief and made a long communication, which he haddressed up so as to gloss over the long consultation and Murray'sdefiant manner, the rajah's face lit up, and showed his satisfaction,the courtiers and attendants relaxed, and began to chew their betel.Ned even thought he heard a faint sigh of relief rise from the group, asMr Braine bowed and returned to where the newcomers were standing.

  "You have acted very wisely, Mr Murray," he said. "Come now, hishighness wishes to speak to you."

  Murray could hardly crush down the feeling of resentment which troubledhim, but he walked up with Ned quietly enough, and stood waiting andtrying to attach a meaning to the words which the rajah said, feelinghow valuable some knowledge of the language would be, and hardly hearingMr Braine's interpretation.

  "His highness bids me say that he will be most happy to meet your wisheswith respect to accommodation, and freedom to explore."

  The rajah spoke again.

  "And that boats, elephants, and men to clear a path through the jungle,are to be at your service."

  There was another speech in Malay, which Mr Braine did not interpret,apparently for the reason that the rajah now rose from his stool, andtook a step forward to tap both Murray and Ned on the shoulder, standinglooking from one to the other, and rolling his great quid of betel-nutin his cheeks as he tried to recall something he wanted to say.

  At last a smile came upon his heavy features.

  "Goooood--boyahs," he said thickly. Then, drawing himself up, he stoodfast, holding the scabbard of his sword in his left hand, threw hisright over and grasped the hilt, and then in strict military fashionevidently, as he had been drilled by an instructor, he drew his sword,saluted, replaced the blade, faced to the right, marched a dozen paces;faced to the right again, and marched toward his bamboo and palm palace,the loose fit of his tunic and the bagginess of his trousers showing offto the worst advantage, till he was covered by his followers, who alsomarched after him mechanically, sword-bearers, men carrying a goldenbetel-box and golden spittoon, courtiers, and spearmen. At last allwere either in or close up to the house, only the two Malay chiefs, whohad fetched the strangers from the doctor's bungalow, remaining behind.

  These two came up to them smiling in the most friendly way, just asMurray said: "What about our boat and the men?"

  "Oh, they will be all right," replied Mr Braine.

  "But the men? Am I to send them back?"

  "No; his highness desires that they stay."

  Just then the chief who had been spoken of as the Tumongong--a kind ofchief counsellor--made some remark to Mr Braine, who nodded.

  "These gentlemen," he said, "wish me to say that they hope we shall allbe very good friends, and that they will see the rajah's wishes carriedout as to your comfort."

  "And our guns and things in the boat?"

  The Tumongong spoke at once.

  "You are not to make yourself uneasy. Everything will be right."

  Then profound salaams were exchanged, and the Malays went toward therajah's house, while the Englishmen took the way that led to thedoctor's.

  "I am beaten, Mr Braine," said Murray, rather bitterly. "I said Iwould go."

  "You have acted very wisely, sir."

  "Humph! Well, perhaps so," said Murray, rather gruffly. "Here we arethen, Ned: prisoners in the cause of science we'll call it.--But itseems to me, Mr Braine, that if we do not mind our P's and Q's, weshall be prisoners indeed."

  Mr Braine made no reply, but his looks seemed to endorse the other'swords.