Read The Reason Page 7

  “This is getting old. We have been here 2 hours now and no sign of him. How much longer are we going to sit here and be treated like crap by this guy?” The irritation was evident on his face and in his tone of voice.

  Chris stood and walked over to the officer at the desk and asked if Detective Barnes was coming.

  “Take a seat kid; he’ll get here when he gets here. He’s a busy man and isn’t going to drop everything to talk to some kid about a cold case.”

  Chris turned and headed back to the bench his anger was raising and his patience was gone. “I’m about done waiting for this jerk. If he don’t give a damn then I’ll just go over his head. I’ll bet the Chief of Police will care that a killer is walking around loose.”

  “Let’s just show a little patience. I say we give him till 5:00 then we can go over his head.” Duff was trying to cool down his friend with not much success. “Maybe the guy at the desk is just having a rough day and was trying to get a rise out of you. Don’t give him the satisfaction.”

  “You’re right Duff. Thanks.” Chris sat down and took several deep breaths. His anger faded a bit.

  At 4:50 PM Barnes came out of the secured area and walked up to Chris.

  “So you two must have something important to say.” He stood in front of them looking like he was in a hurry to leave for the day.

  “We have important information on the killings at UND. We know who did it sand we have proof. If we could go somewhere and discuss this we would like to show you the evidence we have collect…”

  “Hold it right there Romeo. You are not a police officer and have no experience solving murders. What you both need to do is just go home and let the professionals handle this.” Barnes stood straighter and looked more imposing than he had moments before.

  Chris jumped to his feet and stood nose to nose with the detective. “Well you haven’t solved the case and he is still killing. For a professional you’re a bust if you ask me.” Duff was standing too and had his hand on Chris’s shoulder.

  Barnes went red in the face. “Listen here little boy. I could have the two of you tossed in jail for interfering with an ongoing police investigation. Now the two of you just go home now and I’ll forget all about this. I know you’re upset at the loss of your girlfriend but you can’t go around butting into an official investigation. Now go home before this gets serious.”

  Duff had had enough and pulled Chris back from being in Barnes face. But rather than leaving the area as Barnes had suggested he took Chris’s place directly in front of Barnes and glared at the detective. “Your boy at the desk told us this was a cold case, as I understand it that means you are no longer actively working the case, so how about you listen to what we have. We might be able to help get this case going again.”

  “That’s it. Officer I want these two placed under arrest.” The officer pushed a button on his desk and three officers came out of the back and placed cuffs on Chris and Duff.

  “What the hell Barnes? We are just trying to help.” Chris yelled.

  Duff continued with, “You’re a self righteous ass Barnes.”

  “Let’s see what a night in jail does for your attitude.” With a wave of his hand the three officers took the boys back to a holding cell behind the locked door.

  The officers advised Chris and Duff of their rights.


  The poured cement bench they called a bed was hard as a rock. Well being it was rock there was no surprise there. Duff was stretched out on one and Chris was sitting on the other fuming over the situation. They had taken everything from them and had them in orange jumpsuits and flip-flops.

  “I can’t believe Barnes did this to us,” Chris moaned.

  “We kinda had it coming. After all, what did we think we were doing?”

  “We were trying to find out who murdered Amy.” The rage in Chris’s voice was evident.

  “I know buddy but the “you’re a bust” comment might have been over the top.”

  “Maybe your right but the “you’re a self righteous ass” comment was definitely past the line.”

  “You’re probably right,” Duff said. Then they both broke down laughing.

  “I don’t know about you but I think it was worth it.” Chris continued laughing until one of the guards came by and knocked his nightstick against the bars demanding quiet.

  Putting on his best sheepish grin Duff said, “Sorry sir, we’ll hold it down,” trying to hold in the laugh.

  “Listen guys,” the guard said as he stopped in front of the cell. “We all know Barnes is a jerk. We also know he thinks the only evidence is evidence he has personally collected. When victims say they think it is one person or another he gets mad and tells them to butt out or else. You guys were just the only ones to stand up to him. The guards have had a good laugh over it. The plan now is to release you first thing in the morning. You’ll be out of here before your first class. But I would advise you two to stay below the radar from now on.”

  “Thanks officer,” Chris said. “I just don’t know if we will be able to stop this guy if the police are not going to help.”

  “You two should take a drive down to Boston and talk to the FBI. Because the school is state and federally funded they can take the case from Barnes if they want to. I think with the evidence you have collected they will listen and do something.”

  “You’ve read the file?” Chris was surprised to hear that.

  “Not just me, all the guards have and we agree that you have the guy dead to rites.”

  “Thanks again,” Chris smiled at the guard. “We’ll do that.”

  “No problem kid.” With that the guard left to continue his rounds.

  Chris lay back on the hard bed and said, “Did you hear that Duff? We got it right. I say screw Barnes and let’s take a trip to Boston tomorrow morning after we get out of here.”

  “I’m with you buddy but I want a shower first. I want to wash this place off me.”

  “Deal,” Chris smiled and closed his eyes trying to sleep.

  The rapping on the bars came at 7:15 AM. Both Chris and Duff woke with a start. “Time to go boys!” The guard opened the door and began the paperwork to release them. “By the way Barnes told us to have your car towed. But don’t worry we were too busy to get it done. That is one sweet ride. Who did the work?”

  “Me and my dad did most of it but when he died my uncles took the project on and finished the car for me. Thanks for not towing it. That car means a lot to me.”

  “I can understand why. Hey the boys want to know what you got planned for today?”

  “Well we were thinking that shower would be nice. Then we thought we would head down to Boston and talk to the FBI.”

  “That’s a good idea. Let’s get you out of here.” The guard unlocked the door and escorted the boys out the back door where their car was waiting. “It’s been a pleasure to meet you two. If you need any help just call us.”

  “Thanks again officer, and thanks for the direction.” Chris and Duff both smiled at the officer.

  “My pleasure, no bad guy should get away because of some cops attitude. You two go get him.”

  Chapter 23

  The trip down 93 to Boston was smooth and clear. The morning commute was over so traffic was light. When they got into Boston they got off at State St. and headed west and north back to government center. Parking in Boston is always an adventure and when you actually care about your care it is a nightmare. He drove into the ramp below the Government center and as luck would have it there was one good space left in the visitor’s lot. He took it and headed inside. The guard station was intimidating. Raised a couple of feet off the floor the guard looked down at Chris and Duff.

  “What can I do for you,” the guard asked?

  “We would like to see someone in the FBI,” Duff spoke while trying to hide his shaking hands.

  “You got an app

  “No we just drove down from New Hampshire at the request of the Manchester PD,” Chris lied.

  “Hold on a sec.” The guard turned and made a phone call. After a couple of minutes the guard hung up the phone and asked the boys for ID’s.

  Chris and Duff handed over their driver’s licenses to the guard who made photo copies and entered the information into a computer on his desk. Satisfied with the result of the computer check he handed the boys back their licenses and gave them visitor badges. “These must be worn at all times and be in clear view. Do you understand?”

  “Yes sir we do.” Chris and Duff clipped the badges to their shirt pockets. “Thank you.”

  “Just have a seat on the benches over there and someone will be with you soon.” The guard smiled and pointed to a series of benches in front of the windows.

  Chris and Duff took a seat. Chris whispered to Duff, “I hope this is not a repeat of yesterday.”

  “Me to pal. There is no way I’m going to sit here for four hours.”

  After only five minutes a tall man in a black three piece suit walked up to them and asked, “Chris and Duff?”

  “That’s us,” Chris said.

  “Follow me please.” The man in the black suit walked past the guard station and to the elevator doors.

  Chris and Duff jumped to their feet and followed the man into the elevator. The man pushed the button for the fifth floor, the doors closed and the elevator jerked up.

  “Sorry about that. The elevator has been acting up lately. They are going to work on it today and see if they can smooth it out. We have been complaining about it for a week.”

  “That’s cool,” Duff said and held the railing against the jerking motion.

  When the elevator came to a jerking halt Chris grabbed the hand rail and waited for the elevator door to open. Once he was sure that the doors would remain open Chris made a dash for the hallway in front of him. Breathing a sigh of relief Duff gave him an elbow and said under his breath “Chicken.”

  “It’s bad enough being so high up but a faulty elevator does not instill confidence in anyone with a brain.”

  Their escort snickered and walked down the hall waving Chris and Duff to follow. “I’m taking you to meet Jack Anderson. He is the boss around here and he will hear what you have to say. Jack is a throwback to days gone by but he is a good man and will hear you out. The only thing I can tell you is don’t lie to him. If he catches you in a lie you’re done. OK?”

  “Got it, thanks,” Chris said. Chris was feeling a bit intimidated. He started second guessing himself and the whole trip to Boston. As their escort moved further ahead Chris slowed and asked Duff, “You still think this was a good idea?”

  “No but we are committed now unless you want to run?”

  “No I don’t want to run. It’s just the seriousness of this is starting to settle in. It was one thing when the local police didn’t believe us. It’s something else to get slammed by a federal agency.”

  “It’ll be OK Chris. Just breath steady and slow and when you talk to him give him all the facts and the truth behind it.”

  “You’re right. I just need to take a chill pill.”

  The escort had stopped in front of an office door and was knocking. Chris and Duff hurried to catch up.

  “Come on in Danny,” a deep voice from beyond the door said. The escort, Danny, opened the door and motioned for the boys to enter. After they entered the office Danny closed the door and went on his way.

  Jack had his nose in a file folder and didn’t look up from his desk. “Have a seat,” Jack said.

  The boys took the two empty chairs in front of Jack’s desk and waited for Jack to finish what he was working on.

  After a few seconds Jack closed the folder and looked at Chris and Duff. “So it seems you both spent the night in Jail. Then you tell the guard you were sent here by the Manchester Police. So tell me why I should listen to a thing you say? In case they didn’t tell you I do deal with liars.” The look on Jacks face could stop traffic and Chris and Duff immediately felt like this trip was a mistake.

  Chris decided that he was going to move forward knowing he had gotten off to a rough start with Jack. “Mr. Anderson, the idea to come here was from the guards at the Manchester jail. After spending the night locked up one of the guards recommended we bring our information to the attention of the FBI. The Manchester Detective we originally went to refused to hear what we had discovered. We know who is killing at UND. We have all the information you need to arrest this killer and frankly if you don’t listen to us our next stop is the press.” Chris was feeling embolden by Jack’s lack of interruptions. Chris sighed and waited for Jack to respond.

  Jack looked at Duff and said, “You got anything you want to add?”

  Duff smiled and said, “What he said.”

  Jack chuckled and leaned back in his chair. “I got a call from the jail telling me you two were coming down. It took guts to say what you did. I believe you two; now let’s see this folder I was told about.

  Chris handed over the folder and Jack started reading. “What put you on to this guy?”

  Chris shuffled through the paper in front of him and showed Jack the computer door log record. Certain rows were highlighted all corresponding to one name. “If you look at the times you will see he leaves the dorm between thirty and forty-five minutes before each murder. He does not check in to any other building on campus and he always returns to the dorm by the back door.”

  “He might just be out for a run. I mean it could be a coincidence. What else you got?” Jack fumbled the papers in his hands.

  Duff was first to respond, “We thought that too so we attempted to follow him. He always wore black jeans, black shirt, and a black skullcap. That’s not your typical jogging suit. He carried a backpack. We tried to follow him one night but lost him when he ran into the woods behind the library. It was pitch black in there. We don’t think he knew we were following him. We waited for two hours and sure enough he came out of the woods and through the back door of his dorm.”

  “And he was looking around like he was making sure he was alone,” Chris added.

  Jack eyed up the boys and asked, “What else you got?”

  This time Chris took out a series of pages printed from the internet. “We had a friend hack his website and print these pages from his personal blog.”

  Jack took the pages and began reading. The look on his face told the story. “He all but admits killing them.”

  “Ya,” Chris said, “That’s what we got out of it too. It looks to me like he thinks these women are his girlfriends and when they don’t play ball with his sick game he has to punish them.”

  Jack put the papers down and looked up at the boys, “You two have been busy. I would have to say that the only problem might be that you collected the evidence illegally.”

  Chris jumped out of his chair and yelled, “Illegally? Is that what you’re worried about? You guys are as bad as the Manchester police. We hand you a guy who has killed four women and you’re worried about his rights. What about Amy’s rights. Maybe this was….”

  “Chris, sit down,” Jack ordered. “I said it might be. Not that I’m not going to do something about it. Do you know anything about how the court system works in this country? When information like this goes to court the defense has a field day how and why it was collected. We just have to get our ducks in a row and make sure that you and Duff were not acting as agents of the FBI or the local police when you collected this information.”

  “Of course we weren’t. We don’t work for anyone we’re students for Christ’s sake.” Chris took his seat still very agitated.

  “Look, I know you don’t. I’m going to get the lawyers in here now to draft up your statements. Do either of you have a criminal record?”

  “No sir,” They answered in unison.

  “Good, j
ust stay here for a few minutes and we can get this thing started.” Jack left the room.

  “I think he believed us Chris,” Duff said under his breath.

  “Me too,” Chris replied. “Maybe now we can get some help stopping this bastard.”

  A few minutes later Jack returned with Charles Labine a lawyer. After the introductions Charles got to work and started asking the boys all the pertinent questions. The answers were typed into a laptop and within an hour two statements were printed and given to Chris and Duff to sign. “Read these over and if they are correct then sign them.”

  The boys read and signed then Chris asked, “What now? Do you go arrest him?”

  Jack looked Chris and Duff in the eye and told them, “Next we get a warrant and check out his dorm, car and home. Then if we have enough evidence we arrest this punk and put him away for years to come.”

  Chris and Duff both smiled satisfied with the answer. “Do you need anything else from us?”

  “Yes I do, I need you to not talk about this with anyone else. Not friends, faculty, or family. If word gets out we suspect this guy, he’ll be gone in a second. Do you understand?”

  Chris answered, “Yes sir. We won’t talk to anyone. Will we be in the loop on this? I would like to know the progress being made.”

  “The company answer is no, but since you have been so involved and basically handed us the killer I’m going to go out on a limb and call you with every major development. You can also call my direct line any time you want to know where we are. I know Amy was your girlfriend and you deserve to know.” Jack handed Chris and Duff his card. “My cell is on the back. I answer it any time day or night.”

  Chris and Duff rose from their seat and shook Jack’s hands. “Thank you,” was all they said as they left Jack’s office.

  The ride home was quiet but the relief was evident. Both Chris and Duff breathed several long sighs of relief. As they pulled onto campus Chris said, “I feel like we don’t have anything to do now.”

  “I know, but we still have classes. If I book I can make my Chem lab.”