Read The Reason Page 9

  “Got it Jack.” He picked up the gun and handed it to Jack by the handle. “There you go.”

  Jack holstered his gun and carefully took the gun from Chris. It was still cocked and Jack cleared the weapon. “There, that’s better,” he said with a smile. “Now detective Barnes...”

  Barnes looked up at Jack still on the floor.

  “I have enough to end your career right now. Maybe even enough for you to spend some serious time in Walpole. But I’m going to make you a deal. You get up right now and walk out of here, never come back to this campus, and I’ll forget all of this crap.”

  “The damn kid kicked my knee out. I’m going to need an ambulance.” The look of distain clear on his face.

  “I didn’t ask if you could walk. I said get up and walk of I’ll arrest you right now for attempted murder.”

  Barnes slowly got to his feet, well one foot anyway, the pain was obvious as he hopped to the door. “This isn’t over.”

  “Actually it is cause if I hear you so much as sneeze in the direction of these boys I’ll take this audio tape I made of you telling the boys how you were going to kill them and I’ll have you up on charges before you can blink. And Barnes, believe me when I say I have a long memory. Jack spun around to face Chris and Duff. I believe you boys have something for me. Chris walked to his bunk and reached under the pillow producing Melissa’s keys. Jack took the keys wrapped in the latex glove and dropped them into an evidence bag. He filled out a form and showed Chris and Duff where to sign. “Thanks again boys. This is the perfect ending to a perfect day.”

  “Thanks Jack for saving our lives.”

  “Ya Jack,” Duff added.

  “No problem boys. Just try not to make the nice detective that mad again.” Jack chuckled.

  “We won’t,” Chris promised.

  Chapter 27

  The next few days were quiet. Chris and Duff returned to classes, Barnes stayed off campus, and everyone felt a lift to their spirits. No one was sure how long it would last but for the moment it was wonderful. Chris and Duff were playing basketball at the make shift basket at the side of their dorm when the 3rd floor window above the basket opened and Bob Putman poked his head out and yelled Chris phone for you.

  Chris tossed the ball to Duff saying, “Better practice while I’m gone. This is getting pathetic.”

  Duff laughed, “Ok old man. You can tell yourself what you need too. I know you arranged the phone call cause you were just about to fall over from heat stroke.”

  Chris ran inside to the third floor and picked up the receiver on the hall phone. “O’Driscoll.”

  “Chris its Jack.”

  “Jack, how are you doing?”

  “I’m fine I just wanted to let you know we are serving the warrant today to search his place.”

  “That’s great. Do you mind if Duff and I come over to watch?”

  “No problem. But you need to know that we may not arrest him today. If his room is clean we will have to wait.”

  “I understand that. I don’t like it but I understand.”

  “There will be a crown of people at his dorm when we go in. Stick close to me and stay out of the way. Don’t touch anything or react to anything we find. You go it?”

  “Ya I got it. So what time?”

  “About 5 minutes we are driving in now.”

  “Wow that fast? I’d better grab Duff fill him in and meet you over there.”

  “Good plan, see you soon.”

  “See ya soon Jack.” Chris hung up the phone and dashed down the stairs and out the door.

  “What are you running for?” Duff looked at Chris out of breath.

  “Jack is serving the warrant in 5 minutes. We need to get over there.”

  “Right,” Duff tossed the ball toward the building and picked up his shirt from the base of a nearby tree. “I’m ready, let’s go.”

  “Jack says to stick to him like glue and do not react to anything they find or anything he says. Got it?”

  “I got it, let’s go”

  The two walked up to the dorm and waited outside for Jack to arrive. They waited about 1 minute when a line of federal plated cars came down the street. Chris watched as 6 men got out of the 3 cars and walked to positions around the building. The choreography was amazing. Each man went to his assigned post while Jack walked to the front door. “You ready?”

  “Oh ya,” both Chris and Duff said.

  “Then let’s go.” With that Jacked walked to the building and made his way to the second floor dorm room. He checked his radio and when everyone was in position he knocked on the door. “FBI, search warrant, open up.” His commanding voice shook the door on its hinges. The door opened almost instantly and Jack pushed his way into the room waving the folded document. “Mr. Mat Matlack we are searching your room, car, and any other storage facilities you may use for evidence in the murders that have taken place on campus.” He slapped the paper directly into Mat’s chest.

  Mat took the paper and looked like a deer in the headlight. The stunned expression slowly faded as he saw Duff and Chris. “You tow, what are you doing here?”

  Before Chris could answer Jack looked at Chris telling him he was going to field that one. “They are doing a job shadow with me this week. I brought them to see a warrant served. Now Mr. Matlack you need to stand outside the room while we search.”

  “I don’t want them going through my stuff.” Mat was seething. He was almost irrational.

  “Don’t worry Mat, we are just here to observe. We won’t touch a thing.” Chris smiled a wicked grin.

  “”Chris, Duff,” Jack said. “It’s important that you two stand by the door and not touch anything.”

  “Got it Jack,” Duff said gently pulling Chris to the door. Chris chose to block Mat’s view of the room which only served to make him angrier.

  As Jack searched the room he found a small tin box in the back corner under a pair of Sorrel boots. He opened it and his face froze in horror. “Chris, come here.”

  “Hey you said he had to stand at the door,” Mat yelled.

  Jack turned to face Mat, “”You better just shut up and I mean now. The look in Jacks eyes could kill. “Bill, cuff him. I don’t want him to go running off.

  “Got it Jack,” Bill replied. He took hi9s cuffs from the holder on his belt and places them on Mat. Mat was fuming but Bill just ignored him and took him down the hall to the commons area.

  Chris crossed the floor to Jack and asked, “What’s up?”

  “Look at these items, do you recognize and of them?” Jack held the tin so Chris could see.

  “I think that is Amy’s locket. I won’t be sure till I look inside.”

  Jack set the tin on the desk and with gloved hands took out the locket and fumbled with the clasp until he opened it. A tear came to Jacks eyes. Fighting it back he turned to face Chris and show him the small pictures contained inside.

  Chris took one look and shook his head yes. “That’s Amy’s.” Chris stumbled and Jack reached over to catch him.

  “It’s going to be ok Chris. Just take deep breaths and try to relax. Duff, get over here.”

  “I got him Jack,” Duff said. It’s ok buddy. We got him.

  “Duff,” Chris said out of breath. “I’m gonna hurl. Help me to the can.

  Duff lead the way down the hall to the men’s bathroom. Chris was leaning on Duff as they went down the hall. Just before the restroom on the right was the commons area on the left. Chris broke free of Duff and made a murderous leap at Mat. Mat was completely unaware as was Bill and Duff. Chris managed to hit Mat in the face with a right roundhouse. As Mat fell right Chris managed to grab him by the collar and smash his head into the steel post behind.

  Chris continued to pummel Mat until Bill and Duff came out of their commas. The 2 grabbed Chris and pulled him off Mat. “He killed Amy Duff let me go please.”

  “I can’t
my friend. As much as I would like to join you I can’t let you do this. Duff held Chris in a bear hug and joined Chris in shedding tears.

  Mat was coming around and yelled, “I want him arrested. He assaulted me.

  Without any thought Duff released one arm from Chris balled up a fist and swung backwards at Mats face. Mat crumpled into his chair. He was out cold.

  “Thanks, Duff,” Bill said. I couldn’t have taken much more of him myself.

  “No problem but if anyone asks my arm slipped while Chris was struggling.”

  “Got it Duff,” Bill was smiling.

  At that moment Jack walked into the common room. “What the hell happened here?”

  Chris stood and walked over to Jack. He looked him straight in the eye and told him the gospel truth. “So Jack it’s all my fault and I will be glad to take whatever punishment you have to slap on me. No excuses. I wanted to hurt him like he hurt Amy and I tried.”

  “Bill, does this look like resisting arrest to you?”

  “Chris, no Mat, yes sir. If Chris hadn’t grabbed him he might have gotten away.”

  “Well then I guess we owe these young men a thank you. I want you to write up the incident and Chris and Duff sign it before we take him in.”

  Bill and Jack exchanged a smile and Chris just stared at Jack. “Thanks Jack.”

  “The reason I came out here was to let you know that we found his costume in a duffle under his bed. Bill, take him in before he does any more damage to himself.”

  “Got it boss.” Bill grabbed Mat by the shoulder and marched him out to the car.

  “Now for you two,” Jack said looking at Chris and Duff. “I want you both to know that this will take some time. It is not unusual for cases like this to last 6 months or more. He is going to get a mouthpiece and they are going to come after you two. You need to stay out of the media. No interviews, you got me?”

  “Ya Jack, no interviews.”

  “Good. Now know this they are going to say some real shit about you. You will be portrayed as a couple of freaks with a vendetta against Mat. They are going to dig into your lives and try to tear them apart. They will try to get your parents to talk. If everyone is quiet we can walk into the court room and nail him, but if anyone talks then we have to spend time and money cleaning up your reputation first and I can tell you from experience that it never works. We are in the home stretch now. Let’s finish strong. Now I need to get going. I’ll be in touch. You 2 stay out of trouble.” Jack gave them a slap on the back as he headed for the door.”

  “You can count on us,” Chris called out.

  “I’m beginning to believe that. Talk to you soon.” Jack turned the corner to the stairs and headed out to the car.

  Chris and Duff shook hands.

  Chapter 28

  Jack was true to his word. He kept the boys updated about once a week. He always asked how they were doing and if the media pressure was getting to be too much.

  “The other day a group of reporters asked about my father’s death and if I thought my mother could be involved. I just shook my head and walked away. Are these guys for real?”

  “Well if they can’t get the story they want they will attempt to make up a story. Just remember they are trying to get a reaction out of you. If you don’t talk they don’t have anything to put on the news.”

  “I guess but it is getting old. They say all this trash about Duff and me and then we have to just take it.”

  “Look Chris, you and Duff are doing great. Just hang in there. We go to trial in 30 days. Everything is looking like a slam dunk. We are going to get this clown.”

  “We will Jack. We have worked too hard on this to blow it now.”

  “That’s a boy. I’ll talk to you next week.” Jack hung up the phone.

  Time continued on and 30 days later all 3 stood in front of the courthouse. They were surrounded by reporters still trying to get a rise out of Chris and Duff. One reporter called out, “So Jack, can’t solve any cases now without a couple of kids to do your legwork?”

  Jack just smiled and pointed at the reporter. “If more people were as concerned about crime as Chris and Duff here we would be out of a jab. These men are to be commended for what they have done and I for one am proud of them. I’m also not to proud to say that they did a better job at solving this case than Manchester PD and the FBI combined. These are your hero’s and you should all be ashamed at the way you have hounded these men.” Jack placed a hand on each of their shoulders and guided them into the courthouse.

  Once inside Chris said, “Geeze Jack, I know we helped but we didn’t do everything. Besides won’t your bosses be ticked off that you said we did a better job than you?”

  “My boss won’t care about that. I might however get a reprimand for blasting the press and calling them out on the tactics they used to get to you boys. But it was worth it.” Jack let loose a laugh that echoed through the marble edifice.

  “We better get inside it’s almost time,” Duff pointed at his watch. The three entered together and took a seat right behind the prosecutors table. The District Attorney leaned back and shook Jacks hand.

  “We ready?” The DA looked at Jack as he asked.

  “Oh yes sir, we are more than ready. Phil, meet Chris and Duff.”

  “Glad to meet you both, Jack says good things about you. Are you guys ready to do this?”

  “Yes sir,” Duff answered before the words left the DA’s mouth.

  “Good, then take a seat and things will get rolling as soon as the judge arrives.”

  The judge came in through a door right next to his bench. His honor Joel Med walked to his leather chair behind the bench and took his seat. With an almost imperceptible nod to the bailiff he called him to begin.

  “Hear Ya Hear Ya the honorable….” And so it began Chris thought.

  The days were long and boring with hours of testimony about all the detailed evidence and the scientific testing done on each and every piece.

  The defense objected, more than one an hour. The judge quickly overruled most of the objections and the frustration was clear on Mat’s and his attorneys face. During one of the breaks the defense asked for a meeting with the DA. The two went to a small conference room across from the court room.

  “My client wants to deal,” said the defense attorney.

  “Well that’s nice but right now we are calling this one in the bag. Your client is facing a needle. I don’t see what he can offer me. The DA smiled a smug smile and leaned back n his chair.

  “What if he could lead you to several more bodies? We’re talking unsolved in MA, and NH.”

  “How many are we talking about?”

  Mat spoke up for the first time, “I can help you close 10 cases.

  “And what do you want for this information?”

  “He serves 25 to life and the death penalty is off the table.”

  The DA stood and laughed, “Does he want a trip to Disneyland first? Not happening. I could do life without parole in a super max facility. Your client confesses to each of the murders and goes away quietly. Any lies and the death penalty is back on the table.” Phil’s heart rate was up well above 120bpm. He tried to look unconcerned but he was hoping that Mat would accept.

  Mat spoke again, “I don’t want to spend the rest of my life in prison. You’ve got to lower the life number if you want my help.”

  Phil stood and stared down at Mat. “Listen you piece of crap, I have a needle ready to put in your arm as soon as this trial is over. I am only offering life to help some other mothers get closure. So don’t tell me what I have to do. Now this offer is on the table for one minute. Then we go back into court and you die by lethal injection. I on the other hand am going to go to my home and forget you ever existed. So what do you say, life or death it’s your call.” Phil returned to his seat and looked out the window. He took his wrist watch off and noticed tha
t they had 50 seconds to go.

  Mat and his attorney talked quietly on the other side of the table. But every time Phil heard Mat say no he would call out the time left.

  “23 seconds.”

  Mat’s attorney yelled at Phil. ”Knock it off Phil; we know what time it is.”

  “18 seconds,” was Phil’s only response.

  “This is a rip off. Everyone else gets reduced sentences. I want what is mine.”

  “You’re getting what is yours,” Phil said. “A nice needle in your arm then lights out forever. You deserve that we have more evidence on you then we ever have in murder cases. You just weren’t as smart as most of the murder’s we catch.”

  “Screw off Phil,” Mat spat the words out.

  Phil just leaned back in his chair and said, “10 seconds.”

  Mat hung his head and listened to his attorney whisper in his ear. “This is the best deal you’re going to get. We can go back in but they’ve got you dead to rights. You’ll die by lethal injection if you turn this down. At least you get to keep your life if you take the deal. What do you want to do?”

  “3 seconds.”



  “Ok the answer is?” Phil waited.

  “I’ll take the deal.”

  “Good boy. Now you just sit here and I will go talk to the judge. Here is a pad and pencil, write down the names and locations of the other ten victims.” Phil stood and left the room. Once outside he told Bill the good news and to, “stay by the door in case our boy gets itchy feet.”

  “Will do Boss.”

  Phil made for the judge’s chambers and knocked. “Enter,” said the deep voice from the other side of the door.

  Phil entered and stood before judge Med. “What can I do for you Phil?”

  “Well we just worked out a deal and I just want to run it by you.”

  “Ok shoot.”

  “He does life without parole and he gives us 10 more bodies. All open cases, all his handiwork.”

  Joel looked serious for a moment. “How is that going to sit with your boss?”

  “I think if we can solve 10 open murders and still keep this guy of the streets for life. We win.”

  “I agree, I’ll accept the deal and we will do his allocution on Wednesday at 9:00 AM. Notices will go out today.”

  “I’ll let the defense know now. They are waiting in the conference room.”