Read The Reckoning Page 10



  Elsin had slept all the bright morning through in her little room atthe Blue Fox Tavern, whither Colonel Sheldon's horsemen had conductedus. My room adjoined hers, the window looking out upon the Bronx whereit flowed, shallow and sunny, down from the wooded slopes of NorthCastle and Chatterton's Hill. But I heeded neither the sparkling waternor the trees swaying in the summer wind, nor the busy little hamletacross the mill-dam, nor Abe Case, the landlord, with his goodintentions, pressed too cordially, though he meant nothing exceptkindness.

  "Listen to me," I said, boots in hand, and laying down the law; "werequire neither food nor drink nor service nor the bridal-chamberswhich you insist upon. The lady will sleep where she is, I here; and ifyou dare awaken me before noonday I shall certainly discharge theseboots in your direction!"

  Whereupon he seemed to understand and bowed himself out; and I, lyingthere on the great curtained bed, watched the sunlight stealing throughthe flowered canopy until the red roses fell to swaying in an unfeltwind, and I, dreaming, wandered in a garden with that lady I sometimessaw in visions. And, Lord! how happy we were there together, only atmoments I felt abashed and sorry, for I thought I saw Elsin lying onthe grass, so still, so limp, that I knew she must be dead, and I heardmen whispering that she had died o' love, and that I and my lady wereto dig the grave at moonrise.

  A fitful slumber followed, threaded by dreams that vaguely troubledme--visions of horsemen riding, and of painted faces and dark headsshaved for war. Again into my dream a voice broke, repeating,"Thendara! Thendara!" until it grew to a dull and deadened sound, likethe hollow thud of Wyandotte witch-drums.

  I slept, yet every loosened nerve responded to the relaxing tension ofexcitement. Twice I dreamed that some one roused me, and that I wasdressing in mad haste, only to sink once more into a sleep whichglimmered ever with visions passing, passing in processional, until atnoon I awoke of my own accord, and was bathed and partly dressed erethe landlord came politely scratching at my door to know my pleasure.

  "A staff-officer from his Excellency, Mr. Renault," he said, as I badehim enter, tying my stock the while.

  "Very well," I said; "show him up. And, landlord, when the lady awakes,you may serve us privately."

  He bowed himself out, and presently I heard spurs and a sword jinglingon the stairs, and turned to receive his Excellency's staff-officer--avery elegant and polite young man in a blue uniform, faced with buff,and white-topped boots.

  "Mr. Renault?" he asked, raising his voice and eyebrows a trifle; and Ithink I never saw such a careless, laughing, well-bred countenance inwhich were set two eyes as shrewdly wise as the eyes of this young man.

  "I am Mr. Renault," I said amiably, smiling at the mirth which twitchedthe gravity he struggled to assume.

  "Colonel Hamilton of his Excellency's family," he said, making aselegant a bow as I ever had the honor to attempt to match.

  We were very ceremonious, bowing repeatedly as we seated ourselves, helifting his sword and laying it across his knees. And I admired hishat, which was new and smartly laced, and cocked in the mostfashionable manner--which small details carry some weight with me, Idistrusting men whose dress is slovenly from indifference and not frompenury. His Excellency was ever faultless in attire; and I rememberthat he wrote in general orders on New Year's day in '76: "If a soldiercan not be induced to take pride in his person, he will soon become asloven and indifferent to everything."

  "Mr. Renault," began Colonel Hamilton, "his Excellency has yourletters. He regrets that a certain sphere of usefulness is now closedto you through your own rashness."

  I reddened, bowing.

  "It appears, however," continued Colonel Hamilton placidly, "that yourestimate of yourself is too humble. His Excellency thanks you, applaudsyour modesty and faithfulness in the most trying service a gentlemancan render to his country, and desires me to express the same----"

  He rose and bowed. I was on my feet, confused, amazed, tingling withpleasure.

  "His Excellency said--_that!_" I repeated incredulously.

  "Indeed he did, Mr. Renault, and he regrets that--ahem--under thecircumstances--it is not advisable to publicly acknowledge your fouryears' service--not even privately, Mr. Renault--you understand thatsuch services as yours must be, in a great measure, their own reward.Yet I know that his Excellency hesitated a long while to send me withthis verbal message, so keenly did he desire to receive you, sograteful is he for the service rendered."

  I was quite giddy with delight now. Never, never had I imagined thatthe Commander-in-Chief could single me out for such generouspraise--me, a man who had lent himself to a work abhorrent--a worktaken up only because there was none better fitted to accomplish athing that all shrank from.

  Seated once more, I looked up to see Colonel Hamilton regarding me withdecorous amusement.

  "It may interest you, Mr. Renault, to know what certain British agentsreported to Sir Henry Clinton concerning you."

  "What did they say?" I asked curiously.

  "They said, 'Mr. Renault is a rich young man who thinks more of hisclothes than he does of politics, and is safer than a guineawig-stand!'"

  His face was perfectly grave, but the astonished chagrin on mycountenance set his keen eyes glimmering, and in a moment more we bothwent off into fits of laughter.

  "Lord, sir!" he exclaimed, dusting his eyes with a lace handkerchief,"what a man we lost when you lost your head! Why on earth did youaffront Walter Butler?"

  I leaned forward, emphasizing every point with a noiseless slap on myknee, and recounted minutely and as frankly as I could every step whichled to the first rupture between Walter Butler and myself. He followedmy story, intelligent eyes fixed on me, never losing an accent, a shadeof expression, as I narrated our quarrel concerning the matter of theOneidas, and how I had forgotten myself and had turned on him as anIroquois on a Delaware, a master on an insolent slave.

  "From that instant he must have suspected me," I said, leaning back inmy chair. "And now, Colonel Hamilton, my story is ended, and myusefulness, too, I fear, unless his Excellency will find for me someplace--perhaps a humble commission--say in the dragoons of MajorTalmadge----"

  "You travel too modestly," said Hamilton, laughing. "Why, Mr. Renault,any bullet-headed, reckless fellow who has done as much as you havedone may ask for a commission and have it, too. Look at me! I never didanything, yet they found me good enough for a gun captain, and theygave me a pair o' cannon, too. But, sir, there are other places withfew to fill them--far too few, I assure you. Why, what a shame to setyou with a noisy, galloping herd of helmets, chasing skinners andcowboys with a brace of gad-a-mercy pistols in your belt!--what ashame, I say, when in you there lie talents we seek in vain for amongthe thousand and one numskulls who can drill a battalion or maneuver abrigade!"

  "What talents?" I asked, astonished.

  "Lord! he doesn't even suspect them!" cried Hamilton gaily. "I wish youmight meet a few of our talented brigadiers and colonels; _they_ have nodoubts concerning their several abilities!" Then, suddenly serious:"Listen, sir. You know the north; you were bred and born to a knowledgeof the Iroquois, their language, character, habits, their intimatesocial conditions, nay, you are even acquainted with what no otherliving white man comprehends--their secret rites, their clan and familylaws and ties, their racial instincts, their most sacred rituals! Youare a sachem! Sir William Johnson was one, but he is dead. Who elseliving, besides yourself, can speak to the Iroquois with clanauthority?"

  "I do not know," I said, troubled. "Walter Butler may know something ofthe Book of Rites, because he was raised up in place of some deadDelaware dog!--" I clinched my hand, and stood silent in angrymeditation. Lifting my eyes I saw Hamilton watching me, amazed,interested, delighted.

  "I ask your indulgence," I said, embarrassed, "but when I think of theinsolence of that fellow--and that he dared call me brother and claimclan kindred with a Wolf--the yellow Delaware mongrel!--" I laughed,glancing shamefa
cedly at Colonel Hamilton.

  "In another moment," I said, "you will doubt there is white blood inme. It is strange how faithfully I cling to that dusky foster-mother,the nation that adopted me. I was but a lad, Colonel Hamilton, and whatthe Oneidas saw in me, or believed they saw, I never have accuratelylearned--I do not really know to this day!--but when a war-chief diedthey came to my father, asking that he permit them to adopt me andraise me up. The ceremony took place. I, of course, never lived withthem--never even left my own roof--but I was adopted into the WolfClan, the noble clan of the Iroquois. And--I have never forgottenit--nor them. What touches an Oneida touches me!"

  He nodded gravely, watching me with bright eyes.

  "To-day the Long House is not the Five Nations," I continued. "TheTuscaroras are the Sixth Nation; the Delawares now have come in, andhave been accepted as the Seventh Nation. But, as you know, the LongHouse is split. The Onondagas are sullenly neutral--or say theyare--the Mohawks, Cayugas, Senecas, are openly leagued against us; theOneidas alone are with us--what is left of them after the terriblepunishment they received from the Mohawks and Senecas."

  "And now you say that the Iroquois have determined to punish theOneidas again?"

  "Yes, sir, to annihilate them for espousing our cause. And," I addedcontemptuously, "Walter Butler dared believe that I would sit idle andnever lift a warning finger. True, I am first of all a Wolf--but nextam I an Oneida. And, as I may not sit in national council with my clanto raise my voice against this punishment, and, as the Long House isrent asunder forever, why, sir, I am an Oneida first of all--after myallegiance to my own country--and I shall so conduct that Walter Butlerand the Delaware dogs of a cleft and yellow clan will remember thatwhen an Oneida speaks, they remain silent, they obey!"

  I began to pace the chamber, arms folded, busy with my thoughts.Hamilton sat buried in meditation for a space. Finally he arose,extending his hand with that winning frankness so endearing to all. Iasked him to dine with us, but he excused himself, pleading affairs ofmoment.

  "Listen, Mr. Renault. I understand that his Excellency has certaindesigns upon your amiability, and he most earnestly desires you toremain here at the Blue Fox until such time as he summons you or sendsyou orders. You are an officer of Tryon County militia, are you not?"

  "Only ensign in the Rangers, but I never have even seen their colors,much less carried them."

  "You know Colonel Willett?"

  "I have that very great honor," I said warmly.

  "It _is_ an honor to know such a man. Excepting Schuyler, I think he isthe bravest, noblest gentleman in County Tryon." He walked toward thedoor, head bowed in reflection, turned, offered his hand again with acharming freedom, and bowed himself out.

  Pride and deepest gratitude possessed my heart that his Excellencyshould have found me worthy of his august commendation. In my younghead rang the words of Colonel Hamilton. I stood in the center of thesunny room, repeating to myself the wonderful message, over and over,until it seemed my happiness was too great to bear alone; and I leanedclose to the dividing door, calling "Elsin! Elsin! Are you awake?"

  A sleepy voice bade me enter, and I opened the door and stood at thesill, while the brightly flowered curtains of her bed rustled andtwitched. Presently she thrust a sleepy head forth, framed in chintzroses--the flushed face of a child, drowsy eyes winking at thesunbeams, powdered hair twisted up in a heavy knot.

  "Goodness me," she murmured, "I am so hungry--so sleepy--" She yawnedshamelessly, blinked with her blue eyes, looked at me, and smiled.

  "What o'clock is it, Carus?" she began; then a sudden consternationsobered her, and she cried, "Oh, I forgot where we are! Mercy! To thinkthat I should wake to find myself a runaway! Carus, Carus, what in theworld is to become of me now? Where are we, Carus?"

  "At the Blue Fox, near North Castle," I said gaily. "Why, Elsin--why,child, what on earth is the matter?"--for the tears had rushed to hereyes, and her woful little face quivered. A single tear fell, then thewet lashes closed.

  "O Carus! Carus!" she said, "what will become of me? You did it--youmade me do it! I've run away with you--why did you make me do it? Oh,why, why?"

  Dumb, miserable, I could only look at her, finding no word ofcomfort--amazed, too, that the feverish spirit, the courage, theamazing energy of the night before had exhaled, distilling now in thetears which dazed me.

  "I don't know why I came here with you," she whimpered, eyes closed onher wet cheeks--"I must have been mad to do so. What will theysay?--what will Rosamund say? Why don't you speak to me, Carus? Whydon't you tell me what to do?"

  And this from that high-strung, nerveless maid who had matured towomanhood in the crisis of the night before--seizing command of amenacing situation through sheer effrontery and wit, compelling fateitself to swerve aside as she led our galloping horses through theslowly closing gates of peril.

  Her head drooped and lay on the edge of the bed pillowed by theflowered curtains; she rubbed the tears from her eyes with whitefingers, drawing a deep, unsteady breath or two.

  I had found my voice at last, assuring her that all was well, that sheshould have a flag when she desired it, that here nobody knew who shewas, and that when she was dressed I was ready to discuss the situationand do whatever was most advisable.

  "If there's a scandal," she said dolefully, "I suppose I must ask aflag at once."

  "That would be best," I admitted.

  "But there's no scandal yet," she protested.

  "Not a breath!" I cried cheerfully. "You see, we have the situation inour own hands. Where is that wit, where is that gay courage you worelike magic armor through the real perils of yesterday?"

  "Gone," she said, looking up at me. "I don't know where it is--I--I wasnot myself yesterday. I was frightened--terror spurred me to things Inever dreamed of when I thought of you hanging there on the Common----"

  "You blessed child!" I cried, dropping on one knee beside her.

  She laid her hand on my head, looking at me for a long while insilence.

  "I can not help it," she said. "I really care nothing for what folksay. All this that we have done--and my indiscretion--nay, that we haverun away and I am here with you--all this alarms me not at all.Indeed," she added earnestly, "I do truly find you so agreeable that Ishould have fretted had you gone away alone. Now I am honest withmyself and you, Carus--this matter has sobered me into gravestreflection. I have the greatest curiosity concerning you--I had fromthe very first--spite of all that childish silliness we committed. Idon't know what it is about you that I can not let you go until I learnmore of you. Perhaps I shall--we have a week here before a flag goesnorth, have we not?" she asked naively.

  "The flag goes at your pleasure, Elsin."

  "Then it is my pleasure that we remain a while--and see--and see--" shemurmured, musing eyes fixed on the sunny window. "I would we could fallin love, Carus!"

  "We are pledged to try," I said gaily.

  "Aye, we must try. Lord-a-mercy on me, for my small head is filled withsilliness, and my heart beats only for the vain pleasure of the moment.A hundred times since I have known you, Carus, I would have sworn Iloved you--then something that you say or do repels me--or something,perhaps, of my own inconstancy--and only that intense curiosityconcerning you remains. That is not love, is it?"

  "I think not."

  "Yet look how I set my teeth and drove blindly full tilt at Destinywhen I thought you stood in peril! Do women do such things forfriendship's sake?"

  "Men do--I don't know. You are a faultless friend, at any rate. And onthat friendship we must build."

  "With your indifference and my vanity and inconstancy? God send it beno castle of cards, Carus! Tell me, have you, too, a stinging curiosityconcerning me? Do you desire to fathom my shallow spirit, to learn whatevery passing smile might indicate, to understand me when I am silent,to comprehend me when I converse with others?"

  "I--I have thought of these things, Elsin. Never having understoodyou--judging hastily, too--and being so intimately
busy with the--thematters you know of--I never pursued my studies far--deeming youbetrothed and--and----"

  "A coquette?"

  "A child, Elsin, heart-free and capricious, contradictory, imperious,and--and overyoung----"

  "O Carus!"

  "I meant no reproach," I said hastily. "A nectarine requires time, eventhough the sunlight paints it so prettily in all its unripe, flawlesssymmetry. And I have--I have lived all my life in sober company. Myfather was old, my mother placid and saddened by the loss of all herchildren save myself. I had few companions--none of my own age exceptwhen we went to Albany, where I learned to bear myself in company. AtJohnson Hall, at Varick's, at Butlersbury, I was but a shy lad, warnedby my parents to formality, for they approved little of the gaiety thatI would gladly have joined in. And so I know nothing of women--nor didI learn much in New York, where the surface of life is so prettilypolished that it mirrors, as you say, only one's own inquiring eyes."

  I seated myself cross-legged on the floor, looking up at the sweet faceon the bed's edge framed by the chintz.

  "Did you never conceive an affection?" she asked, watching me.

  "Why, yes--for a day or two. I think women tire of me."

  "No, you tire of them."

  "Only when----"

  "When what?"

  "Nothing," I said quietly.

  "Do you mean when they fall in love with you?" she asked.

  "They don't. Some have plagued me to delight in my confusion."

  "Like Rosamund Barry?"

  I was silent.

  "She," observed Elsin musingly, "was mad about you. No, you need notlaugh or shrug impatiently--_I_ know, Carus; she was mad to have youlove her! Do you think I have neither eyes nor ears? But you treated herno whit better than you treated me. That I am certain of--did you?"

  "What do you mean?"

  "_Did_ you?"

  "Did I do what?"

  "Treat Rosamund Barry kinder than you did me?"

  "In what way?"

  "Did you kiss her?"


  "Would you say 'Never!' if you had?"

  "No, I should say nothing."

  "I knew it!" she cried, laughing. "I was certain of it. But, mercy onus, there were scores more women in New York--and I mean to ask youabout each one, Carus, each separate one--some time--but, oh, I am sohungry now!"

  I sprang to my feet, and walking into my chamber closed the door.

  "Talk to me through the keyhole!" she called. "I shall tie my hair in aclub, and bathe me and clothe me very quickly. Are you there, Carus? Doyou hear what I say?"

  So I leaned against the door and chatted on about Colonel Hamilton,until I ventured to hint at some small word of praise for me from hisExcellency. With that she was at the door, all eagerness: "Oh, Carus! Iknew you were brave and true! Did his Excellency say so? And well hemight, too!--with you, a gentleman, facing the vilest of deaths therein New York, year after year. I am so glad, so proud of you, Carus, sohappy! What have they made you--a major-general?"

  "Oh, not yet," I said, laughing.

  "And why not?" she exclaimed hotly.

  "Elsin, if you don't dress quickly I'll sit at breakfast without you!"I warned her.

  "Oh, I will, I will; I'm lacing--something--this very instant! Carus,when I bid you, you may come in and tie my shoulder-points. Wait amoment, silly! Just one more second. Now!"

  As I entered she came up to me, turning her shoulder, and I threadedthe points clumsily enough, I suppose, but she thanked me very sweetly,turned to the mirror, patted the queue-ribbon to a flamboyant allure,and, catching my hand in hers, pointed at the glass which reflected usboth.

  "Look at us!" she exclaimed, "look at the two runaways! Goodness, Ishould never have believed it, Carus!"

  We stood a moment, hand clasping hand, curiously regarding the mirroredfaces that smiled back so strangely at us. Then, somewhat subdued andthoughtful, we walked out through my chamber into a sunny littlebreakfast-room where landlord and servant received us a trifle toosolemnly, and placed us at the cloth.

  "Their owlish eyes mean Gretna Green," whispered Elsin, leaning closeto me; "but what do we care, Carus? And they think us married in NewYork. Now, sir, if you ever wished to see how a hungry maid can eatTapaan soupaan, you shall see now!"

  The Tapaan hasty-pudding was set before us, and in a twinkling we werebusy as bees in clover. Pompions and clingstone peaches went the way ofthe soupaan; a dish of troutlings followed, and out of the corner of myeye I saw other dainties coming and rejoiced. Lord, what a pair ofappetites were there! I think the Blue Fox must have licked his paintedchops on the swinging sign under the window to see how we did fulljustice to the fare, slighting nothing set before us. And while theservants were running hither and thither with dishes and glasses Iquestioned the landlord, who was evidently prodigiously impressed withColonel Hamilton's visit; and I gathered from mine host that, exceptingfor ourselves, all the other guests were officers of various degrees,and that, thanks to the nearness of the army and the consequentscarcity of skinners, business was brisk and profitable, for which hethanked God and his Excellency.

  Elsin, resting one elbow on the table, listened and looked out into thevillage street where farmers and soldiers were passing, some arm inarm, gravely smoking their clay pipes and discussing matters in thesunshine, others entering or leaving the few shops where every sort ofware was exposed for sale, still others gathered on the bridge, somefishing in the Bronx, some looking on or reading fresh newspapers fromNew England or Philadelphia, or a stale and tattered Gazette which hadfound its way out of New York.

  At a nod from me the landlord signaled the servants and withdrew,leaving us there alone together with a bottle of claret on the tableand a dish of cakes and raisins.

  "So these good folk are rebels," mused Elsin, gazing at the people inthe street below. "They seem much like other people, Carus."

  "They are," I said, laughing.

  "Well," she said, "they told me otherwise in New York. But I can see novery great ferocity in your soldiers' countenances. Nor do they dressin rags. Mr. De Lancey told me that the Continentals scarce mustered apair of breeches to a brigade."

  "It has been almost as bad as that," I said gravely. "These troops areno doubt clothed in uniforms sent from France, but I fear there arerags and to spare in the south, where Greene and Lafayette are harryingCornwallis--God help them!"

  "Amen," she said softly, looking at me.

  Touched as I had never been by her, I held out my hand; she laid hersin mine gravely.

  "So that they keep clear of Canada, I say God speed men who stand fortheir own homes, Carus! But," she added innocently, "I could not beindifferent to a cause which you serve. Come over here to thewindow--draw your chair where you can see. Look at that officer, howgallant he is in his white uniform faced with green!"

  "That is a French officer," I said. "Those three soldiers passingyonder who wear white facing on their blue coats, and blackspatterdashes from ankle to thigh, are infantry of the New Englandline. The soldiers smoking under the tree are New York and New Jerseymen; they wear buff copper-clouts, and their uniform is buff and blue.Maryland troops wear red facings; the Georgia line are faced with blue,edged around by white. There goes an artilleryman; he's all blue andscarlet, with yellow on his hat; and here stroll a dozen dragoons inhelmet and jack-boots and blue jackets laced, lined, and faced withwhite. Ah, Elsin, these same men have limped barefoot, half-naked,through snow and sun because his Excellency led them."

  "It is strange," she said, "how you turn grave and how a hush comes, alittle pause of reverence, whenever you name--his Excellency. Do all sostand in awe of him?"

  "None names him lightly, Elsin."

  "Have you ever seen him?"

  "Never, child."

  "And yet you approach even his name in hushed respect."

  "Yes, even his name. I should like to see him," I continued wistfully,"to hear him speak once, to meet his calm eye. But I never shall. Myservice is of such
a nature that it is inexpedient for him to receiveme openly. So I never shall see him--save, perhaps, when the long warends--God knows----"

  She dropped her hand on mine and leaned lightly back against myshoulder.

  "You must not fret," she murmured. "Remember that staff-officer said hepraised you."

  "I do, I do remember!" I repeated gratefully. "It was a reward I neverdared expect--never dreamed of. His Excellency has been kind to me,indeed."

  It was now past four o'clock in the afternoon, and Elsin, who had notedthe wares in the shop-windows, desired to price the few simple goodsoffered for sale; so we went out into the dusty village street to seewhat was to be seen, but the few shops we entered were full of soldiersand not overclean, and the wares offered for sale were not attractive.I remember she bought points and some stuff for stocks, and needles anda reel of thread, and when she offered a gold piece everybody looked atus, and the shopkeeper called her "My lady" and me "My lord," and gaveus in change for the gold piece a great handful of paper money.

  We emerged from the shop amazed, and doubtful of the paper stuff, andwalked up the street and out into the country, pausing under a greatmaple-tree to sort this new Continental currency, of which we hadenough to stuff a pillow.

  Scrip by scrip I examined the legal tender of my country, Elsin, herchin on my shoulder, scrutinizing the printed slips of yellow, brown,and red in growing wonder. One slip bore three arrows on it, underwhich was printed:

  Fifty Dollars. Printed by H. A. L. L. and S. E. L. 1778.

  Upon the other side was a pyramid in a double circle, surmounted by thelegend:


  And it was further decorated with the following:

  "No. 16780 Fifty Dollars. This Bill entitles the Bearer to receive Fifty Spanish milled dollars or the value thereof in Gold or Silver, according to the Resolution passed by Congress at Philadelphia, September 26th, 1788.

  "J. WATKINS; I. K."

  And we had several dozen of these of equal or less denomination.

  "Goodness," exclaimed Elsin, "was my guinea worth all these dollars?And do you suppose that we could buy anything with these paper bills?"

  "Certainly," I said, loyal to my country's currency; "they're just asgood as silver shillings--if you only have enough of them."

  "But what use will they be to me in Canada?"

  That was true enough. I immediately pocketed the mass of paper andtendered her a guinea in exchange, but she refused it, and we had apretty quarrel there under the maple-tree.

  "Carus," she said at last, "let us keep them, anyhow, and never, neverspend them. Some day we may care to remember this July afternoon, andhow you and I went a-shopping as sober as a wedded pair in HanoverSquare."

  There was a certain note of seriousness in her voice that sobered me,too. I drew her arm through mine, and we strolled out into the sunshineand northward along the little river, where in shallow brown poolsscores of minnows stemmed the current, and we saw the slim trout lyingin schools under the bush's shadows, and the great silver and bluekingfishers winging up and down like flashes of azure fire.

  A mile out a sentinel stopped us, inquiring our business, and as we hadnone we turned back, for it mattered little to us where we sauntered.Farmers were cutting hay in the river-meadows, under the direction of amounted sergeant of dragoons; herds of cattle and sheep grazed amongthe hills, shepherded by soldiers. Every now and again dragoons rodepast us, convoying endless lines of wagons piled up with barrels,crates, sacks of meal, and sometimes with bolts of coarse cloth.

  To escape the dust raised by so many hoofs and wheels we took to thefields and found a shady place on a hill which overlooked the country.Then for the first time I realized the nearness of the army, foreverywhere in the distance white tents gleamed against the green, andbright flags were flying from hillocks, and on a level plain thatstretched away toward the Hudson I saw long dark lines moving, orhalted motionless, with the glimmer of steel playing through thesunshine; and I, for the first time, beheld a brigade of our army atexercise.

  We were too far away to see, yet it was a sight to stir one who hadendured that prison city so long, never seeing a Continental soldierexcept as a prisoner marched through the streets to the jails or thehulks in the river. But there they were--those men of White Plains, ofPrinceton, of Camden, and of the Wilderness--the men of Long Island,and Germantown, and Stony Point!--there they were, wheeling by theright flank, wheeling by the left, marching and countermarching,drilling away, busy as bees in the July sun.

  "Ah, Elsin," I said, "when they storm New York the man who misses thatsplendid climax will miss the best of his life--and never forget thathe has missed it as long as he lives to mask his vain regret!"

  "Why is it that you are not content?" she asked. "For four years youhave moved in the shadow of destruction."

  "But I have never fought in battle," I said; "never fired a single shotin earnest, never heard the field-horn of the light infantry nor thecavalry-trumpet above the fusillade, never heard the officers shouting,the mad gallop of artillery, the yelling onset--why, I know nothing ofthe pleasures of strife, only the smooth deceit and bland hypocrisy,only the eavesdropping and the ignoble pretense! At times I canscarcely breathe in my desire to wash my honor in the rifle flames--tobe hurled pell-mell among the heaving, straining melee, thrusting,stabbing, cutting my fill, till I can no longer hear or see. Fouryears, Elsin! think of it--think of being chained in the midst of thismagnificent activity for four years! And now, when I beg a billet amongthe dragoons, they tell me I am fashioned for diplomacy, not for war,and hint of my usefulness on the frontier!"

  "What frontier?" she asked quickly.

  "Tryon County, I suppose."

  "Where that dreadful work never ceases?"

  "Hatchet and scalping-knife are ever busy there," I said grimly. "Whoknows? I may yet have my fill and to spare!"

  She sat silent for so long that I presently turned from the distantmartial spectacle to look at her inquiringly. She smiled, drawing along breath, and shaking her head.

  "I never seem to understand you, Carus," she said. "You have done yourpart, yet it appears already you are planning to go hunting about forsome obliging savage to knock you in the head with a death-maul."

  "But the war is not ended, Elsin."

  "No, nor like to be until it compasses your death. Then, indeed, willit be ended for me, and the world with it!"

  "Why, Elsin!" I laughed, "this is a new note in your voice."

  "Is it? Perhaps it is. I told you, Carus, that there is no happiness inlove. And, just now, I love you. It is strange, is it not?--when aughtthreatens you, straightway I begin to sadden and presently fall in lovewith you; but when there's no danger anywhere, and I have nothing tosadden me, why, I'm not at all sure that I love you enough to pass thebalance of the day in your companionship--only that when you are away Idesire to know where you are and what you do, and with whom you walkand talk and laugh. Deary me! deary me! I know not what I want, Carus.Let us go to the Blue Fox and drink a dish of tea."

  We walked back to the inn through the sweetest evening air that I hadbreathed in many a day, Elsin stopping now and then to add a blossom tothe great armful of wild flowers that she had gathered, I lingering,happy in my freedom as a lad loosed from school, now pausing to skipflat stones across the Bronx, now creeping up to the bank to surprisethe trout and see them scatter like winged shadows over the goldengravel, now whistling to imitate that rosy-throated bird who sits sohigh in his black-and-white livery and sings into happiness all whohear him.

  The sun was low over the Jersey highlands; swarms of swallows rose,soared, darted, and dipped in the evening sky. I heard the farcamp-bugles playing softly, the dulled roll of drums among the easternhills; then, as the red sun went out behind the wooded heights, bang!the evening gun's soft thunder shook the silence. And our day wasended.