Read The Red Axe Page 33



  The Chancellor Leopold von Dessauer, High Councillor of the Prince, withhis head still bound up, was pacing the sparred gallery outside theprivate apartments of his master. It was in the heats of the late summer,before the ripening of the orchard fruits had had time to culminate, orthe russet to come out slowly upon the apples, like a blush upon awoman's soft, dusky cheek.

  The High Councillor was in a bad humor. For he had been kept waiting, andthat by a man of no account. At last a forester in a uniform of darkgreen, with the Prince's bugle and sparrow-hawk in silver everywhereabout him, made his appearance at the foot of the gallery, and stoodwaiting Dessauer's summons with his plumed hat of soft cloth in his hand.

  "Hither, man!" cried the High Councillor, sharply. "What has kept you?Why were you not here half an hour ago? If this be the way you keep thePrince's forests, no wonder there are many deer taken by reiving rascalsand the forest laws daily broken."

  "High Mightiness," said the man, humbly, looking down, "it was mydaughter--she would not give up the necklace. She hath had it for her ownsince she was a child, and she would not deliver it, though I threatenedher with your well-born anger."

  "And have you got it with you? Surely you and she have not dared to keepit!" began the Chancellor, with gathering fury on his eyebrow.

  "Yea, truly, truly, an you will have patience, my Lord, I have ithere,"-said the man, drawing a necklace of golden bars curiously arrangedfrom his leathern wallet; and, kneeling on his knee, he presented it tothe Chancellor.

  "How did you prevail with the maid?" he asked, as soon as he had it inhand--"you used no constraint or force, I hope?"

  "Nay, sir," said the man, "for my wife being dead and my daughtermarriageable, she keeps house for me; and having a sweetheart betrothed ayear ago she hath been laying aside plenishing gear and women's daintygewgaws. So these I took one by one, beginning with a mirror of polishedbrass, and made as if I would dash them in pieces if she discovered notwhere the chain of gold was hid."

  "And she revealed it?" said Dessauer.

  "Aye," said the man, "but none so willingly, as you might suppose. I hadSaint Peter's own trouble to get it from her. Indeed, I prayed to theHoly Apostle to aid me."

  "What had Saint Peter to do with it?" said the Councillor, pausing andlooking humorsomely at the man, like an ascetic sparrow with his headat one side.

  "Because our Holy Saint Peter is the only saint who understands thetrouble men have with the contrariness of women."

  "Why so?" cried the Chancellor, rubbing his hand with a curious pleasureat the colloquy.

  "Because he only among the Apostles was a married man and had experienceof a mother-in-law."

  "Art a wise forester. Where got you that wisdom?"

  "Why," said the man, modestly, "partly by nature, partly because I alsohave been married, and so have graduated in the wars."

  "It is the same thing," said the Chancellor, "according to yourown telling."

  "Aye, sir," quoth the man, "but yet the young fellows will take nowarning. 'It is better to marry than to burn,' said the other Apostle.But methinks he knew nothing about it, being no better than abachelor, or he would have amended it, 'It is better to burn than tomarry _and_ burn.'"

  "Ha! art also a theologe, Sir Woodman?" cried Dessauer. "But enough; thistouches on the Inquisition and the Holy Office. Let us despatch."

  All this time the High Councillor had been gazing by fits and starts atthe links of the necklace, turning it about and viewing it fromevery-angle. It was composed of short bars of gold laid horizontallythree and three together, and bound together with short chains of gold.And on each of the bars there was engraven a crest. Letters also were onthe bars, cut in plain deep script.

  "Now tell your tale and tell it briefly--that is, if brevity be in you,which I doubt," said Dessauer.

  "As I said before," quoth the forester, "I was in the wars; I mean notonly in the wars with womenkind, but also with mankind. And among otherthings I remember the night of the Duke Casimir's famous ride, when hetook Plassenburg, because there was scarce a sober man within the walls."

  "And his Highness the Prince Karl away on Baltic side with his men, elsehad Casimir never set foot within the city!" cried the High Chancellor.

  "Ah, like enow," said the woodman, "I ken naught of that. But this I doknow, Plassenburg was taken with much slaughter and grievous loss ofgoodly gear. They captivated many noble prisoners also, and, because Islept in the stables, they took me to help lead the horses. Yet I was notill-treated, save that I had to keep pace with the horsemen upon my feet.But I saw the Prince--"

  "Which Prince? Speak plainly," said the High Councillor, gruffly.

  "Why, the Prince Dietrich Hohenfriedberg of Plassenburg," said the man."He, as your well-born Wisdom remembers, was then the only Prince inthese parts--a good man, and born of the noblest, though not of thecapacity of his present Highness the Prince Karl."

  "Proceed somewhat faster. Yon move as slowly as one of your ownforest oxen at the wood-hauling," cried the well-born Councillor in atesty tone.

  "We were long in riding over to Thorn--two days and nights upon the way.It was a terrible time, and all the while those condemned beasts of theWolfmark, Casimir's Black Riders, driving us with their spears likeprick-goads, till our backs were all bleeding, gentle and simple alike.So at midnight of the third day we came to the city of Thorn, and upthrough the streets to the Wolfsberg. There was no gladness in the town,such as there would have been in our city had there been news of avictory, or even of some hundreds of the enemy's horses well driven. Forthen as now the town hated its Duke. And so they were all silent.

  "Then in the darkness we came to the castle, and the word was: 'Dismount,and to the shambles!' Me and my like they meddled not with, but only thegreat ones. And it was then, as I told you, that I saw Prince Dietrichwith the little maid in his arms. I had carried her part of the way forhim, and faithfully delivered her up again, feeding her with the choicestmeats I could obtain when she could eat. But she was tired, mostly, andwould not look at food. So for this he gave me her necklace from abouther pretty neck. But the rest of her noble golden gear, the belt and theclasps, were upon the maid when the headsman of Thorn delivered her toone that stood near by. So, being almost asleep with weariness andexhausted with terror, they carried her away, and I saw the maid no more.

  "But the Prince Dietrich Hohenfriedberg was beheaded within the hour,and, as is their hellish custom, his body was thrown to the Duke'sblood-hounds that were clamoring all the time behind their fence.

  "God help us--such a disaster that night was for Plassenburg! Will thePrince never set about wiping away the disgrace?"

  "Aye, that he will!" cried the High Chancellor, suddenly bursting into afury, strangely unlike him. "He will wash it away in the blood of DukeCasimir and all his evil brood--the Wolves of the Mark truly are theynamed. And the Wolfsberg shall go up in flaming fire to heaven, so thatthe ashes of it shall be cast abroad to make the Mark yet grayer and moredesolate--like the fell of the beasts that dwelt within it."

  "Amen! Let it come quick, say I--that I may see it before I die!" criedthe forester, bowing low before the Chancellor.