Read The Red Rat's Daughter Page 14


  Once in the street the old man slipped his arm through that of hiscompanion, and hobbled along beside him. "My dear young friend," hesaid, when they had been walking for some few minutes, "we are out ofthe house now, and able to talk sensibly together without fear ofmaking fools of ourselves or of being overheard. First and foremost,tell me this: have you any notion of what you are doing?"

  "'Have you any notion of what you are doing?'"]

  "Of course I am not very well up in it," Browne replied modestly; "butI think I know pretty well."

  "Then, let me tell you this, as one who is probably more conversantwith the subject than any man living: you know absolutely nothing atall!"

  After this facer Browne did not know quite what to say. Herr Sauberstopped and looked at him.

  "Has it struck you yet," he said, "that you, a young Englishman,without the least experience in such things, are pitting yourselfagainst all the organization and cunning of the Great Russian Bear?"

  "That point has certainly struck me," Browne replied.

  "And do you mean to say that, knowing the strength of the enemy you areabout to fight, you are not afraid to go on? Well, I must admit Iadmire your bravery; but I fear it is nearer foolhardiness than pluck.However, since you are determined to go on with it, let me give you alittle bit of advice that may be of service to you. I understand youhave not long enjoyed the honour of Madame Bernstein's acquaintance?"

  Browne stated that this was so, and wondered what was coming next. Hewas beginning to grow interested in this queer old man, with the sharpeyes, who spoke with such an air of authority.

  "Before I go any farther," continued the old gentleman, "permit me toremark that I yield to no one in my admiration for the lady's talent.She is an exceedingly clever woman, whose grasp of European politicsis, to say the least of it, remarkable. At the same time, were I inyour position, I would be as circumspect as possible in my behaviourtowards her. Madame is a charming companion; she is philosophic, andcan adapt herself to the most unpleasant circumstances with thereadiness of an old campaigner. In matters like the present, however,I regret to say, her tongue runs riot with her, and for that reasonalone I consider her little short of dangerous."

  This may or may not have been the exact thought Browne had in his ownmind. But the woman was Katherine's friend; and, however imprudent shemight be, that circumstance alone was sufficient, in a certain sense,to make him loyal to her. Herr Sauber probably read what was passingin his mind, for he threw a glance up at him in his queer sparrow-likeway, and, when he had eyed him steadfastly for a few seconds, continuedwhat he had to say with even greater emphasis than before.

  "I do not want you to mistake my meaning," he said. "At the same time,I have no desire to see the mission you have taken in hand turn out afailure. I have been acquainted with Madame Bernstein for more yearsthan either she or I would probably care to remember, and it is farfrom my intention or desire to prejudice your mind against her. At thesame time, I have known Katherine's family for a much longer period,and I must study them and their interests before all."

  "But what is it of which you desire to warn me?" Browne inquired. "Itseems to me that Madame Bernstein is as anxious to assist Katherine'sfather to escape as any of us."

  "I sincerely believe she is," the old man replied. "In spite of thelife she has led these twenty years, she still remains a woman, andimpetuous. You must see for yourself that, in a matter like thepresent, you cannot be too careful. Let one little hint reach theRussian Government, and farewell to any chance you may stand ofeffecting the man's escape."

  "But what am I to do to prevent her from giving them a hint?" askedBrowne. "She knows as much as I do, and I cannot gag her!"

  "But you need not tell her of all your plans," he answered. "TellKatherine what you please; she has the rare gift of being able to holdher tongue, and wild horses would not drag the secret from her."

  "Then, to sum up what you say, I am to take care that, while Katherineand I know everything, Madame Bernstein shall know nothing?"

  "I do not say anything of the kind," said Herr Sauber. "I simply tellyou what I think, and I leave it to your good sense to act as you thinkbest. You English have a proverb to the effect that the least said isthe soonest mended. When the object of your expedition isaccomplished, and you are back in safety once more, you will, I hope,be able to come to me and say, 'Herr Sauber, there was no necessity toact upon the advice you gave me'; then I shall be perfectly satisfied."

  "I must confess that you have made me a little uneasy," Browne replied."I have no doubt you are right, however. At any rate, I will be mostcareful of what I say, and how I act, in her presence. Now, perhaps,you can help me still further, since you declare you are betteracquainted with the subject than most people. Being so ignorant, Ishould be very grateful for a few hints as to how I should set towork." In spite of the old man's boast, Browne thought he had rathergot the better of him now. He was soon to be undeceived, however.

  "You intend to carry this through yourself, I suppose?" asked hiscompanion. "If I mistake not, I heard you say this evening that youproposed to set sail at once for the Farther East. Is that so?"

  "It is quite true," Browne replied. "I leave for London to-morrowafternoon, and immediately upon my arrival there I shall commence mypreparations. You will see for yourself, if the man is so ill, thereis no time to waste."

  "In that case I think I can introduce you to a person who will prove ofthe utmost assistance to you; a man without whom, indeed, it would bequite impossible for you to succeed in your undertaking."

  "That is really very kind of you," said Browne; "and, pray, who is thisinteresting person, and where shall I find him?"

  "His name is Johann Schmidt," said Sauber, "and for some years past hehas taken up his residence in Hong-kong. Since we are alone, I may aswell inform you that he makes a speciality of these little affairs,though I am not aware that he has done very much in that particularlocality in which you are at present most interested. New Caledonia ismore in his line. However, I feel sure that that will make little orno difference to him, and I do not think you can do better than pay hima visit when you reach Eastern waters."

  "But how am I to broach the subject to him? And how am I to know thathe will help me? I cannot very well go to him and say straight outthat I am anxious to help a Russian convict to escape from Saghalien."

  "I will give you a letter to him," replied Herr Sauber, "and after hehas read it you will find that you will have no difficulty in thematter whatsoever. For a sum to be agreed upon between you, he willtake the whole matter off your hands, and all you will have to do willbe to meet the exile at a spot which will be arranged, and convey himto a place of safety."

  "I am sure I am exceedingly obliged to you," said Browne. "But willyou answer me one more question?"

  "I will answer a hundred if they will help you," the other replied."But what is this particular one?"

  "I want to know why you did not tell us all this, when we werediscussing the matter at the house just now."

  "Because in these matters the safest course is to speak into one earonly. If you will be guided by me you will follow my example. When noone knows what you are going to do, save yourself, it is impossible forany one to forestall or betray you."

  By this time they had reached the corner of the Rue Auber. Here theold gentleman stopped and held out his hand.

  "At this point our paths separate, I think," he said, "and I have thehonour to wish you good-night."

  "But what about that address in Hong-kong?" Browne inquired. "As Ileave for England to-morrow, it is just possible that I may not see youbefore I go."

  "I will send it to your hotel," Herr Sauber replied. "I know where youare staying. Good-night, my friend, and may you be as successful inthe work you are undertaking as you deserve to be."

  Browne thanked him for his good wishes, and bade him good-night.Having done so, he resumed his walk a
lone, with plenty to think about.Why it should have been so he could not tell, but it seemed to himthat, since his interview with the old man, from whom he had justparted, the whole aspect of the affair to which he had pledged himselfhad changed. It is true that he had had his own suspicions of MadameBernstein from the beginning, but they had been only the vaguestsurmises and nothing more. Now they seemed to have increased, not onlyin number, but in weight; yet, when he came to analyse it all, thewhole fabric tumbled to pieces like a house of cards. No charge hadbeen definitely brought against her, and all that was insinuated wasthat she might possibly be somewhat indiscreet. That she was asanxious as they were to arrange the escape of Katherine's father fromthe island, upon which he was imprisoned, was a point which admitted ofno doubt. Seeing that Katherine was her best friend in the world, itcould scarcely have been otherwise. And yet there was a namelesssomething behind it all that made Browne uneasy and continuallydistrustful. Try how he would, he could not drive it from his mind;and when he retired to rest, two hours later, it was only to carry itto bed with him, and to lie awake hour after hour endeavouring to fitthe pieces of the puzzle together.

  Immediately after breakfast next morning he made his way to the gardensof the Tuileries. He had arranged on the previous evening to meetKatherine there, and on this occasion she was first at the rendezvous.As soon as she saw him she hastened along the path to meet him. Brownethought he had never seen her more becomingly dressed; her face had abright colour, and her eyes sparkled like twin diamonds.

  "You have good news for me, I can see," she said, when their firstgreetings were over and they were walking back along the path together."What have you done?"

  "We have advanced one step," he answered. "I have discovered theaddress of a man who will possibly be of immense assistance to us."

  "That is good news indeed," she said. "And where does he live?"

  "In Hong-kong," Browne replied, and as he said it he noticed a look ofdisappointment upon her face.

  "Hong-kong?" she replied. "That is such a long way off. I had hopedhe would prove to be in London."

  "I don't think there is any one in London who would be of much use tous," said Browne, "while there are a good many there who could hinderus. That reminds me, dear, I have something rather important to say toyou."

  "What is it?" she inquired.

  "I want to warn you to be very careful to whom you speak about the workwe have in hand, and to be particularly careful of one person."

  "Who is that?" she inquired; but there was a subtle intonation in hervoice that told Browne that, while she could not, of course, know withany degree of certainty whom he meant, she at least could hazard a verygood guess. They had seated themselves by this time on the same seatthey had occupied a few days before; and a feeling, that was almost oneof shame, came over him when he reflected that, in a certain measure,he owed his present happiness to the woman he was about to decry.

  "You must not be offended at what I am going to say to you," he began,meanwhile prodding the turf before him with the point of his umbrella."The fact of the matter is, I want to warn you to be very careful howmuch of our plans you reveal to Madame Bernstein. It is just possibleyou may think I am unjust in saying such a thing. I only hope I am."

  "I really think you are," she said. "I don't know why you should havedone so, but from the very first you have entertained a dislike forMadame. And yet, I think you must admit she has been a very goodfriend to both of us."

  She seemed so hurt at what he had said that Browne hastened to sethimself right with her.

  "Believe me, I am not doubting her friendship," he said, "only herdiscretion. I should never forgive myself if I thought I had put anyunjust thoughts against her in your mind. But the fact remains that,not only for your father's safety, but also for our own, it is mostessential that no suspicion as to what we are about to do should getabroad."

  "You surely do not think that Madame Bernstein would talk about thematter to strangers?" said Katherine, a little indignantly. "You havenot been acquainted with her very long, but I think, at least, youought to know her well enough to feel sure she would not do that."

  Browne tried to reassure her on this point, but it was some time beforeshe was mollified. To change the subject, he spoke of Herr Sauber andof the interest he was taking in the matter.

  "I see it all," she said; "it was he who instilled these suspicionsinto your mind. It was unkind of him to do so; and not only that, butunjust. Like yourself, he has never been altogether friendly to her."

  Browne found himself placed in somewhat of a dilemma. It was certainlytrue that the old man _had_ added fresh fuel to his suspicions; yet hehad to remember that his dislike for the lady extended farther back,even as far as his first meeting with her at Merok. Therefore, whilein justice to himself he had the right to incriminate the old man, hehad no desire to confess that he had himself been a doubter from thefirst. Whether she could read what was passing in his mind or not Icannot say, but she was silent for a few minutes. Then, looking up athim with troubled eyes, she said, "Forgive me; I would not for all theworld have you think that I have the least doubt of you. You have beenso good to me that I should be worse than ungrateful if I were to dothat. Will you make a bargain with me?"

  "Before I promise I must know what that bargain is," he said, with asmile. "You have tried to make bargains with me before to which Icould not agree."

  "This is a very simple one," she said. "I want you to promise me, thatyou will never tell me anything of what you are going to do in thismatter, that I cannot tell Madame Bernstein. Cannot you see, dear,what I mean when I ask that? She is my friend, and she has taken careof me for so many, many years, that I should be indeed a traitor toher, if, while she was so anxious to help me in the work I haveundertaken, I were to keep from her even the smallest detail of ourplans. If she is to be ignorant, let me be ignorant also." Thesimple, straightforward nature of the girl was apparent in what shesaid.

  "And yet you wish to know everything of what I do?" he said.

  "It is only natural that I should," she answered. "I also wish to behonest with Madame. You will give that promise, will you not, Jack?"

  Browne considered for a moment. Embarrassing as the position had beena few moments before, it seemed even more so now. At last he made uphis mind.

  "Yes," he said very slowly; "since you wish it, I will give you thatpromise, and I believe I am doing right. You love me, Katherine?"

  "Ah, you know that," she replied. "I love and trust you as I couldnever do another man."

  "And you believe that I will do everything that a man can do to bringabout the result you desire?"

  "I do believe that," she said.

  "Then let it all remain in my hands. Let me be responsible for thewhole matter, and you shall see what the result will be. As I told youyesterday, dear, if any man can get your father out of the terribleplace in which he now is, I will do so."

  She tried to answer, but words failed her. Her heart was too full tospeak. She could only press his hand in silence.

  "When shall I see you again?" Browne inquired, after the short silencewhich had ensued. "I leave for London this afternoon."

  "For London?" she repeated, with a startled look upon her face. "I didnot know that you were going so soon."

  "There is no time to lose," he answered. "All our arrangements must bemade at once. I have as much to do next week as I can possibly manage.I suppose you and Madame have set your hearts on going to the East?"

  "I could not let you go alone," she answered; "and not only that, butif you succeed in getting my father away, I must be there to welcomehim to freedom."

  "In that case you and Madame had better hold yourselves in readiness tostart as soon as I give the word."

  "We will be ready whenever you wish us to set off," she replied. "Youneed have no fear of that."

  Half an hour later Browne bade her good-bye, and, in less than threehours, he was flying acros
s France as fast as the express could carryhim. Reaching Calais, he boarded the boat. It was growing dusk, andfor that reason the faces of the passengers were barelydistinguishable. Suddenly Browne felt a hand upon his shoulder, and avoice greeted him with, "My dear Browne, this is indeed a pleasurablesurprise. I never expected to see you here."

  _It was Maas._