Read The Red Rat's Daughter Page 23


  Taking one thing with another, Browne's night after the incidentdescribed at the end of the previous chapter was far from being a goodone. He could not, try how he would, solve the mystery as to what hadbecome of that envelope. He had hunted the cabin through and through,and searched his pockets times without number, but always with the samelack of success. As he lay turning the matter over and over in hismind, he remembered that he had heard the soft shutting of a door as hedescended the companion-ladder, and also that Maas had betrayedconsiderable embarrassment when he entered the saloon. It was absurd,however, to suppose that he could have had any hand in itsdisappearance. But the fact remained that the envelope was gone. Herang for his valet, and questioned him; but the man declared that, notonly did he know nothing at all about it, but that he had not enteredthe cabin between dinner-time and when he had prepared his master forthe night. It was a singular thing altogether. At last, being unableto remain where he was any longer, he rose and dressed himself and wentup to the deck. Day was just breaking. A cloudless sky was overhead,and in the gray light the Peak looked unusually picturesque; the wateralongside was as smooth as a sheet of glass; the only signs of lifewere a few gulls wheeling with discordant cries around a patch ofseaweed floating astern.

  Browne had been pacing the deck for upwards of a quarter of an hour,when he noticed a _sampan_ pull off from the shore towards the yacht.From where he stood he could plainly distinguish the tall figure ofMacAndrew. He accordingly went to the gangway to receive him.Presently one of the women pulling brought her up at the foot of theaccommodation-ladder, when the passenger ran up the steps, andgracefully saluted Browne.

  "Good-morning," he said. "In spite of the earliness of the hour, Ithink I am up to time."

  "Yes, you are very punctual," answered Browne. "Now, shall we get tobusiness?"

  They accordingly walked together in the direction of the smoking-room.

  "You mastered the contents of my note, I suppose?" asked MacAndrew, byway of breaking the ice.

  "Perfectly," replied Browne; "and I was careful to burn it afterwards."

  "Well, now that you have perused it, what do you think of it?" inquiredthe other. "Do you consider the scheme feasible?"

  "Very feasible indeed," Browne replied. "With a decent amount of luck,I think it should stand a very good chance of succeeding.

  "I'm very glad to hear that," returned MacAndrew. "I thought you wouldlike it. Now, when the other preliminaries are settled, I can get towork, head down."

  "By the other preliminaries I suppose you mean the money?" queriedBrowne.

  MacAndrew looked and laughed.

  "Yes; the money," he admitted. "I'm sorry to have to be so mercenary;but I'm afraid it can't be helped. We must grease the machinery withgold, otherwise we shan't be able to set it in motion."

  "Very well," rejoined Browne; "that difficulty is easily overcome. Ihave it all ready for you. If you will accompany me to my cabin we mayprocure it."

  They accordingly made their way to the cabin. Once there, Browneopened his safe, and dragged out a plain wooden box, which he placedupon the floor. MacAndrew observed that there was another of similarsize behind it. Browne noticed the expression upon his face, andsmiled.

  "You're wondering what made me bring so much," he remarked. How wellhe remembered going to his bank to procure it! He seemed to see thedignified, portly manager seated on his leather chair, and could recallthat worthy gentleman's surprise at the curious request Browne made tohim.

  "But how do you propose to get it ashore?" said the latter toMacAndrew. "It's a heavy box; and what about the Customs authorities?"

  "Oh, they won't trouble me," answered MacAndrew coolly. "I shall finda way of getting it in without putting them to the inconvenience ofopening it."

  "Do you want to count it? There may not be five thousand pounds there."

  "I shall have to risk that," MacAndrew replied. "I haven't the time towaste in counting it. I expect it's all right." So saying, he took upthe box, and followed Browne to the deck above.

  "You quite understand what you've got to do, I suppose?" he asked whenthey once more stood at the gangway.

  "Perfectly," said Browne. "You need not be afraid lest I shall forget.When do you think you will leave?"

  "This morning, if possible," MacAndrew replied. "There is no time tobe lost. I've got a boat in my eye, and as soon as they can have herready I shall embark. By the way, if I were in your place I should beextremely careful as to what I said or did in Japan. Excite only onelittle bit of suspicion, and you will never be able to rectify theerror."

  "You need have no fear on that score," rejoined Browne. "I will takeevery possible precaution to prevent any one suspecting."

  "I'm glad to hear it," MacAndrew returned. "Now, good-bye until wemeet on the 13th."

  "Good-bye," said Browne; "and good luck go with you!"

  They shook hands, and then MacAndrew, picking up his precious box, wentdown the ladder, and, when he had taken his place in the well, the_sampan_ pushed off for the shore.

  "A nice sort of position I shall be in if he should prove to be aswindler," reflected the young man, as he watched the retreating boat."But it's too late to think of that now. I have gone into thebusiness, and must carry it through, whatever happens."

  When Jimmy Foote put in an appearance on deck that morning he foundthat the city of Victoria had disappeared, and that the yacht wasmaking her way through the Ly-ee-Moon Pass out into the open sea oncemore.

  It was daybreak on the morning of the Thursday following when theyobtained their first glimpse of Japan. Like a pin's head upon thehorizon was a tiny gray dot, which gradually grew larger and largeruntil the sacred mountain of Fujiyama, clear-cut against the sky-line,rose from the waves, as if to welcome them to the Land of theChrysanthemum. Making their way up Yeddo Bay, they at length castanchor in the harbour of Yokohama. Beautiful as it must appear to anyone, to Browne it seemed like the loveliest and happiest corner ofFairyland. He could scarcely believe, after the long time they hadbeen separated, that, in less than half an hour, he would really beholding Katherine in his arms once more. During breakfast he couldwith difficulty contain his impatience, and he felt as if the excellentappetites which Foote and Maas brought to their meal were personalinsults to himself. At length they rose, and he was at liberty to go.At the same moment the captain announced that the steam-launch wasalongside.

  "Good luck to you, old fellow," said Jimmy, as Browne put on his hatand prepared to be off. "Though love-making is not much in my line, Imust say I envy you your happiness. I only wish I were going to see asweetheart too."

  "Madame Bernstein is a widow," remarked Browne, and, ducking his headto avoid the stump of a cigar which Jimmy threw at him, he ran down theaccommodation-ladder, jumped into the launch, and was soon steamingashore.

  Reaching the Bund, he inquired in which direction the Club Hotel wassituated, and, having been informed, made his way in that direction.He had reached the steps, and was about to ascend them to enter theverandah, when he saw, coming down the passage before him, no less aperson than Katherine herself. For weeks past he had been lookingforward to this interview, wondering where, how, and under whatcircumstances it would take place. Again and again he had framed hisfirst speech to her, and had wondered what she would say to him inreturn. Now that he was confronted with her, however, he found hispresence of mind deserting him, and he stood before her, not knowingwhat to say. On her side she was not so shy. Directly she realizedwho it was, she ran forward with outstretched hands to greet him.

  "Jack, Jack," she cried, her voice trembling with delight, "I had noidea that you had arrived. How long have you been in Japan?"

  "We dropped our anchor scarcely an hour ago," he answered. "I cameashore the instant the launch was ready for me."

  "How glad I am to see you!" she exclaimed. "It seems years since wesaid good-bye to each other that miserable day at Marseill

  "Years!" he cried. "It seems like an eternity to me." Then, lookingup at her, as she stood on the steps above him, he continued:"Katherine, you are more beautiful than ever."

  A rosy blush spread over her face. "It is because of my delight atseeing you," she whispered. This pretty speech was followed by alittle pause, during which he came up the steps and led her along theverandah towards two empty chairs at the farther end. They seatedthemselves, and, after their more immediate affairs had receivedattention, he inquired after Madame Bernstein.

  "And now tell me what you have arranged to do?" she said, when she hadsatisfied him that the lady in question was enjoying the best ofhealth. "I received your cablegram from Hong-kong, saying thateverything was progressing satisfactorily. You do not know howanxiously I have been waiting to see you."

  "And only to hear that?" he asked, with a smile.

  "Of course not," she answered. "Still, I think you can easilyunderstand my impatience."

  "Of course I understand it, dear," he replied; "and it is only rightyou should know all I have arranged."

  He thereupon narrated to her his interview with MacAndrew, speaking ina low voice, and taking care that no one should overhear him. When hehad finished he sat silent for a few moments; then, leaning a littlenearer her, he continued, "I want to remind you, dear, to beparticularly careful to say nothing at all on the subject to any one,not even to Madame Bernstein. I was warned myself not to say anything;but in your case, of course, it is different."

  "You can trust me," she returned; "I shall say nothing. And so youreally think it is likely we shall be able to save him?"

  "I feel sure it is," said Browne; "though, of course, I, like you, amsomewhat in the dark. Every one who is in the business is so chary ofbeing discovered, that they take particular care not to divulgeanything, however small, that may give a hint or clue as to theircomplicity."

  For some time they continued to discuss the question; then Katherine,thinking that it behoved her to acquaint Madame Bernstein with the factof her lover's arrival, departed into the house. A few moments latershe returned, accompanied by the lady in question, who greeted Brownwith her usual enthusiasm.

  "Ah, monsieur," she cried, "you do not know how _triste_ this poorchild has been without you. She has counted every day, almost everyminute, until she should see you."

  On hearing this Browne found an opportunity of stroking hissweetheart's hand. Madame Bernstein's remark was just the one of allothers that would be calculated to cause him the greatest pleasure.

  "And now, monsieur, that you are here, what is it you desire we shoulddo?" inquired Madame, when they had exhausted the topics to which Ihave just referred.

  "We must be content to remain here for at least another fortnight,"said Browne. "The arrangements I have made cannot possibly becompleted until the end of that time."

  "Another fortnight?" exclaimed Madame, in some astonishment, and withconsiderable dismay. "Do you mean that we are to remain idle all thattime?"

  "I mean that we must enjoy ourselves here for a fortnight," Brownereplied. Then, looking out into the street at the queer characters hesaw there--the picturesque dresses, the _jinrickshas_, and the thousandand one signs of Japanese life--he added: "Surely that should not besuch a very difficult matter?"

  "It would not be difficult," said Madame, as if she were debating thematter with herself, "if one had all one's time at one's disposal, andwere only travelling for pleasure; but under the present circumstanceshow different it is!" She was about to say something further, but shechecked herself; and, making the excuse that she had left something inher room, retired to the house.

  "Do not be impatient with her, dear," said Katherine softly, when theywere alone together. "Remember that her anxiety is all upon myaccount."

  Browne admitted this, and when he had done so the matter was allowed todrop.