Read The Red Widow; or, The Death-Dealers of London Page 13



  "Who _are_ you?" shrieked the weird, hooded figure in the white cloak ina fierce voice, standing up suddenly above the seated man who was inexactly similar disguise.

  The pair, one seated, and the other having suddenly sprung up, facedeach other. The smaller, and apparently weaker figure had assumed adistinctly offensive attitude. His eyes shone behind the narrow slits.

  "Fool!" laughed Boyne, who was seated. "Sit down, you idiotic fool!"And he waved his hand in contempt. "If I had not looked after you, andhidden you here, you would long ago have been given over to the hangman.Just remember that!" he shouted loudly. "Sink that into your skull,sleepy brain!"

  "But--but," faltered the figure. "But who are you? You are notWisden!"

  Boyne, disguised in his white cloak with hood--the two presenting themost weird spectacle in the light of day in that dingy room inHammersmith--started, then hesitated for a second.

  "Yes," he replied, in a hard voice. "I am Wisden! Now you know!Wisden, of Twywell! Do you recollect the name?"

  "You--Wisden!" gasped the person whose countenance was disguised by thathideous hood. "I--I----!" And he sank back into his chair.

  "Now you know, you accursed fool!" exclaimed the mystery man. "And letthat also sink into your silly noddle. Further, keep a still tongue.Be silent when you are up there, for people may listen and hear you. Ifthey do, then you'll be discovered, and your death will be quick.Recollect that they are waiting for you--the affair isn't forgotten."

  "No," sighed the weird figure. "No--I know it hasn't been forgotten.My crime!--_my crime_!"

  "Yes. But don't refer to it. Just keep a level head, my dear Lionel,as you always do. I will still look after you if you remain silent anddo what I order. I will supply you with everything. But be verycareful that when I carry you up your food you don't speak. Somebodymight overhear. These cursed walls have ears, although the old womanFelmore is deaf. Do you understand me?" he asked in a more imperativevoice, rising, taking him by the shoulders, and shaking him. "Now tellme--you understand--eh?"

  "Yes, yes!" the other gibbered in a strange tone. "You--Wisden--WillieWisden! Oh, yes! I--I see! Dear old Willie, who was with me at MonteCarlo. Oh, yes! _And that beautiful microscope_?"

  "You've got it upstairs. Don't you recollect it? Why, I gave it to youin the Terminus Hotel, in Marseilles, three years ago. Are you growingfoolish? Surely not!"

  "Yes. Oh, yes! I recollect now--the beautiful mike--oh, yes! Oh, whatthat instrument must have cost--oh, what a lot!--what a lot of money!"

  "It did cost a good bit. And it's yours. So don't worry. I'll lookafter you, Lionel. But don't play the fool, or you'll go to the gallowsover that unfortunate little affair--I warn you! Scotland Yard islooking everywhere for you, and they would have had you long ago if Ihadn't taken you in hand and had pity upon you."

  For a few moments the strange figure huddled in the chair remainedsilent.

  "Yes--I know. And--and Lilla?" he asked.

  "She's dead--died a year ago," was Boyne's prompt reply.

  "Lilla dead!" sighed the other. "Poor Lilla! She was a very good wifeto you--just as Alice was to me! Poor Lilla!"

  "Don't you bother about my personal affairs, Lionel. Just keep your ownend up, and breathe the bit of fresh air now while you can before you goback to your own quarters. I don't like you getting up through thattrap-door on to the roof. Somebody might see you one night."

  "My quarters! My prison, you mean!" he retorted bitterly.

  "Prison? Fool, what are you saying? Your room is surely comfortable,and I do my best for you. If you want to get out--do so. And you'll bearrested by the first police constable who comes along."

  "But it is prison!" replied the mysterious figure in a voice asking forpity. "Prison!"

  "Well--take your liberty, and take the consequences," the otherresponded roughly.

  "Look what I do! I'm always working for you--always!"

  Boyne laughed harshly.

  "Very well! Give it up, and I'll fling you out into thegutter--now--just as you are! I shan't suffer," he added, "but youwill! By gad you will!"

  The man from upstairs cringed and drew his breath.

  "No! No! Wisden! No!--don't do that! I'll do all you ask--all!Alice--my dear Alice--always said you were my best friend--my very bestfriend."

  "And so I am, my dear fellow!" exclaimed Boyne. "I've done my best foryou all along--all along."

  "Look!" cried the lonely man who lived upstairs, and whose movementswere never heard by deaf old Mrs. Felmore. "What's that?"

  And with a shriek of horror he pointed to a corner of the dingy room.

  "What? I don't see anything!" was Boyne's reply. "You've got one ofthose spooky fits of yours coming on again. You'd better go back."

  "I don't want to go back," whined the person whose Christian name wasLionel. "Surely you won't send me back, Wisden?"

  "Yes; for your own sake you must lie low. Try to understand what I say.We are mutually interested in each other. It is to the advantage ofboth that you should remain here. I am not your jailer, recollect. Ifyou wish, you can walk out now. But I warn you that you will walkstraight into the hangman's noose. Scotland Yard and the Old Bailey areawaiting you, and are ready, never fear."

  "But where's Alice?" asked the squeaky voice.

  "Alice is dead."

  "Are you sure? How and where did she die?"

  "In Avignon. In a house close behind the Pope's Palace. Surely youremember? You were there."

  "I wasn't there. I swear I was not. When we were in Avignon we wereall happy together. Alice with me, and you with Lilla."

  "My dear boy, your memory is at fault. Did you not stay in Avignonwhile Lilla and I motored to Paris? Now think! Did you not take anapartment in the Rue Cardinale, and remain after our departure? Alice,your wife, died there! Why, only a few minutes ago you deplored herloss!"

  "Yes. But how can I be certain that she is dead?" asked the otherdubiously.

  "Because I tell you she is. I'm not a liar!" cried Boyne fiercely,again assuming an overbearing attitude.

  "But I want to go home--to see my home again--the garden--theflowers--and Alice."

  "You'll never see her again. And you are safer here. So you had bettergo back to your room and keep a still tongue. And be careful not tomake a noise. You made a horrible row the other night."

  "I didn't!"

  "Yes, you did. I could hear you moving about above me. You should moveyour bed across to the other side, near the trap-door that goes out onto the roof of which you are so fond."

  "Ah! because I get air. But I only open it and go out after it's dark,I assure you."

  "Well, you've got plenty of stores. I bring you bread and fresh meatand vegetables, and you've got the cistern full of water. Why, if Iwent away for for a month or six weeks you wouldn't starve. I alwayssee to that. And look what it costs me!" exclaimed the humble insuranceagent.

  "Ah! Nibby. Dear little Nibby!" cried the weird man from upstairs inthat inhuman, high-pitched voice, as he noticed the tame rat dart acrossthe threadbare carpet.

  "Yes, Nibby knows you!" laughed the man Boyne. "He's a dear littlefellow, isn't he?"

  "Yes. I miss him after so long," replied the man. "Can't I take himupstairs with me?" he asked piteously.

  "No, he would gnaw through the door to get back to me, and old motherFelmore would find rats in the place. She knows of Nibby, but we don'twant to arouse her curiosity. Women, deaf or not, are always dangerouswhen one has secrets."

  "And how is Mrs. Pollen--eh?"

  "Mrs. Pollen!" echoed Boyne. "Whom do you mean?"

  "Why, Ena Pollen, the friend of Lilla. You know the woman--tall,handsome, red-haired. She worked a dirty trick upon some man she met.They had supper at the Ritz. He died, and nobody suspected. Ugh!Isn't i
t funny how one can lead a crooked life and everyone think oneperfectly honest?"

  "Well, you're not honest, my dear Lionel," laughed Bernard Boyne. "Ifit had not been for me I repeat you'd have been hanged for that affairtwo years ago."

  The man in the hooded cloak shuddered.

  "Yes," he replied in a changed voice. "You are right; I owe everythingto you, and that's why I do all you ask of me. They say there is nogenius without lunacy. So I suppose you think me a lunatic--eh?"

  "I don't think, Lionel--I know you are," Boyne responded. "You've actedas a silly fool, and you made a serious slip in killing the girl, butI'm trying to save you from the police. They are still hunting over allEurope for you."

  "But did I kill her, Wisden? Did I? I don't remember it!"

  "Remember it. Why, you've got no memory. You only remember all yourscience and your wonderful knowledge--a knowledge unequalled. Yes! youkilled her, and by an ace I rescued you from arrest. You recollectlittle Maggie?"

  "Ah! yes. I--I know what you mean!" gasped the other. "Little Maggie!But I didn't kill her!"

  "You did. Your damnable criminal instincts led you to kill her, andthat's why Scotland Yard is searching daily for you!"

  "Maggie! I--I killed Maggie!"

  "Yes, you did--and you know it, you infernal hypocrite!" cried Boyne."Now, don't try to argue. I'm in my right senses. You aren't! Ihaven't time or inclination to have a war of words over it. Besides,"he added, glancing at his watch, "Mrs. Felmore will be back at anyminute, so you must get upstairs again--and without delay."

  "But can't I go home? I--I want to see my garden--the flowers----"

  "No!" snapped Boyne. "You can't. You'll stay here."

  "Do let me go--_do_," pleaded the other in that curious high-pitchedvoice. "I do want to see my garden again."

  "You'll see the inside of a prison if you are not very careful," Boynedeclared in a warning tone. "So don't think about going home."

  "But am I never to go home?"

  "At your own risk. Remember, I'll take no responsibility. Yourdescription and photograph are in every police-station here and on theContinent, and, as I've told you lots of times, the moment you stepoutside into the street you will court danger. You'll be arrested by thefirst policeman who sees you!"

  "Surely I may go home--if only for a day! You could take me there."

  "Later on, perhaps," Boyne said encouragingly, in a tone which he wouldhave adopted to a child. "For the present you must remain where you are,safe. And don't make a noise, otherwise somebody may hear you," heurged.

  "I don't make any noise. I'm always so careful. And I only go out onthe roof at night."

  "The less you go out there the better," growled the insurance agent. "Irun risks every time I come up to bring your food. Only the other dayMrs. Felmore was saying that Nibby seemed to have an enormous appetite.That's why I've brought you up that store of tinned stuff."

  "I haven't had any tea for a week."

  "But you've got your gas-ring and your kettle."

  "The kettle leaks."

  "Then why the deuce didn't you tell me that before? I'll bring you anew one to-day."

  "And some fresh milk and some eggs. I've tasted none for weeks."

  "Well, if you are in hiding you must put up with what food you can get,"growled Boyne. "I do my best for you--and even now you're notsatisfied."

  "I want to go home."

  "Home? For them to know that you're still in London? They all thinkyou've escaped to Greece, and got clean away. That's what I told them."

  The man so strangely disguised drew a long breath.

  "Ah! if only I could have got away," he murmured wistfully.

  "Yes, it would have saved me a lot of bother, wouldn't it?" snarled theother. "No; be patient, and be grateful."

  "I am grateful, Wisden--very grateful."

  "You're not! You're a dissatisfied hound who deserves no pity orconsideration. I do my best and shelter you, and all you do in returnis to grumble."

  "Oh! but you don't know how lonely it is up there. I sit all dayalone."

  "And sleep your hours away! Look at me, trudging about all day long fornext to nothing. True, I have freedom, but there's no charge against meas there is against you."

  "No!" cried the man Lionel in his squeaky voice. "But there may be oneday, remember! There may be!"

  "Don't be a fool!" snapped Boyne. "Get back to your den, and lie low."

  "I shan't!"

  "What--you defy me--eh?"

  "Yes. I know you--who you are!" shouted the mysterious man. "You're_not_ Wisden. _Your voice is not his_!"

  "Infernal idiot! So you've got another attack coming on, have you!Come, get up," for he had sunk into a chair again. Pulling him up, heshook him roughly by the shoulder, saying: "Get up, and come along."

  "I won't!" he cried sullenly. "I tell you I won't go up there anymore!"

  "Very well then, I'll fling you out into the street now, just as youare. You'd cut a fine figure, wouldn't you?"

  "I don't care!"

  "All right. If you don't care, come along and get out of my house."And he took him again by the shoulder and hustled him out of the roomtowards the front door.

  "What do you mean to do?" asked the mysterious prisoner in a frightenedvoice.

  "Do!" Boyne echoed fiercely. "Why, kick you out! I'm sick of trying tohelp such an unthankful blackguard."

  "I--I'm not unthankful," he declared. "I'll go back."

  "Ah! I thought you wouldn't relish being put into the hands of thepolice--eh?" laughed Boyne. "Go upstairs."

  The hooded man turned towards the stairs with a disconsolate sigh, butwithout further words. He saw that all argument was useless.

  "Come!" whispered Boyne, whose quick ear had caught a sound in thekitchen below. "Mrs. Felmore is back! By gad! hustle up--quickly."

  And the man painfully climbed back to his secret hiding-place, the doorof which Boyne closed just as Mrs. Felmore arrived at the foot of thestairs in search of her master.

  "Curse the fellow!" Boyne muttered beneath his breath. "He's growingdefiant, and that means trouble for us--serious trouble!"