Read The Red Window Page 22



  At the request of Miss Berengaria, Durham stopped to dinner; but noteven the necessity of keeping Julius in a fool's paradise could make theold lady extend the invitation to him. Beryl did not mind. He knewperfectly well that he was no favorite with Miss Plantagenet, and oftenwondered why she was so polite to him. A scoundrel himself, Julius wasalways suspicious of others, and constantly strove to learn why MissBerengaria, whose honest character he knew, displayed such courtesytowards him. Then he thought it was because Bernard being in her houseshe was afraid lest he should be arrested through the instrumentality ofhis cousin should not tact be shown. Julius departed quite satisfied inhis own mind that he had solved the problem of Miss Plantagenet'sbehavior. Had he known the real reason he would not have gone away socomplacently.

  Before departing, Julius saw Jerry and told him--amongst otherthings--that he would have to leave Miss Plantagenet because of hishaving meddled with matters which did not concern him. During theinterview Miss Berengaria came along and the matter was explained toher. She refused to allow Beryl to interfere.

  "Mind your own precious business, young man," she said. "I am quite ableto look after the boy myself."

  "But he has behaved badly," urged Julius, meekly.

  "So he has, and I'd give him a good whipping. However, I am not going todismiss him for this. Jerry, go to the kitchen and mind your P's andQ's, or I'll know the reason why. And now, Mr. Beryl"--the old ladydropped a grim curtsey--"good-bye."

  Julius departed smiling and in no wise offended at the grimness of MissBerengaria. "I'll soon be able to do without the lot of them," hethought, as he walked to the railway station, "once the estate is in mypossession, and I'll keep away from this place. Lucy will have to turnout of the Hall, as I won't have her stopping, after the way in whichshe has treated me. I believe she is in love with that bounder of aConniston. However," he added enigmatically, "I know my own knowing."

  He did not know Durham's, however, and would have been considerablyagitated had he learned what that gentleman said to the two ladies afterhis departure. Not only to them but to Lord Conniston himself. Thatyoung gentleman arrived with Lucy shortly before dinner. Lucy had comeover to the meal, and Conniston, on his way back to Bernard at thecastle, thought he would drop in. Of course, as the astute loverintended, he was asked to dinner.

  The meal passed off excellently, as everyone was in good spirits. Thelawyer had hinted that Bernard would soon be free, and promised to tellthe company all that he had discovered after dinner. When the meal wasended they all went back to the drawing-room and sat round thesolicitor, who commenced his recital. Prior to starting, Miss Berengariawent up to see Michael, and returned stating that he was much better. "Ibelieve he will get well," she said.

  "Of course," observed the lawyer, ironically, "the comedy is nearly atan end. The will has been signed. Now Michael will disappear to allowBeryl to get the estates."

  "He will have to supply a corpse then," said Conniston, coolly.

  "Oh, I daresay he will," rejoined Durham, shrugging. "After thedisappearance of Michael I know exactly what will happen. A body muchdecomposed will be found in the Thames, and will be recognized by Juliusas that of Bernard's. Any corpse will do, so long as the face cannot berecognized."

  "Drat the man!" said Miss Berengaria, emphatically. "You can't get acorpse without murdering someone, and I should think that Beryl creaturehas had enough of that sort of work."

  "Oh, but Julius did not kill Sir Simon," said Lucy, with dismay. "He wasat the theatre with me and Mrs. Webber."

  "So I believe," said Durham, dryly; "but tell me, Miss Randolph, did heleave you at all during the play?"

  "Not till the last act," said Lucy. "Then he went to get something todrink, and returned before the end of the play to take us away."

  "How long was he absent?"

  "Nearly half an hour. He said he had met a friend and had been talkingto him."

  "Ah! Very clever of him. Well," said Durham, looking round, "I havesomething to tell you all. We are friends of Bernard's, are we not?"

  "Certainly," said Miss Berengaria, sharply, "and I know what you aregoing to tell us. This Beryl creature murdered Sir Simon when he wasaway from the theatre."

  "Impossible!" said Lucy and Alice in one breath.

  "He could scarcely have done it in half an hour," said Conniston.

  "But he did for all that," said Durham. "Remember, the Curtain Theatreis only ten minutes' walk from Crimea Square. Beryl could easily slipround and strangle Sir Simon--as he did."

  "I knew it," cried Miss Berengaria, triumphantly. "Tell us all about it,Durham. Aha! we'll see that reptile dancing on nothing."

  "Oh, aunt!" said Alice, turning pale.

  "Miss Plantagenet," remonstrated Lucy, "don't speak like that. I do notlike Julius, and broke my engagement. I think he is tricky, and has noprinciples, but I don't think he would----"

  "Yes, he would," contradicted the old lady, taking a pinch of snuff."Bah! don't talk to me. Liar and rogue, murderer and thief are writtenall over him. My dear girls, the man is a danger to society. I want tosee him hanged. He would have hanged Bernard."

  "That's true enough," said Conniston; "but for the sake of the family, Idon't want to see Julius hanged. So long as he tells the truth and letsBernard take his place in society I don't care."

  "He won't let Bernard take his place in society," insisted MissBerengaria, quietly. "I daresay I am vindictive, but that youngreptile--ugh!" She shuddered and took another pinch of snuff.

  "Are you sure he is guilty?" asked Lucy, timidly.

  "Quite sure," said Durham, gravely. "I have evidence," and he produced ahandkerchief.

  "Tell us all about it, Durham," said Miss Plantagenet, briskly. "Thesooner we learn the truth the better. I am getting very tired of thisconnection with the Police Court. I have read detective novels," addedthe old lady, emphatically, "and I never liked them. To have one in reallife and under my respectable roof is more than I can bear. Durham, youhave an hour before you need catch your train. Tell us all. Then you canclear out, and you, Conniston, can go also. Lucy, I shall send Jerryback to the Hall with you."

  "No, please not, Jerry," said Lucy.

  "He is a scamp," replied Miss Berengaria, after a pause. "Well--well, weshall see. Meantime, freeze our blood, Durham."

  This the lawyer proceeded to amidst a dead silence. No one interruptedhim until his recital was ended. To make things clear, he narrated hisdiscoveries from the very beginning, and recounted his interview withMrs. Gilroy, with Tolomeo and with Beryl. At the end of his storyeveryone looked at one another. Lucy shuddered and hid her face,overwhelmed by the discovery of the wickedness of the man she had beenengaged to. Alice was quite pale, thinking of the nets in which Bernardhad been caught, and which were now on the eve of being broken, that hemight escape. Conniston said a word under his breath not exactly fittedfor the drawing-room, but which was overheard by Miss Berengaria andapproved by that lady.

  "Thank you, Conniston," she said, taking a pinch of snuff with relish."Never tell me that I am not a judge of character. I knew that scamp wasthe murderer ages ago. I said so. Now"--she addressed Durham with asuddenness which made him jump--"what's to be done?"

  "I intend to have Beryl arrested."

  "And then?"

  "I shall make Bernard give himself up. The whole case must be tried incourt. Also I shall have Michael arrested."

  "But why, if he is innocent?"

  "My dear Miss Plantagenet," said the lawyer, slowly, "Mrs. Gilroy is animportant witness in this case. She is hiding. As soon as she sees thather son is arrested, and in danger of being condemned as an accessorybefore the fact, she will come out and give evidence to show that heacted merely as the tool of Beryl. In a word, she will save him."

  "Which is four or five words. Well, Durham, I don't say but what you areright, and if--Good gracious, what's that?"

  This was the sudden entrance of Maria, looking pale. She hurried up toher mistress and caught her arm. "Oh, ma'am, come to see that poorgentleman," she said. "He is very ill--I don't know what's the matter."

  Neither Miss Berengaria nor the others were startled; it was to beexpected that Michael would have frequent lapses in his illness.

  The old lady rose at once to the occasion. "Send Jerry at once for Dr.Payne," she said sharply.

  "Please, ma'am, Jerry has left the house."

  "Left the house! What do you mean?"

  Maria explained. "I haven't seen Jerry since six o'clock," she declared;"he brought me up the cup of tea you ordered for the poor sickgentleman."

  "I ordered no tea," said Miss Berengaria, with uneasiness.

  "Jerry said you did, ma'am," persisted the maid; "he brought it to me,and said you wished the gentleman to drink it at once. He waited whilethe gentleman did so, and then said he would tell you. I forgot tomention it, ma'am, when you came up after dinner."

  Durham nodded significantly and rose. "I will go for Dr. Payne," hesaid, walking to the door. "Is the gentleman ill?"

  "Very, sir. He says he has a burning pain in his stomach."

  Durham nodded again and glanced at the old lady. "You were right," hesaid gravely, "there is something wrong," and he disappeared to fetchthe doctor.

  "Where is Jerry gone?" asked Miss Berengaria.

  "I don't know, ma'am. James said he went out at half-past six with hisbag, complaining you had sent him away."

  "James should have stopped him, or have told me."

  "So he says, ma'am, now."

  "When it is too late," said the angry Miss Berengaria. "Alice, come withme. Conniston, you can wait here with Miss Randolph," and before thecouple could say a word, the old lady hurried out of the room, followedby Alice. Both were oppressed by a sense of anxiety.

  Michael was very ill and in great pain. Sitting up in bed, he waspressing both hands to his stomach and moaning. "Oh, give mewater--water," he entreated, when the women appeared. "I am dying ofthirst."

  While Miss Berengaria gave him drink, Alice looked into the tea-cup,which still stood on the table beside the bed. At the bottom there was awhite sediment. "Something has been given to you in your tea," she said,turning pale.

  "It was some time after drinking the tea that I felt ill," moanedMichael, rocking to and fro. "Oh, how I suffer."

  "Jerry brought the tea," began Miss Plantagenet, when Michaelinterrupted her with a scream.

  "Jerry! Jerry! It's Beryl's work. Jerry did anything he told him. Ibelieve he has poisoned me. Call him up--call him up."

  "Jerry has gone away," said Miss Berengaria, very pale.

  "Lost! Lost!" moaned Michael. "Ah, this was why he made me sign thewill--this was why--oh, heavens! how I suffer--suffer--the pain--thepain. Help me--help me! I am poisoned!"

  Both the terrified women looked at one another, for even MissBerengaria, strong-minded as she was, felt her nerve give way under thisunexpected catastrophe. Then Alice advanced to the bedside, and fromsheer force of habit addressed Michael by the false name he had assumed."Bernard----"

  "I am not Bernard," he screamed, rocking and rocking. "I will confessall. I am a dead man. Beryl won't give me the money now. He wants it allto himself. He has made Jerry poison me. I am to die as Sir Simon died.I am lost--lost--lost. Oh, what a wicked man I have been."

  "Make atonement while you can," said Miss Berengaria, taking swiftadvantage of the opportunity. "Listen. We have known for some time thatyou are not Bernard Gore, and----"

  Michael paid no attention, but kept on rocking in an agony of pain."Help me--save me!" he moaned. "Oh, great heavens!"

  "Payne will be here directly," said the old lady. "Maria"--the maid wasin the room by this time--"go down and bring up some boiling water. Wewill apply hot flannels to his stomach."

  "Meanwhile," said Alice, when the maid ran out, "tell us about yourself,Michael."

  "Michael--Michael," he muttered, with the perspiration beading his brow."You know my name. I thought you took me for Gore."

  "Never. Bernard Gore is alive. We pretended to believe you, so that inthe end you might be induced to confess."

  "And now you have poisoned me."

  "Certainly not," cried Miss Plantagenet, quickly. "Jerry gave you thecup of tea."

  "He said you told him to bring it up."

  "I did not. He brought it up himself, and has now left the house. Assoon as he knew you had drunk it, he left the house. And now that Iremember," added Miss Berengaria, sharply, "Beryl was talking privatelyto the boy before he went away."

  "Yes! Yes! It is Beryl who has done this. Oh, I will confess all. It wasBeryl who killed Sir Simon."

  "We know that, and--ah, here is Payne. Doctor, I am glad you have come.Do you know----"

  "I know a great deal," said Payne. "Mr. Durham talked to me while wedrove along. He met me half-way to Hurseton. Come, we must get to work."

  He asked Alice and Durham, who had entered, to leave the room, and beganto attend to the wretched man. Maria came up with hot water and thenhurried down for oil and mustard. Payne took up the cup which MissBerengaria pointed out and examined it. He touched the sediment with thetip of his finger and tasted it. "Arsenic," said he.

  "Good Lord!" cried the old lady, sitting down heavily, "and in my ownhouse. Doctor, that boy must be arrested. Are you sure?"

  "Certain. Arsenic has been administered. That is why he feels theseburning pains. Give me the oil and mustard. We must give him an emetic,so that he may get rid of the poison. We may save him yet."

  "You must save him!" cried Miss Berengaria, lending a hand readily, "forhis evidence is needed to convict Beryl of murder."

  "Mr. Durham told me something of this, but not all," said Payne, goingon with the business. "Go down and leave the man to me for a time, MissBerengaria. I will call you when he is better."

  By this time Michael was almost insensible with pain, but MissPlantagenet left the room at once. Hurrying down to the drawing-room,she found the four young people waiting there with scared faces. EvenDurham was startled by the expedition with which Julius had carried outhis plan of ridding himself of an undesirable witness.

  "Though he's a fool," said the lawyer, emphatically. "He should havemade Jerry wait for a few days."

  "And to use such an obvious poison," said Miss Berengaria; "it isarsenic that has been administered."

  "Michael will confess now, though," said Alice. "I do hope he won't die.Mr. Durham, where are you going?"

  "To the Hurseton telegraph office. The doctor's trap is at the door now.I wish to wire to Scotland Yard, so that Jerry may be caught."

  "Don't go," implored Alice, "at any time Michael may be able to speak,and I wish you to write down his confession."

  "I will go," said Conniston, jumping up. "Write down the wire, Durham.The sooner Jerry is tracked the better. We shall catch Julius yet."

  "I only hope we'll save Michael," muttered Durham, going to MissPlantagenet's desk. "Come here, Conniston."

  When the wire was written--and a long one it was--Conniston made freewith Payne's trap and drove to Hurseton, where he sent it at once toLondon. Meantime, those in the drawing-room talked over the matter andwaited to hear from the doctor. After an hour he made his appearance."He is better," he announced; "the mustard and oil made him sick. Ithink he has got rid of the poison. He wants to see you, Mr. Durham."

  "I'll go at once," said the lawyer, while Alice clasped her hands.

  But Payne stopped him. "No. I want the man to have a short sleep first,"he said, "and I am returning to watch beside him. I will ring the bellwhen he is better and able to speak."

  It was late that night or rather early next morning before the householdretired. Miss Berengaria, thinking the servants had better know aslittle as possible, sent them to bed, retaining only Maria to wait onher personally. Then Conniston returned, and the five sat in thedrawing-room talking. About two in the morning the bell in the turretch
amber was heard to ring. Durham, with writing materials, hastened upat once. Alice wanted to go, but Miss Berengaria made her stop. Then shesent Conniston to the Hall to tell any servant who was waiting up thatMiss Randolph would remain that night at the Bower. "And when youreturn, you can sleep also," she said.

  Durham found Michael better but weak. He was lying back on his pillowsin an almost exhausted condition, and Payne was feeling his pulse. "Iwanted him to wait till the dawn," said the doctor, "but he insists onspeaking."

  "I might die," said Michael, his eyes large and bright and his voicehoarse. "I want my revenge on this man who tried to poison me."

  "Are you sure Beryl----"

  "I am quite sure. Jerry brought up the tea, and arsenic was in it. Iknow Beryl wanted to get all the estate to himself. Tell me"--Michaellooked anxiously towards Durham--"is Gore alive?"

  "Yes. Miss Malleson and Miss Plantagenet knew you were Michael Gilroy assoon as you came."

  "And they fooled me."

  "They did," admitted Durham, promptly, "and I did also. I allowed you tomake that false will, so as to trap Beryl."

  "Ah! and he will be trapped and hanged," said the boy, bitterly. "I onlyhope I'll be alive to see him swing."

  "Mr. Durham," said Payne, removing his finger from the patient's pulse,"if you want to hear this confession you had better get to work at once.I cannot allow him to talk long."

  "I'll begin," said Michael, in a stronger voice, and without furtherpreamble he began to talk in a slow, monotonous voice, almost without apause. Durham took down his words swiftly.

  "My name is Michael Gilroy," said the lad, quietly. "I am the son ofWalter Gore, the father of Bernard, and of Mrs. Gilroy, who was thehousekeeper at the Hall. My father deceived her by a false marriage, asat the time, although my mother did not know, he was already married toa Signora Tolomeo."

  "You are sure of that?" asked Durham. "Your mother said----"

  "I know--I know, but she is wrong. She wanted to make me out the heir.But I am three years younger than my half-brother. It was a falsemarriage. When my mother discovered the truth, she went to America withme. My father allowed us an income. When he died, my mother was starvingwith me in New York. She came to this country and saw my grandfather,Sir Simon, in London. He heard her story and was sorry for her. Then heoffered her the post of housekeeper at the Hall, and promised to providefor her after his death. But he would only assist her on condition thatI was sent back to the States. I returned, and my mother kept me out ofher wages. She has been a good mother to me----"

  "Take this," said Payne, holding wine to his lips, for his voice wasgrowing weaker.

  Michael drank, and continued at once. "My mother had an idea of makingme the heir. But, as I told her, that was impossible. She had told SirSimon too much at first. I remained in the States till I was overtwenty, then I came to England. Sir Simon got me a post in the city. Idid not like the work, and I idled. He often assisted me. I behaved verybadly."

  "I know that," said Durham, pausing in his writing. "You forged a checkmade payable to Bernard Gore."

  Michael laughed weakly. "I did," he said. "I wanted money and I got athousand pounds by that."

  "How is it that you are so poor?"

  "Because Beryl took the money from me. He wanted money also, and hethreatened to have me arrested for the murder if I did not give him all.I spent very little of it. He took all, and then left me to starve. Icame here, and----"

  "Wait a bit; I want to know about your impersonation of Gore?"

  "That was Beryl's idea also. He met me in the city, as Sir Simon one daysent him to pay me money. He was struck by my likeness to myhalf-brother, and even then he resolved to make use of me. But there wasno chance until Bernard quarrelled with Sir Simon. Then Beryl found thatGore had enlisted in the Imperial Yeomanry. He told me that Sir Simonwas coming to town to live in Crimea Square, and he was afraid lest heshould become reconciled to Bernard. Beryl, knowing how proud Sir Simonwas, persuaded me to impersonate Bernard by dressing up as an ImperialYeoman, and arranged that I should make love to a housemaid----"

  "So as to get into the house?"

  "Yes; and so as to let the fact get to Sir Simon's ears. Beryl thoughtthat if Sir Simon knew that Bernard was making love to a servant, hewould cast him off for ever. Well, I did make the acquaintance of thehousemaid and visited at the house, keeping well out of sight of mymother."

  "She did not know you were there?"

  "No. Whenever she was heard coming I got out of the way. She reallythought from Jane's description that I was my half-brother."

  "When did you forge the check?"

  "Just before I met Jane at the beginning of October. Beryl and I bothwanted the money. I could imitate Bernard's writing, as Beryl got mesome letters of his. I forged the check and got the money. Then Berylafterwards took it from me."

  "And did Sir Simon know of the forgery?" said Durham, thinking of whathad been said to him by Tolomeo.

  "I am coming to that," went on Michael, after another drink of wine. "Ivisited at the house as I said, and Sir Simon came to know that--as hethought--Bernard was about the place. He sent down on the evening of thecommittal of the crime to ask me up. I was afraid, and I ran away."

  "Why did you return before ten?"

  "Ah, you know that, do you?" said Michael, with a weak smile. "Ireturned because it struck me that there might be some difficulty aboutthe check, and I thought I would see Sir Simon about it myself. Ifancied he might have me arrested. On the other hand, I thought he mighttruly think it was Bernard, and then that would assist Beryl's plans forkeeping him out of the property. I came to the house just after ten. Mymother opened the door. When she saw me, she ordered me away. I refusedto go."

  "Why was that?"

  Michael hesitated for a moment. "I have not told you my real reason forcoming," he said at length. "It was Beryl's plan. He arranged to go tothe theatre, and that I should come to the house at that time. I saw himbetween six and eight. He told me that he would send Jerry to lureBernard to the Crimea Square house----"

  "How did he know where Bernard was?"

  "He kept a watch on Bernard through Jerry. It was arranged that I shouldsee Sir Simon and make things safe for myself about the check shouldthere be any trouble. I thought that was Beryl's plan at the time," saidMichael, restlessly, "but now I see that he intended murder. I was to goas Bernard, and when I left, the old man was to be killed. Then Bernard,brought by Jerry, would be on the spot and would be arrested."

  "And that is exactly what happened."

  "I know. But I swear I did not know it at the time," said Michael,earnestly. "I really believed all was safe. Had I guessed that Berylintended murder, I should not have gone to see Sir Simon. But I did go.He knew about the check and threatened to have me arrested. There was anItalian hidden in the room. Sir Simon called him, and when I saw him Iran away."

  "Why did you do that?"

  "I thought he was a detective, and that Sir Simon intended to arrest meat once. I ran away and went home. That is all I know."

  Durham was disappointed. "But you surely know who killed----"

  "No," interrupted Michael. "I suspected Beryl. I think he killed him,but I am not sure. Next day, when the murder was proclaimed, and it wassaid Bernard was drowned, Beryl came to me, and told me to lie quiet incase I should be arrested for the crime. He then took all my money bythreatening to have me arrested as the murderer."

  "But if you had told this story, and used Tolomeo as a witness----"

  "Tolomeo? who is he? I know no one of that name."

  "He was the man you took for a detective."

  "Well, then, not knowing who he really was, how could I have clearedmyself? Beryl could have accused me."

  "Tolomeo could have cleared you. He was with Sir Simon when you left,and Sir Simon was alive. What happened then?"

  "I lay quiet. Then I grew afraid, and hid myself in different places.Beryl found me out, and persuaded me to come here to personate Bernard,and m
ake a will. He promised me that I should get half the money. Iintended to vanish when I made the will, and then Beryl arranged to getthe money somehow----"

  "But how did you expect to deceive Miss Malleson?"

  "I didn't. I intended to tell her the truth, as I was weary of Beryl'stricks. But when I saw that she and Miss Plantagenet took me forBernard, I resolved to carry on the plot. Then Beryl came and the willwas signed. You know the rest."

  Michael's voice had been growing weaker and weaker. Finally his eyesclosed, and he laid his head back on the pillow. "He has fainted again,"said Payne. "You must wait till he recovers for the signature."