Read The Reluctant Dom Page 31

She nodded.

  He stroked her hair and prayed he didn’t cry with relief. “Scrambled eggs?”

  She nodded again.

  He hugged her, relieved. Maybe they had finally turned the corner.

  * * * *

  Ed stopped by even though it was Tony’s day. “I need to drive you two to the clerk’s office up in Venice this afternoon.”

  Leah was napping. “Why?”

  He handed Seth another card.

  32 - Moving On

  Time for you to take the next step. Ed will take you to the clerk’s office and help you get the marriage license. Even if he doesn’t have a death certificate back yet, there shouldn’t be a problem. Congratulations! Ha-ha! No, you’re not getting married today. That’s in a few days. Ed has to arrange the other part for me.

  Horrified, Seth stared at the card. “You can’t be fucking serious!” Kade had talked about it, but Seth didn’t honestly think he meant this soon.

  Ed nodded, held up another card. “I have to give this to her.”

  Seth reached for it but Ed pulled it away. “No, I have to give it to her. You can read it after she does.”

  Leah stirred when Seth woke her. Once she was awake, Ed handed her the card. She slowly took it, then closed her eyes and took a deep, shuddering breath before opening them again and reading.

  She took a long time. Seth resisted the urge to read over her shoulder. When she finished the card she was crying, but she nodded and wiped her eyes and handed the card to Seth.

  He read it.

  Seth looked at the ceiling and silently swore.

  Kade, if you were here, buddy, I wouldn’t know whether to kiss you or kick your ass. But thank you for arranging everything. At least I can blame you if it doesn’t work out.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Ed drove them to the clerk’s office and helped them get the marriage license. Leah and Seth signed where the clerk indicated.

  “So when’s the big day?” Seth snarked.

  Ed smiled. “Should be this weekend. I have to get everything put together.”

  * * * *

  Kaden had left a DVD for Leah to watch. It was the only time Seth was told to leave her side. Ed had to stay with her while she watched it.

  When she emerged from the study, she looked stunned but…

  Seth couldn’t put his finger on it.

  He’d been sitting on the couch, and she slowly walked over to him and curled up in his lap. He automatically wrapped his arms around her. “Are you okay?”

  She nodded and closed her eyes as she curled tightly against him. “You can watch it now, if you want.”

  He wasn’t sure he wanted to. “What did he say?”

  “He wanted to explain why he set it up like this. I mean, I knew why, but he wanted to make sure I understood.”

  “Are you really okay with this, hon?” Seth wasn’t sure he was okay with it. Marry Leah, hell yeah, that was a no-brainer. But this soon? Wasn’t that sort of tacky, even if it was the dead husband setting it up? “I mean, seriously, if you’re not, it’s all right. We don’t have to do this right now. We can wait.”

  “Yeah, I’m okay with it. He’s right. He wants you to have the full legal ability to take care of me and to be able to access everything. The sooner we’re married, the better.”

  “That’s not what I mean.”

  She opened her eyes and looked at him. “I want to be your wife. I love you.”

  Seth nodded and kissed her forehead. “Okay.” He snorted in wry amusement. “Will you marry me?” Seemed a little moot, considering he was already wearing Kaden’s wedding band—like hell he’d ever take that off—as well as the other band.

  He’d never take that one off either, despite already wearing one just like it on the same finger.

  Leah made a small sound he realized was a laugh. “Yes, I’ll marry you. I don’t want to be anywhere but right here with you.”

  He breathed a silent sigh of relief. “Okay.”

  * * * *

  Ed arranged everything. All Seth had to do was pack according to a list Kaden had prepared on another card Ed gave him.

  He did this while Leah slept one afternoon. Kaden’s instructions to Seth, what little he let on, were to not tell her what was packed.

  Late Saturday, a limousine arrived at the house to pick them up. Leah looked beautiful in a simple black dress Kaden had apparently bought months earlier, before he became housebound, and tucked in a garment bag in the back of Seth’s closet. Loose, flowing, with long, full sleeves, it fell just above her knees.

  Kaden had instructed her to put her hair up, to wear the collar she’d had on—still the same one from the day he died—and to put just a little makeup on, tasteful and subdued.

  She curled in Seth’s arms during the limo ride, nestled in his lap with her head resting on his shoulder. Kaden the control freak had picked his outfit as well, only he hadn’t needed to shop for his friend. Jeans and loafers, and a dark charcoal button-up shirt.

  Seth wasn’t sure about their final destination, only that from what was packed, it would hopefully be warm.

  Either that, or the two of them would freeze their asses off because Kaden figured he’d die in the summer.

  Somehow, Seth didn’t think that was the answer.

  The limo headed north on I-75. It was with no surprise the limo driver turned off at Bee Ridge and headed east.

  Toward Tony’s.

  Whatever was in store, Seth suspected Kaden had planned this part of the freaky festivities with Tony’s assistance.

  Sure enough, there were several cars parked at Tony’s. Ed and Tony met them as the limo pulled up to the house. Seth helped Leah out. He’d given her a hard session at home just before helping her get dressed. She seemed to be handling things okay so far.

  With her arm hooked through his for support, Seth led her inside.

  There were a few people Seth knew from the club, people Kaden and Leah had known for years. Candles set an intimate tone. Seth cringed when he saw the large TV and DVD player.

  Oh boy.

  Ed introduced another man. “Seth, this is Judge Donnelly.”

  Oh, crap.

  Leah managed a wan smile. “Hello, Pat. Nice to see you again.”

  Seth breathed a sigh of relief. Kaden’s instructions were to allow her to freely speak to people while they were at this gathering.

  Apparently this guy was one of their “loan a whip” kind of friends.

  He nodded. “I’m sorry I was out of town the other day and couldn’t make it to the service.”

  “That’s okay.”

  Folding chairs had been set up in a semicircle around the TV. Ed directed everyone to be seated, Leah and Seth at the front.

  Ed consulted with Tony, turned on the TV, and hit play on the DVD remote.

  Another of Kaden’s early recordings, again made in his study at his computer, most likely over a year earlier from how healthy he looked. Seth waited for Leah to react, but she held it together.

  She was doing better than he was, apparently. Maybe he should let her whale on him for a while with the whips.

  “Well, guys, I know this is weird and strange,” Kaden said with a smile, “but you know me. I’m a control freak.”

  Leah and Seth both laughed. That apparently gave the rest of the people, fifteen in all, permission to laugh, too.

  Kaden continued. “Everyone here knows Seth and Leah. And you guys know me. You were invited here tonight because you are, other than my brother and Seth’s brother, the people I want here. For obvious reasons, I’m not involving them in tonight’s activities.

  “Seth, Leah, I love the two of you. You know that. I’ve got something for you. Ed and Tony will give it to you here in a minute. I wanted people as witnesses to this who would understand, who wouldn’t judge. No offense, Pat.” More nervous laughter from those gathered. “I wanted people who would support you and make this day as easy as possible on you.”

  Kaden addressed
everyone. “For everyone’s information, I’ve left Seth and Leah a very explicit set of instructions to follow. They’ve been following them—I hope—and tonight is part of that. I know I don’t have to explain to you all why it’s important Leah not be without a Master. I don’t have to justify myself, and Leah and Seth don’t owe you all any explanations. I know all of you gathered here will understand and accept and support them. That’s what I wanted. Maybe later they might want to have a public ceremony down the road, but I’m leaving that up to them. Most people won’t even know what’s going on until much later, so that will help them out.

  “I don’t want people badmouthing Seth or Leah over this. I’m a lucky bastard that these two people loved me enough to stand by my side when I needed them the most. And I want them to be happy.”

  Kaden took his glasses off and wiped his eyes. “Ed, go ahead and take a moment to get them up here and arranged.”

  Ed hit pause on a remote control and consulted another index card. “Leah, Seth, I need you up here.” He motioned them up front, near the TV but not blocking it from everyone else’s view.

  “Pat, you can stand here.” The judge stood near them.

  Ed grabbed a small, rolled-up rug, shook it out, and laid it on the floor between Seth and Leah. Then he consulted his card again, patted his pocket, and motioned to Tony. He leaned in, said something in low tones to him, then handed him something.

  Tony and Ed moved into position, flanking Pat. Then Ed hit play again.

  “Okay,” Kaden continued. “Let’s begin. Pat’s here more for window dressing than anything.”

  Pat laughed.

  Kaden smiled. “Sorry, buddy, but you know why.”

  That made Pat laugh again, and he shook his head.

  Leah even managed a slight smile.

  Seth tried not to think about how weird this was.

  Kaden continued, his voice turning Master-firm. “Leah, kneel.”

  She automatically dropped to her knees in front of Seth and looked up at him.

  So that explains the carpet.

  “Leah,” Kaden said, “behold your Master. The man who I give you to, in front of these witnesses, the man who will take my place. Take his hands.”

  Seth didn’t try to fight back his tears, didn’t care who saw him cry at this point. Fuck, it’s not like it could get too much weirder. Unless Kaden asked him to fuck her in front of people.

  He froze. No, Kade wouldn’t do that.

  Would he?

  Oh, God. Please, no.

  Leah reached up to him. He took her hands in his.

  “Too bad we can’t call Guinness about this,” Kaden quipped. “How many people can say their husband married them off?” His smile set off another light round of soft, amused laughter from the audience. “Leah, repeat after me. This slave gives herself to You, Master. Completely. Mind, body, heart, and soul. To love and serve You in any way You decide.”

  She looked into Seth’s eyes and repeated the vows.

  After a moment, Kaden continued. “Seth, repeat after me. As your Master, I vow to love, protect, and care for you, always.”

  Seth did.

  Kaden wasn’t done. “Tony, the rings. Seth first.”

  Tony stepped forward and handed Seth a wedding band.

  “Seth,” Kaden said, “place this ring upon the finger of your slave so she never forgets who she belongs to. It’s up to You if You want to keep the other rings on or not.”

  With trembling fingers, Seth slipped the ring on Leah’s left ring finger, leaving Kaden’s engagement ring and wedding band on her hand. “I want them both,” he softly told her.

  She nodded. “Okay.”

  “Now Leah.” Tony handed Leah a ring.

  “Leah, place this ring upon the finger of your Master as a symbol of you giving yourself, fully, completely, and forever to Him.”

  She did.

  “Okay, guys,” Kaden said. “Leah, stand and join hands with Seth.”

  Seth helped her to her feet.

  “Do you both swear to love, honor, and cherish each other?”

  “We do,” they answered.

  “Never lie, always be honest. Find a path that works for the two of you. I’m hoping at the end of the year the two of you won’t want to separate.” Kaden wiped his eyes again. “Master, behold Your slave. Slave, serve your Master well. Remember, your actions still reflect upon how I have trained you.”

  They nodded.

  “Seth, do you take Leah to be your lawfully wedded wife?”

  He gently squeezed her hands. “I do.”

  “Leah, do you take Seth to be your lawfully wedded husband?”

  She nodded. “I do.”

  “Okay, Pat. Call it. Make ’em legal.”

  Everyone in the room laughed. Pat wiped his eyes. “By the power invested in me by the State of Florida, I now pronounce you husband and wife.”

  A moment later, as if he knew how long it would take, Kaden piped up. “And I now pronounce you Master and slave. Go ahead and kiss her. She’s all yours, buddy.” He smiled.

  Seth gently held her, kissing her. It felt different than all the times they’d kissed before.

  The right woman.

  And she was all his.

  Of course, Kaden wasn’t quite finished.

  “I want you two to be happy. We’ve talked about this. Seriously. I know you both need time to heal, and that’s fine. Try to enjoy life. Find some simple pleasures to start with. Ed’s got some more—surprise—instructions for you. My orders for both of you are to enjoy what’s next and try to focus only on each other for the next couple of days. It’s been a long haul. I know you two are worn out. Don’t feel guilty about taking this time together, okay? Please? I need the two of you starting out on the right foot. It would really harsh my mellow if you didn’t.”

  At that, Leah and Seth both laughed.

  “Fucking ballbuster,” Seth muttered.

  “I love you, Leah,” Kaden said. “And I love you, too, Seth.”

  “I love you, too, dude,” he said. “But I’m still not doing you.”

  “I’m still not doing you either, buddy.”

  Seth froze, then laughed loud and heartily as Leah tightly hugged him.

  The DVD ended.

  * * * *

  Kaden knew Seth and Leah wouldn’t be in much of a mood to socialize. He’d instructed Ed to offer some very light refreshments, just enough to be polite, before the celebration broke up. Leah and Seth signed the marriage certificate, as did the judge, Tony, and Ed.

  “I’ll save the DVD for you with the others,” Ed said.

  “So when do you tell us what’s next?”

  “There’s an envelope in the limo. You don’t open it until you’re on the road again. The driver knows where to take you.”

  They said good-bye to everyone, hugged Tony, Ed, and Pat, and then Seth helped Leah into the limo.

  The sealed manila envelope lay on the seat.

  Leah cuddled tightly against Seth’s side as he took a deep breath and slipped his finger under the flap.

  On top, another card in Kaden’s handwriting.

  Congratulations! This is your honeymoon. Now don’t get freaked out, for chrissake. You two need a fucking vacation after what you’ve been through with me, admit it. A few days away that I know you normally wouldn’t take. I meant it when I said I want you two starting out on the right foot.

  The two of you have never had a chance to just be alone and just be together. I want that for you. That’s my wedding present to you. No guilt allowed, and try not to rehash what’s happened. Just try to enjoy each other, go for some quiet walks, hold each other, talk. Hell, watch TV if that’s what you want to do. Recharge. I’m not saying I think the two of you can just drop your emotions and party, but I want you to try to relax, kick back. Just…be for a few days.

  Inside were plane tickets, their passports, reservation information for a small resort in the Bahamas. A five-day stay. A handwritten note,
from Ed, detailing their itinerary.

  The limo took them to Tampa International Airport where they caught a short flight to Miami. From there, another flight to the Bahamas. A man waited for them at arrivals with Seth’s name on a sign. He helped them with their bags and drove them to a small, secluded resort.

  Too tired to do anything else, they fell asleep almost immediately after check-in, tightly curled together.

  * * * *

  The next morning, Seth awoke with a start. Leah wasn’t in bed with him.

  He sat up, heart racing.

  “I’m here,” she softly said.

  He turned and saw her standing at the open window. A sweet, salty breeze blew in.

  He walked to her and put his arms around her. They had a gorgeous view of the ocean. The sun rose from behind them, painting the turquoise water with a golden glow.

  Seth kissed the back of her neck. “Are you okay?”

  She hugged his arms tightly around her. “Yeah,” she said. “Just…sad. Not about you,” she quickly added.

  “I know. I understand.” Now he understood why Kaden hadn’t included any “toys” in the packing list. Would have been hard to explain some of those to the TSA and customs agents. “Do you feel like breakfast?”

  She nodded.

  He ordered room service for them. Seth had to admit Kaden was fucking smart to do this, to totally get them out of their usual setting, away from reminders and normal routines, to jar them out of their funk.

  But how the fuck had he lived all those months, well over a year from the looks of him on the videos, knowing damn well what he’d done for them? The videos he’d made, the messages he’d left?

  Seth realized Kaden was telling the truth when he said he could share her. In Kaden’s world, he’d already married her off to Seth and said his final good-byes to them.

  Seth and Leah just didn’t know it.

  An almost lost feeling filled him. Today Leah seemed…peaceful. He suspected the worst of his worries over her safety were over, but he still worried about her health. The months of accumulated stress on both of them wouldn’t just magically disappear.