Read The Reluctant Suitor Page 14

“I had the same problem not too many days past,” Stuart confided as his own feigned grimace turned easily into a grin. “I’ve become rather loath to lie upon my stomach. For too long now, it seemed it was either that way or no way at all.”

  The men laughed together over the hindrances they had been forced to surmount, those in the past and some that still lingered. As their amusement ebbed, Colton extended an invitation of his own to the viscount. “Now that you’re more or less in the family, Stuart, you must visit Randwulf Manor more often. I’d enjoy hearing stories of the military campaigns in which you were involved.”

  The viscount eagerly accepted the invitation. “I’d be delighted to share them with you and would be grateful if you’d reciprocate in kind. May I also say at this time that I’m pleased to know that you’ll be assuming the marquessate. Latham has his good points, but I’m afraid they’re far outweighed by his shortcomings. As for your sister and mother, they tried to appear gay and hopeful these past few weeks, yet it was evident to all concerned they were worried about you and afraid you wouldn’t come home.”

  “I shall make every effort not to trouble my family in the future,” Colton avowed. “God willing, I’m home to stay.”

  “That calls for a toast,” Percy interjected as he laid an arm about his wife’s waist and, with his free hand, lifted a goblet high. “To the seventh Marquess of Randwulf. May he have good fortune and long life!”

  “Hear! Hear!” Stuart cried, raising his glass aloft and saluting Colton in like manner.

  Silently Adriana joined the toast by elevating her own goblet and was surprised when the darkly translucent eyes touched on her above a warm smile. For a moment, their eyes merged as her own delved into the depths of those glowing gray orbs. She could only wonder what was going through the mind of the handsome man, but when his gaze descended in a slow, sensual caress of her bosom and crape-clad form, she decided it would probably not be to her liking.

  Averting his attention lest he arouse to a greater intensity the hunger still gnawing at his being, Colton murmured thanks to all and then, a short time later, shook hands with Stuart as the latter excused himself. Following their parting, Samantha, Philana, and Percy briefly joined Colton to convey their own good wishes upon him. From the women, he received affectionate kisses and, from the younger man, a pat upon the back. Still, he was wont to glance fairly often across the room at the beauty who, with pinkened cheeks, sought to ignore his lingering perusals.

  Stuart approached Adriana, bearing two glasses of wine and, with a smile, offered her one as a replacement for the empty goblet she had just set aside. “You’re looking extremely beautiful tonight, my lady, but from the way you were glancing around, I’d be inclined to say you were in need of another libation.”

  “Yes,” she agreed with a valiant smile. “It has been a fairly eventful day.”

  “One to savor for years to come,” the marquess volunteered as he limped near. The fact that Stuart had been perusing Adriana with more than casual interest for the better part of their sojourn in the drawing room had not escaped Colton’s notice. With slow deliberation he bestowed his own attention upon the brunette, remembering only too well how her wet, beautiful body had gleamed enticingly beneath the warm glow of the lamps. “I understand from Mother that we are all but promised, Adriana.”

  Stuart’s mouth flew open in surprise, and he stumbled back a step. “Your pardon, my lord. I didn’t know.”

  “Actually, I wasn’t aware of it myself until earlier this afternoon,” Colton admitted, not entirely sure why he slammed the door in Stuart’s face the very moment he noticed the major warming up to the idea of wooing the girl. When he still found the idea of a betrothal irksome, how could he come close to explaining the annoyance that had surged within him when he had seen the man approaching her? When had he ever felt even remotely possessive of a woman? That emotion had always seemed foreign to him . . . at least, until this present moment in time.

  “You needn’t fret that you’ve offended Lord Colton,” Adriana informed the viscount kindly before lifting a brusque smile to the marquess. Her eyes conveyed an unmistakable coolness as they searched those luminous gray depths. “You see, the truth is that Lord Colton has a choice in the matter prior to the actual initiation of any betrothal. A three-month tenure of courtship will see the way of it, yet, from past experience, ‘twould seem unlikely his lordship will be interested in solidifying the agreement since it was the very reason for his lengthy absence from home.”

  “Even so, my lady,” Stuart replied in a muted tone. “I’m honor-bound to give him time to consider his windfall before pressing my own suit. All I can say is that I envy the man for the exceptional opportunity he has been granted.”

  Smiling at the major, Adriana dipped her head in acknowledgment of his compliment. “Thank you, Stuart. I shall remember your kind words.”

  As the viscount retreated, Adriana peered up at Colton with cool disdain. “Can you tell me why you found it necessary to tell Stuart that we’re promised when you know yourself that you have no real interest in courting me? Does it give you delight to chase away my suitors because of some claim that is at best nebulous? Have I done anything to warrant your spite?”

  “Nothing that I’m aware of, my dear,” Colton replied pleasantly and offered her a confident grin. “But I saw no reason for Stuart to get his hopes up when there’ll be a span of three months ere we decide the matter. I shall allow myself at least that much time before determining whether there is hope for us, if my father’s predictions have some merit after all, or if I should negate the whole thing as ludicrous. Until then, my dear, I intend to be as protective of my right to claim you as I want to be. After all, the agreement allows me that privilege, does it not?”

  “What could you possibly find of interest in a castoff collection of odd parts?”

  Having had those very same words imbedded in his memory by his own remorse, Colton pressed a lean hand to his blouse. “Forgive me for that slur, Adriana. At the time, ‘twas said in rage and directed toward my father rather than at you. I didn’t know when I issued that cutting remark that you were sitting outside the room. I would never have knowingly hurt you. In any case, it’s far from the truth. Indeed, merely looking at you affirms my belief there is indeed a Divine Creator, for you are far too exquisite to have come into existence by mere chance.”

  Her cheeks warmed at his praise, and feeling suddenly at odds with herself, she sipped her wine again, looking everywhere but at him. “Perhaps we should forget the past,” she suggested. “I find it rather troubling to remember the ire you once felt toward your father because of me. Though you may find this difficult to understand, I loved him, too.”

  “Adriana?” Colton searched the dark orbs that finally lifted to meet his. “Have I your forgiveness?”

  Although she hoped a meager smile would suffice for an answer, in the prolonged silence that followed she was certain his eyes searched hers to the very depth of her being. Unable to bear his inspection any longer, she inclined her head in a brief, consenting nod. “Yes, of course, my lord. You’ve actually had it for some time now. ‘Twas impossible to feel any resentment toward you when I was constantly aware of the danger you were in. You were the brother I never had, and I would’ve grieved nearly as much as your family had you been killed.”

  His handsome lips curved in an angled grin as he stepped nearer. “After seeing you this afternoon all decked out in a riding habit and then, later, wearing nothing at all, I’m immensely relieved you’re not my sister. ‘Twould be ill met if I were to lust after a sibling the way I’ve been hungering after you since our meeting in the bathing chamber. I will be hard-pressed to forget the details of the flawlessness I saw before me then. Your breasts are fairer by far than any I’ve ever seen, and as for the rest of your beautiful body, I can only believe you are without equal.”

  Adriana cleared her throat in embarrassment and took another lengthy sip from her goblet. A brief moment later, an
other long sampling drained the contents of the glass, and when Harrison passed, bearing a tray upon which fresh glasses of wine resided, she availed upon him to exchange the empty goblet for a fresh one. As the servant moved on, several more swallows seemed to give her enough courage to ask the marquess, “Have you become a fair judge of naked women since you left home, my lord?”

  Colton’s lips twitched in amusement as he braced forward on his cane. “Of those I’ve seen, my dear, you are far and away the most exquisite.”

  “Well, thank you for that,” she said dryly, briefly flinging him a glance.

  “As for what your experiences have been, I would assume from your shocked expression in the bathing chamber that I was your first.”

  “I would hardly boast about such encounters were you wrong, sir,” Adriana retorted, feeling fairly faint. Once more inundated with detailed images of his male nudity, she quaffed the wine again, feeling much in need of its lulling effect.

  Noticing how the crystal goblet shook in her slender hand, Colton searched the lady’s eyes for barely an instant before the dark orbs went chasing off in another direction. Smiling, he leaned forward to speak over her ear. “The sight of my nakedness didn’t frighten you, did it?”

  “No, of course not,” she denied in a frantic rush, staggering back in an effort to put some distance between them. Her retreat was necessary to cool her burning cheeks and to ease to some small degree the unruly pace of her heart. “Why should you think it did?”

  Colton curbed a grin. “Because you’re trembling, Adriana, and probably thinking the worst. Believe me, after the rending of your virginity, you will be amazed at the pleasure to be found in the arms of your husband. Should my father’s desires come to fruition, I can promise you such delight as you’ve never before imagined.” He watched her take another nervous sip and bent over her ear again. “If I’m allowed to be plain spoken on another topic, Adriana, I’d say you’re becoming increasingly inebriated. Truly, you needn’t be distressed by what you’ve seen. Making love can be just as enjoyable for a woman as for a man.”

  As he straightened, she leaned briefly toward him and delivered her own rejoinder in an angry whisper. “Well, any lady would be upset if she were involved in this conversation. ‘Tis hardly the topic to soothe one’s senses.”

  “I’ll allow the subject itself wouldn’t soothe you, but the joining of our bodies in the rites of love would do wonders for relaxing you. I’d certainly be willing to give you a fair sampling of what goes on when two people enjoy such intimacy.” His broad shoulders lifted in a casual shrug. “Actually, more than a fair sampling, if you’d be of such a mind.”

  “Will you please stop?” she hissed and lifted her eyes to his face in time to see the gray orbs dip into her décolletage. “And stop ogling me. We’re not married yet, and considering your previous disdain for that idea, ‘tis doubtful we ever will be.”

  Colton chuckled softly. “Who knows what will come from our association? I may just decide to forget my aversion to arranged marriages and take you to wife just to show you what delights can be had between a married couple.”

  Adriana chuckled chidingly. “Oh, what subtle ploys you practice, my lord. You think to soften my heart and get me into your bed by your liberal use of the word marriage, but I’m not as gullible as you may think. You’ll have to speak the vows with me ere you see me naked again.”

  His eyes danced as he probed the dark, shining orbs. “And would you, fairest maid, willingly speak the vows with me?”

  Considering his question, she feigned a museful attitude. “My parents would certainly be pleased if I were to do such a thing. After all, it was what both yours and mine agreed to, to the extent that they willingly signed the contract. But since I cannot imagine you’ll come to want me as your wife, I don’t expect such a wedding will ever take place.”

  He grinned down at her. “I suppose if I were to get you with child, I’d have to marry you and save your reputation.”

  Fairly faint at such an idea, Adriana gulped the last of her wine before passing him the empty goblet. “Would you mind fetching me another? This conversation is too much to bear sober.”

  The corners of his lips twitched in amusement. “Frankly, Adriana, I think you’ve had enough, so much so that I’m afraid to leave you. A breath of fresh air would likely do you far more good.” He set aside her goblet and reached to take her arm. “Come, I’ll escort you out.”

  “No, thank you,” she hurriedly replied, managing to avoid his touch. She could well imagine his eagerness to unite with her in a private place without benefit of wedding vows. “I’ll be all right. I just need to sit for a moment. . . . Perhaps I’ll just go across the hall into the great room and wait there until dinner is announced.”

  “I won’t leave you,” Colton declared, slipping a hand beneath the bend of her arm and turning her toward the door. As he led her toward it, Harrison entered and announced with stately dignity that dinner was to be served.

  “Too late,” Colton murmured and grinned askance at Adriana. “I’ll escort you to your chair instead.”

  “Why bother with me when you could just as well assist your mother?” she protested, trying to free herself.

  “Considering that I’ve shocked you nigh out of your wits, I feel responsible for your present condition,” he replied, a grin flitting across his lips as he drew her against his side. Though she tried to push herself away, he leaned down and breathed above her ear, “Besides, it pleases Mother to see us together, so if you wish her to enjoy the evening, you should consider limiting your protestations and allowing me to attend you for a few rare moments. You’ll be rid of me soon enough.”

  Adriana thought that would be the case as he escorted her into the great room, but she was mistaken. The customary place of honor for the Marquess of Randwulf had always been at the head of the table. It had been that way during the late Sedgwick’s reign as lord of the manor; it seemed destined to remain so under the new marquess’s authority. Adriana hardly expected Colton to escort her to a place immediately upon the right of the lord’s chair, but that was indeed where he led her. Stuart was directed to sit next to her, and Samantha and Percy settled across from them. As the sole marchioness of the household, Philana took her customary chair at the end of the trestle table.

  In spite of the fact that the meal was outstanding and the company even more so, Adriana didn’t feel much like participating either in the consumption of food or the conversation. The fact that she graciously declined more wine was certainly conducive to the clearing of her head and senses. Still, she felt in dire need of its numbing effects, considering that, throughout the meal, she found herself the recipient of Colton’s careful perusal. Her gown gave her little protection from those hungering eyes, and at times the warm glow she saw in them made her feel as naked as she had been in the bathing chamber. She was not at all surprised when she realized her nerves were taut enough to be plucked.

  It proved an especially fine feast. Cook had outdone herself in that area in spite of the fact that the new scullery maid, who had secretly imbibed the late lord’s brandy, had to be dismissed and then, because she had been so befuddled by the amount she had imbibed, had to be carted home. The groom and his son, who had been assigned that task, had been required to carry the woman into her cottage. The pair later returned with glum tales of her three young offspring, all less than six years of age, looking as if they were in dire straits, being bone-thin, hollow-eyed, filthy, and raggedly clothed. This news was solemnly absorbed by Harrison who would dutifully report it to his lordship at a later time.

  In the drawing room that evening, the presentation of several gifts to commemorate Stuart’s birthday were made amid bantering comments and cheery wishes. Many of the presents brought hearty laughter, while others drew smiles of pleasure from the man. Percy had had a blacksmith make a heavy metal shield for his brother’s backside, which, the younger sibling claimed, could be conveniently strapped on should the elder ev
er go to war again. Adriana had sewn Stuart a heavily quilted velvet throw to place atop his saddle. Although that, too, drew humorous comment, it would likely prove serviceable in the colder months, especially for one whose hind parts would still be tender from his wound. As for Samantha’s gift, she had cross-stitched a pair of stiff flags for her brother-in-law, one with an arrow that indicated a way to the rear, the other to the front.

  The evening’s celebration finally drew to a close, and once again Colton lent gentlemanly assistance to Adriana by helping her on with her cloak. Had she been given a choice, she would have preferred Harrison’s help rather than the marquess’s, for the younger man seemed wont to linger overlong at the task as he stood behind her and smoothed the velvet over her shoulders. Not knowing exactly where his gaze was directed, she glanced downward and immediately blushed as she faced him with a brow raised at a challenging angle. He offered no apology for allowing his gaze to delve into her décolletage, but smiled as if his ogling was something to be expected as he snuggled the hood up close around her face.

  “The sights are much too enticing for any man to ignore, Adriana, much less one who has seen you in the altogether. If you must know, I enjoy looking at you.”

  “As if that wasn’t obvious in the bathing chamber,” she retorted.

  “Shhh,” he shushed with a grin. “Someone will hear you and think we shared a bath and have good reason to smell the same.”

  Adriana rolled her eyes, wondering why she even tried to get the last quip in when this man had spent at least the first ten and six years of his life perfecting his teasing banter. There was no accounting for the time he had spent in that endeavor during the latter half.

  Philana approached them with a smile. “Adriana, my dear, please inform your parents that I shall be accompanying my son when he visits Wakefield.”

  Adriana searched the woman’s gently smiling face, wondering if she had actually detected a note of resolve in the marchioness’s tone. Colton had merely stated earlier in the day that he’d inquire into the appropriateness of such a visit, whereas Lady Philana had simply presumed they’d be going. But then, Adriana couldn’t remember a time when the elder hadn’t been welcomed with enthusiasm at Wakefield Manor. Indeed, all of the Suttons considered Philana among the finest of women.