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  Copyright 2016 Carmen Saptouw

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  Rufus was a young mouse who lived with his mom, dad and little sister in a beautiful home in the woods. It was a peaceful place and they lived happily together, but then it all changed.One morning Rufus went to pick some berries for lunch, but on his return he discovered the home he once knew was ruined… and his family was gone. Poor Rufus broke down in tears, afraid that he had lost his family forever, but then he heard a voice from above.“Don’t cry little mouse, your family is still alive.” He looked up and saw a sparrow. “The farmer destroyed your home and took your family,” she continued. “Do you know where he took them?” Rufus asked wiping his tears. “My first guess would be to his farm,” answered the sparrow. Rufus was relieved that his family was alive, but he knew this would not be the case for too long. “I have to save them! Which way did they go Sparrow?” asked Rufus. “He went in that direction,” she said as she lifted her wing and pointed to her left. “The farmer is dangerous, I do not recommend that you take this journey alone,” the sparrow continued. “Thank you,” said Rufus and he ran in the direction shown by the sparrow.

  After running for quite some time Rufus felt tired and his legs grew heavy. He looked at the road ahead; it stretched for miles in front of him. I can’t stop now …I have to keep on going, he thought. He was so weary that he didn’t notice the hole in the road; he stumbled and collapsed from exhaustion. Suddenly something cool dripped down his whiskers. He opened his eyes and saw a beautiful girl mouse. He looked at her in confusion. “There is no need to be frightened. My name is Anna and I thought you might like some water,” she said and handed him a leaf filled with water droplets. He took the water and gulped it down. “My cousin and I were walking home when we saw you fall down. The holes are always where you don’t expect it to be,” said Anna and she smiled. When he didn’t respond she asked, “You looked in a hurry; where were you going?” Before Rufus could answer, her cousin interrupted and asked, “I think the question is what is he running from?”

  Rufus explained what happened to his family. Anna immediately offered to help, but her cousin was resistant. “We don’t know him Anna! We should leave,” said Pete. Anna ignored his comment. “This is my cousin, Pete, excuse his manners. We are actually on our way to his father’s home, where my aunt is preparing supper. Would you like to join us?” asked Anna. “Thank you but I can’t. I have to help my family,” answered Rufus. “Well you can’t help them on an empty stomach, now can you? And maybe my uncle can assist you,” said Anna. “Anna let us not interrupt a mouse on a mission. He needs to get going and so do we; my parents are waiting,” impressed Pete. “I’m sure your parents would be proud to hear how you have helped a fellow mouse,” she replied. “Now come on it’s almost supper time,” she said as she held her hand out to Rufus. Once he was out of the hole the three mice walked towards Pete’s home.

  Pete’s parents were very friendly. Rufus instantly felt welcome in their home. After a meal and a night’s sleep he woke up feeling refreshed. He walked to the kitchen and found Pete’s mom cutting cheese for breakfast. “Morning my dear did you sleep well?” she asked. “Yes thank you ma’am, but I have to get going I have to find my family,” answered Rufus. “That might not be a good idea son. Why don’t you rather stay here with us? It’s so much safer,” she suggested. “My wife is right, Rufus, we have heard terrible tales about the farmer and you might be too late,” said Pete’s father. “The tales don’t matter, they are my family and I can’t just give up on them,” said Rufus and he walked outside the house to the ground above.

  “You know, my parents are right,” he heard Pete’s voice behind him. “There have been terrible tales and not just one; there have been different sources from butterflies and birds. If you haven’t noticed, the ones I mentioned have wings. The four -legged ones don’t stand a chance! And another important fact, how will you get there if you don’t have directions?” Pete continued. “Stop it, Pete,” said Anna as she approached them. “Don’t listen to him, Rufus, these are all just little obstacles and there is always a way to overcome them,” she continued. “You are crazy, cousin,” said Pete. “No I am not. There have been four -legged animals that have escaped the farm,” she continued. “Who?” asked Pete. “I’m talking about the one without a tail,” Anna answered. “You know that he is just a story teller,” Pete said dismissively. “No he is not and I am sure he will be able to help us with directions to the farm,” Anna argued. “Well there is only one way to find out if she’s wrong, Pete,” said Rufus. “How?” asked Pete. “You will have to take me to him,” said Rufus. “We can’t just leave, what about my mom and dad?” asked Pete. “Tell them we are going to show Rufus around the area to calm him down,” said Anna. “That is not a bad idea, cousin,” said Pete and he ran back into the house. Once he returned the three mice walked towards the squirrel’s house.

  After some time Pete said, “Maybe we should take a break.” “There is no need, we have reached our destination,” said Anna thrilled as she pointed at a nut tree. Rufus looked around. “I see nuts and birds on the branches, but not a sign of a squirrel,” said Rufus. “He is not here,” said Pete “We have tried; let’s go back home,” he continued. “Not so fast,” Anna said as she disappeared around the tree. “Where are you going?” Pete asked. When she didn’t answer, they decided to follow her. “Look there is the door to his home,” she said excitedly. They looked up and saw a hole in the trunk of the tree. Anna took one of the nuts on the ground and threw it at the door. It didn’t reach the hole, but it made a hollow sound against the tree trunk. “If he is inside, that noise will definitely get his attention. Now stop standing there and please help me!” demanded Anna. They picked up some nuts and followed Anna’s lead.

  Moments later they heard an irritated voice coming from the hole. “Who disturbs my nap?” It was the squirrel. “Down here,” Anna shouted. “We have come for your advice. You see we have to make a journey to the farm to save my friend’s family. They have been captured and we wondered if you would aid us on our journey and provide us with the directions to the farm?” she continued. “Don’t be fools; give up your silly mission now. The farm is not a place for mice,” the squirrel answered. “But my family, I need to safe them!” cried Rufus. “You might have to ask yourself what you will be saving. By now it’s probably too late for your family to be saved,” said the squirrel. “You said ‘probably’ so they might still be alive. I will not give up, I have to try to save them,” said Rufus. “Look at me mouse,” the squirrel said as he climbed out of his hole and jumped on to one of the branches. Rufus noticed that the squirrel didn’t have a tail. “This is what happened to me on the farm. Do you want to share the same fate?” the squirrel said seriously. “No, but I know I can help them if I can just get to the farm,” said Rufus. The squirrel looked at Rufus and knew that he wouldn’t change his mind. “You are persistent little one,” said the squirrel. “I don’t think you are going to convince him,” said the sparrow sitting on the branch below the squirrel. “I met him yesterday before his journey started. He shows persi
stence and courage, and I think you should assist them,” she continued.

  After some time the squirrel finally said, “Fine, I will give you directions to the farm, but don’t say I didn’t warn you. “He climbed down the tree to meet them on the ground and provided the necessary information. “Now you better be on your way if you want to reach the farm before night time. And remember you need to find the white building; that is where you will find your family mouse,” said the squirrel. “We must try to do more for them, Jack,” the sparrow said as the mice departed. “I know, I haven’t seen such determination in a long time,” said the squirrel. “I will meet with my brothers and see what I can do,” said the sparrow as she spread her wings and departed from her branch.

  When they reached the turn off to Pete’s house, Rufus turned around and said, “Thank you for all your help, but it’s time for me to leave.” “What do you mean?” asked Pete confused. “I have to start the road to the farm,” said Rufus. “Yes we know, but do you intend to go on this journey on your own?” asked Anna. “Yes,” said