Read The Return of the Bitch from Hell Page 11

  "The device is beneath the floor of my temple in the city of Troy." Circe replied feeling extremely humiliated at being treated so discourteously by a mere human/demon Satanist.

  Having obtained the information that she needed Moira quickly said. "Stop speaking Circe."

  Circe was once again unable to hurt Moira using whatever powers the goddess possessed.

  "Circe, I would have been quite content to lay offerings at the feet of your statue, but now that is impossible. We both know that the moment that I release you, you will attack me, sooner or later you will kill me, so I am compelled to act first, sorry." Moira said lightly.

  With that, Moira opened the lid of her Ark, and the last thing that the goddess felt was this tremendous pain all over her body, then she was sucked into the Ark, and then the lid slammed firmly shut. The beautiful young Satanists laughed so much she almost collapsed onto the floor, but finally she regained her composure, and she looked at the Ark in awe. Her fingered lightly touched the sides of the Ark, and this time the power that shot up her arms and into her body was so much that she almost fainted. She did sink to her knees, her eyes closed in ecstasy, and on her face was the look of a woman who had experienced the most terrific orgasm in her entire existence. It took her a full minute to regain control of her mind and her body, she then opened her eyes and smiled, never had she looked so beautiful, for a glow emanated from her face, and her eyes sparkled with such energy.

  "Oh my but that was one bloody good trip." Moira cried out in pleasure. "I must find another god to introduce to my toy, and soon, but for now I am off to Troy."

  The sleeping Moira awoke moments later, her eyes were filled with wonder, she had just seen herself kill a goddess using a wondrous golden chest. A chest that she then used to make herself as powerful as a goddess.

  "Remember Moira, he killed our father, Rob Hinds killed him and he also killed us Moira, he gave us no chance to surrender Moira, he shot us dead."

  These whispered messages were unnecessary for Moira was now converted back to the dark side, and it was now that Lord Asbaritch appeared in the flesh in front of her. Anyone else would have screamed when a major demon of Hell appeared, however Moira smiled for she suddenly remembered all the good times that she and the dark lord had enjoyed together.

  "Moira, listen to me, Rob Hinds is your enemy, he killed you and your father when you were both simply resting in your chateau in France, and he betrayed you. I will now show you how he chose to save Lord Lucifer, the epitome of evil to the human world, when you Moira were on the brink of defeating him." Lord Asbaritch moved his hand to the side of her head and gently touched it.

  Moira now saw and heard in her mind the terrible episode that her dark lord had spoken of, the setting was the very centre of Hell and the players were herself, Lucifer, Rob and David.

  "Aid me my Lord, give me back my father and then lend me some of your most terrible demons and I will take on the Christian god and defeat him, then you will be supreme ruler of all creation." Moira saw herself declare boldly.

  "I believe that if anyone could do such a thing then it would be you Moira, but to openly go against God would be foolhardy. The consequences of which could even see me hurled into the dark abyss. His forces are far too strong to bet against, I am sorry Moira but you are too dangerous to my wellbeing, and that is another reason why you must be put down." Lord Lucifer replied sadly.

  The Satanist Moira faded away to be replaced by the present one, she was looking directly at Lucifer, and feeling the utter contempt that she had felt on that occasion, she remembered her thoughts, that he too was house trained by the Christian god. She found herself letting out a loud scream of anger as she launched herself at Lucifer, landing on his upper body and staring right into his blazing red eyes; she then grabbed his head and actually began to drain him of his powers.

  While Lucifer screamed out in pain and attempted to dislodge the angry Satanist, behind her Rob, who had been frozen in place by Moira, found that he could move his hand to his squirt gun and aim it at the back of Moira, who was gaining massive amounts of energy with each passing second. Rob pressed the trigger and sent a jet of holy water at Moira who screamed out in pain and dropped from the body of Lucifer. She turned to face her new attacker, but this only brought her face and body under the attack of two jets of holy water, for now both Rob and David Pritchard were free from her mind control, free to act in the best way that would see them live and escape from the kingdom of Hell.

  Lord Lucifer, who was no longer being subjected to such a painful attack, picked up Moira`s light body and held it for a second above his head before he hurled her into the black abyss, a bottomless pit of the utmost evil that tormented those unlucky enough to be introduced to it, and made to stay there for eternity.

  The vision ended here and Moira found herself back with Lord Asbaritch who now spoke to her.

  "Moira, you clawed your way out of the abyss, something no one else has ever done before, only to lose at your moment of triumph to Rob Hinds, a man who will forever be your enemy." Lord Asbaritch began.

  "In fact Moira, none of the people associated with Rob Hinds care for you. His wife Christina has never visited you at the convent because she has always hated you. Young Carrie is the same and the Popist, David Pritchard, only comes to see you to ensure that you are not reverting to your former fearless self, after each visit he reports to his friend Rob Hinds. Only I love you my darling." Lord Asbaritch declared. "I gave you life when Rob Hinds killed you, and now I am freeing your mind of the restraints imposed upon it by Rob Hinds and the Popist. Look at this final vision, it is not one of your own but one of mine."

  Moira watched her father and herself walk into the study of their chateau in France, then two pops broke the silence of the night, Moira watched as she and her father fell to the floor dead. Then she heard Rob`s voice coming from through the now broken window, broken by the two bullets passing through them on their way to their targets.

  "Come on we need to ensure that they are dead." She heard Rob say.

  Her vision had not ended though, for from around the corner of the building three large mastiffs appeared, however, these killing machines were no match for the two marksman who quickly shot the dogs. Rob and the two officers rushed inside the chateau, and were soon looking down upon the still bodies of the two Satanists. Rob took out his automatic pistol and put a bullet through each of their heads.

  Although these two episodes had lasted quite a while, the replay of the two visions had only taken seconds, when they had finished Moira stifled a sob and looked up at her dark lord, her eyes filled with tears but she had a grim determined look upon her face. Lord Asbaritch understood how she felt and he moved towards her, however he no longer appeared to her as the dark demon lord, now he looked more herculean, he now took her in his arms and kissed her passionately and seconds later, she felt her body respond to him, as it had done before her defeat by Rob Hinds.

  "Come back to my fortress in the Netherworld, I can give you back your demon powers and we can fly together in the Dreamscape, and there we can look in on the dreams of the humans and turn some of them into nightmares, and we will feed upon their emotions." Lord Asbaritch beseeched the only woman to steal his heart away from him.

  "Yes my Lord, I will come with you." Moira promised.

  "Moira, I must warn, if you intend to go up against Rob Hinds again, then the only way is to send the demon Skargel after him, for to use a drawn out plan of revenge is to court disaster, as has happened to you in the past. Why not take the world first and only then rid it of Rob Hinds and the Popist." Lord Asbaritch urged.

  "Rob Hinds and the Popist are the two reasons why I might fail to win the world my Lord, as soon as I launched my power grab they would be the only ones able to oppose it, which they would do, instantly. No they must be got rid of first before they even know that I am back." Moira explained. "I want them to die thinking about me, not killed by a minor demon; I want them to suffer as my
father suffered in the hell dimension of Tartarus."

  To win her over completely Lord Asbaritch now told her of his plans for Rob.

  "Moira, my love, I thought you would answer as you have, and so I have planned for you the ultimate revenge for your father`s death, and the evils that Rob Hinds has committed against your own body Moira." Lord Asbaritch said passionately.

  "We will send his wife Christina to the Satanist Shekhar, he lives in India, in the city of New Delhi, he can train her to become a hand maiden of Lord Lucifer. She might not like it but she will obey, for her sister will be your hand maiden in our fortress, we will tell each of them that if they rebel we shall kill everyone they love, their sister, the two young children and finally Rob Hinds." The dark demon lord crowed.

  "Would you like a hand maiden my love, one who dare not disobey you for otherwise she too would be forced to watch the death of all those she cares for, starting with her niece and nephew?" Lord Asbaritch declared evilly.

  "What of Rob Hinds and his friend David, they will not sit ideally by while we kidnap the two women, they will turn the world upside down looking for them?" Moira asked. Her face was full of innocence but all that her dark lord had shown her had rekindled her desire for retribution again Rob Hinds.

  "Rob Hinds will be powerless to act against you my love, for he cannot journey unaccompanied to our domain, only you and I, and of course Lord Lucifer can bring him here, so they can never get to you or rescue young Cassie. Think about the pain he will suffer when he discovers that you have left the convent and that both his wife and Cassie are also missing, his torment will be equal to those who dwell in Tartarus." Lord Asbaritch replied joyfully. "Only when you are fully sated will we send the demon Skargel to kill them both in the most violent way possible while you look on laughing at the agony he endures."

  Talking to her dark lord, Moira found that she remembered even more of her personal history, such as how she stole the golden Ark of Ba'al Berith away from the god Kronos.

  "We must first arrange the deaths of those repulsive creatures that are killing people for no better reason other than to eat their brains and drink their blood, after we have dealt with them my love, I will be ready to make Rob Hinds pay for what he has done to me and my father.

  Lord Asbaritch`s face lit up, never had he been so happy as of this moment, but he was puzzled.

  "My Love, the alien creatures are a race of Satanists, crude and who possess very little power, but they are Satanists, of a sort." Lord Asbaritch said quizzically.

  "They are monsters from a dark age who eat brains My Love, if we do not kill them soon their brethren will follow them, and that would be too ghastly for words, in any case the Earth is my domain, I certainly do not want such monsters roaming about it freely." Moira declared.

  Lord Asbaritch nodded his head in agreement, for he thought that if more of the aliens arrived the world would become a very violent place. His world was hot and arid, full of sand and rock but nothing much else, he particularly enjoyed the relative peace he found in parts of the human world when we roamed its forests and mountains that were full of life.

  "Moira my love, the alien creatures can wait a day, first we must kidnap the two women in Rob Hinds life and deposit them in our fortress, it is essential that we do this first to prevent him from learning of our plans from those who fight for the Christian god. You know that he has friends there who may once again be listening in on our plans, we must move before he can respond to such a warning, for even now they gather in readiness to assist him." Lord Asbaritch advised.

  "You are correct my Lord, as usual, I will do as you advise, as you say the alien monsters can wait until tomorrow morning, but first My Lord we must check to see if Rob is still alive, for earlier this evening I saw the alien creatures capture him, who knows they may already have killed him." Moira replied.

  Lord Asbaritch was surprised to hear this but moments later Moira found herself at the farmhouse listening to Magnus One berating his coven for allowing their captive to escape. The demon lord knew where the alien Satanists were because of the amount of satanic energy that followed their movements, and it had taken him but a moment to locate it. With Rob free once again, Moira turned to her dark lord and said.

  "My Love, will you please take me to Rob Hinds` apartment." Moira asked with a smile now playing around her mouth, for she was looking forward to meeting the two women again, but under much different circumstances than they would ever have imagined.

  Moments later, they arrived in the front room of the Hinds` family apartment, much to the surprise of Christina Hinds and her sister Cassie who both screamed in fear on seeing them appear out of thin air. Christina had been in the middle of preparing a pentagram following Rob`s telephone call, and Cassie had only just begun the protection spell, unfortunately neither of them were quite quick enough. Christina made to rush across the room where the bottles of holy water were sitting on the floor by the wall, and unfortunately Cassie had just emptied her sprayer and had been about to refill it. However, before either of them had moved even two feet towards the bottles of holy water Moira had frozen them in mid stride.

  Cassie seeing that they were unable to move still managed to voice her protest to this invasion from Hell. "What the hell Moira, have you once again become the bitch from hell even after all David Pritchard has done for you, after Christina and I tended to your poor burned body after the battle at Rob`s office?" Cassie asked angrily as fear began to spread through her young body.

  Christina said nothing for she was afraid for her two children and did not want to draw attention to herself, for she knew what Satanists used them for, human sacrifices to their dark Lord Lucifer. She just hoped that this was just a warning visit; however, she knew that Moira normally did not do such things; this would be a much more serious visit, one that she and Cassie would live to regret.

  Moira took the time to write a quick note to Rob, which she put on the coffee table in the front room, then she smiled at Christina and Cassie and finally she turned back to the dark lord.

  "My Lord, I think it is time that we were leaving." Moira said ignoring Cassie`s comment.

  Moira had decided against taunting the two women, that she could do when they were safely back at the fortress, for she thought it would be dangerous to stay within the apartment for longer than necessary. She had been bested by Rob on too many occasions, and always because of her need to get as much enjoyment as she could from each situation.

  Lord Asbaritch smiled at his consort, for she was showing a wisdom that had she not possessed before, if she had, it would have meant that Rob would never have defeated her in their earlier battles. Saying nothing at all in reply to her request, he transported the four of them to the imposing Fortress of Asbaritch in the hell dimension of the Netherworld. Here, Christina and Cassie were deposited in a circular room at the top of one of the tall imposing towers, Christina remembered it from her last visit there and she knew that escape was impossible without Rob first coming to this terrible world to defeat their enemies, but how could he?


  Magnus One had been very angry when he had found that Rob has escaped, however he contented himself with screaming a few insults at his coven, their punishment would have to wait, Rob`s escape meant that they had to leave this base of operations and return to their starship, which was hidden at the bottom of the North Sea. For not only would the authorities soon raid this farmhouse in search of them, but also his computer aboard the starship has just notified him that naval vessels from the Royal Navy were closing in on their starship.


  David was met by a NSA agent as he went through passport control, and he was whisked off to Fort Mead, the NSA headquarters, his task, to show some sceptical agents how to prevent their prisoner from taking over the mind of his jailers and then escaping. On arrival there he demonstrated the protection spell, and when Scientia awoke, the NSA agents first saw his baffled expression and then his anger whe
n he realised that one of the Englishmen was not only there, but had shown his new jailers how to stop him from taking control of their minds.

  "The protection spell will prevent him from being able to control your minds, however, I suggest you strap him into a chair and attach an intravenous tube to his arm. This will allow you to pump a powerful sedative into him, should he attempt to escape again by using his mind control powers." David advised. "At all times any of your people who are in the vicinity of his cell should wear a garland of garlic around their heads, this will also help prevent him from taking control of their minds. When you enter his cell you must be careful to not make eye-contact with him, because otherwise he will take control of your mind though your eyes. One last thing, at all times you must treat him with respect, because he is very dangerous."

  "David, wouldn`t the tranquilizer negate the need for the protection spell?" Agent Charles asked quizzically.

  "You should never under estimate these aliens, he might be able to overcome the effects of it, just enough to take control of one of your men, the protection spell will always prevent that, however I do recommend that you renew the protection spell each day. You do not need to enter the cell to apply it; it can be applied onto the outside. You would only have to apply it on the plastic sheet you have just fitted across the front of his cell and likewise to the door of his cell; otherwise, you may well lose him again. The walls of the cell appear to be more than ample to prevent him from using his mind control power through them." David advised. "I just did the whole cell for good measure."

  The plastic sheets had been fitted at David`s suggestion when he saw that it would be impossible to protect the agents without them, the front of the cell being constructed out of bars.