Read The Reveler's Mask Page 4

the same stand as the mask, being careful not to touch it in case it were triggered to alarm. The arm of the analyzer came out and swung around the mask, it’s tiny camera recognizing an object in front of it and began to run its analysis. Kayla just stood there while it did its task. It seemed to take forever, but that was because every nerve in her being was listening for approaching footsteps. Finally, the analyzer was done and put away its arm.

  The spectrum analyzer wasn’t as careful folding itself up as it was starting and bumped the mask causing it to rock. The mask must have been on a pressure switch, because even though it didn’t fall off, it rolled off the switch enough to trigger it. Immediately an alarm started going off that was nearly painful to the ears. Kayla grabbed the analyzed and hightailed it back to the ballroom.

  As Kayla was running she heard each door go into lockdown. Fortunately, there were no more doors between her and the rope leading to the roof. Quicker than she had ever climbed before, Kayla scurried to the roof. She didn’t even lock it back before making good on her escape to another building. She had to get out of sight quickly before an air unit came over to investigate and she was caught. Knowing that security would be tighter after this bungle, Kayla decided to take her climbing gear back home instead of stashing it on the rooftop. She would have to figure out another way to make the swap. Still, she did have the scans from the spectrum analyzer now, so she could make the replica and attach the lab grown sapphire.

  It was a tense walk home, as she heard sirens in the distance responding to the alarm and wondering if any were coming for her. She made it to her apartment with no incident and stashed her gear back in its hiding places. She copied the scan to an encrypted folder on her data slate before passing out from exhaustion.

  Kayla slept late the next day, but when she awoke, she had two messages. One message was from her employer asking for a progress report. The other from Seth, telling her that there was an emergency meeting that afternoon. She let that wash over her, they would announce an attempted theft of the Reveler’s mask, but their alarm system spooked the would-be thief. That was going to give them a false sense of security; it hadn’t been the plan to take the mask.

  Kayla spent the day at a local artisanal manufacturing plant where people could come and use the machines to make anything they wanted. Kayla simply uploaded her scan and printed off the highest resolution replica she could. The Spectrum analyzer told the 3D printer exactly what powder’s to use where. That gave the Reveler’s mask perfect color too, and as Kayla watched it, she realized that it had every previous year’s color combination on it too. The print job took the entire day and due to its resolution was expensive, but her employer had been generous and so she had adequate funds to pay for it.

  When the time came for the meeting, Kayla switched into a dress that was a little more ordinary that what she had been wearing and left for the headquarters. She had taken a gamble and brought the replica mask with her.

  The headquarters for the Order of Time was busier than she had ever seen it. All the lights were on and the ballroom was filled with hundreds of chairs, most of which were already full. A wave from the front left attracted Kayla’s eye and she realized that it was Seth. He must have been keeping an eye out for her this entire time to save her a spot. He really was charming. Kayla didn’t know any man that had shown himself to be a gentleman like Seth had.

  Kayla made her way to the front with her handbag containing the replica and sat down next to Seth. She had to raise her voice to be heard through the din.

  “What is this meeting about? Are we getting ready for the parade?”

  “Not quite, father says that somebody tried to steal the Reveler’s mask last night.”

  “Oh no, does anyone know who tried to take it?”

  “The police are investigating; the chief of police is a member, so it is a top priority.”

  “I hope they catch him. He didn’t get the mask did he?”

  “No, I don’t think so.”

  That was when the Head Reveler came on stage and told the Order of Time the dreadful news.

  “Last night, somebody broke into our headquarters and attempted to steal the Reveler’s mask.”

  Loud gasps filled the ballroom as he went on.

  “I am glad to say that they were unsuccessful. Furthermore, we know that the would-be thief came in through the roof. So from here on, a watch will be place on the roof and roving guards will patrol the entire building, there will be no repeat of this attempt.”

  Applause broke out throughout the room, Kayla joined in vigorously.

  “I guess they won’t keep the mask in the same room.”

  “No, they’ve moved it to the Reveler’s office, it is way more secure.”

  “That is good, it’s a shame that somebody tried to steal the mask this close to the parade and ball.”

  “Yeah, somebody is up to no good.”

  After the Reveler’s speech was over, the crowd broke up. Many members were busy putting the finishing touches on the floats that would be used in just three days. The Head Reveler went back to his office with the chief of police and other high ranking members, including Seth’s dad.

  “Tell you what; let’s go get dinner to take our mind off of this dreadful business.”

  Seth seemed to be taken aback, “That sounds like a great idea, but I thought after last night, I, uh, felt like you wanted to slow down.”

  “I do want to go slow, but I do want to keep moving too. I’m just talking about dinner.”

  “Ok, that sounds good. I need to tell my father something, why don’t you come with me?”

  “Sure thing”

  The two of them traversed another hallway that she had never been down before. To a room that was much more ornate than the one that had previously held the mask. Seth knocked on the door, which opened to allow both of them in. The meeting that had been taking place was concluded before they had entered and the men and women were just standing around talking and gossiping. Kayla’s eye’s bulged when she saw the Reveler’s mask just sitting on the desk. When they entered, several people left so that it was only the Head Reveler, Kayla, Seth and Seth’s father.

  “Ahh, our newest member, how are you Miss Edwards? It is a shame that this had to happen so soon to your initiation. My apologies, by the way, for drugging you, it is a part of the initiation.”

  “That is fine sir; there have been more than a few times I’ve drank myself to unconsciousness.”

  “We all have Miss Edwards.”

  Kayla positioned herself off to the side and let Seth give his father whatever message he had. The message turned into a conversation that had all three men focusing on each other. Feeling that nobody was paying her any attention, Kayla took her replica out of her bag from behind her back and placed it on the desk while grabbing the real one and easing it into her bag. The switch was made without any of the men present noticing. Kayla breathed a small sigh of relief at her good fortune.

  Her sigh was heard by Seth, who misinterpreted it as her being impatient.

  “I am afraid that I promised Miss Edwards a decent meal to get her mind off of this, so I will see you tomorrow, gentlemen.”

  A chorus of goodbyes and nice to meet you followed them out of the office. Now Kayla’s goal was to get far away from the Order of Time’s headquarters. In that regard, she suggested an open air restaurant on the river.

  Kayla had the cool to walk out of the Order of Times headquarters as if nothing happened. She even held Seth’s arm as they exited through the front doors. Nobody they passed so much as raised an eyebrow. Once outside though, the air smelled sweeter than usual to Kayla, perhaps it was the knowledge that her mission was nearing completion, or maybe it was the parade that had just come through here hours ago that left an exotic scent.

  Seth decided to walk to the restaurant. Kayla didn’t object. While they were walking, Seth spoke up.

  “So, Miss Edwards, do
you have a date for the ball?”

  “Uh, no, I hadn’t thought that far ahead, what with this nasty business and all.”

  “May I have the pleasure of your company then?”

  “Of course Seth, I thought you would never ask.”

  They quickly made their way to the restaurant, where Seth’s name made their wait time nonexistent. Kayla enjoyed a good meal, but the whole time she was worried about the parcel that was in her handbag. Rather brusquely, Kayla excused herself after the meal and left for her apartment, eager to contact her employer and get rid of this mask. The look on Seth’s face was once again cress fallen, but Kayla was on a mission.

  Hailing a taxi, Kayla climbed in and took off into the night, finally free from the Order of Time. When she made it to her apartment, she ran upstairs and turned to her data slate. She sent a quick message to the account that had been given to her, informing her employer that she had the mask and nobody knew better.

  Kayla started undressing, but before she was done, a quiet chime from her data slate indicated a response. They were to meet so that Kayla could give him the mask and he could pay her. This part was always tricky; Kayla knew that there might be a trap. She had to plan a safe transfer where this mysterious person didn’t have all the cards. Looking around her room, Kayla saw the spectrum analyzer and a quick plan formed in her head.

  Putting on plainer clothing, Kayla made her way back to the