Read The Revolving Door of Life Page 1

  Praise for Alexander McCall Smith’s


  “Irresistible….Packed with the charming characters, piercing perceptions, and shrewd yet generous humor that have become McCall Smith’s cachet.”

  —Chicago Sun-Times

  “Feel the warmth of McCall Smith’s wit, deft characterization, and overarching theme of kindness….You’ll be treated to an astonishing view of changes in characters’ lives, very much like a time-lapse video in book form.”

  —Booklist (starred review)

  “McCall Smith, a fine writer, paints his hometown of Edinburgh as indelibly as he captures the sunniness of Africa. We can almost feel the mists as we tread the cobblestones.”

  —The Dallas Morning News

  “Just about perfect….Contains a healthy helping of McCall Smith’s patented charm.”

  —St. Louis Post-Dispatch

  “Will make you feel as though you live in Edinburgh, if only for a short while, and it’s a fine place to visit indeed….Long live the folks on Scotland Street.”

  —The Times-Picayune (New Orleans)

  Alexander McCall Smith


  Alexander McCall Smith is the author of the No. 1 Ladies’ Detective Agency series, the Isabel Dalhousie series, the Portuguese Irregular Verbs series, the 44 Scotland Street series, and the Corduroy Mansions series. He is professor emeritus of medical law at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland and has served with many national and international organizations concerned with bioethics.



  44 Scotland Street

  Espresso Tales

  Love Over Scotland

  The World According to Bertie

  The Unbearable Lightness of Scones

  The Importance of Being Seven

  Bertie Plays the Blues

  Sunshine on Scotland Street

  Bertie’s Guide to Life and Mothers


  The No. 1 Ladies’ Detective Agency

  Tears of the Giraffe

  Morality for Beautiful Girls

  The Kalahari Typing School for Men

  The Full Cupboard of Life

  In the Company of Cheerful Ladies

  Blue Shoes and Happiness

  The Good Husband of Zebra Drive

  The Miracle at Speedy Motors

  Tea Time for the Traditionally Built

  The Double-Comfort Safari Club

  The Saturday Big Tent Wedding Party

  The Limpopo Academy of Private Detection

  The Minor Adjustment Beauty Salon

  The Handsome Man’s De Luxe Café

  The Woman Who Walked in Sunshine


  The Great Cake Mystery

  The Mystery of Meerkat Hill

  The Mystery of the Missing Lion


  The Sunday Philosophy Club

  Friends, Lovers, Chocolate

  The Right Attitude to Rain

  The Careful Use of Compliments

  The Comforts of a Muddy Saturday

  The Lost Art of Gratitude

  The Charming Quirks of Others

  The Forgotten Affairs of Youth

  The Perils of Morning Coffee (eBook only)

  The Uncommon Appeal of Clouds

  At the Reunion Buffet

  The Novel Habits of Happiness


  Corduroy Mansions

  The Dog Who Came in from the Cold

  A Conspiracy of Friends


  Portuguese Irregular Verbs

  The Finer Points of Sausage Dogs

  At the Villa of Reduced Circumstances

  Unusual Uses for Olive Oil


  La’s Orchestra Saves the World

  The Girl Who Married a Lion and Other Tales from Africa

  Trains and Lovers

  The Forever Girl

  Fatty O’Leary’s Dinner Party (eBook only)

  Emma: A Modern Retelling


  Copyright © 2015 by Alexander McCall Smith

  Illustrations copyright © 2015 by Iain McIntosh

  All rights reserved. Published in the United States by Anchor Books, a division of Penguin Random House LLC, New York. Originally published in hardcover in Great Britain by Polygon, an imprint of Birlinn Ltd., Edinburgh, in 2015.

  Anchor Books and colophon are registered trademarks of Penguin Random House LLC.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  This book is excerpted from a series that originally appeared in The Scotsman newspaper.

  The Cataloging-in-Publication Data is on file at the Library of Congress.

  Anchor Books Paperback ISBN 9781101971918

  eBook ISBN 9781101971925

  Author illustration © Iain McIntosh

  Cover illustration © Iain McIntosh





  About the Author

  Books by Alexander McCall Smith

  Title Page



  1. Moving Can Be Good for You

  2. Distressed Furniture

  3. Boys Are So Physical

  4. Glasgow—A Promised Land

  5. E Portugallia Semper Aliquid Boni

  6. A Mother-in-Law Reflects

  7. The Transmissibility of Cowness

  8. Mitigated Beige

  9. The Ethics of Portraiture

  10. Lions, Sociobiology, and Maleness

  11. A Selfish Climber

  12. Alpha Males and Sociopathy

  13. Enter Nairn MacTaggart

  14. Above Edinburgh Airport, She Wept

  15. The Sad Fate of the Danish Car Industry

  16. Hen Parties and the Scottish Enlightenment

  17. Suitcases as Hostages to Fortune

  18. Tartan Light

  19. Big Lou Makes a Change

  20. The Sodium Chloride of the Earth

  21. Wee Hettie

  22. Scotland’s Shameful Diet

  23. A Tram Goes Past

  24. Drummond Place Issues

  25. He Never Thought of Love

  26. Because It’s Small and It’s Ours…

  27. Hand Sanitiser Issues

  28. French Intimisme

  29. We See More of the Scottish Nudists

  30. Nudist Disharmony

  31. Ankles and Temptation

  32. Stepmother Days

  33. The Czechess

  34. Verbalisation Precedes Resolution

  35. The Conversation of Men

  36. Clothing Speaks

  37. Problems of Ownership

  38. Things Improve for Bertie

  39. Do Something, Stuart

  40. The World According to Bruce

  41. The Ethics of Temptation

  42. The Canny Man’s Plan

  43. Tiny Slivers of Favour

  44. The Decline of the Dinner Party

  45. The Symbolism of the Sphinx

  46. A Moment of Insight

  47. A Cocktail Party in Moray Place Gardens

  48. The Dastardly Plot Is Revealed

  49. Ma
cbeth and Proportional Representation

  50. On the Way to the Kilt-Maker

  51. More about Fersie MacPherson

  52. Bertie’s Sporran

  53. The Trap is About to be Sprung

  54. What to Take to a Dinner Party

  55. Celebs, Popes, Tattoos

  56. I’m Going to Try Now

  57. The Switching On of Magnets

  58. A Meeting with Marchmont

  59. Fear and Jeopardy in Mary King’s Close

  60. I May Be Some Time

  61. Friends and Others

  62. At the Scotch Malt Whisky Society

  63. In Valvona & Crolla

  64. At St. Fillan’s

  65. A Nice Surprise for Bruce

  66. You Have a Good, Hollow Back

  67. A Father Forgives

  68. The Caledonian Antisyzygy

  69. In Drummond Place Gardens

  70. In the Cumberland Bar

  71. Friendship, Camouflage, Love

  This book is for Louise Richardson

  1. Moving Can Be Good For You

  Matthew had read somewhere—in one of those hoary lists with which newspapers and magazines fill their columns on quiet days—that moving house was one of the most stressful of life’s experiences—even if not quite as disturbing as being the victim of an armed robbery or being elected president, nemine contradicente, of an unstable South American republic. Matthew faced no such threats, of course, but he nevertheless found the prospect of leaving India Street for the sylvan surroundings of Nine Mile Burn extremely worrying. And it made no difference that Nine Mile Burn was, as the name suggested, only nine miles from the centre of Edinburgh.

  “What really worries me,” he confessed to Elspeth, “is the whole business of selling India Street. What if nobody wants to buy this flat? What then?”

  He looked at her with unconcealed anxiety: he could imagine what it was like not to be able to sell one’s house. He had recently been at a party at which somebody had whispered pityingly of another guest: “He can’t sell his flat, you know.” He had looked across the room at the poor unfortunate of whom the remark was made and had seen a hodden-doon, depressed figure, visibly bent under the burden of unshiftable equity. That, he decided, was how people who couldn’t sell their house looked—shadowy figures, wraiths, as dejected and without hope as the damned in Dante’s Inferno, haunted by the absence of offers for an unmoveable property. He had shuddered at the thought and reflected on his good fortune at not being in that position himself. Yet here he was deliberately courting it…

  Elspeth’s attitude was more sanguine. She had been unruffled by their previous moves—from India Street to Moray Place, and then back again to India Street. The prospect of another flit—a Scots word that implies an attempt to evade the clutches of creditors suggests, misleadingly, that moving is an airy, inconsequential thing—did not seem to trouble her, and she had no concerns about the sale of the flat. “But of course somebody will want to buy it,” she reassured him. “Why wouldn’t they? It’s one of the nicest flats in the street. It’s got plenty of room and bags of light. Who wouldn’t want to live in the middle of the Edinburgh New Town?”

  Matthew frowned. “The New Town isn’t for everybody,” he said. “Not everybody finds the Georgian aesthetic pleasing.” He paused as he tried to think of a single person he knew of whom this was true. “There are plenty of people these days who are suburban rather than urban. People who like to have…” He paused for thought. He knew nobody like this, but they had to exist. “Who like to have garages. Homo suburbiensis. Morningside man, who is a bit like Essex man but just a touch…”


  “You said it; I didn’t.”

  Elspeth smiled. “You shouldn’t worry so much, Matt, darlingest. And so what if we don’t sell it? We can afford the other place anyway.”

  Matthew winced. “If I dip into capital,” he said.

  Elspeth shrugged. “But isn’t money for spending? And surely there’s enough there to be dipped into.”

  Matthew knew that she was right; at the last valuation, his portfolio of shares in the astute care of the Adam Bank had shot up and he could have bought the new house several times over if necessary. But Matthew had been imbued by his father with exactly that sense of caution that had created the fund in the first place, and the idea of selling shares in any but the direst of emergencies was anathema to him.

  In general, Elspeth did not look too closely at Matthew’s financial affairs. She had never been much interested in money, and very rarely spent any on anything but family essentials and the occasional outfit or pair of shoes. She was nonetheless aware of their good fortune and of the fact that thanks to the generosity of Matthew’s businessman father they were spared the financial anxieties that affected most people. Her capacity for moral imagination, though, was such that she could understand the distorting effect that poverty had on any life, and she had never been, nor ever would become, indifferent to the lot of those—perhaps a majority of the population of Scotland—who were left with relatively little disposable income after the payment of monthly bills. This attitude was shared by Matthew, with the result that they were tactful about their situation—and generous too, when generosity was required.

  The farmhouse near Nine Mile Burn had not been cheap. Although it was far enough from Edinburgh to avoid the high prices of the capital, it was close enough to be more expensive than houses in West Linton, a village that lay only a few miles further down the road. Their house, which they had agreed to buy from no less a person than the Duke of Johannesburg, who lived at Single Malt House not far away, had been valued at seven hundred thousand pounds. For that they got six bedrooms in the main house—along with a study, a gun room (Matthew did not have a gun, of course), and a drawing room with a good view of both the Lammermuir and Moorfoot Hills to the south and east; a tractor shed, a byre, and six acres of ground.

  The Duke had been pleased that Matthew was the purchaser; they had met on several occasions before, although the Duke seemed to have only the vaguest idea of who Matthew was. Matthew’s quiet demeanour, however, had been enough to endear him to the Duke.

  “I must say,” the Duke had remarked to a friend, “it’s a great relief to have found somebody who’s not in the slightest bit shouty. You know what I mean? Those shouty people one meets these days—all very full of themselves and brash. We used to have very few of them in Scotland, you know; now they’re on the rise, it seems.”

  The friend knew exactly what the Duke meant. “Nouveau riche,” he said. “They’re flashy—they throw their money around.”

  The Duke nodded. “Whereas I’m nouveau pauvre. I’ve got barely a sou these days, you know—not that I ever had very much.”

  “And you a duke,” said the friend. “Fancy that!”

  “Well, a sort of duke,” conceded the Duke. “I’m not in any of the stud books, you know: Debrett’s and so on. Or I’m in one of them—just—but I gather it’s not a very reliable one. It was rather expensive to get in; you had to buy sixty copies, as I recall, and I think quite a number of people in it are a bit on the ropey side. In fact, all of them are, I believe.”

  “People take you at your own evaluation, I’ve always thought,” said the friend. “Behave like a duke and they’ll swallow it.”

  “True,” said the Duke. “But frankly, that’s a bit difficult for me, old man. I’m not quite sure what the form is when it comes to being a pukka duke.”

  “Take a look at some of the people who are what they claim to be,” advised the friend. “Watch the way they stand; the way they walk. They’re very sure-footed, I’m told. And they look down at the ground a lot.”

  “That’s because they own it,” said the Duke. “Doesn’t apply to me—or not very much. I’ve got fifty-eight acres in Midlothian and forty-one up in Lochaber, but most of it is pretty scrubby. Lots of broom and rhododendrons.”

  The friend looked thoughtful. “No, you’re not quite
the real thing, I suppose. And then there’s always the risk that the Lord Lyon will catch up with you.”

  The mention of the Lord Lyon made the Duke blanch. This was the King of Arms, the official who supervised all matters of heraldry and succession in Scotland. He had extensive legal powers and could prosecute people for the unauthorised use of coats of arms and the like.

  “Do you think Lyon would ever bother about me?” asked the Duke nervously.

  His friend looked out of the window. “You never know,” he said. “But I shouldn’t like to be in your shoes if he did.”

  It was not the sort of thing a friend should say—or at least not the sort of thing that a reassuring friend should say.

  2. Distressed Furniture

  The Duke of Johannesburg proved to be a most considerate seller, more than prepared to include all the contents of the house in the sale without adding anything to the purchase price.

  “We haven’t lived in the place for years,” he said. “And recently we let it out, of course. But all the stuff is ours, and some of it is actually quite good, even if it’s a bit distressed, as the antique dealers say. Mind you, distressed is not quite strong enough for some of my furniture. My furniture has moved beyond being distressed. Terminal might be more accurate. I can just imagine the auction catalogues—can’t you?—‘a table in terminal condition’ and so on. Hah!”