Read The Rising Fire (The Witch in the Woman Book One) Page 2

  Chapter 2:

  After a long two years, this is the day they choose his fate. He has to admit he is scared. One thing he knows is, that if it is decided?that he is to be?executed, it will be without mercy. Skylark is so big on himself; no one can even dare to talk back to him. He has never been good at keeping his mouth shut, and now look where it has gotten him, waiting to know if today is his last. He misses the outside life. It has a lot of challenges, but he misses being able to walk around without chains around him. He misses his girl friend, Stacie, but after two years he doubts she is still his girl friend. But, most of all, he misses his sister, Ren?e. They lost their mom and dad to Skylark and his followers two years ago; he is her last known relative. She is the only person who can help him. But, he knows that if it comes down to him being executed, someone will take care of her.

  "Get up!" He hears down the long, metal hallway. He sits up, it must be time. This is a different guard.

  "What happened to Kyle?" Jacob asks.

  "Kyle's off today. You have me today, aren't you lucky?" This guard has brown hair, green eyes, a lot of muscles, and a face only a mother could love. He glares at Jacob, "Now get up you have a visitor."

  "Who?" Jacob asks, "My sister isn't supposed to be?here until the trial. We weren't scheduled to meet."

  "Sister, ha, it's a man, idiot! Now do you want to see him or not?"

  He is actually debating that, "I guess so. What can it hurt? If he wants to kill me at least Skylark won't have the honor of doing it." The guard unlocks the bars, and makes him turn around so he can put on the chains. He has one chain that goes around his feet, it is attached to one that goes around his waist, and another that goes around his wrist; which the rude guard puts on extra tight, with a smile. He was never good at contain his anger. He hasn't changed at all. He pushes the guard up against the wall, but the guard is stronger. He picks Jacob up and slams him on the ground.

  "I advise you not to do that again." The guard mocks.

  He walks him down the metal hallway to a small room with two chairs and a table, also made of metal. At the table is a man, with black hair. He smiles when Jacob walks into the room and says, "Hello, my name is Aldric." He looks into the guards eyes and says, "This is sort of top-secret, step outside until I tell you to come in." The guard, without a word, turns and walks out of the room.

  "Whoa, you must be?someone who works for Skylark. No one can just boss them around and expect them to listen. I don't talk to his people willingly." He says, and he is serious.? The only person he has ever seen them listen to is Skylark.

  "No, I don't work for or with Skylark. I'm what they call a vampire, and out of fear they listen to me. I know this must sound crazy, but it's true." He says, barely looking Jacob in the eyes.

  Jacob burst out laughing, "Vampire? You mean like fangs and super speed?" He does little fangs sarcastically with his fingers. "Those are storybook characters. Not real, I'm not an idiot."

  Aldric rolls his eyes, "No, not an idiot, but childish. Do you want proof?"

  "Well, I guess. It would help me begin to think you're not?" In what seems to be only two seconds at the most, Aldric has sharp teeth hanging down over his lips, his eyes are red, and he is beside him. With his hand on Jacob's throat he pushes him back against a wall. It cracks under the force Aldric put on Jacob's throat.

  "Do you need further proof? I could do what next in your story books." He comments angrily.

  "No. I'm good. Can you put me down? If you were here to kill me, I'm pretty sure you would have done it already." Aldric takes his hand off Jacob's neck and lets him fall to the floor.

  "Get up, and come back to the table." Aldric demands.

  Jacob reluctantly does what he is told. "So, what do you want with me?" Jacob asks, now not wanting to meet Aldric's eyes.

  "I need you to answer some questions. Do you know who Katrina was?" He asks, looking very concentrated on what he was saying, or what his wasn't.

  "Yeah, who doesn't, she was our Queen before Skylark killed her."

  "Good, also do you know if you are in anyway related to her?"

  Jacob chuckles, "She doesn't have family, other than her mother and father. Everyone knows that. She told us."

  "Well, she may not have known it, but she had two siblings. One is a girl named Allison. The other is either a brother or sister. We have searched for that person for the past year. We have located him or her here in Hagar, and it's either you or the girl you think is your sister. Your trial took place moments ago. I was there. We have saved you from being executed. There are two ways to find out if you are who we are looking for. And, since I can't tell if you are lying, there is only one way for you. If you can be turned into a vampire it's not you. If you get bitten, but the venom doesn't affect you, it's you."

  Jacob gulps. "What's the other way?"

  "Katrina's family line doesn't age past eighteen. How old are you?"

  Jacob takes a deep breath, "I'm twenty four."

  "See but I can't tell if you are lying, you also may not know if your body has aged a day past eighteen, so we do it my way." He smiles devil like.

  "Wesley!" A tall, strong man walks through the metal door. "Alright, do your job." Aldric tells him, and walks out.

  "What's his job??" Everything goes black.

  He wakes up in a dark room, but it isn't the jail he realizes. There is a small light about three feet from him, he does his best to get up and walks over to it. He feels light headed, the guy that knocked him out could hit?hard. The light is coming out from under a door. He searches for the handle; instead his hand glides over something sharp. "Ouch!" Whatever it is, it is sharp enough to draw blood, and a lot of it. For some reason he feels very drawn to the blood the more he smells it, the more he wants it.? He sits down against what he thinks is a wall. It has something slimy on it, and he doesn't know or want to know what it is, so he slowly scoots away. His neck really hurts, but before he was vaguely aware of it. When he reaches his hand up to his neck there is a lot of blood coming out. "What the heck?" It isn't dripping blood either, it is gushing. "What the hell is this?" He hears voices coming down the hall, and from the feeling of his neck they aren't friends.

  The door slowly opens; it is the vampire with black hair that he had talked to back at the jail house.

  "Ah, your awake great. How are you feeling?" The vampire asks.

  "How am I feeling? You knocked the crap out of me. I cut my hand on something, and there's blood draining out of my neck. And, on top of all that, I'm probably wanted for breaking out of jail!" He says, furious. "You need to just let me out of this place, and let me go back to beg for my life."

  "Yeah, you can't leave now. If you leave here you will hurt more people than you know." He says seriously.

  "What are you talking about? I've never hurt anyone unless completely necessary. You are seriously mental! You should see your doctor about some medicine."

  "Yes I understand that, but this time it may not be your choice." Aldric looks at the girl standing beside him; she looks to be?about his sister's age. But, she looks nothing like her. She is gothic, with purple and black hair. She isn't hiding her fangs though they are out all the way. He shutters at the thought of being bitten by them. "He hasn't completed the transformation yet, or he would be trying to kill anything with a pulse. We need to keep him in here until he is, and be ready when he does want to kill anything with a pulse. He will kill anyone or anything in the way." Aldric says to the girl, she nods and leaves the room.

  "What are you guys talking about? I'm not going to kill anyone!" Jacob yells. Aldric shakes his head, and closes the door.

  Jacob sits back down on the floor, after what seems like forever he decides he has to get out of here. He gets up, goes to the door, and bangs on it as hard as he can. The door caves and falls to the ground. "Hey, I'm not that strong." He looks at the door puzzled, but he has to keep moving. He smells blood everywhere, and he really wants to find it. It's as if it is calling to him. H
e follows the smell, when he finds it he sees the same vampire girl from the dark room, with black and purple hair. Without thinking about it he runs as fast as he can at her. She drops the blood bags she is carrying, and punches him with so much force that he flies twenty feet into a wall. The wall brakes into pieces, making him madder. He gets up angrily and grabs the biggest piece there, and with as much force as he can gather, throws it at her. But, she sees it coming, and jumps up, grabs the ceiling and hangs there like a spider, until the block has gone past her. She drops down quickly, and picks up a blood bag, then runs faster than he has ever seen, and in the next second he has the blood bag in his mouth, but the worst part is he doesn't want to stop. He loses sight of everything but the blood then goes for the others.

  When he is finished with them, he feels almost invincible. He looks at the girl, and says, "I'm sorry I don't know what came over me. And, did I just drink blood?" He wipes his mouth disgusted, and spits on the floor.

  She looks at him disgusted, "Yes, you did, and what's coming over you is your final transformation and it's not over. Let me guess you feel invincible? Well don't get used to it. After about twenty minutes of feeling that way, you'll feel like you want to die. You'll be so depressed you will try to take your own life. And, after that you'll be so angry, you'll want to take everyone else's life. Trust me I've been through this."

  She talks to him as if he were a child. "Why? What happened to me?" He asks.

  "He turned you into a vampire. Did you drinking blood not give it away?" She asks sarcastically. "It's not a choice. It never is, for any of us. So put on your big girl panties and get over it."

  She starts walking, but when he doesn't follow, she looks back at him as if silently telling him to come. They had been going really fast he realizes when they are standing in a long hallway made of concrete. By the door at the end of the hall is Aldric. "How did he get out?" He isn't talking to Jacob, but to the girl.

  "He broke the door, sir." She says.

  Aldric looks completely amazed. "How could he have broken the door? No vampire, not even new bourns?have ever been able to break that door."

  "Um, I'm sorry." Jacob apologizes.

  "No no don't apologize." He looks at the girl. "How far along is he?" He asks.

  "He just had the lust for blood, but that's settled. In about five minutes, he should hit the depression stage."

  Aldric looks down contemplating. "Hmm that's not good. We need to get him somewhere he can't hurt himself." Aldric grabs Jacob by the arm, and tows him down the hall.

  "Where are we going?" Asks, Jacob.

  "It doesn't matter."? He says. They end up in another small room, with metal all over the walls. There is a table in the middle, with straps on it.

  "Lay down." Aldric demands. Jacob does as he is told, and they strap him in tightly. "We are going to have to put you to sleep I can see it is already setting in." It is he can feel the sadness creeping in on him. It feels worse than when he lost his parents. He feels a poke in his arm, but he doesn't care. He wants it all to be over. Why live, there is no reason to. There is nothing left for him. His parents are dead; his sister hates him. What's the point? He slowly drifts into a deep, dark sleep. Hoping it is death, so he can join the people he loves.