Read The Rising Fire (The Witch in the Woman Book One) Page 5

  Chapter 5:

  It feels like he is freezing, but not on the outside, only in his bones. He shakes vigorously trying to break the large straps holding down to the table.

  "Let me out of here!" He yells, praying someone will hear him.

  The large door opens, and Shae walks in. "Calm down. It will be over soon." She puts her wrist down close to his mouth, and cuts it with a small knife, letting her blood drip down into his mouth. When she gets close enough, he bites down hard.

  She bends down close to his face, "Stop." She says. He can't, or he doesn't want to, so he keeps drinking.

  "You have to stop or I will kill you. Do you want that?" She asks him. He forces himself to pull back, and she takes her arm away. Shae pats him on the head, "Good boy."

  "I'm not a dog." He says.

  "That's what you think." She counters, and then leaves the room again.

  He struggles against the belts again, oddly they give in, and break. Amazed, he gets up, still dizzy from the drugs they gave him, and stumbles to the door, lightly taping on it. It opens just a little, and that is all he needs. He throws it open the rest of the way. "You think you can keep me in?" He yells. He feels furious, but he doesn't know why. Two vampires jump on him trying to hold him down, but he just slings them off like they weigh nothing. But, they keep coming. All he has to do is touch them and they will go flying down the hallway. Once he gets free of them for even a split second he runs. But, he is well aware of the others running behind him.

  He runs as fast as he can, but makes the mistake of looking back, and runs flat into something as hard as a rock. He realizes the only bad thing about being able to go so fast is how much harder you fall. He looks up, it's another vampire; she has brown hair, and strongly resembles Aldric. She is...beautiful.

  "What are you doing out?" She says.

  He snaps out of it and stands up, "What the heck do you're think you're doing trying to keep me here!? You have no right!"

  She cocks her head to the side, "I have no right? My brother created you. That gives him all the right in your little world. So suck it up cupcake, because it isn't getting any better."

  "You are Aldric's sister?" She nods. "That makes you boss." He feels oddly loyal to Aldric, no matter how much he wants to murder him.

  She rolls her eyes, "Yay." She says sarcastically. "Do you think that changes anything? I had no choice. I'm the same as all of you. I'm a pet. Here for his pleasure. My title does not change that. My name is Bliss." He isn't angry at all anymore, instead now he feels exhausted now. But, still he says nothing. "Jacob, you are special. My brother can see it, and I could see it in you now. But, if you turn against your own race, you will be dealt with." She says.

  He looks at her, "I was turned against my race the moment you things bit me. I had no choice. So, yes please deal with me accordingly. But, I'm not one to give my full cooperation. No matter the consequences. That's how I ended up where I was."

  Bliss smiles, "You will need to learn to change that then. Come walk with me." She starts down the hall with her long dress flowing behind her. He catches up close to where she is. "None of us had a choice. Only the very first vampire had a choice. He chose to create more like him so he wouldn't be alone. I know he sounds like a very selfish person, but?"

  He interrupts her, "Person? You?we are not people we are animals, a freak of nature, but not people."

  She laughs, "Right, sorry. I know he sounds like a very selfish...animal, but I believe most of us would have done the same thing."

  "I wouldn't have." Jacob states.

  "You say that now, but you've never been alone, truly alone. If you had been the only human in the world you wouldn't have cared as much about being changed, because you would then be with the majority. We all want to be in the majority. He did to in a way, so he created a majority for his own."

  Jacob stops, "So what now? Do you keep me prisoner here? Or do I get to go home?"

  "You don't get to go home. If you go home Skylark's men will see you and know you didn't die when he thought you did."

  "How did you pull that off anyway?" He asks.

  "We are in alliance with the last known wizard, other than your sister and her sister. When there is a human we want to save for whatever purpose. The wizard does a spell to make one our prisoners look like that human, and puts them in place of the human. Because, the only way to kill a vampire is to cut the head off, or stab them in the heart with silver. We prefer not to do those ourselves." She explains.

  He puts on his best sarcastic face, "Aw you have a heart?"

  She rolls her eyes. "Yeah, just not a beating one."

  That stops him in his tracks, "Oh, yeah." He says. "So, where are we going?"

  "Right here." She says, and points to a door on her left. "This is where you can sleep. Tomorrow someone will come and get you. You have a lot of training to do."

  "Training? For what?" He asks.

  "You'll find out soon enough." She pushes him into the room and he hears the sound of a lock on the other side.

  In the room there is a small twin sized bed, a T.V., and a small refrigerator. He goes to the refrigerator and opens it. He should have known. In it is over twenty bags of blood. He slams the door shut. He already hates what he is.

  There is a small door next to the T.V. he opens it slowly, not sure what to expect. Inside is a bathroom. He lets out at a deep breath, and closes the door, before plopping down on the bed, and looking up at the concrete roof. It feels like he is back at the jail. Stuck in a small cage, not really sure how to handle things. He slowly forces himself to fall into a deep sleep.