Read The Rival Campers Afloat; or, The Prize Yacht Viking Page 23




  Each, 1 vol., large 12mo, cloth decorative, per vol. $1.50

  The Little Colonel Stories. (Trade Mark)


  Being three "Little Colonel" stories in the Cosy Corner Series, "TheLittle Colonel," "Two Little Knights of Kentucky," and "The GiantScissors," put into a single volume.

  The Little Colonel's House Party. (Trade Mark)

  Illustrated by Louis Meynell.

  The Little Colonel's Holidays. (Trade Mark)

  Illustrated by L. J. Bridgman.

  The Little Colonel's Hero. (Trade Mark)

  Illustrated by E. B. Barry.

  The Little Colonel at Boarding School. (Trade Mark)

  Illustrated by E. B. Barry.

  The Little Colonel in Arizona. (Trade Mark)

  Illustrated by E. B. Barry.

  The Little Colonel's Christmas Vacation. (Trade Mark) The Little Colonel, Maid of Honour. (Trade Mark)

  Illustrated by E. B. Barry.

  Since the time of "Little Women," no juvenile heroine has been betterbeloved of her child readers than Mrs. Johnston's "Little Colonel."

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  Each one volume, tall 16mo, cloth decorative $0.50 Paper boards .35

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  Transcriber's Notes

  --Silently corrected a few typos (but left nonstandard spelling and dialect as is).

  --Rearranged front matter (and moved illustrations) to a more-logical streaming order.

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