Read The Rival Campers; Or, The Adventures of Henry Burns Page 23




  Each, 1 vol., large 12mo, cloth decorative, per vol. $1.50

  The Little Colonel Stories. (Trade Mark)


  Being three "Little Colonel" stories in the Cosy Corner Series, "TheLittle Colonel," "Two Little Knights of Kentucky," and "The GiantScissors," put into a single volume.

  The Little Colonel's House Party. (Trade Mark)

  Illustrated by Louis Meynell.

  The Little Colonel's Holidays. (Trade Mark)

  Illustrated by L. J. Bridgman.

  The Little Colonel's Hero. (Trade Mark)

  Illustrated by E. B. Barry.

  The Little Colonel at Boarding School. (Trade Mark)

  Illustrated by E. B. Barry.

  The Little Colonel in Arizona. (Trade Mark)

  Illustrated by E. B. Barry.

  The Little Colonel's Christmas Vacation. (Trade Mark)

  Illustrated by E. B. Barry.

  Since the time of "Little Women," no juvenile heroine has been betterbeloved of her child readers than Mrs. Johnston's "Little Colonel."

  Joel: a Boy of Galilee.

  By Annie Fellows Johnston. Illustrated by L. J. Bridgman.

  New illustrated edition, uniform with the Little Colonel Books, 1 vol., large 12mo, cloth decorative $1.50

  A story of the time of Christ, which is one of the author's best-knownbooks, and which has been translated into many languages, the last beingItalian.

  Asa Holmes; or, At the Cross-Roads. A sketch of Country Life and Country Humor. By Annie Fellows Johnston. With a frontispiece by Ernest Fosbery.

  Large 16mo, cloth, gilt top $1.00

  "'Asa Holmes; or, At the Cross-Roads' is the most delightful, mostsympathetic and wholesome book that has been published in a long while.The lovable, cheerful, touching incidents, the descriptions of personsand things are wonderfully true to nature."--_Boston Times._

  In the Desert of Waiting: The Legend of Camelback Mountain. The Three Weavers: A Fairy Tale for Fathers and Mothers as Well as for Their Daughters. By Annie Fellows Johnston.

  Each one volume, tall 16mo, cloth decorative $0.60

  There has been a constant demand for publication in separate form ofthese two stories, which were originally included in two of the "LittleColonel" books, and the present editions, which are very charminglygotten up, will be delightful and valued gift-books for both old andyoung.

  "'The Three Weavers' is the daintiest fairy-story I ever read," wrote onecritic, and the _Louisville Post_ calls "In the Desert of Waiting" a"gem, an exquisite bit of work. Mrs. Johnston is at her best in this webof delicate fancy, woven about the deep centre truth." Those who haveread the stories as they originally appeared will be glad to find thempublished individually.

  Asa Holmes; or, At the Cross-Roads. A sketch of Country Life and Country Humor. By Annie Fellows Johnston. With a frontispiece by Ernest Fosbery.

  Large 16mo, cloth, gilt top $1.00

  "'Asa Holmes; or, At the Cross-Roads' is the most delightful, mostsympathetic and wholesome book that has been published in a long while.The lovable, cheerful, touching incidents, the descriptions of personsand things, are wonderfully true to nature."--_Boston Times._

  The Rival Campers; or, The Adventures of Henry Burns. By Ruel P. Smith.

  Square 12mo, cloth decorative, illustrated by A. B. Shute $1.50

  Here is a book which will grip and enthuse every boy reader. It is thestory of a party of typical American lads, courageous, alert, andathletic, who spend a summer camping on an island off the Maine coast.

  "The best boys' book since 'Tom Sawyer.'"--_San Francisco Examiner._

  "Henry Burns, the hero, is the 'Tom Brown' of America."--_N. Y. Sun._

  The Rival Campers Afloat; or, The Prize Yacht Viking. By Ruel P. Smith, author of "The Rival Campers."

  Square 12mo, cloth decorative, illustrated $1.50

  This book is a continuation of the adventures of "The Rival Campers" ontheir prize yacht _Viking_. Every reader will be enthusiastic over theadventures of Henry Burns and his friends on their sailing trip. Theyhave a splendid time, fishing, racing, and sailing, until an accidentalcollision results in a series of exciting adventures, culminating in amysterious chase, the loss of their prize yacht, and its recapture bymeans of their old yacht, _Surprise_, which they raise from its waterygrave.

  The Young Section-hand; or, The Adventures of Allan West. By Burton E. Stevenson, author of "The Marathon Mystery," etc.

  12mo, cloth, illustrated by L. J. Bridgman $1.50

  Mr. Stevenson's hero is a manly lad of sixteen, who is given a chance asa section-hand on a big Western railroad, and whose experiences are asreal as they are thrilling.

  "It appeals to every boy of enterprising spirit, and at the same timeteaches him some valuable lessons in honor, pluck, andperseverance."--_Cleveland Plain Dealer._

  The Young Train Despatcher. By Burton E. Stevenson, author of "The Young Section-hand," etc.

  Square 12mo, cloth decorative, illustrated $1.50

  A new volume in the "Railroad Series," in which the young section-hand ispromoted to a train despatcher. Another branch of railroading ispresented, in which the young hero has many chances to prove hismanliness and courage in the exciting adventures which befall him in thedischarge of his duty.

  Jack Lorimer. By Winn Standish.

  Square 12mo, cloth decorative. Illustrated by A. B. Shute $1.50

  Jack Lorimer, whose adventures have for some time been one of the leadingfeatures of the Boston Sunday _Herald_, is the popular favorite offiction with the boys and girls of New England, and, now that Mr.Standish has made him the hero of his book, he will soon be a favoritethroughout the country.

  Jack is a fine example of the all-around American high-school boy. He hasthe sturdy qualities boys admire, and his fondness for clean, honestsport of all kinds will strike a chord of sympathy among athletic youths.

  The Roses of Saint Elizabeth. By Jane Scott Woodruff, author of "The Little Christmas Shoe."

  Small quarto, cloth decorative, illustrated and decorated in color by Adelaide Everhart. $1.00

  This is a charming little story of a child whose father was caretaker ofthe great castle of the Wartburg, where Saint Elizabeth once had herhome, with a fairy-tale interwoven, in which the roses and the ivy in thecastle yard tell to the child and her playmate quaint old legends of thesaint and the castle.

  Gabriel and the Hour Book. By Evaleen Stein.

  Small quarto, cloth decorative, illustrated and decorated in colors by Adelaide Everhart $1.00

  Gabriel was a loving, patient, little French lad, who assisted the monksin the long ago days, when all the books were written and illuminated byhand, in the monasteries. It is a dear little story, and will appeal toevery child who is fortunate enough to read it.

  The Enchanted Automobile. Translated from the French by Mary J. Safford.

  Small quarto, cloth decorative, illustrated and decorated in colors by Edna M. Sawyer $1.00

  The enchanted automobile was sent by the fairy godmother of a lazy,discontented little prince and princess to take them to fairyland, wherethey might visit their old story-book favorites.

  Here they find that Sleeping Beauty has become a famously busy queen;Princess Charming keeps a jewelry shop; where she sells the jewels thatdrop from her lips; Hop-o'-My-Thumb is a farmer, too busy even to see thechildren, and Little Red Riding Hood has trained the wolf into a trickanimal, who performs in the city square

  They learn the lesson that happy people are the busy people, and theyreturn home cured of their discontent and laziness.

  Beautiful Joe's Paradise; or, The Island of Brotherly Love. A sequel to "Beautiful Joe." By Marshall Saunders, author of "Beautiful Joe," "For His Country," etc. With fifteen full-page plates and many decorations from drawings by Charles Livingston Bull.

  One vol., library 12mo, cloth decorative $1.50

  "Will be immensely enjoyed by the boys and girls who readit."--_Pittsburg Gazette._

  "Miss Saunders has put life, humor, action, and tenderness into herstory. The book deserves to be a favorite."--_Chicago Record-Herald._

  "This book revives the spirit of 'Beautiful Joe' capitally. It is fairlyriotous with fun, and as a whole is about as unusual as anything in theanimal book line that has seen the light. It is a book for juveniles--oldand young."--_Philadelphia Item._

  'Tilda Jane. By Marshall Saunders, author of "Beautiful Joe," etc.

  One vol., 12mo, fully illustrated, cloth, decorative cover, $1.50

  "No more amusing and attractive child's story has appeared for a longtime than this quaint and curious recital of the adventures of thatpitiful and charming little runaway.

  "It is one of those exquisitely simple and truthful books that win andcharm the reader, and I did not put it down until I had finishedit--honest! And I am sure that every one, young or old, who reads will beproud and happy to make the acquaintance of the delicious waif.

  "I cannot think of any better book for children than this. I commend itunreservedly."--_Cyrus Townsend Brady._

  The Story of the Graveleys. By Marshall Saunders, author of "Beautiful Joe's Paradise," "'Tilda Jane," etc.

  Library 12mo, cloth decorative, illustrated by E. B. Barry $1.50

  Here we have the haps and mishaps, the trials and triumphs, of adelightful New England family, of whose devotion and sturdiness it willdo the reader good to hear. From the kindly, serene-souled grandmother tothe buoyant madcap, Berty, these Graveleys are folk of fibre andblood--genuine human beings.



  Six vols., cloth decorative, illustrated by Sophie Schneider. Sold separately, or as a set. Per volume $1.00 Per set 6.00

  Insect Stories. Stories of Little Animals. Flower Stories. Bird Stories. Tree Stories. Stories of Little Fishes.

  In this series of six little Nature books, it is the author's intention so to present to the child reader the facts about each particular flower, insect, bird, or animal, in story form, as to make delightful reading. Classical legends, myths, poems, and songs are so introduced as to correlate fully with these lessons, to which the excellent illustrations are no little help.



  The Woodranger. The Young Gunbearer. The Hero of the Hills. With Rogers' Rangers.

  Each 1 vol., large 12mo, cloth, decorative cover, illustrated, per volume $1.25 Four vols., boxed, per set 5.00

  "The Woodranger Tales," like the "Pathfinder Tales" of J. Fenimore Cooper, combine historical information relating to early pioneer days in America with interesting adventures in the backwoods. Although the same characters are continued throughout the series, each book is complete in itself, and, while based strictly on historical facts, is an interesting and exciting tale of adventure.

  Born to the Blue. By Florence Kimball Russel.

  12mo, cloth decorative, illustrated $1.25

  The atmosphere of army life on the plains breathes on every page of thisdelightful tale. The boy is the son of a captain of U. S. cavalrystationed at a frontier post in the days when our regulars earned thegratitude of a nation.

  The author is herself "of the army," and knows every detail of the life.Her descriptions are accurate, which adds to the value and interest ofthe book.

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  Small quarto, cloth decorative, illustrated and decorated in colors $1.00

  "Pussy-Cat Town" is a most unusual, delightful cat story. Ban-Ban, a pureMaltese who belonged to Rob, Kiku-san, Lois's beautiful snow-white pet,and their neighbors Bedelia the tortoise-shell, Madame Laura the widow,Wutz Butz the warrior, and wise old Tommy Traddles, were really and trulycats, and Miss Taggart has here explained the reason for their mysteriousdisappearance all one long summer.

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  Mr. Hopkins's first essay at bedtime stories has met with such approvalthat this second book of "Sandman" tales has been issued for scores ofeager children. Life on the farm, and out-of-doors, is portrayed in hisinimitable manner, and many a little one will hail the bedtime season asone of delight.


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  The Goldenrod Library contains only the highest and purestliterature,--stories which appeal alike both to children and to theirparents and guardians.

  Each volume is well illustrated from drawings by competent artists,which, together with their handsomely decorated uniform binding, showingthe goldenrod, usually considered the emblem of America, is a feature oftheir manufacture.

  Each one volume, small 12mo, illustrated, decorated cover, paper wrapper $0.35


  Aunt Nabby's Children. By Frances Hodges White. Child's Dream of a Star, The. By Charles Dickens. Flight of Rosy Dawn, The. By Pauline Bradford Mackie. Findelkind. By Ouida. Fairy of the Rhone, The. By A. Comyns Carr. Gatty and I. By Frances E. Crompton. Great Emergency, A. By Juliana Horatia Ewing. Helena's Wonderworld. By Frances Hod
ges White. Jackanapes. By Juliana Horatia Ewing. Jerry's Reward. By Evelyn Snead Barnett. La Belle Nivernaise. By Alphonse Daudet. Little King Davie. By Nellie Hellis. Little Peterkin Vandike. By Charles Stuart Pratt. Little Professor, The. By Ida Horton Cash. Peggy's Trial. By Mary Knight Potter. Prince Yellowtop. By Kate Whiting Patch. Provence Rose, A. By Ouida. Rab and His Friends. By Dr. John Brown. Seventh Daughter, A. By Grace Wickham Curran. Sleeping Beauty, The. By Martha Baker Dunn. Small, Small Child, A. By E. Livingston Prescott. Story of a Short Life, The. By Juliana Horatia Ewing. Susanne. By Frances J. Delano. Water People, The. By Charles Lee Sleight. Young Archer, The. By Charles E. Brimblecom.


  It is the intention of the publishers that this series shall contain only the very highest and purest literature,--stories that shall not only appeal to the children themselves, but be appreciated by all those who feel with them in their joys and sorrows.

  The numerous illustrations in each book are by well-known artists, and each volume has a separate attractive cover design.

  Each 1 vol., 16mo, cloth $0.50


  The Little Colonel. (Trade Mark)

  The scene of this story is laid in Kentucky. Its heroine is a small girl,who is known as the Little Colonel, on account of her fancied resemblanceto an old-school Southern gentleman, whose fine estate and old family arefamous in the region.

  The Giant Scissors.

  This is the story of Joyce and of her adventures in France. Joyce is agreat friend of the Little Colonel, and in later volumes shares with herthe delightful experiences of the "House Party" and the "Holidays."

  Two Little Knights of Kentucky. Who Were the Little Colonel's Neighbors.

  In this volume the Little Colonel returns to us like an old friend, butwith added grace and charm. She is not, however, the central figure ofthe story, that place being taken by the "two little knights."

  Mildred's Inheritance.

  A delightful little story of a lonely English girl who comes to Americaand is befriended by a sympathetic American family who are attracted byher beautiful speaking voice. By means of this one gift she is enabled tohelp a school-girl who has temporarily lost the use of her eyes, and thusfinally her life becomes a busy, happy one.

  Cicely and Other Stories for Girls.

  The readers of Mrs. Johnston's charming juveniles will be glad to learnof the issue of this volume for young people.

  Aunt 'Liza's Hero and Other Stories.

  A collection of six bright little stories, which will appeal to all boysand most girls.

  Big Brother.

  A story of two boys. The devotion and care of Steven, himself a smallboy, for his baby brother, is the theme of the simple tale.

  Ole Mammy's Torment.

  "Ole Mammy's Torment" has been fitly called "a classic of Southern life."It relates the haps and mishaps of a small negro lad, and tells how hewas led by love and kindness to a knowledge of the right.

  The Story of Dago.

  In this story Mrs. Johnston relates the story of Dago, a pet monkey,owned jointly by two brothers. Dago tells his own story, and the accountof his haps and mishaps is both interesting and amusing.

  The Quilt That Jack Built.

  A pleasant little story of a boy's labor of love, and how it changed thecourse of his life many years after it was accomplished.

  Flip's Islands of Providence.

  A story of a boy's life battle, his early defeat, and his final triumph,well worth the reading.


  A Little Puritan's First Christmas.

  A story of Colonial times in Boston, telling how Christmas was inventedby Betty Sewall, a typical child of the Puritans, aided by her brotherSam.

  A Little Daughter of Liberty.

  The author's motive for this story is well indicated by a quotation fromher introduction, as follows:

  "One ride is memorable in the early history of the American Revolution,the well-known ride of Paul Revere. Equally deserving of commendation isanother ride,--the ride of Anthony Severn,--which was no less historic inits action or memorable in its consequences."

  A Loyal Little Maid.

  A delightful and interesting story of Revolutionary days, in which thechild heroine, Betsey Schuyler, renders important services to GeorgeWashington.

  A Little Puritan Rebel.

  This is an historical tale of a real girl, during the time when thegallant Sir Harry Vane was governor of Massachusetts.

  A Little Puritan Pioneer.

  The scene of this story is laid in the Puritan settlement at Charlestown.The little girl heroine adds another to the list of favorites so wellknown to the young people.

  A Little Puritan Bound Girl.

  A story of Boston in Puritan days, which is of great interest to youthfulreaders.

  A Little Puritan Cavalier.

  The story of a "Little Puritan Cavalier" who tried with all his boyishenthusiasm to emulate the spirit and ideals of the dead Crusaders.

  _By OUIDA (Louise de la Ramee)_

  A Dog of Flanders: A Christmas Story.

  Too well and favorably known to require description.

  The Nurnberg Stove.

  This beautiful story has never before been published at a popular price.


  The Little Giant's Neighbours.

  A charming nature story of a "little giant" whose neighbours were thecreatures of the field and garden.

  Farmer Brown and the Birds.

  A little story which teaches children that the birds are man's bestfriends.

  Betty of Old Mackinaw.

  A charming story of child-life, appealing especially to the littlereaders who like stories of "real people."

  Brother Billy.

  The story of Betty's brother, and some further adventures of Bettyherself.

  Mother Nature's Little Ones.

  Curious little sketches describing the early lifetime, or "childhood," ofthe little creatures out-of-doors.

  How Christmas Came to the Mulvaneys.

  A bright, lifelike little story of a family of poor children, with anunlimited capacity for fun and mischief. The wonderful never-to-beforgotten Christmas that came to them is the climax of a series ofexciting incidents.


  The Little Lame Prince.

  A delightful story of a little boy who has many adventures by means ofthe magic gifts of his fairy godmother.

  Adventures of a Brownie.

  The story of a household elf who torments the cook and gardener, but is aconstant joy and delight to the children who love and trust him.

  His Little Mother.

  Miss Mulock's short stories for children are a constant source of delightto them, and "His Little Mother," in this new and attractive dress, willbe welcomed by hosts of youthful readers.

  Little Sunshine's Holiday.

  An attractive story of a summer outing. "Little Sunshine" is another ofthose beautiful child-characters for which Miss Mulock is so justlyfamous.


  For His Country.

  A sweet and graceful story of a little boy who loved his country; writtenwith that charm which has endeared Miss Saunders to hosts of readers.

  Nita, the Story of an Irish Setter.

  In this touching little book, Miss Saunders shows how dear to her heartare all of God's dumb creatures.

  Alpatok, the Story of an Eskimo Dog.

  Alpatok, an Eskimo dog from the far north, was stolen from his master andleft to starve in a strange city, but was befriended and cared for, untilhe was able to return to his owner. Miss Saunders's story is based ontruth, and the pictures in the book of "Al
patok" are based on aphotograph of the real Eskimo dog who had such a strange experience.


  The Farrier's Dog and His Fellow.

  This story, written by the gifted young Southern woman, will appeal toall that is best in the natures of the many admirers of her graceful andpiquant style.

  The Fortunes of the Fellow.

  Those who read and enjoyed the pathos and charm of "The Farrier's Dog andHis Fellow" will welcome the further account of the adventures of Baydawand the Fellow at the home of the kindly smith.

  The Best of Friends.

  This continues the experiences of the Farrier's dog and his Fellow,written in Miss Dromgoole's well-known charming style.

  Down in Dixie.

  A fascinating story for boys and girls, of a family of Alabama childrenwho move to Florida and grow up in the South.


  Loyalty Island.

  An account of the adventures of four children and their pet dog on anisland, and how they cleared their brother from the suspicion ofdishonesty.

  Theodore and Theodora.

  This is a story of the exploits and mishaps of two mischievous twins, andcontinues the adventures of the interesting group of children in "LoyaltyIsland."


  The Cruise of the Yacht Dido.

  The story of two boys who turned their yacht into a fishing boat to earnmoney to pay for a college course, and of their adventures whileexploring in search of hidden treasure.

  The Lord of the Air The Story of the Eagle The King of the Mamozekel The Story of the Moose The Watchers of the Camp-fire The Story of the Panther The Haunter of the Pine Gloom The Story of the Lynx The Return to the Trails The Story of the Bear The Little People of the Sycamore The Story of the Raccoon


  The Great Scoop.


  A capital tale of newspaper life in a big city, and of a bright,enterprising, likable youngster employed thereon.

  John Whopper.

  The late Bishop Clark's popular story of the boy who fell through theearth and came out in China, with a new introduction by Bishop Potter.

  The Dole Twins.


  The adventures of two little people who tried to earn money to buycrutches for a lame aunt. An excellent description of child-life about1812, which will greatly interest and amuse the children of to-day, whoselife is widely different.

  Larry Hudson's Ambition.

  _By JAMES OTIS_, author of "Toby Tyler," etc.

  Larry Hudson is a typical American boy, whose hard work and enterprisegain him his ambition,--an education and a start in the world.

  The Little Christmas Shoe.


  A touching story of Yule-tide.

  Wee Dorothy.


  A story of two orphan children, the tender devotion of the eldest, a boy,for his sister being its theme and setting. With a bit of sadness at thebeginning, the story is otherwise bright and sunny, and altogetherwholesome in every way.

  The King of the Golden River: A Legend of Stiria. By JOHN RUSKIN

  Written fifty years or more ago, and not originally intended forpublication, this little fairy-tale soon became known and made a placefor itself.

  A Child's Garden of Verses.


  Mr. Stevenson's little volume is too well known to need description. Itwill be heartily welcomed in this new and attractive edition.

  Transcriber's Notes

  --Silently corrected a few typos (but left nonstandard spelling and dialect as is).

  --Rearranged front matter (and moved illustrations) to a more-logical streaming order.

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