Read The River In the Stars Page 1


  by Cheyenne Lynnae


  The Truth

  It felt as if I were drowning. Water pushed at me on all sides. Little air made its way to my lungs, and I couldn’t move or struggle. What is going on? I felt myself push against the water; whether mentally or physically I couldn’t tell. Lights flashed in my mind. The flashes of light began to turn into flashes of images. They switched from profile to profile of my whole family. Kathy, Peter, Trina. Then, they changed. Kathy burnt alive, Peter drowned, Trina suffocated. The images began to torture me. I fought against them, as if they were ropes that bound me. I pushed. I had to save them. I couldn’t let this happen to them. The water was like putty, not solid or liquid. I struggled to break through.

  Light streamed in through the curtains of my big bay window. Chani would be here any minute to try and coax me out of bed. I groaned, and tried to roll over. I couldn’t move. I must be asleep still.

  “You were right. She is strong,” a man’s voice said. I fought against unconsciousness, and opened my eyes. My whole body felt stiff. I looked around the room. I was in a grand bed that seemed to be made out of glass or mirrors, silver silk blankets were covering me. The walls were made of vines and flower petals, and wood. The flooring was grass. Finally, my eyes found the person who had spoken.

  He had very light blond hair, tied out of his face with a vine. He head angelic features, and sharp cheekbones, though his ears were a tad long and pointed. He had a bow slung over his right shoulder. Next to him stood a woman also with straight, light blond hair, except hers hung down past her waist. Her features were soft, and elegant, and she possessed the same pointed ears. Her eyes were like glass, with just a hint of blue, and she wore a silver dress that flowed all around her as if she were clothed in a waterfall. I realized what they were. Elvin. Perhaps I wasn’t awake after all. I tried to sit up.

  “Don’t move. You have sustained many injuries. Your body must heal.”

  “What do you want with me?” I asked.

  “We want to protect you.”

  “I’m marked, the Nature Catchers they’ll-”

  “All will be explained in time. For now we have someone who has come to visit you,” Chani walked into the room. I pressed a hand to my mouth, and was so overwhelmed seeing her that I barely noticed the man and woman leave.

  “Oh my dear.” She said, and bent to give me a kiss. “This wasn’t supposed to have happened. I was supposed to be there when they came for you.”

  “You knew? About the mark that Nature Catchers they mark and kill people?”

  “Mark and kill people…where did you hear such a thing?” She asked. Then her eyes widened. “The legends. You found one of the human legends,” she said.

  “In the King’s castle I found a room that had documentation, these creatures they caused the blood war.”

  “No, Ellasis dear that is not what happened. The Nature Catchers are a good and peaceful people. Those that attacked you today, they are the few who are not peaceful. They want power, and they will do anything to ensure that power,” she took a deep breath. “You’re real name is Ellasis Icadian, princess of Icadia. Ellasis, you’re a Nature Catcher, the most powerful there has ever been and ever will be. That’s why you have the mark.” Despite the pain I sat up.

  “But the-”

  “You weren’t supposed to get the mark so early. Ivthonan and the Elders sent someone to make the mark appear so they could know for sure of who you are.”

  “This can’t be the truth. Chani, you must be confused, this can not possibly-”

  “You know it’s true, Ellasis. In your heart you do. That dream you had the other night, it was a memory of the night your parent’s died.”

  “No. You said you didn’t know what it meant. You said it was my imagination.”

  “I’ve said a lot of things, Ellasis. Many of which I wish I hadn’t had to say.”

  “You act as if you were forced. That was a choice Chani, you chose to lie to me.”

  “It was a choice that I made and do not regret. My entire purpose in life has been to keep you safe, and the truth would not have done that.”

  “Chani, I don’t know what-or who-to trust anymore. I know I should accept this but I just can’t.” I said.

  “You can choose whether or not to forgive me, and it’s alright if you don’t. However, you have a destiny that many are counting on Ellasis. You will have to accept who you are. If you don’t, more people will die than even in the blood war.”

  “No,” I said. The woman from before entered the room again. Her gown dragging on the floor.

  “We are ready for you, Princess. All we ask in this moment is for you to listen.” She said. I nodded. “Here is a dress for you to wear. Chani will help you.” She left and I heard doors close behind her. Chani put out her hands for me, I hesitated before resting mine in hers. She helped me stand, and put on the flowing blue dress. Blue vines twisted around the torso of the dress and up onto the sleeves. Chani clipped a thin, almost transparent cloak around my shoulders. Crystals were embedded in the cloak all the way down to the long train. My mark was left entirely exposed, a shade of blue that matched the dress. She then turned and pulled out a golden box. She lifted the lid and inside were a crown and an amulet. My breath caught at the sight of the crown, I wasn’t ready for all of this.

  “This amulet is very special Ellasis. It’s true power will only be revealed when you need it most; wear it always,” She said and fastened the locket around my neck. “And this is your crown. It was saved before the Elders had a chance to destroy it.” She placed the delicate silver crown on my head. A symbol hung down from it of all powers melded in one inside a circle, and it rested on my forehead. The crown itself was made of silver flowers and vines. “Until this day you have lived a very normal life, a life where you have remained in the background. However, the people in that room Ellasis, they need a leader, someone to guide them. They need strength. With the death of your parents and your survival you are now their queen.”

  “I can’t do this, Chani. I’m not a queen I couldn’t even pass as a princess. I couldn’t even pass as a lady in waiting, or an attendant. The highest station I’ve ever received in life is as a servant in a castle let alone the queen of one. I can’t-”

  “Ellasis, look at me,” she took my face between her hands. “This is your birthright. It is already in you. You will walk into that room and you will hold your head high, because you have always been a queen, you are the only one in that room who doesn’t know that. Your name has been known for thousands of years before your birth, every man woman and child knows who you are. It’s time for you to know who you are,” she said. “Move slowly, talk calmly, there is never need for a true queen to rush.” She said. I nodded. “On that note, let us go.” Chani lead me out a pair of intricate silver doors and onto a wide staircase. Green leaves hung over us creating a tunnel of sorts. Light filtered through the cracks and shone on my face. The staircase circled around an impossibly large tree winding higher into thicker foliage.

  “Every elf that is born lives in this tree. The royals with the farmers, they all live together,” she said. We made it to the top of the tree where a set of grand doors awaited. Two men opened the doors to reveal a large circular room of vines, with windows all looking out over the land. A group of people, their chairs set in a large circle, rose. My throat felt dry, and my stomach had contorted itself unnaturally, but I lifted my head high and pushed my shoulders back. I could see on the faces of those in the room that they had seen sorrow and struggle beyond what I could comprehend. They looked at me with hope. Perhaps they did need a leader, need healing. I stepped into the roo
m, and paused. My eyes scanned over every face. Each person in the room bowed. My stomach contorted even further. A seat was waiting for me across the room. I glided over to it, and made my rear end descend rather than plop onto it. Everyone sat as I did. I saw Chani at the other end of the room. She crossed her hands over each other and rested them on her lap, and tucked her legs to the side. I copied. The faces in the room were diverse. The man and the woman I had seen earlier sat beside each other their fair expressions and pale skin resembling mine. There were four other couples beside them, one had sharp but still very human features. And the other two had hair colored white, green, red, and blue. I guessed the latter were Nature Catchers. There was also one woman and one man who had wings folded into their backs.

  “Welcome home, Ellasis Queen of Icadia. You have been missed,” The Elvin woman I had seen earlier was who had spoken. “I am Althina queen of the Elves, and this is my brother Klithin. He rules by my side until I marry. These are Lily, Henry, Alana, and Baron who are rulers over the Nature Keepers. Dragons as you would know them. They aid in the weather. Next are Ahna and Edward, and Siri and Gregory. They are guardians over the Nature Catchers of air, water, fire, and earth. Then are our faerie king and queen Lianna and Lindon.”

  “Hello.” I said. Chani prompted me to continue. “I can imagine that this must be frustrating for all of you, having a queen who knows so little of-” I hesitated for a moment. “Of our ways. I hope that you will have patience with me, and will guide me as I strive to guide you.” I said. Chani nodded her approval. Althina spoke.

  “Thank you. We have gathered together in light of recent events, in hope to fill our queen in. I believe we shall begin with the events following the deaths of our former King and Queen. I would like to request that the guardians start.” The woman named Ahna nodded and stood.

  “After you were taken Ellasis, and your parents were killed, the Elders began a cruel and tyrannical reign. Some rebelled outright, and were silenced. Many resolved themselves to their fate of servitude to these men. A few remembered the prophecy surrounding your birth, and began to band together in hopes of finding a land to wait in peace, and build up an army to aid you when you returned. We gathered many and escaped in the night on the anniversary of your parent’s deaths. We came here to the Elvin land and have been rebuilding our own lands within theirs. However, many are still in Icadia living in captivity, starving as servants of these men. Even here if any of us venture beyond these bounds we are hunted and killed by them.” Ahna said. She sat down once more. Then a Nature Keeper stood, Henry I believed he was called.

  “We once lived in harmony with the Nature Catchers, and even with humans. When the King and Queen were killed the Elders sent armies to capture us in hopes of forcing us to use our powers to do their bidding. We had begun to see the signs early, and had prepared. Most of us were able to escape and find refuge here, but a few were convinced to do the bidding of the Elders.” He sat down. Liana one of the faeries stood.

  “They sent werewolves to our lands. They began ravaging everything we had worked so hard to build. Many of us were forced to transform into our hidden forms,bees, and flee to the human world as a permanent residence, much like you. Many of us have been able to live there acting as if we were human, but our children weren’t able to fully interact because they had to hide their wings. Some came here and began to rebuild.” Liana sat down. No one else stood.

  “I’m so sorry for all that has happened. I would like to know though, why didn’t they attack the Elvin lands?” I looked at Althina and Klithin. Klithin smiled.

  “Our specialty is in making weapons,” he said.

  “Well I suppose that explains it,” I said with a small smile. Everyone laughed. It grew silent again when Althina spoke.

  “We have all waited many years for the day our queen would return to us. A prophecy has long foretold her birth, and her destiny of ending these wars and saving our people. It is of utmost importance that we keep her safe, train her to use her powers, and guide her in her mission. The Nature Keepers have recommended one of their best warriors to accompany her in her journey, act as her guard, and help her learn to use her powers. Queen, meet Keatin.” Althina said. The doors opened and in walked a man that looked to be close to my age, maybe nineteen or twenty. He had black spiky hair, the greenest eyes I had ever seen, and very tan skin. Of course they had to assign me the handsome one. How am I supposed to focus with him around? He walked towards me, and bowed low. I glanced at Chani. Her eyes were wide like mine. No help there. Keatin stood.

  “My queen” He said. I glanced at Chani again. She mouthed the words ‘thank you’ with some gibberish after it. I just hoped I could get it right. My palms were sweaty and I was feeling the furthest thing from queenly. Okay, you can do this.

  “Thank you for your willingness to serve, Keatin. I appreciate it.” I said. I glanced back at Chani, and she nodded.

  “It’s my honor.” He said, then came to stand to my left behind my chair. The group began to chatter amongst themselves for a moment, discussing who knows what.

  “Relax, they aren’t going to behead you.” Keatin whispered from where he stood. I glanced at him for a moment.

  “You sure about that?” I said.

  “Positive. They just want you to solve all their life’s hardships, nothing too difficult,” he said. I tried not to smile.

  “It is a little overwhelming I’ll admit.” I said. The group stopped chattering, and sat back in their seats. Althina stood. “We will remain here and plan how to proceed, Queen Ellasis you may go and acquaint yourself with your Guard, and then get some rest. Training will begin in a few days time.” She said. I nodded and stood. Everyone in the room stood with me. They bowed and curtsied. I walked out through the doors, Chani and Keatin walking behind me. Once the doors had closed I was able to relax. I wanted to fall into a heap on the floor and never get up. I rubbed my back, it hurt from sitting so straight. I turned towards Chani and Keatin.

  “That was difficult,” I said, trying to avoid looking at Keatin.

  “You did just fine, dearest.” Chani said. I took a deep breath, and nodded.

  “Let us go. I need to, I don’t know eat twenty pounds of meat and potatoes or something along those lines,” I said. I heard Keatin laugh. “Okay well maybe fifteen pounds.” I corrected.