Read The Road To Price Page 6

  Chapter Four


  I wake up from my nap in a cold sweat. It takes me a few seconds to realize where I am. I look around my room trying to figure out what startled me. Could I have been dreaming? I want to sleep peacefully.

  This usually happens to me once a week. I would wake up sweating and confused, having no idea why. I’m pretty sure I’m not having nightmares. Could I really call them nightmares? Flashbacks seem more accurate.

  Why won’t my mind let me forget?

  Almost instantly my thoughts go back to Kyle. He can’t hurt me now. He is gone. Although he never suffered any consequences for what he did to me, he is suffering for his other wrongs. He is in his own living hell and this gives me some satisfaction. He can never touch me again.

  I need to stop being reminded of my past. I need to shake off all thoughts of him and move on.

  I get up and walk to the bathroom to wash my face. The water feels refreshing on my skin. My pale skin is reflecting back to me in the mirror. I’m as white as a ghost, which is odd because I have a nice tan to my skin from the Miami sun. I look at myself for a few moments, wondering why I can’t get it together.

  I walk back into the room when my phone starts to ring. The number flashing on the phone is a local number but I don’t recognize it.


  “Hi, may I speak to Ms. Dechino, please?”

  “This is her.”

  “Hello, Mia. This is Nancy, we met when you interviewed for Mr. Price earlier today.”

  “Oh. Hi, Nancy. Of course, I remember you. You’re Mr. Price’s assistant.” I wasn’t expecting a phone call after that interview. I want the position, but Sebastian makes me uncomfortable.

  “Well, Mia, I will get right to the point. Mr. Price would like to offer you the position as one of his housekeepers. If you accept he would like you to come in this evening and fill out all the paperwork.”

  I'm stunned. Is it really this easy to land a job with someone so successful?

  I should say no. I should say no and thank her for her time, hang up the phone, and never think about it again.

  “Um… Yes. Yes, I would love to accept the position. It's my day off today so I can come by this evening and fill out all the necessary paperwork.” What the hell did I just say? It's like my mouth has a mind of its own and tells my brain to take the day off.

  “Okay, Mia. You will be meeting with Mr. Price at 5pm this evening. After you have filled everything out I will show you to your living quarters and you can settle in. Then tomorrow I'll give you a tour of the home and the grounds and let you know what is expected of you. You will have the rest of the week and the weekend to finish getting settled in. Then you'll start bright and early Monday morning.”

  I wasn’t expecting to move in tonight. From my initial meeting with Sebastian I was under the impression that I would move in over the weekend.

  “Nancy, I won’t be able to move in tonight. I have to work tomorrow at my current job. They are expecting me the rest of the week. I also need to let the temp agency know I have taken this position. Can I just move in Friday like I previously discussed with Mr. Price?”

  I start to pace across the floor. This is all moving really fast.

  “I’m afraid that’s not possible, Mia. Mr. Price would like you to move in right away. Your days of cleaning offices and working at the diner no longer exist. They will get by without you. I expect you to call them after we get off the phone and resign, affective immediately. Mr. Price has already let Jessica know over at the temp agency, so she has already taken you out of the system. I see no reason why you can’t move in tonight.”

  What? When Sebastian wants something he makes sure it happens right away.

  I’m slowly getting angry. How did he know that I would say yes? Maybe when I left the interview I decided that this wasn’t the position for me. How could he assume I’m going to take the position, no questions?

  I wish I could have seen Jessica for that conversation. When I called Jessica back after my interview this morning she seemed hopeful. She was convinced I was the perfect choice for this position, while I was still trying to dissect every word Sebastian said to me. I had no doubt Jessica would be calling me now, gloating about how right she was.

  Well, I don’t want to start an argument with Nancy. It isn’t her fault her employer is full of himself.

  “Okay, Nancy. I will get my things packed and be at Mr. Price’s residence at five tonight. Can I assume that Mr. Price will get me out of my current apartment lease?”

  If I’m living on the estate I don’t want to continue paying rent here.

  “I will let him know right away and he will be contacting your landlord. I will let you get to your packing and I will see you this evening. Goodbye, Mia”

  “Goodbye, Nancy,” I say hanging up the phone.

  It's settled. I now work for one of the wealthiest men in Miami. I just hope I made the right decision.