Read The Road To Price Page 9

  Chapter Five

  I wish I could say the only reason I am wearing pants is to prove a point. I want to tell Sebastian I have a beautiful dress hanging in the closet that he will never see. The truth is, I don’t even own a dress. I have two nice outfits and I wore one of them this morning to the interview.

  I’m standing in front of the bedroom mirror in my only other nice outfit. I'm wearing a low cut black blouse that puts my breasts on display, tight gray dress pants that make my butt look amazing, and finish off the look with my black pumps. The only jewelry I have on are the cubic zirconia studs in my ears. I have a suit jacket that goes with the pants, but I decide to leave that hanging in the closet.

  I was never the girl who thought of herself as beautiful, but l definitely know I look good tonight. My hair looks fantastic, which is rare. My face looks flawless and my skin glows. My light tan from living in Miami does wonders to my appearance. I shouldn’t be happy about looking good for Sebastian, but I am.

  I can hear giggling from outside my bedroom door. I haven’t met all the girls yet, but the few I have met seem nice. The giggling stops when I hear a man’s muffled voice and a knock on my door. I look to the clock that's in my room and it's a minute to eight. Right on time.

  I walk over to the door and open it, greeting the man on the other end.

  I freeze.

  Sebastian is standing there in all his glory. He has changed out of his suit from earlier. He's wearing dress slacks and a light blue dress shirt that's unbuttoned at the collar. No tie.

  He is like nothing I have ever seen before. It takes me a few seconds to catch my breath before I speak.

  “I thought someone on your staff is picking me up?” Can he tell that I'm having a hard time speaking?

  He seems to be ignoring my question because his eyes are doing a slow appraisal of my body. On his way back up he spends a couple extra seconds eyeing my breasts.

  “I told you to wear a dress.” The arrogant Sebastian is back.

  “Well, I wanted to wear this and I think I look good, don’t you think?”

  The smirk on his face shows he’s enjoying my response. He looks me up and down again and my body enjoys it.

  He gently clears his throat, “You look like sex in a pretty gift wrapped package. I’m tempted to start unwrapping.”

  My cheeks become flushed. I want to give him a witty comeback, but I can’t form a complete sentence in my head. The images that are flashing before my eyes are inappropriate. I want to keep this professional, but all I can think about is straddling Sebastian while he lies naked on my bed.

  Luckily, I don’t have to say anything because the woman next to him does.

  I had completely forgotten about her until now. She is blonde, tall and gorgeous. No doubt another contender for America’s Next Top Model. There must be something in the water here.

  “You don’t want to scare her off on her first day, Mr. Price.” She giggles and continues, “The girls and I haven’t even had a chance to talk to her yet. You should let her get settled in before you have your way with her.”

  That’s just what I need. Her words are like a bucket of ice water drowning out the fire that is building in my belly.

  Sebastian sleeps with his employees. I’m nothing special. It's all making sense now. This is why the females on his staff look like models. This is why Vanessa was so shocked I am the new hire.

  I look nothing like these girls. Vanessa was right when she said his tastes are changing. Or maybe he wants to try something different. Well, he can forget about it. Any chance he may have had is gone. I feel stupid for being sucked into his seduction.

  The woman turns towards me and waves, “I’m Michelle. I’m one of the chef’s here at the estate and my room is right next to yours.”

  She seems sweet, which makes this all the more difficult. I introduce myself to Michelle and we speak for a few minutes. Sebastian stands there, quietly observing our conversation.

  Michelle gives me a quick hug goodbye and kisses Sebastian on the cheek before leaving.

  What did I get myself into? Is this some sort of brothel where instead of serving male clients we all serve Sebastian? I know I am probably jumping to conclusions, but I don’t know what else to do. This looks bad. I need to make it clear to him at dinner that I want no part in this.

  “Are you ready to go?”

  Am I ready to go? No.

  I’m no longer hungry, but I will suck it up and make it through this dinner.

  I turn off the light in my room and step outside the door instead of answering him with words. Sebastian is quiet, too, as we walk towards the estate.

  A few minutes later we enter the dining room. I expect a large room with a table that seats twenty. It surprises me that the room is small, cozy, and the table seats eight.

  Sebastian pulls out the closest chair to the right of the head of the table. He gestures for me to come and take a seat. I walk over and he takes my left hand into his while I sit down. He kisses my hand gently, but lets his lips playfully linger for a brief moment.

  Sebastian is captivating.

  His eyes hold mine and I am lost. Lost in the sea of deep blue. His eyes seem to know my secrets and that is okay. I want to know his secrets, too.

  In the next moment everything changes.

  Sebastian moves his hand from mine. His hands move up my body to my shoulders and lift me up out of my chair. His arms then come around my body, crushing me to his chest and his mouth is on mine instantly.

  It isn’t gentle.

  His kiss is rough, but his lips feel amazing. I respond immediately. I can’t say no to this man. His tongue comes out to gently part my lips and I willingly open my mouth to greet his tongue.

  His kiss is like nothing I have ever experienced. I have heard of seeing fireworks when a kiss is intense, but I never believed it. I am a believer now.

  My palms are resting on his chest, so I slowly bring them up his body and around his neck. I pull him closer to me. I feel like I can’t get close enough.

  His hands are everywhere on my body. The warmth in my belly is back with a vengeance and I need to satisfy it.

  Sebastian puts his hands under my ass and lifts me, placing my legs around his waist. I hug him tightly with my legs and I can feel his erection below my core. It is incredible. The desire I thought didn’t exist in my body is making itself known.

  Sebastian continues kissing me while moving us until my back hits the wall behind me. His hips are grinding against my core and I can feel the slow build-up between my legs. I need more. I need his hands on me, his mouth on me, and I need him inside me.

  He breaks away from my mouth and starts leaving light kisses up my jaw and down my neck. His right hand is massaging my breast while his other hand holds my ass tightly. As he is squeezing my ass, his fingertips gently brush against my core and I let out a soft groan. I need relief from the ache that is building, but it isn’t enough.

  He starts sucking on the area of skin behind my ear and I about lose it. I grab his hair as I let out a loud moan.

  He lets out his own moan from the back of his throat and whispers roughly in my ear, “You see, Mia, this is why I wanted you to wear a dress. If you had listened I would be inside you right now.” His hand moves from my breast and makes its way to the fastening of my pants.

  “I’m going to take these off you and lay you across the dining room table. I want to kiss every inch of your body before I bury myself inside you.”

  I’m so incredibly turned on. His lips come back to my skin and he starts kissing the top of my chest. He unfastens my pants and starts to slowly pull them off when my brain decides to work again.

  “Stop, we need to stop.” My breath is staggered, but I manage to say the words.

  Sebastian’s hands instantly still and his lips release my flesh. He is panting just as hard as I am. I want to take it back and continue where we left off, but I know I am making the right decision.
  My hands move to his chest, giving him a light shove, letting him know to release me. Once I am back on the ground I start to think more clearly.

  What have I done? Fifteen minutes ago I was about to tell him how this would never happen.

  I’m not going to be one of those girls. I have more respect for myself than that. I must look like a total slut. I met him this morning and by dinner I am ready to have sex with him on the dining room table.

  Classy, Mia.

  Neither of us says a word. I don’t know what to say and the look on Sebastian’s face tells me that is a good thing. He looks pissed and I don’t want to say anything that will make his anger worse. He probably thinks I'm such a tease.

  I’m just about to tell him I will leave when a woman walks into the room, carrying two plates of salad. She is also a tall blonde with a perfect figure.

  If he has all these Barbie types in the house then why does he need me? I must be an experiment for him.

  She smiles at us both, goes over to the dining room table and places the salad on the table. This snaps Sebastian out of whatever is going through his mind. He stands up straight and thanks the woman before dismissing her.

  As she leaves the room he breaks the silence.

  “That’s Rachel. She’s the overnight chef on the estate. She'll be serving us our dinner tonight.” He lets out a deliberate cough, “You might want to fix your clothing.”

  I look down to see what the damage is. I’m a hot mess. I straighten my blouse out and refasten my pants. I run my fingers through my hair a couple times to make it look manageable.

  “Shall we eat?” He asks me, motioning towards the table.

  “Yes, please. Let’s get this over with.” After embarrassing myself by practically throwing myself at him, I want dinner to be over as soon as possible. I want to go to my new room and have a pity party for one.

  Sebastian doesn’t wait for me to be seated this time. He sits down in his chair and immediately pours some wine into our glasses. I’m not going to drink. I need a clear head around him. One glass of wine and I'll be back against that wall.



  “I want to make myself perfectly clear. What just happened between us will never happen again. I’m not sure why you hired me. I don’t know what your motives are, but I am not like the other girls who work for you. I am not going to sleep with my boss and I am definitely not okay sharing the man I sleep with.” I pause to see what his reaction is, but his face shows me nothing.

  “I want to work here, for you, but if you can’t respect my decision then this will never work out. I would rather know now than a few weeks from now. If you can do this, great! If you can’t, I will pack my bag tonight.”

  I wait to see what he'll say. I want him to be okay with this. I can’t imagine leaving here tonight and never seeing him again. I will do it if I have to, but I hope that I don’t.

  I may have just met him, but I feel a connection with him. I have lived most of my life feeling numb and knowing something is missing. The moment I met him I felt my body awaken. I’m not willing to give up this feeling, but I’m not willing to be his plaything either.

  Sebastian looks away from me and starts eating his salad. He's shoveling the food in his mouth like it's his last meal; meanwhile I won’t be able to hold down anything I eat.

  Rachel comes back in with the main course and we eat in silence. I manage to take two bites of my steak while nursing my glass of water. I catch Sebastian’s subtle glances my way, but I never look up. At the end of the meal I'm convinced he is going to personally escort me from the property.

  Sebastian suddenly stands up and places his napkin on his plate. “Dinner was lovely. I hate to eat alone so you saved me from boredom. I have something I need to do so I will see you out.”

  Does that mean I’m staying? Does he want me to continue working for him? He is being cold and distant. I can’t blame him, but I need to know that we are okay.

  “Sebastian, please, listen to me. I don’t mean to make things awkward. What happened earlier was nice, but it can’t happen again. It may not be what you want, but it’s what I need. I’ve had a lot of shit happen to me in my life and I moved to Miami for a fresh start. I don’t take these things lightly,” I say as I make a gesture with my hands between us. “If I get involved with you it will break me. I need commitment and you could never give that to me. Please, understand.”

  I get up from my chair, “I can see myself out. Thank you for dinner and have a good rest of the night.”

  “Mia… I can respect your decision. Let's forget tonight happened and start fresh in the morning. I should have never mauled you like that. I know you’ve had a hard life and I’m sorry. It was unprofessional and it won’t happen again. I hope you have a good night in your new room. If you need anything, just let me know.”

  He's being sweet. He's acting like he cares. He even pretends to know and understand about my past. There is hope for him after all.

  I thank him again and walk back to the employee quarters. A couple of the girls are sitting in the large living room we share. Michelle is there and wants me to join them, but luckily she doesn’t push it. It's been a long day and I want to go to bed.

  When I walk into my room the light is on. There is a small stack of papers placed on my bed. I walk over to see what it is.


  Here are the copies of your employee contract; I look forward to getting to know you. You will be a great asset to our team.


  Under her note is my contract.

  I decide to strip, get into pajamas, and get right in bed. I will look over the contract tomorrow. It isn’t smart going to bed without washing my make-up off, but I don’t care. I don’t want to see anyone the rest of the evening.