Read The Rockstar's Virgin Page 10

  There was no way they didn't hear me, but I wasn't going to stick around to explain myself. I started off at a run. I just hoped I could make it to my trailer before I started to cry.





  I looked around Jasmine's head. The green room door was cracked open, even though I was pretty sure that Jasmine had closed it when she came in.

  “I knew I was right,” said Jasmine, apparently unaware of the clatter from outside. “You're not even hard.”

  Suddenly, the gears clicked into place. Jasmine had closed the door, which meant that somebody had opened it. But that person hadn't meant to be seen. And when they swore, they sounded a lot like Hazel.

  Shit. Hazel had seen us.

  “I've got to go,” I said, pushing Jasmine off my lap as carefully but quickly as I could.

  I jumped off the couch and ran out into the hall, knocking my shin against a black equipment case in the process. “Fuck!”

  Gritting my teeth, I looked both ways down the hallway just in time to see Hazel's form disappear around the corner.

  “Hazel!” I called after her, breaking into a sprint.

  By the time I turned the corner, the door to the back lot was just closing. She must have started running as soon as she heard me coming after her. Why did she have to be so goddamn difficult? I ran to the end of the hall and out the door, then started picking through the trailers and trucks out back, trying to remember where hers was in the mess.

  I located it pretty easily, then ran up and started banging on the door. “Hazel! Open up!”


  “Hazel. I know you’re in there. Please open the door.”

  More silence.

  Just as I was starting to wonder if she’d gone somewhere else to hide, the door swung open, and a sour-faced Hazel stood glaring at me.

  “What do you want?” she asked sharply.

  “That wasn’t what it looked like.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Like I’m going to believe that. I saw you.”

  “Okay, was what it looked like. But it wasn’t.”

  “You’ve been heralded as one of the great lyricists of the age,” she responded with a quirked brow. “And the best you can come up with is that it was what it looked like, but it wasn’t?” She started to close the door in my face, but I jammed my foot in the door before she could. Then, while she protested and tried to slam it on me, I pried the door open and muscled my way into her trailer.

  “What the fuck, Sean?” She retreated to the other side of the room and crossed her arms, jaw tight.

  “Jasmine wanted to screw around, but I turned her down. The only reason she climbed onto my lap was to prove a point.”

  “Yeah, great,” Hazel pointed to the door. “Get out of my trailer. I’m sorry for busting in on you guys during your weird foreplay, but you didn’t need to chase me down.”

  Hazel’s glare, filled with accusation and anger, was laying into me full force. I walked toward her, stopping a few feet away so she wouldn’t feel threatened. But I was tired of trying to ignore this thing between us. Tired of pretending that things would be better if I pushed her away.

  “Hazel, will you just fucking listen to me for a second?”

  “Oh, I heard you loud and clear,” she snarled. Her voice soon grew to a shout. “There are plenty of other girls you can fool around with, so why don’t you go find one of them, huh? I know that the only thing you want from me is to get laid. I can deal with that. What I can’t deal with is you pretending like you want anything else because I–”

  She was abruptly interrupted by me crashing my mouth against hers and pulling her so hard against my chest that the breath left her lungs. Hazel punched weakly at my chest, pissed at being interrupted, but I pushed her back against the wall and held her there. I would’ve stopped if she wanted me too, but the moment her back hit the wall, it was like something snapped in her. She gave in – not just to me, but to herself too. To the crazy, passionate thing between us that demanded to be fed. Whether she liked it or not, Hazel needed me. And I needed her too.



  I bit Sean’s bottom lip, not enough to draw blood, but enough to let him know I was seriously pissed off. And that I seriously wanted him. He growled in response and ground his hardening cock against my hip, and pushed me harder against the wall, anchoring his hands on either side of my head.

  This was the most clarity I’d felt in weeks. We burned hotter than a furnace in hell, and all the niggling thoughts that had made sleep and happiness so damned elusive fell away as ash and dust.

  Sean returned my bite, letting me know who was in charge here, and I moaned. He moved my hands above my head and held them with one hand, leaving the other free to explore my generous curves at his leisure. I shivered where he touched me, and he touched me everywhere. My breasts, my stomach, my hips, my thighs. Sean was a king exploring his newly conquered lands.

  He moved his mouth to my neck and started sucking as he massaged one of my breasts roughly, squeezing and pinching and making me squirm. I half-expected myself to berate him as soon as my mouth was free to do so, but all I could do was pant and groan in ecstasy.

  Sean released my hands and pulled off my shirt, tossing it behind us. He took his off too for good measure. He pulled me close and buried his face in my cleavage, licking and sucking the tender skin until I was shaking with need.

  We turned, and Sean guided me back toward the bed, pushing me down on it and making me shriek with surprise and delight. I stopped laughing when I saw the serious expression on his face, the dark lust that I’m sure was mirrored in my own expression.

  Sean kicked off his pants while I watched, flames licking at my core. His cock strained against the confines of his boxers. Christ. It looked huge. What if it didn't fit? Was it going to hurt?

  My nerves started jangling around in my head, and I gulped down some air and closed my eyes to relax. I couldn't believe this was happening. I couldn't believe I was about to have sex for the first time, and it was going to be with Sean Morris of Flagship Inferno. It was a majorly surreal scenario that I just could not wrap my head around, and I felt like I was going–


  Sean's commanding voice caused my eyes to flick back open. He was still just wearing his boxers, standing over me.

  “Stop what?” I asked in an embarrassingly small voice.

  Sean leaned over and caged me against the bed with hands on either side of my shoulders. His masculine scent and heat surrounded me. He drove a knee between my thighs, rubbing me through my jeans.

  “Stop overthinking,” he said. “Stop thinking at all.” His eyes burrowed into mine. “Focus on what you feel instead. How good it feels when I rub your pussy. How good it's going to feel when my cock stretches you and fills you. Because I promise, it will feel good. And by the time I'm finished with you, you won't even know how to think anymore because I'll have fucked it right out of you.”

  My mouth went dry.

  Holy hell, how was he always so sexy? Him speaking in that low, gravelly tone of his should have been considered foreplay.

  And I surrendered to it. “Okay.”

  Sean kissed me again, grinding his knee into the crotch of my jeans and making me moan from the delicious friction. Before long, he moved down to my neck, then over the tops of my breasts, then to my stomach. His hands slid under my back and undid my bra, then pulled it off and tossed it back somewhere with our shirts.

  When I started feeling nervous again, I remembered what he said. Instead of thinking and worrying, I focused on the sensation of my bare skin against his, the way his stubbled jaw tickled my bare stomach, the pressure of his hands as he unbuttoned and pulled off my pants.

  In one abrupt motion, Sean flipped me onto my stomach and gripped the front of my throat in his hand, making me arch against him, my back to his hot chest. He guided me up on
to my knees and wrapped his free arm around me, his hand splayed against my stomach.

  “You are fucking sexy,” he rasped in my ear. “Do you feel how hard I am for you?”

  I tried to say yes, but all that came out was a moan. His cock pressed heavily against my lower back, and it was very, very hard.

  “I bet you're wet for me.” Sean's fingers slid down below the hem of my panties and just over my slit. He chuckled against my throat and pressed a kiss there. “You're soaked. I could fuck you right now. Do you want me to fuck you right now?”

  Oh god, yes.

  The ache building in my core demanded satisfaction, and without ever having had a cock there, I knew that only a cock would do.

  “Please,” I whispered.

  Sean nipped my neck. “Not yet, baby. I want to make you squirm a little first.”

  Without any additional warning, Sean plunged his fingers into my folds. One found its way inside of me, and he massaged my clit with his thumb while he pumped his finger in and out. The way he held me, I was completely immobile. There was nothing I could do to help ease my growing need. All I could do was whimper as he held me and explored me with rough fingers, rubbing his swollen rod against my back so I'd know what was coming next.

  “I bet you've never been teased before, have you?” Sean asked as he plunged a second finger into me. “You're the one who does all the teasing, aren't you?”

  Oh god, why was this turning me on so much? If I'd been asked a few months ago if I ever thought that being finger banged while a guy whispered naughty things in my ear was my ideal way to spend an evening, I would have laughed. But having his strong arms hold me tight while his hands brought me to new levels of pleasure was indescribably delicious.

  “I've wanted you for a long time,” Sean said. This time, it wasn't just dirty talk. The honesty in his voice was impossible to ignore.

  “Me too,” I whispered.

  Hey, if we were being honest here...

  He growled. “I know.”

  The pressure between my thighs had grown to the point where I was desperately trying to angle my body to get his fingers farther inside of me. I needed more. I needed all of him.

  “Have you had enough, baby?” Sean asked. “Do you want me to fuck you now?”

  “Yeesss!” I hissed.

  “Say it.”

  “I want you to fuck me now. Please, Sean. I need it.”

  Oh god, did I ever need it. If someone had offered me a million dollars to walk away right now, I couldn't. I wouldn't be able to leave for anything.

  Sean turned me around and pressed me back onto the bed. He inched off my panties and fished around on the floor for his jeans, which I saw him grab a condom from. Good, cause I certainly didn't have any around.

  Hooking his fingers under the waistband, Sean drew off his boxers. His cock was thick and long, with a little bit of a curve in it that angled the purple head toward the ceiling. I hadn't seen a lot of dicks in my lifetime, but this one was a winner by anyone's standards.

  I watched him roll the condom on, then he crawled over top of me again.

  “Are you ready?” He pressed a kiss to my lips, gentler than the ones that came before.

  I nodded. I was so ready it was insane. Him telling me to stop thinking and start feeling had primed me up incredibly.

  Sean watched my face as the tip of his cock slowly pressed inside of me. The sensation was strange and uncomfortable at first, yet it also satisfied the primal need in me to be filled. Inch by inch he slid, giving me time to adjust along the way. At one point, there was a sharp pain, but it was minor and passed almost as soon as it came.

  And then, just when I thought I couldn't take anymore, Sean sheathed himself to the root and our bodies were flush against each other.

  “How's that feel, baby?”

  I gulped. “It''s interesting. Good. But interesting.”

  I knew I was going to be sore in the morning. I felt like I'd been stretched near to the point of ripping, but I knew that the worst was over.

  “Just interesting, huh?” Sean grinned mischievously. “Let's see what we can do about that.”

  He pulled out and then began a series of short, slow thrusts. I held onto his back, feeling the muscles ripple and move as he deflowered me. He leaned down and kissed me, gliding his tongue along my lower lip and then snaking it inside my mouth. His firm lips devoured mine hungrily, and I could tell he was holding back for fear of hurting me. I appreciated the consideration, especially since I was still adjusting, but as soon as the pleasure began to build in my core again, I hooked my legs over his hips and urged him deeper.

  “I can handle it,” I murmured breathlessly.

  Sean let out a ragged moan. “You sure?”


  The thrusts went deeper. Faster. I tried to keep pace with him and thrust back from the bed, but I was woefully lost. All I knew was that the harder and faster he went, the better it felt. He'd stripped away the part of me with fears and anxieties, gotten to the heart and marrow of my existence. I felt only pleasure. I tasted only Sean. And the coiling tension in my belly was surely going to explode soon.

  My nails dug into Sean's back. I was moaning, crying out his name. I was riding toward that delicious high of pleasure, and there was no coming back.

  “Oh god!” I screamed. “I'm gonna...I'm gonna...”

  Sean understood and lifted me off the bed just enough to slam into me at a new angle, one that sent my toes curling. I dug my nails in harder, possibly even drawing blood. I couldn't tell anymore. I was blind. I was deaf.

  I was on another fucking planet.

  The maelstrom of pleasure hit me full force, knocking the air from my lungs. My body shook and quivered of its own accord, and my internal walls squeezed Sean in a tight vice grip. He muttered something, but I was too lost to understand him. I got the gist though – he was reaching his climax too. With a growling moan, Sean anchored inside of me and held himself there, panting. He dropped me back to the bed and followed me down, covering me with his hot, sticky body.

  “Holy shit,” he murmured. “That was intense, baby girl. You're so fucking tight.”

  I kissed his shoulder, licking off some of the salt. “You're just really big.”

  He chuckled and rolled to the side and sat up, reaching down to the floor for something from his jeans. He came back onto the bed with a cigarette and a lighter and reclined against the pillows while he lit up.

  “Come'ere.” He hoisted me by the waist until I was resting against his chest.

  I giggled and held out a hand for the cigarette.

  Sean raised a brow and looked down at me. “What? You're smoking now?”

  I plucked the smoke from his fingers. “I tried sex for the first time. May as well double down on the debauchery while I'm at it.” I took a deep inhale, feeling the noxious smoke fill my lungs. And then I coughed. A lot.

  Sean patted me on the back and laughed, taking the cigarette out of my hands. “I think that's enough for you for one day, James Dean.”

  Sean finished his smoke and put it out in an empty soda can on my bedside table. Then he sighed. “I guess I should be heading out.”

  “What?” Panic tightened my chest. “Do you have to?”

  I didn't care if it made me sound desperate and weak. I didn't want Sean to leave. I knew that as soon as he did, I'd regret what we'd done. I'd feel cheap, even if there was no reason for me too. And I wanted him to stay.

  I wanted him to want to stay.

  “You want me to stay?” He looked down at me with soulful blue eyes, like he was surprised to hear me say it.

  “Of course I do.”

  He seemed to hesitate for a moment, working his jaw. Then he gave a short nod. “Then I'll stay.”

  I snuggled against his chest, and Sean started stroking the back of my head.

  He stayed. And to my surprise, I slept.



  It was still early
when I woke up. I never tended to sleep long, especially when I wasn't in my own bed. Not just my bed in my trailer, but my bed back in Seattle. That meant I hadn't slept much the whole time we were on tour, but I was used to it.

  I was a little surprised I'd managed to sleep at all, given the fact that I hadn't shared a bed with a woman for a long time. Not for sleeping, anyway. Jasmine and I used to sleep in the same bed sometimes, but not as often as a couple was meant to. And every time we did spend the night together, I'd barely catch a wink of sleep.

  But I managed to sleep like a baby last night, even if I was in a strange bed with another person. It felt odd waking up next to someone. It felt nice.

  Hazel was still dead asleep when I woke up. Her head was nestled in under my chin, which I found funny because we'd fallen asleep that way. How did both of us get through the night cuddling like this?

  Jasmine didn't like touching other people when she slept. I hadn't thought I liked it either, but there was something sweet about knowing Hazel was there the whole night. Holding her.

  I looked down over the bridge of my nose at her, watching her pale eyelashes flutter against her cheek. She looked so peaceful. Her delicately curved lips were parted slightly, and she let out a sigh and stirred. She opened the eye facing up and swiveled it around the room, eventually landing on me.

  “Oh, you're awake.” She blinked and rolled back a little to observe me with both eyes. “And watching me.”

  “Maybe I was writing a song in my head about you,” I joked.

  “Don't tease a girl like that.” She prodded my rib with one finger. “It's not nice.”

  I chuckled and hauled her against me for a good morning kiss. This was the benefit of sharing a bed with someone. Though I couldn't say I would want to give a good morning kiss to any of the girls I normally fucked.