Read The Romany Rye Page 3


  It having been frequently stated in print that the book called 'Lavengro'was got up expressly against the Popish agitation in the years 1850-51,the author takes this opportunity of saying that the principal part ofthat book was written in the year '43, that the whole of it was completedbefore the termination of the year '46, and that it was in the hands ofthe publisher in the year '48. {0z6} And here he cannot forbearobserving, that it was the duty of that publisher to have rebutted astatement which he knew to be a calumny; and also to have set the publicright on another point dealt with in the Appendix to the present work,more especially as he was the proprietor of a review enjoying, howeverundeservedly, a certain sale and reputation.

  'But take your own part, boy! For if you don't, no one will take it for you.'

  With respect to 'Lavengro,' the author feels that he has no reason to beashamed of it. In writing that book he did his duty, by pointing out tohis country-people the nonsense which, to the greater part of them, is asthe breath of their nostrils, and which, if indulged in, as it probablywill be, to the same extent as hitherto, will, within a very few years,bring the land which he most loves beneath a foreign yoke; he does nothere allude to the yoke of Rome.

  Instead of being ashamed, has he not rather cause to be proud of a bookwhich has had the honour of being rancorously abused and execrated by thevery people of whom the country has least reason to be proud?

  * * * * *

  One day Cogia Efendy went to a bridal festival. The masters of thefeast, observing his old and coarse apparel, paid him no considerationwhatever. The Cogia saw that he had no chance of notice; so going out,he hurried to his house, and, putting on a splendid pelisse, returned tothe place of festival. No sooner did he enter the door than the mastersadvanced to meet him, and saying, 'Welcome, Cogia Efendy,' with allimaginable honour and reverence, placed him at the head of the table, andsaid, 'Please to eat, Lord Cogia.' Forthwith the Cogia, taking hold ofone of the furs of his pelisse, said, 'Welcome, my pelisse; please toeat, my lord.' The masters, looking at the Cogia with great surprise,said, 'What are you about?' Whereupon the Cogia replied, 'As it is quiteevident that all the honour paid is paid to my pelisse, I think it oughtto have some food too.'--PLEASANTRIES OF THE COGIA NASR EDDIN EFENDI.